918 resultados para DRAGON’s topological descriptors
La solució software desenvolupada en l'àmbit del projecte és una extensió per a gvSIG. Aquesta solució permet realitzar validacions topològiques per a xarxes d'aigua en aquesta plataforma. A més, el treball realitzat posa les bases per el desenvolupament d'eines de validació topològica de caràcter més general.
Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) suffer from widespread subtle white matter abnormalities and abnormal functional connectivity extending beyond the affected lobe, as revealed by Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging, volumetric and functional MRI studies. Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) is a diffusion imaging technique with high angular resolution for improving the mapping of white matter pathways. In this study, we used DSI, connectivity matrices and topological measures to investigate how the alteration in structural connectivity influences whole brain structural networks. Eleven patients with right-sided TLE and hippocampal sclerosis and 18 controls underwent our DSI protocol at 3T. The cortical and subcortical grey matters were parcellated into 86 regions of interest and the connectivity between every region pair was estimated using global tractography and a connectivity matrix (the adjacency matrix of the structural network). We then compared the networks of patients and controls using topological measures. In patients, we found a higher characteristic path length and a lower clustering coefficient compared to controls. Local measures at node level of the clustering and efficiency showed a significant difference after a multiple comparison correction (Bonferroni). These significant nodes were located within as well outside the temporal lobe, and the localisation of most of them was consistent with regions known to be part of epileptic networks in TLE. Our results show altered connectivity patterns that are concordant with the mapping of functional epileptic networks in patients with TLE. Further studies are needed to establish the relevance of these findings for the propagation of epileptic activity, cognitive deficits in medial TLE and outcome of epilepsy surgery in individual patients.
We investigate whether dimensionality reduction using a latent generative model is beneficial for the task of weakly supervised scene classification. In detail, we are given a set of labeled images of scenes (for example, coast, forest, city, river, etc.), and our objective is to classify a new image into one of these categories. Our approach consists of first discovering latent ";topics"; using probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature here applied to a bag of visual words representation for each image, and subsequently, training a multiway classifier on the topic distribution vector for each image. We compare this approach to that of representing each image by a bag of visual words vector directly and training a multiway classifier on these vectors. To this end, we introduce a novel vocabulary using dense color SIFT descriptors and then investigate the classification performance under changes in the size of the visual vocabulary, the number of latent topics learned, and the type of discriminative classifier used (k-nearest neighbor or SVM). We achieve superior classification performance to recent publications that have used a bag of visual word representation, in all cases, using the authors' own data sets and testing protocols. We also investigate the gain in adding spatial information. We show applications to image retrieval with relevance feedback and to scene classification in videos
Shape complexity has recently received attention from different fields, such as computer vision and psychology. In this paper, integral geometry and information theory tools are applied to quantify the shape complexity from two different perspectives: from the inside of the object, we evaluate its degree of structure or correlation between its surfaces (inner complexity), and from the outside, we compute its degree of interaction with the circumscribing sphere (outer complexity). Our shape complexity measures are based on the following two facts: uniformly distributed global lines crossing an object define a continuous information channel and the continuous mutual information of this channel is independent of the object discretisation and invariant to translations, rotations, and changes of scale. The measures introduced in this paper can be potentially used as shape descriptors for object recognition, image retrieval, object localisation, tumour analysis, and protein docking, among others
BACKGROUND. Bioinformatics is commonly featured as a well assorted list of available web resources. Although diversity of services is positive in general, the proliferation of tools, their dispersion and heterogeneity complicate the integrated exploitation of such data processing capacity. RESULTS. To facilitate the construction of software clients and make integrated use of this variety of tools, we present a modular programmatic application interface (MAPI) that provides the necessary functionality for uniform representation of Web Services metadata descriptors including their management and invocation protocols of the services which they represent. This document describes the main functionality of the framework and how it can be used to facilitate the deployment of new software under a unified structure of bioinformatics Web Services. A notable feature of MAPI is the modular organization of the functionality into different modules associated with specific tasks. This means that only the modules needed for the client have to be installed, and that the module functionality can be extended without the need for re-writing the software client. CONCLUSIONS. The potential utility and versatility of the software library has been demonstrated by the implementation of several currently available clients that cover different aspects of integrated data processing, ranging from service discovery to service invocation with advanced features such as workflows composition and asynchronous services calls to multiple types of Web Services including those registered in repositories (e.g. GRID-based, SOAP, BioMOBY, R-bioconductor, and others).
Tenint en compte l’evolució a Internet dels portals d’informació dels mitjans de comunicació, sorgeix la idea d’un motor de cerca orientat a la recaptació de notícies dispersades per les diferents pàgines web dels grans mitjans de comunicació espanyols, que permetés obtenir informació sobre “descriptors contractats” pels usuaris d’un portal. El primer objectiu és l’anàlisi de les necessitats que es volen cobrir per a un hipotètic client de l’aplicació, el segon és en l’àmbit algorítmic, cal obtenir una metodologia de treball que permeti l’obtenció de la notícia. En l’àmbit de la programació es consideren tres etapes: descarregar les pàgines web necessàries, que es farà mitjançant les eines que proporciona la llibreria cUrl; l’anàlisi de les notícies (obtenir tots els enllaços que corresponen a notícies, filtrar els descriptors per decidir si cal guardar la notícia, analitzar l’estructura interna de les notícies seleccionades per guardar-ne només les parts establertes), i la base de dades que ens ha de permetre organitzar i gestionar les notícies escollides
A methodology of exploratory data analysis investigating the phenomenon of orographic precipitation enhancement is proposed. The precipitation observations obtained from three Swiss Doppler weather radars are analysed for the major precipitation event of August 2005 in the Alps. Image processing techniques are used to detect significant precipitation cells/pixels from radar images while filtering out spurious effects due to ground clutter. The contribution of topography to precipitation patterns is described by an extensive set of topographical descriptors computed from the digital elevation model at multiple spatial scales. Additionally, the motion vector field is derived from subsequent radar images and integrated into a set of topographic features to highlight the slopes exposed to main flows. Following the exploratory data analysis with a recent algorithm of spectral clustering, it is shown that orographic precipitation cells are generated under specific flow and topographic conditions. Repeatability of precipitation patterns in particular spatial locations is found to be linked to specific local terrain shapes, e.g. at the top of hills and on the upwind side of the mountains. This methodology and our empirical findings for the Alpine region provide a basis for building computational data-driven models of orographic enhancement and triggering of precipitation. Copyright (C) 2011 Royal Meteorological Society .
Gene-on-gene regulations are key components of every living organism. Dynamical abstract models of genetic regulatory networks help explain the genome's evolvability and robustness. These properties can be attributed to the structural topology of the graph formed by genes, as vertices, and regulatory interactions, as edges. Moreover, the actual gene interaction of each gene is believed to play a key role in the stability of the structure. With advances in biology, some effort was deployed to develop update functions in Boolean models that include recent knowledge. We combine real-life gene interaction networks with novel update functions in a Boolean model. We use two sub-networks of biological organisms, the yeast cell-cycle and the mouse embryonic stem cell, as topological support for our system. On these structures, we substitute the original random update functions by a novel threshold-based dynamic function in which the promoting and repressing effect of each interaction is considered. We use a third real-life regulatory network, along with its inferred Boolean update functions to validate the proposed update function. Results of this validation hint to increased biological plausibility of the threshold-based function. To investigate the dynamical behavior of this new model, we visualized the phase transition between order and chaos into the critical regime using Derrida plots. We complement the qualitative nature of Derrida plots with an alternative measure, the criticality distance, that also allows to discriminate between regimes in a quantitative way. Simulation on both real-life genetic regulatory networks show that there exists a set of parameters that allows the systems to operate in the critical region. This new model includes experimentally derived biological information and recent discoveries, which makes it potentially useful to guide experimental research. The update function confers additional realism to the model, while reducing the complexity and solution space, thus making it easier to investigate.
En aquest treball es presenta un exemple d'aplicació de la semblança molecular quàntica en l'àmbit de la determinació de relacions entre l'estructura i les propietats o activitats biològiques de molècules. La família estudiada està formada per un conjunt de divuit quinolones de les quals es coneixen dues propietats relacionades amb l'activitat biològica: la concentració mínima inhibitòria de la reproducció en E. Coli i I'escissió de l'ADN per la girasa, també en E. Coli. L'estudi s'ha realitzat emprant dues metodologies diferents, fonamentades ambdues en el desenvolupament de la semblança molecular quàntica. Aquestes dues metodologies es basen, respectivament, en el càlcul i l'aplicació dels índexs de semblança i dels índexs topològics de semblança
En aquest treball es descriu l'ús de les mesures de semblança molecular quàntica (MSMQ) per a caracteritzar propietats i activitats biològiques moleculars, i definir descriptors emprables per a construir models QSAR i QSPR. L'estudi que es presenta consisteix en la continuació d'un treball recent, on es descrivien relacions entre el paràmetre log P i MSMQ, donant així una alternativa a aquest parimetre hidrofòbic empíric. L'actual contribució presenta una nova mesura, capaç d'estendre l'ús de les MSMQ, que consisteix en l'energia de repulsió electró-electró (Vee). Aquest valor, disponible normalment a partir de programari de química quàntica, considera la molècula com una sola entitat, i no cal recórrer a l'ús decontribucions de fragments. La metodologia s'ha aplicat a cinc tipus diferents de compostos on diferents propietats moleculars i activitats biològiques s'han correlacionat amb Vee com a únic descriptor molecular. En tots els casos estudiats, s'han obtingut correlacions satisfactòries.
This paper presents a pattern recognition method focused on paintings images. The purpose is construct a system able to recognize authors or art styles based on common elements of his work (here called patterns). The method is based on comparing images that contain the same or similar patterns. It uses different computer vision techniques, like SIFT and SURF, to describe the patterns in descriptors, K-Means to classify and simplify these descriptors, and RANSAC to determine and detect good results. The method are good to find patterns of known images but not so good if they are not.
Topological indices have been applied to build QSAR models for a set of 20 antimalarial cyclic peroxy cetals. In order to evaluate the reliability of the proposed linear models leave-n-out and Internal Test Sets (ITS) approaches have been considered. The proposed procedure resulted in a robust and consensued prediction equation and here it is shown why it is superior to the employed standard cross-validation algorithms involving multilinear regression models
The joint angles of multi-segment foot models have been primarily described using two mathematical methods: the joint coordinate system and the attitude vector. This study aimed to determine whether the angles obtained through these two descriptors are comparable, and whether these descriptors have similar sensitivity to experimental errors. Six subjects walked eight times on an instrumented walkway while the joint angles among shank, hindfoot, medial forefoot, and lateral forefoot were measured. The angles obtained using both descriptors and their sensitivity to experimental errors were compared. There was no overall significant difference between the ranges of motion obtained using both descriptors. However, median differences of more than 6° were noticed for the medial-lateral forefoot joint. For all joints and rotation planes, both descriptors provided highly similar angle patterns (median correlation coefficient: R>0.90), except for the medial-lateral forefoot angle in the transverse plane (median R=0.77). The joint coordinate system was significantly more sensitive to anatomical landmarks misplacement errors. However, the absolute differences of sensitivity were small relative to the joints ranges of motion. In conclusion, the angles obtained using these two descriptors were not identical, but were similar for at least the shank-hindfoot and hindfoot-medial forefoot joints. Therefore, the angle comparison across descriptors is possible for these two joints. Comparison should be done more carefully for the medial-lateral forefoot joint. Moreover, despite different sensitivities to experimental errors, the effects of the experimental errors on the angles were small for both descriptors suggesting that both descriptors can be considered for multi-segment foot models.
In this study we investigated the effect of medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) on the global characteristics of brain connectivity estimated by topological measures. We used DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) to construct a connectivity matrix where the nodes represents the anatomical ROIs and the edges are the connections between any pair of ROIs weighted by the mean GFA/FA values. A significant difference was found between the patient group vs control group in characteristic path length, clustering coefficient and small-worldness. This suggests that the MTLE network is less efficient compared to the network of the control group.
A topological analysis of intracule and extracule densities and their Laplacians computed within the Hartree-Fock approximation is presented. The analysis of the density distributions reveals that among all possible electron-electron interactions in atoms and between atoms in molecules only very few are located rigorously as local maxima. In contrast, they are clearly identified as local minima in the topology of Laplacian maps. The conceptually different interpretation of intracule and extracule maps is also discussed in detail. An application example to the C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6 series of molecules is presented