968 resultados para Dawes, Mary Beman Gates, 1842-1921.
Este estudo pretende examinar a recepção crítica voltada para a análise dos aspectos estilísticos e linguísticos da obra de João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967). Na década de 1950, durante seu auge, a teoria estilística, principalmente a de origem espanhola, exerceu grande influência sobre crítica literária brasileira. Este evento coincidiu com o impacto do lançamento de duas das mais importantes obras do ficcionista mineiro, Grande sertão: veredas (1956) e Corpo de baile (1956), em grande parte devido à linguagem, que é um amálgama de popular e erudito e detentora de grande poder de sugestão. Como fruto deste acaso, no mesmo horizonte da obra, surgiram os estudos que formaram a primeira recepção e, entre estes, os que se dedicaram a analisar os diferentes recursos utilizados por Guimarães Rosa para compor o seu sertão-linguagem, o que justifica a adoção da Estilística como método. Inseridos nesta corrente crítica estão os trabalhos que nos servirão de objeto de análise, a exemplo da crítica pioneira de Cavalcanti Proença (1905-1966), Trilhas no Grande Sertão (1958), e de trabalhos de outros estudiosos, como Oswaldino Marques (1916-2003), sobre Sagarana e outras publicações dispersas, e da professora norte-americana Mary L. Daniel (1936). Estes estudos, embora sejam discutíveis do ponto de vista metodológico, conforme será observado, tornaram-se peças incontornáveis dentro da fortuna crítica rosiana por sua contribuição à elucidação da obra. Um indicativo disso é a existência de trabalhos mais recentes que ainda ventilam categorias consideradas pela Estilística como o léxico, que surge em estudos de Nei Leandro de Castro e Nilce Sant'Anna Martins. Como método utilizado nesta dissertação de Mestrado, lança-se mão da hermenêutica literária formulada por Hans Robert Jauss (1921-1997) com o objetivo de analisar a recepção crítica de uma abordagem específica, a Estilística, e destacar sua relevância para a compreensão da obra de Guimarães Rosa no período imediato à publicação, assim como propor uma confrontação desta recepção com estudos posteriores que se balizam no mesmo campo de análise. Igualmente, objetiva-se evidenciar a importância do leitor para a (res) significação do material ficcional, aqui representado pelo crítico literário, um leitor diferenciado capaz de oferecer propostas interpretativas e guiar a leitura dos leitores comuns.
The search for new instruments to promote an appropriate cervical preparation has led to the development of new rotary instruments such as TripleGates. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no study evaluating TripleGates effect on the “risk zone” of mandibular molars. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a crown-down sequence of Gates-Glidden and TripleGates burs on the remaining cervical dentin thickness and the total amount of dentin removed from the root canals during the instrumentation by using cone beam computed tomography. The number of separated instruments was also evaluated. Material and Methods: Mesial roots of 40 mandibular first molars were divided into 2 equal groups: crown-down sequence of Gates-Glidden (#3, #2, #1) and TripleGates burs. Cervical dentin thickness and canal area were measured before and after instrumentation by using cone beam computed tomography and image analysis software. Student’s t-test was used to determine significant differences at p<0.05. Results: No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed between the instruments, regarding the root canal area and dentin wall thickness. Conclusion: Both tested instruments used for cervical preparation were safe to be used in the mesial root canal of mandibular molars.
História do ensino primário rural em São Paulo e Santa Catarina (1921-1952): uma abordagem comparada
O livro trata da história do ensino primário rural no Brasil no período de 1921 a 1952, caracterizado por uma significativa expansão do setor. Analisa especialmente o processo de construção das políticas educacionais para o segmento em âmbito nacional e suas repercussões nas reformas de ensino na esfera estadual, exemplificadas pelas de São Paulo e Santa Catarina. Mais do que distinguir o que era próprio e específico de cada uma das regiões estudadas, o trabalho visou também revelar a pluralidade de métodos e os efeitos diversos que as reformas provocaram na educação rural paulista e catarinense. A pesquisa apoiou-se principalmente em documentação. A análise de mensagens de governadores, relatórios, decretos, regulamentações de ensino, revistas de estatísticas, revista brasileira de estudos pedagógicos e obras de época permitiu comparar e relacionar os dados referentes às formas de organização e funcionamento do ensino primário rural, como duração dos cursos, período escolar, programas, métodos, modelos educativos e expansão do ensino. De acordo com a autora, a educação rural, que contrasta em muitos aspectos com a educação urbana, foi um elemento fundamental na expansão da escola pública no Brasil. Mas, segundo ela, estranhamente, é muito pouco estudada no país. De fato, das 5.948 pesquisas de doutorado em Educação abrigadas no banco de teses da Capes no período de 2000 a 2009, somente 165 apresentaram como tema a educação rural, o que equivale a 2,7% da produção. E apenas 1,1% abordava a questão do ponto de vista histórico
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
In this paper, are analyzed the content of morality and civility disclosed in five articles published in the Revista de Educação, educational periodic published by the School for Teaching Training of Piracicaba, between 1921 and 1923, and that had Lourenço Filho as editor. For the analysis, it was used aspects of the theory of civilization processes, based on the emotional control idea, proposed by the German sociologist Norbert Elias, in the first decades of the twentieth century. Through historical approach, it was founded in these articles the principles of civility and of morality that should be taught through the school to the teaching training students so they could teach it to their students, future citizens of Republic. From the analysis of the articles of this journal it was possible to observe the "drawing" of citizen who was disclosed and, consequently, the spread - through the school – of values related to social behavior that matched to the standards of civilized individuals to the Brazilian Republic.
This article intends to verify the Fanfulla's action in the dynamic of the political propaganda, as well as the cultural exchanges established with the fascism during 1922-1924. The leading question is insert on the political culture studies concerned with the significance of the fascism spread among the Italian immigrants and his descendants located on the Sao Paulo State. It unfold in others questions: the reason of the Mussolini government pledge to publish those ideas, the themes approached in this propaganda, the reactions it rise, as well on the Italian community, the Brazilian government and political movements. On this issue is included the position of the Brazilian government, on the Brazilian diplomacy or in the repressive agencies toward fascist Italy and the supporters of the fascism. The choice of the newspaper Fanfulla is justified for its position in the historiography, considered the most expressive source for this study, due its longevity, relations with the fascist regime and diffusion on Sao Paulo State.
Partindo do pressuposto que risco é um conceito central na sociedade contemporânea, este estudo teve por objetivo entender o papel da mídia na circulação e consolidação da linguagem dos riscos. Tendo por base estudos anteriores, optou-se por trabalhar com um único jornal, a Folha de S. Paulo, sendo adotados três procedimentos de pesquisa: 1) mapeamento da diversidade de termos utilizados para falar sobre a possibilidade de ocorrência de eventos concebidos como ocasião para ganho ou perda; 2) análise diacrônica de uma amostra representativa de matérias com a palavra risco no título (1921 e 1998); 3) análise do uso da linguagem de risco por área temática (CD-Rom Folha, 1994-1997). Os resultados sugerem que o uso da linguagem dos riscos na mídia é recente e diversificado, apoiando-se ora na linguagem formal do cálculo de risco, ora no uso metafórico do termo, para falar de desordem na sociedade contemporânea.
The Mary E. Frayser Papers consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, clippings, minutes, histories, family histories, constitutions and bylaws, membership lists, program notes, photographs, and other papers, relating to her work with the South Carolina Extension Service (1912-1940) Winthrop College, her involvement with the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1935-1952), the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1926-1952), the South Carolina Status of Women Conference (1945-1952), the South Carolina Division of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) (1929, 1935-1949), the South Carolina Interracial Institute (1938-1942), the South Carolina Division of the Southern Regional Council (1944-1951), and the South Carolina Conference of Social Work (1936-1967). There are also papers relating to Frayser’s efforts to promote social and economic legislation and participation by women in public affairs and her interest in libraries and work in the movement for the support of public libraries in South Carolina (1925-1968). Correspondents included G.H. Aault, Evan Chesterman, Wil Lou Gray, Sarah Hughes, Christine South Gee, and Maude Massey Rogers. This collection is a good source of women’s club activities in the twentieth century. Important areas of research would include the way club activity affected social and economic legislation in the state and the various forces involved in the movement for state tax supported libraries. While the papers do range from 1841 to 1953, the greater bulk of the papers extend from the early 1930s to about 1947. Since the work of the various women's club organizations were so inter-related, a researcher working with the papers of a particular organization for a particular time span should consider the Frayser papers of all other organizations. The related papers for the “Correspondence and Related Papers” series for particular organizations are generally similar and include: memoranda, outlines, reports, resolutions, minutes, etc. Additional Frayser information can be found by referring to the Winthrop University Archives (official records).
The Mary Elizabeth Frayser Papers consist of correspondence, related records, and newspaper and magazine clippings. Most of the correspondence is between Estellene Walker and Mary Frayser concerning the work of the State Library Board and the movement for better libraries in South Carolina.
The Mary Eva Hite Papers consists of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, family history data, photographs, awards, scrapbooks, and other records relating to Mary Eva Hite’s career as an educator and prominent South Carolina public servant. The photograph file provides a visual record of South Carolina elementary school life in the first half of the twentieth century. Correspondence relates to Dr. Hite’s many career activities, including her 1970 correspondence highlighting her work promoting the welfare of senior citizens. The speeches focus on her work with the aged, her travels abroad, and acceptances for awards presented to her by educational and civic organizations. Newspaper clippings provide information concerning awards presented to Dr. Hite and chronicle the advances in education made by the state of South Carolina. Scrapbooks relate to college friends and Dr. Hite’s work with Delta Kappa Gamma. There are also records relating to teacher retirement in South Carolina.
The Mary Elizabeth Massey Papers consist of Dr. Massey’s professional and organizational files and includes biographical data, correspondence, lecture and teaching materials, rough notes and unpublished drafts of Dr. Massey’s journal articles and books, speeches, research notes and photo and typescript copies of historical manuscripts from other repositories. Most of the material pertains to Dr. Massey’s publishing efforts, her work as a Winthrop faculty member and scholar and her involvement with professional organizations, especially the Southern Historical Association and the Civil War Centennial Commission. While there is material extending from Dr. Massey’s student days at Hendrix College (a 1937 graduate), most of the substantive material extends from 1953-1973.
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) causing damage is a reoccurring theme in the realm of wildlife damage management, especially regarding human safety, disease transmission, and agricultural losses. Fences often are the only reliable long-term nonlethal means of controlling deer damage. The efficacy of fences, however, relies on their weakest link: human-operated gates. Although not overly time-consuming, the act of closing a gate appears to be a burden to individuals, resulting in open-access to an otherwise protected resource. We examined the efficacy of 2 alternatives to traditional gates to evaluate their potential to be used for excluding or containing deer. We evaluated a commercially available kit for mechanically opening and closing gates and a modified deer guard that resembles a common cattle guard but incorporates bearing-mounted rollers as cross members. The gate kit proved effective in restricting deer access to bait throughout the study, but, in supplemental evaluations, we observed excessive rates of functional failure. Deer guards reduced deer entry into exclosures, but efficacy declined with time as deer walked and jumped across guards. With some refining, both guards and gates have potential to be useful components of an integrated biosecurity strategy.