563 resultados para DEFORESTATION


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TSEP-RLI was a technical cooperation project jointly conducted by GOP thru DA-Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and GOJ thru JICA aimed at institutionalizing the training program for Rural Life Improvement (RLI) at the (ATI). As expected, farmers, fisherfolk, women, youth and extension agents were provided with efficient and effective training services from ATI leading to the improvement of quality of life in the rural areas through efforts of human resource development. The ATI- Bohol was chosen as the model center where participatory trials and various activities of the project were undertaken for five years. These activities were participatory surveys and data collection of on-farm and off-farm productive activities; planning workshop for RLI; feedbacking of survey results and action plans to the community and the Local Government Units (LGUs), and signing of Memorandum of Agreement between the Project and participating LGUs. The above activities were done to facilitate the planning and development of most effective and necessary rural life improvement activities, to confirm the willingness of the people to support and participate and to formalize the partnership between the Project and the LGUs. Since the concept of rural life covers a vast range of activities, a consensus had been reached that the total aspects of rural life be grasped in three spheres, namely, Production & Livelihood (P/L), Rural Living Condition (RLC) and Community Environment (C/E). The RLI for Ubi (Yam) Growers was one of the pilot activities undertaken in two pilot barangays and the target beneficiaries were members of the Rural Improvement Club (RIC- a group of organized women) with the LGU of the Municipality of Corella as the implementing partner. During the planning workshop, the barangay residents articulated their desire to promote production and processing of ubi (sphere on P/L - as the entry point), lack of nutritious food was one of the identified problem (sphere on RLC- expansion point) and environmental degradation such as deforestation, and soil erosion was another problem articulated by the community people (sphere on C/E- expansion point). Major activities that were undertaken namely, Ubi cooking contest, cooking/processing seminar, training courses on entrepreneurial development, ubi production and storage technology, packaging and product design, human resource development and simplified bookkeeping motivated the beneficiaries as well as developed and enhanced their skills & capabilities while strengthening their associations. Their participation to the 5 ubi festivals and other related activities had brought some impacts on their economic and rural life improvement activities. The seven principles of TSEP-RLI include the participatory process, holistic approach, dialogical approach, bottom -up training needs assessment, demand-driven approach, cost sharing approach and collaborative implementation with other agencies including LGUs and the community.


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After the collapse of the centralized Soeharto regime, deforestation caused by over-logging accelerated. To tackle this problem, an IMF/World Bank-led forestry sector reform program adopted a market-friendly approach involving the resumption of round wood exports and raising of the resource rent fee, with the aim to stop rent accumulation by plywood companies, which had enjoyed a supply of round wood at privileged prices. The Indonesian government, for its part, decentralized the forest concession management system to provide incentives for local governments and communities to carry out sustainable forest management. However, neither policy reform worked effectively. The round wood export ban was reimposed and the forest management system centralized again with cooperation from a newly funded industry-led institution. In the midst of the confusion surrounding the policy reversal, the gap between the price of round wood in international and domestic markets failed to contract, although rent allocations to plywood industries were reduced during 1998-2003. The rents were not collected properly by the government, but accumulated unexpectedly in the hands of players in the black market for round wood.


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Palaeoecological evidence indicates that highland pines were dominant in extensive areas of the mountains of Central and Northern Iberia during the first half of the Holocene. However, following several millennia of anthropogenic pressure, their natural ranges are now severely reduced. Although pines have been frequently viewed as first-stage successional species responding positively to human disturbance, some recent palaeobotanical work has proposed fire disturbance and human deforestation as the main drivers of this vegetation turnover. To assess the strength of the evidence for this hypothesis and to identify other possible explanations for this scenario, we review the available information on past vegetation change in the mountains of northern inland Iberia. We have chosen data from several sites that offer good chronological control, including palynological records with microscopic charcoal data and sites with plant macro- and megafossil occurrence. We conclude that although the available long-term data are still fragmentary and that new methods are needed for a better understanding of the ecological history of Iberia, fire events and human activities (probably modulated by climate) have triggered the pine demise at different locations and different temporal scales. In addition, all palaeoxylological, palynological and charcoal results obtained so far are fully compatible with a rapid human-induced ecological change that could have caused a range contraction of highland pines in western Iberia.


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Aboveground tropical tree biomass and carbon storage estimates commonly ignore tree height (H). We estimate the effect of incorporating H on tropics-wide forest biomass estimates in 327 plots across four continents using 42 656 H and diameter measurements and harvested trees from 20 sites to answer the following questions: 1. What is the best H-model form and geographic unit to include in biomass models to minimise site-level uncertainty in estimates of destructive biomass? 2. To what extent does including H estimates derived in (1) reduce uncertainty in biomass estimates across all 327 plots? 3. What effect does accounting for H have on plot- and continental-scale forest biomass estimates? The mean relative error in biomass estimates of destructively harvested trees when including H (mean 0.06), was half that when excluding H (mean 0.13). Power- andWeibull-H models provided the greatest reduction in uncertainty, with regional Weibull-H models preferred because they reduce uncertainty in smaller-diameter classes (?40 cm D) that store about one-third of biomass per hectare in most forests. Propagating the relationships from destructively harvested tree biomass to each of the 327 plots from across the tropics shows that including H reduces errors from 41.8Mgha?1 (range 6.6 to 112.4) to 8.0Mgha?1 (?2.5 to 23.0). For all plots, aboveground live biomass was ?52.2 Mgha?1 (?82.0 to ?20.3 bootstrapped 95%CI), or 13%, lower when including H estimates, with the greatest relative reductions in estimated biomass in forests of the Brazilian Shield, east Africa, and Australia, and relatively little change in the Guiana Shield, central Africa and southeast Asia. Appreciably different stand structure was observed among regions across the tropical continents, with some storing significantly more biomass in small diameter stems, which affects selection of the best height models to reduce uncertainty and biomass reductions due to H. After accounting for variation in H, total biomass per hectare is greatest in Australia, the Guiana Shield, Asia, central and east Africa, and lowest in eastcentral Amazonia, W. Africa, W. Amazonia, and the Brazilian Shield (descending order). Thus, if tropical forests span 1668 million km2 and store 285 Pg C (estimate including H), then applying our regional relationships implies that carbon storage is overestimated by 35 PgC (31?39 bootstrapped 95%CI) if H is ignored, assuming that the sampled plots are an unbiased statistical representation of all tropical forest in terms of biomass and height factors. Our results show that tree H is an important allometric factor that needs to be included in future forest biomass estimates to reduce error in estimates of tropical carbon stocks and emissions due to deforestation.


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La gestión de riesgos debe ser entendida como una determinación de vínculos entre lo que se asume como vulnerabilidad, y la forma en la que se determinarían o estimarían la probabilidad en la concurrencia de un determinado hecho, partiendo de la idea de la concurrencia de un fenómeno y las acciones necesarias que deberán llevarse a cabo. El tema de vulnerabilidad y riesgo, cada día toma más importancia a nivel mundial, a medida que pasa el tiempo es más notoria la vulnerabilidad de ciertas poblaciones ante la presencia de determinados peligros naturales como son: inundaciones, desbordes de ríos, deslizamientos de tierra y movimientos sísmicos. La vulnerabilidad aumenta, a medida que crece la deforestación. La construcción en lugares de alto riesgo, como por ejemplo, viviendas a orillas de los ríos, está condicionada por la localización y las condiciones de uso del suelo, infraestructura, construcciones, viviendas, distribución y densidad de población, capacidad de organización, etc. Es ahora donde la gestión de riesgos, juega un papel muy importante en la sociedad moderna, siendo esta cada vez más exigente con los resultados y calidad de productos y servicios, además de cumplir también, con la responsabilidad jurídica que trae la concepción, diseño y construcción de proyectos en zonas inundables. El presente trabajo de investigación, se centra en identificar los riesgos, aplicando soluciones estructurales y recomendaciones resilientes para edificaciones que se encuentren emplazadas en zonas inundables. Disminuyendo así el riesgo de fallo estructural y el número de víctimas considerablemente. Concluyendo con un Catálogo de Riesgos y Soluciones para edificaciones en zonas inundables. Risk management should be understood as a determination of links between what is assumed to be vulnerable , and how that would be determined or would estimate the probability in the occurrence of a certain event, based on the idea of the occurrence of a phenomenon and necessary actions to be carried out . The issue of vulnerability and risk, every day takes more importance globally, as time passes is more notorious vulnerability of certain populations in the presence of certain natural hazards such as floods, swollen rivers, landslides and earthquakes. Vulnerability increases as it grows deforestation. The construction in high-risk locations, such as homes on the banks of rivers, is conditioned by the location and conditions of land use, infrastructure, construction, housing, distribution and population density, organizational skills, etc. Now where risk management plays a very important role in modern society, is being increasingly demanding with the results and quality of products and services, and also comply with the legal responsibility that brings the conception, design and construction projects in flood zones. This research focuses on identifying risks, implementing structural solutions and resilients’ recommendations for buildings that are emplaced in flood zones. Thus decreasing the risk of structural failure and the number of victims significantly. Concluding with a Catalogue of Risks and Solutions for buildings in flood zones.


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Water is fundamental to human life and the availability of freshwater is often a constraint on human welfare and economic development. Consequently, the potential effects of global changes on hydrology and water resources are considered among the most severe and vital ones. Water scarcity is one of the main problems in the rural communities of Central America, as a result of an important degradation of catchment areas and the over-exploitation of aquifers. The present Thesis is focused on two critical aspects of global changes over water resources: (1) the potential effects of climate change on water quantity and (2) the impacts of land cover and land use changes on the hydrological processes and water cycle. Costa Rica is among the few developing countries that have recently achieved a land use transition with a net increase in forest cover. Osa Region in South Pacific Costa Rica is an appealing study site to assess water supply management plans and to measure the effects of deforestation, forest transitions and climate change projections reported in the region. Rural Community Water Supply systems (ASADAS) in Osa are dealing with an increasing demand of freshwater due to the growing population and the change in the way of life in the rural livelihoods. Land cover mosaics which have resulted from the above mentioned processes are characterized by the abandonment of marginal farmland with the spread over these former grasslands of high return crops and the expansion of secondary forests due to reforestation initiatives. These land use changes have a significant impact on runoff generation in priority water-supply catchments in the humid tropics, as evidenced by the analysis of the Tinoco Experimental Catchment in the Southern Pacific area of Costa Rica. The monitoring system assesses the effects of the different land uses on the runoff responses and on the general water cycle of the basin. Runoff responses at plot scale are analyzed for secondary forests, oil palm plantations, forest plantations and grasslands. The Oil palm plantation plot presented the highest runoff coefficient (mean RC=32.6%), twice that measured under grasslands (mean RC=15.3%) and 20-fold greater than in secondary forest (mean RC=1.7%). A Thornthwaite-type water balance is proposed to assess the impact of land cover and climate change scenarios over water availability for rural communities in Osa Region. Climate change projections were obtained by the downscaling of BCM2, CNCM3 and ECHAM5 models. Precipitation and temperature were averaged and conveyed by the A1B, A2 and B1 IPCC climate scenario for 2030, 2060 and 2080. Precipitation simulations exhibit a positive increase during the dry season for the three scenarios and a decrease during the rainy season, with the highest magnitude (up to 25%) by the end of the 21st century under scenario B1. Monthly mean temperature simulations increase for the three scenarios throughout the year with a maximum increase during the dry season of 5% under A1B and A2 scenarios and 4% under B1 scenario. The Thornthwaite-type Water Balance model indicates important decreases of water surplus for the three climate scenarios during the rainy season, with a maximum decrease on May, which under A1B scenario drop up to 20%, under A2 up to 40% and under B1 scenario drop up to almost 60%. Land cover scenarios were created taking into account current land cover dynamics of the region. Land cover scenario 1 projects a deforestation situation, with forests decreasing up to 15% due to urbanization of the upper catchment areas; land cover scenario 2 projects a forest recovery situation where forested areas increase due to grassland abandonment on areas with more than 30% of slope. Deforestation scenario projects an annual water surplus decrease of 15% while the reforestation scenario projects a water surplus increase of almost 25%. This water balance analysis indicates that climate scenarios are equal contributors as land cover scenarios to future water resource estimations.


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Biomass has always been associated with the development of the population in the Canary Islands as the first source of elemental energy that was in the archipelago and the main cause of deforestation of forests, which over the years has been replaced by forest fossil fuels. The Canary Islands store a large amount of energy in the form of biomass. This may be important on a small scale for the design of small power plants with similar fuels from agricultural activities, and these plants could supply rural areas that could have self-sufficiency energy. The problem with the Canary Islands for a boost in this achievement is to ensure the supply to the consumer centers or power plants for greater efficiency that must operate continuously, allowing them to have a resource with regularity, quality and at an acceptable cost. In the Canary Islands converge also a unique topography with a very rugged terrain that makes it greater difficult to use and significantly more expensive. In this work all these aspects are studied, giving conclusions, action paths and theoretical potentials.


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Channel cbanges are the consequence of cbanges in sediment yield from the slopes and in the connectivity between slopes and channels bccause of distinct land use and climate inJpacts. In Ibis study, we investigated the characteristics and evolution of a short reach in the headwater of the !juez River, central-soutbem Pyrenees. Assessment of a series of sedimentar)' and geomorphic structures confirtned major cbanges to the valley boUom, mainly related to changes in the intensity of human activity. 'The oldest sedimentar)' structure is a terrace leve! located 3 10 4 m above the current alluvial plain. General deforestation, overgrazing and recwring tires in the montane belt ( 1100-1600 m a.sJ.) have led 10 increased soil erosioo and connectivity, and to tbe triggering of debris llows thal have been deposited on the fluvial tmace. Woody fragments from within the debris llows were dated using acceleraror mass spectrOmetry '"e radiocaroon tcchniques (AMS), yielding ages between 1 00 and 115 cal years BP, whicb coincides with tbe period of maximum deforestalion and human density in the Pyrenees. Depopulation and fannland abaodonment since tbe beginning of tbe 2001 oenrury has resulled in generalliJcod natural and artificial reforestation, a shrinkage of the eroded arcas aod a decline in connectivi¡y bdween slopes and the channel. 1be rnost impor1an1 consequence has been cbannel incision and oarrowing, and the development of a sedimed annour !ayer. Active sedimenl b8llSpOI1 is continui.Qg, although there has been a decrease in sed.iment yield from the slopes. Copyright O 2014 John Wiley & Soos, Ltd.


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We reconstructed vegetation responses to climate oscillations, fire and human activities since the last glacial maximum in inland NW Iberia, where previous paleoecological research is scarce. Extremely sparse and open vegetation composed of steppic grasslands and heathlands with scattered pioneer trees suggests very cold and dry conditions during the Oldest Dryas, unsuitable for tree survival in the surroundings of the study site. Slight woodland expansion during the Bolling/Allerod was interrupted by the Younger Dryas cooling. Pinewoods dominated for most of the early Holocene, when a marked increase in fire activity occurred. Deciduous trees expanded later reaching their maximum representation during the mid-Holocene. Enhanced fire activity and the presence of coprophilous fungi around 6400-6000 cal yr BP suggest an early human occupation around the site. However, extensive deforestation only started at 4500 calyrBP, when fire was used to clear the tree canopy. Final replacement of woodlands with heathlands, grasslands and cereal crops occurred from 2700 cal yr BP onwards due to land-use intensification. Our paleoecological record can help efforts aimed at restoring the natural vegetation by indicating which communities were dominant at the onset of heavy human impact, thus promoting the recovery of currently rare oak and alder stands.


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The expansion of agricultural land is responsible for most tropical deforestation. Historically, smallholder farming and shifting cultivation has been reported as the main agent of deforestation. However, the increasing global demand for food in recent years has greatly boosted the development of medium and large-scale commercial agriculture which is nowadays causing the majority of tropical forest cover loss, particularly in Latin America.


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La pérdida de bosques en la Tierra, principalmente en ecosistemas amazónicos, es un factor clave en el proceso del cambio climático. Para revertir esta situación, los mecanismos REDD (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation) están permitiendo la implementación de actividades de protección del clima a través de la reducción de emisiones por deforestación evitada, según los esquemas previstos en el Protocolo de Kioto. El factor técnico más crítico en un proyecto REDD es la determinación de la línea de referencia de emisiones, que define la expectativa futura sobre las emisiones de CO2 de origen forestal en ausencia de esfuerzos adicionales obtenidos como consecuencia de la implementación del programa REDD para frenar este tipo de emisiones. La zona del estudio se ubica en la región de San Martín (Perú), provincia cubierta fundamentalmente por bosques tropicales cuyas tasas de deforestación son de las más altas de la cuenca amazónica. En las últimas décadas del siglo XX, la región empezó un acelerado proceso de deforestación consecuencia de la integración vial con el resto del país y la rápida inmigración desde zonas rurales en busca de nuevas tierras agrícolas. Desde el punto de vista de la investigación llevada a cabo en la tesis doctoral, se pueden destacar dos líneas: 1. El estudio multitemporal mediante imágenes de satélite Landsat 5/TM con el propósito de calcular las pérdidas de bosque entre períodos. El estudio multitemporal se llevó a cabo en el período 1998-2011 utilizando imágenes Landsat 5/TM, aplicando la metodología de Análisis de Mezclas Espectrales (Spectral Mixtures Analysis), que permite descomponer la reflectancia de cada píxel de la imagen en diferentes fracciones de mezcla espectral. En este proceso, las etapas más críticas son el establecimiento de los espectros puros o endemembers y la recopilación de librerías espectrales adecuadas, en este caso de bosques tropicales, que permitan reducir la incertidumbre de los procesos. Como resultado de la investigación se ha conseguido elaborar la línea de referencia de emisiones histórica, para el período de estudio, teniendo en cuenta tanto los procesos de deforestación como de degradación forestal. 2. Relacionar los resultados de pérdida de bosque con factores de causalidad directos e indirectos. La determinación de los procesos de cambio de cobertura forestal utilizando técnicas geoespaciales permite relacionar, de manera significativa, información de los indicadores causales de dichos procesos. De igual manera, se pueden estimar escenarios futuros de deforestación y degradación de acuerdo al análisis de la evolución de dichos vectores, teniendo en cuenta otros factores indirectos o subyacentes, como pueden ser los económicos, sociales, demográficos y medioambientales. La identificación de los agentes subyacentes o indirectos es una tarea más compleja que la de los factores endógenos o directos. Por un lado, las relaciones causa – efecto son mucho más difusas; y, por otro, los efectos pueden estar determinados por fenómenos más amplios, consecuencia de superposición o acumulación de diferentes causas. A partir de los resultados de pérdida de bosque obtenidos mediante la utilización de imágenes Landsat 5/TM, se investigaron los criterios de condicionamiento directos e indirectos que podrían haber influido en la deforestación y degradación forestal en ese período. Para ello, se estudiaron las series temporales, para las mismas fechas, de 9 factores directos (infraestructuras, hidrografía, temperatura, etc.) y 196 factores indirectos (económicos, sociales, demográficos y ambientales, etc.) con, en principio, un alto potencial de causalidad. Finalmente se ha analizado la predisposición de cada factor con la ocurrencia de deforestación y degradación forestal por correlación estadística de las series temporales obtenidas. ABSTRACT Forests loss on Earth, mainly in Amazonian ecosystems, is a key factor in the process of climate change. To reverse this situation, the REDD (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation) are allowing the implementation of climate protection activities through reducing emissions from avoided deforestation, according to the schemes under the Kyoto Protocol. Also, the baseline emissions in a REDD project defines a future expectation on CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in the absence of additional efforts as a result of REDD in order to stop these emissions. The study area is located in the region of San Martín (Peru), province mainly covered by tropical forests whose deforestation rates are the highest in the Amazon basin. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the region began an accelerated process of deforestation due to road integration with the rest of the country and the rapid migration from rural areas for searching of new farmland. From the point of view of research in the thesis, we can highlight two lines: 1. The multitemporal study using Landsat 5/TM satellite images in order to calculate the forest loss between periods. The multitemporal study was developed in the period 1998-2011 using Landsat 5/TM, applying the methodology of Spectral Mixture Analysis, which allows decomposing the reflectance of each pixel of the image in different fractions of mixture spectral. In this process, the most critical step is the establishment of pure spectra or endemembers spectra, and the collecting of appropriate spectral libraries, in this case of tropical forests, to reduce the uncertainty of the process. As a result of research has succeeded in developing the baseline emissions for the period of study, taking into account both deforestation and forest degradation. 2. Relate the results of forest loss with direct and indirect causation factors. Determining the processes of change in forest cover using geospatial technologies allows relating, significantly, information of the causal indicators in these processes. Similarly, future deforestation and forest degradation scenarios can be estimated according to the analysis of the evolution of these drivers, taking into account other indirect or underlying factors, such as economic, social, demographic and environmental. Identifying the underlying or indirect agents is more complex than endogenous or direct factors. On the one hand, cause - effect relationships are much more diffuse; and, second, the effects may be determined by broader phenomena, due to superposition or accumulation of different causes. From the results of forest loss obtained using Landsat 5/TM, the criteria of direct and indirect conditioning that might have contributed to deforestation and forest degradation in that period were investigated. For this purpose, temporal series, for the same dates, 9 direct factors (infrastructure, hydrography, temperature, etc.) and 196 underlying factors (economic, social, demographic and environmental) with, in principle, a high potential of causality. Finally it was analyzed the predisposition of each factor to the occurrence of deforestation and forest degradation by statistical correlation of the obtained temporal series.


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La determinación de la línea histórica de deforestación como parte del establecimiento de la línea de referencia de emisiones, en el marco del programa REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), permite medir la evolución de la pérdida de bosque en un periodo definido de tiempo. El objetivo fue calcular la línea histórica de deforestación mediante estudio multitemporal para el periodo 1998-2011, en la región de San Martín (Perú), utilizando la metodología de Análisis de Mezclas Espectrales (Spectral Mixtures Analysis) con imágenes Landsat 5-TM. Palabras clave: teledetección, Landsat 5-TM, análisis de mezclas espectrales, REDD, Protocolo de Kioto, deforestación, Amazonía, SMA Spectral Mixture Analysis for the study of deforestation and establishing reference emissions level within the REDD Program framework. Application to the region of San Martin, Peru. Abstract: Determination of the historical baseline of deforestation as part of establishing the reference emissions level within the REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) Program framework allows for the measurement of the evolution of forest loss over a defined period time. The objective was to estimate the historical baseline of deforestation through a multi-temporal study for the period 1998-2011, in the region of San Martin (Peru), using the methodology of Spectral Mixture Analysis (Mixtures Spectral Analysis) from Landsat 5-TM imagery. Keywords: remote sensing, Landsat 5-TM, spectral mixtures analysis, REDD, Kyoto Protocol, deforestation, Amazon, SMA


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Disponer de información precisa y actualizada de inventario forestal es una pieza clave para mejorar la gestión forestal sostenible y para proponer y evaluar políticas de conservación de bosques que permitan la reducción de emisiones de carbono debidas a la deforestación y degradación forestal (REDD). En este sentido, la tecnología LiDAR ha demostrado ser una herramienta perfecta para caracterizar y estimar de forma continua y en áreas extensas la estructura del bosque y las principales variables de inventario forestal. Variables como la biomasa, el número de pies, el volumen de madera, la altura dominante, el diámetro o la altura media son estimadas con una calidad comparable a los inventarios tradicionales de campo. La presente tesis se centra en analizar la aplicación de los denominados métodos de masa de inventario forestal con datos LIDAR bajo diferentes condiciones y características de masa forestal (bosque templados puros y mixtos) y utilizando diferentes bases de datos LiDAR (información proveniente de vuelo nacionales e información capturada de forma específica). Como consecuencia de lo anterior, se profundiza en la generación de inventarios forestales continuos con LiDAR en grandes áreas. Los métodos de masa se basan en la búsqueda de relaciones estadísticas entre variables predictoras derivadas de la nube de puntos LiDAR y las variables de inventario forestal medidas en campo con el objeto de generar una cartografía continua de inventario forestal. El rápido desarrollo de esta tecnología en los últimos años ha llevado a muchos países a implantar programas nacionales de captura de información LiDAR aerotransportada. Estos vuelos nacionales no están pensados ni diseñados para fines forestales por lo que es necesaria la evaluación de la validez de esta información LiDAR para la descripción de la estructura del bosque y la medición de variables forestales. Esta información podría suponer una drástica reducción de costes en la generación de información continua de alta resolución de inventario forestal. En el capítulo 2 se evalúa la estimación de variables forestales a partir de la información LiDAR capturada en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA-LiDAR) en España. Para ello se compara un vuelo específico diseñado para inventario forestal con la información de la misma zona capturada dentro del PNOA-LiDAR. El caso de estudio muestra cómo el ángulo de escaneo, la pendiente y orientación del terreno afectan de forma estadísticamente significativa, aunque con pequeñas diferencias, a la estimación de biomasa y variables de estructura forestal derivadas del LiDAR. La cobertura de copas resultó más afectada por estos factores que los percentiles de alturas. Considerando toda la zona de estudio, la estimación de la biomasa con ambas bases de datos no presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Las simulaciones realizadas muestran que las diferencias medias en la estimación de biomasa entre un vuelo específico y el vuelo nacional podrán superar el 4% en áreas abruptas, con ángulos de escaneo altos y cuando la pendiente de la ladera no esté orientada hacia la línea de escaneo. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla un estudio en masas mixtas y puras de pino silvestre y haya, con un enfoque multi-fuente empleando toda la información disponible (vuelos LiDAR nacionales de baja densidad de puntos, imágenes satelitales Landsat y parcelas permanentes del inventario forestal nacional español). Se concluye que este enfoque multi-fuente es adecuado para realizar inventarios forestales continuos de alta resolución en grandes superficies. Los errores obtenidos en la fase de ajuste y de validación de los modelos de área basimétrica y volumen son similares a los registrados por otros autores (usando un vuelo específico y parcelas de campo específicas). Se observan errores mayores en la variable número de pies que los encontrados en la literatura, que pueden ser explicados por la influencia de la metodología de parcelas de radio variable en esta variable. En los capítulos 4 y 5 se evalúan los métodos de masa para estimar biomasa y densidad de carbono en bosques tropicales. Para ello se trabaja con datos del Parque Nacional Volcán Poás (Costa Rica) en dos situaciones diferentes: i) se dispone de una cobertura completa LiDAR del área de estudio (capitulo 4) y ii) la cobertura LiDAR completa no es técnica o económicamente posible y se combina una cobertura incompleta de LiDAR con imágenes Landsat e información auxiliar para la estimación de biomasa y carbono (capitulo 5). En el capítulo 4 se valida un modelo LiDAR general de estimación de biomasa aérea en bosques tropicales y se compara con los resultados obtenidos con un modelo ajustado de forma específica para el área de estudio. Ambos modelos están basados en la variable altura media de copas (TCH por sus siglas en inglés) derivada del modelo digital LiDAR de altura de la vegetación. Los resultados en el área de estudio muestran que el modelo general es una alternativa fiable al ajuste de modelos específicos y que la biomasa aérea puede ser estimada en una nueva zona midiendo en campo únicamente la variable área basimétrica (BA). Para mejorar la aplicación de esta metodología es necesario definir en futuros trabajos procedimientos adecuados de medición de la variable área basimétrica en campo (localización, tamaño y forma de las parcelas de campo). La relación entre la altura media de copas del LiDAR y el área basimétrica (Coeficiente de Stock) obtenida en el área de estudio varía localmente. Por tanto es necesario contar con más información de campo para caracterizar la variabilidad del Coeficiente de Stock entre zonas de vida y si estrategias como la estratificación pueden reducir los errores en la estimación de biomasa y carbono en bosques tropicales. En el capítulo 5 se concluye que la combinación de una muestra sistemática de información LiDAR con una cobertura completa de imagen satelital de moderada resolución (e información auxiliar) es una alternativa efectiva para la realización de inventarios continuos en bosques tropicales. Esta metodología permite estimar altura de la vegetación, biomasa y carbono en grandes zonas donde la captura de una cobertura completa de LiDAR y la realización de un gran volumen de trabajo de campo es económica o/y técnicamente inviable. Las alternativas examinadas para la predicción de biomasa a partir de imágenes Landsat muestran una ligera disminución del coeficiente de determinación y un pequeño aumento del RMSE cuando la cobertura de LiDAR es reducida de forma considerable. Los resultados indican que la altura de la vegetación, la biomasa y la densidad de carbono pueden ser estimadas en bosques tropicales de forma adecuada usando coberturas de LIDAR bajas (entre el 5% y el 20% del área de estudio). ABSTRACT The availability of accurate and updated forest data is essential for improving sustainable forest management, promoting forest conservation policies and reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). In this sense, LiDAR technology proves to be a clear-cut tool for characterizing forest structure in large areas and assessing main forest-stand variables. Forest variables such as biomass, stem volume, basal area, mean diameter, mean height, dominant height, and stem number can be thus predicted with better or comparable quality than with costly traditional field inventories. In this thesis, it is analysed the potential of LiDAR technology for the estimation of plot-level forest variables under a range of conditions (conifer & broadleaf temperate forests and tropical forests) and different LiDAR capture characteristics (nationwide LiDAR information vs. specific forest LiDAR data). This study evaluates the application of LiDAR-based plot-level methods in large areas. These methods are based on statistical relationships between predictor variables (derived from airborne data) and field-measured variables to generate wall to wall forest inventories. The fast development of this technology in recent years has led to an increasing availability of national LiDAR datasets, usually developed for multiple purposes throughout an expanding number of countries and regions. The evaluation of the validity of nationwide LiDAR databases (not designed specifically for forest purposes) is needed and presents a great opportunity for substantially reducing the costs of forest inventories. In chapter 2, the suitability of Spanish nationwide LiDAR flight (PNOA) to estimate forest variables is analyzed and compared to a specifically forest designed LiDAR flight. This study case shows that scan angle, terrain slope and aspect significantly affect the assessment of most of the LiDAR-derived forest variables and biomass estimation. Especially, the estimation of canopy cover is more affected than height percentiles. Considering the entire study area, biomass estimations from both databases do not show significant differences. Simulations show that differences in biomass could be larger (more than 4%) only in particular situations, such as steep areas when the slopes are non-oriented towards the scan lines and the scan angles are larger than 15º. In chapter 3, a multi-source approach is developed, integrating available databases such as nationwide LiDAR flights, Landsat imagery and permanent field plots from SNFI, with good resultos in the generation of wall to wall forest inventories. Volume and basal area errors are similar to those obtained by other authors (using specific LiDAR flights and field plots) for the same species. Errors in the estimation of stem number are larger than literature values as a consequence of the great influence that variable-radius plots, as used in SNFI, have on this variable. In chapters 4 and 5 wall to wall plot-level methodologies to estimate aboveground biomass and carbon density in tropical forest are evaluated. The study area is located in the Poas Volcano National Park (Costa Rica) and two different situations are analyzed: i) available complete LiDAR coverage (chapter 4) and ii) a complete LiDAR coverage is not available and wall to wall estimation is carried out combining LiDAR, Landsat and ancillary data (chapter 5). In chapter 4, a general aboveground biomass plot-level LiDAR model for tropical forest (Asner & Mascaro, 2014) is validated and a specific model for the study area is fitted. Both LiDAR plot-level models are based on the top-of-canopy height (TCH) variable that is derived from the LiDAR digital canopy model. Results show that the pantropical plot-level LiDAR methodology is a reliable alternative to the development of specific models for tropical forests and thus, aboveground biomass in a new study area could be estimated by only measuring basal area (BA). Applying this methodology, the definition of precise BA field measurement procedures (e.g. location, size and shape of the field plots) is decisive to achieve reliable results in future studies. The relation between BA and TCH (Stocking Coefficient) obtained in our study area in Costa Rica varied locally. Therefore, more field work is needed for assessing Stocking Coefficient variations between different life zones and the influence of the stratification of the study areas in tropical forests on the reduction of uncertainty. In chapter 5, the combination of systematic LiDAR information sampling and full coverage Landsat imagery (and ancillary data) prove to be an effective alternative for forest inventories in tropical areas. This methodology allows estimating wall to wall vegetation height, biomass and carbon density in large areas where full LiDAR coverage and traditional field work are technically and/or economically unfeasible. Carbon density prediction using Landsat imaginery shows a slight decrease in the determination coefficient and an increase in RMSE when harshly decreasing LiDAR coverage area. Results indicate that feasible estimates of vegetation height, biomass and carbon density can be accomplished using low LiDAR coverage areas (between 5% and 20% of the total area) in tropical locations.


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La estimación de la biomasa de la vegetación terrestre en bosque tropical no sólo es un área de investigación en rápida expansión, sino también es un tema de gran interés para reducir las emisiones de carbono asociadas a la deforestación y la degradación forestal (REDD+). Las estimaciones de densidad de carbono sobre el suelo (ACD) en base a inventarios de campo y datos provenientes de sensores aerotransportados, en especial con sensores LiDAR, han conducido a un progreso sustancial en el cartografiado a gran escala de las reservas de carbono forestal. Sin embargo, estos mapas de carbono tienen incertidumbres considerables, asociadas generalmente al proceso de calibración del modelo de regresión utilizado para producir los mapas. En esta tesis se establece una metodología para la calibración y validación de un modelo general de estimación de ACD usando LiDAR en un sector del Parque Nacional Yasuní en Ecuador. En el proceso de calibración del modelo se considera el tamaño y la ubicación de las parcelas, la influencia de la topografía y la distribución espacial de la biomasa. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizan técnicas geoestadísticas en combinación con variables geomorfométricas derivadas de datos LiDAR, y se propone un esquema de muestreo estratificado por posiciones topográficas (valle, ladera y cima). La validación del modelo general para toda la zona de estudio presentó valores de RMSE = 5.81 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.94 y sesgo = 0.59, mientras que, al considerar las posiciones topográficas, el modelo presentó valores de RMSE = 1.67 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.98 y sesgo = 0.23 para el valle; RMSE = 3.13 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.98 y sesgo = - 0.34 para la ladera; y RMSE = 2.33 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.97 y sesgo = 0.74 para la cima. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la metodología de muestreo estratificado por posiciones topográficas propuesto, permite calibrar de manera efectiva el modelo general con las estimaciones de ACD en campo, logrando reducir el RMSE y el sesgo. Los resultados muestran el potencial de los datos LiDAR para caracterizar la estructura vertical de la vegetación en un bosque altamente diverso, permitiendo realizar estimaciones precisas de ACD, y conocer patrones espaciales continuos de la distribución de la biomasa aérea y del contenido de carbono en la zona de estudio. ABSTRACT Estimating biomass of terrestrial vegetation in tropical forest is not only a rapidly expanding research area, but also a subject of tremendous interest for reducing carbon emissions associated with deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). The aboveground carbon density estimates (ACD) based on field inventories and airborne sensors, especially LiDAR sensors have led to a substantial progress in large-scale mapping of forest carbon stocks. However, these carbon maps have considerable uncertainties generally associated with the calibration of the regression model used to produce these maps. This thesis establishes a methodology for calibrating and validating a general ACD estimation model using LiDAR in Ecuador´s Yasuní National Park. The size and location of the plots are considered in the model calibration phase as well as the influence of topography and spatial distribution of biomass. Geostatistical analysis techniques are used in combination with geomorphometrics variables derived from LiDAR data, and then a stratified sampling scheme considering topographic positions (valley, slope and ridge) is proposed. The validation of the general model for the study area showed values of RMSE = 5.81 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.94 and bias = 0.59, while considering the topographical positions, the model showed values of RMSE = 1.67 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.98 and bias = 0.23 for the valley; RMSE = 3.13 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.98 and bias = - 0.34 for the slope; and RMSE = 2.33 Mg C ha-1, R2 = 0.97 and bias = 0.74 for the ridge. The results show that the stratified sampling methodology taking into account topographic positions, effectively calibrates the general model with field estimates of ACD, reducing RMSE and bias. The results show the potential of LiDAR data to characterize the vertical structure of vegetation in a highly diverse forest, allowing accurate estimates of ACD, and knowing continuous spatial patterns of biomass distribution and carbon stocks in the study area.


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Los bosques húmedos de montaña se encuentran reconocidos como uno de los ecosistemas más amenazados en el mundo, llegando inclusive a ser considerado como un “hotspot” por su alta diversidad y endemismo. La acelerada pérdida de cobertura vegetal de estos bosques ha ocasionado que, en la actualidad, se encuentren restringidos a una pequeña fracción de su área de distribución histórica. Pese a esto, los estudios realizados sobre cual es efecto de la deforestación, fragmentación, cambios de uso de suelo y su efecto en las comunidades de plantas presentes en este tipo de vegetación aún son muy escuetos, en comparación a los realizados con sus similares amazónicos. En este trabajo, el cual se encuentra dividido en seis capítulos, abordaremos los siguientes objetivos: a) Comprender cuál es la dinámica que han seguido los diferentes tipos de bosques montanos andinos de la cuenca del Rio Zamora, Sur de Ecuador durante entre 1976 y 2002. b) Proveer de evidencia de las tasas de deforestación y fragmentación de todos los tipos diferentes de bosques montanos andinos presentes en la cuenca del Rio Zamora, Sur de Ecuador entre 1976 y 2002. c) Determinar qué factores inducen a la fragmentación de bosques de montaña en la cuenca alta del río Zamora entre 1976 y 2002. d) Determinar cuáles son y cómo afectan los factores ambientales y socioeconómicos a la dinámica de la deforestación y regeneración (pérdida y recuperación del hábitat) sufrida por los bosques de montaña dentro de la zona de estudio y e) Determinar si la deforestación y fragmentación actúan sobre la diversidad y estructura de las comunidades de tres tipos de organismos (comunidades de árboles, comunidades de líquenes epífitos y comunidades de hepáticas epífitas). Este estudio se centró en el cuenca alta del río Zamora, localizada al sur de Ecuador entre las coordenadas 3º 00´ 53” a 4º 20´ 24.65” de latitud sur y 79º 49´58” a 78º 35´ 38” de longitud oeste, que cubre alrededor de 4300 km2 de territorio situado entre las capitales de las provincias de Loja y Zamora-Chinchipe. Con objeto de predecir la dinámica futura de la deforestación en la región de Loja y cómo se verán afectados los diferentes tipos de hábitat, así como para detectar los factores que más influyen en dicha dinámica, se han construido modelos basados en la historia de la deforestación derivados de fotografías aéreas e imágenes satelitales de tres fechas (1976, 1989 y 2002). La cuantificación de la deforestación se realizó mediante la tasa de interés compuesto y para la caracterización de la configuración espacial de los fragmentos de bosque nativo se calcularon índices de paisaje los cuales fueron calculados utilizando el programa Fragstats 3.3. Se ha clasificado el recubrimiento del terreno en forestal y no forestal y se ha modelado su evolución temporal con Modelos Lineales Generalizados Mixtos (GLMM), empleando como variables explicativas tanto variables ambientales espacialmente explícitas (altitud, orientación, pendiente, etc) como antrópicas (distancia a zonas urbanizadas, deforestadas, caminos, entre otras). Para medir el efecto de la deforestación sobre las comunidades modelo (de árboles, líquenes y hepáticas) se monitorearon 11 fragmentos de vegetación de distinto tamaño: dos fragmentos de más de cien hectáreas, tres fragmentos de entre diez y noventa ha y seis fragmentos de menos de diez hectáreas. En ellos se instalaron un total de 38 transectos y 113 cuadrantes de 20 x 20 m a distancias que se alejaban progresivamente del borde en 10, 40 y 80 m. Nuestros resultados muestran una tasa media anual de deforestación del 1,16% para todo el período de estudio, que el tipo de vegetación que más alta tasa de destrucción ha sufrido, es el páramo herbáceo, con un 2,45% anual. El análisis de los patrones de fragmentación determinó un aumento en 2002 de más del doble de fragmentos presentes en 1976, lo cual se repite en el análisis del índice de densidad promedio. El índice de proximidad media entre fragmentos muestra una reducción progresiva de la continuidad de las áreas forestadas. Si bien las formas de los fragmentos se han mantenido bastante similares a lo largo del período de estudio, la conectividad entre estos ha disminuido en un 84%. Por otro lado, de nuestros análisis se desprende que las zonas con mayor probabilidad de deforestarse son aquellas que están cercanas a zonas previamente deforestadas; la cercanía a las vías también influye significativamente en la deforestación, causando un efecto directo en la composición y estructura de las comunidades estudiadas, que en el caso de los árboles viene mediado por el tamaño del fragmento y en el caso del componente epífito (hepáticas y líquenes), viene mediado tanto por el tamaño del fragmento como por la distancia al borde del mismo. Se concluye la posibilidad de que, de mantenerse esta tendencia, este tipo de bosques desaparecerá en corto tiempo y los servicios ecosistémicos que prestan, se verán seriamente comprometidos. ABSTRACT Mountain rainforests are recognized as one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, and have even come to be considered as a “hotspot” due to their high degree of diversity and endemism. The accelerated loss of plant cover of these forests has caused them to be restricted today to a small fraction of their area of historic distribution. In spite of this, studies done on the effect of deforestation, fragmentation, changes in soil use and their effect on the plant communities present in this type of vegetation are very brief compared to those done on their analogues in the Amazon region. In this study, which is divided into six chapters, we will address the following objectives: a) To understand what the dynamic followed by the different types of Andean mountain forests in the Zamora River watershed of southern Ecuador has been between 1976 and 2002. b) To provide evidence of the rates of deforestation and fragmentation of all the different types of Andean mountain forests existing in the upper watershed of the Zamora River between 1976 and 2002. c) To determine the factors that induces fragmentation of all different types of Andean mountain forests existing in the upper watershed of the Zamora River between 1976 and 2002. d) To determine what the environmental and anthropogenic factors are driving the dynamic of deforestation and regeneration (loss and recuperation of the habitat) suffered by the mountain forests in the area of the study and e) To determine if the deforestation and fragmentation act upon the diversity and structure of three model communities: trees, epiphytic lichens and epiphytic liverworts. This study is centered on the upper Zamora River watershed, located in southern Ecuador between 3º 00´ 53” and 4º 20´ 24.65 south latitude and 79º 49´ 58” to 78º 35´ 38” west longitude, and covers around 4,300 km2 of territory located between Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe provinces. For the purpose of predicting the future dynamic of deforestation in the Loja region and how different types of habitats will be affected, as well as detecting the environmental and socioeconomic factors that influence landscape dynamics, models were constructed based on deforestation history, derived from aerial photographs and satellite images for three dates (1976, 1989 and 2002). Quantifying the deforestation was done using the compound interest rate; to characterize the spatial configuration of fragments of native forest, landscape indices were calculated with Fragstats 3.3 program. Land cover was classified as forested and not forested and its evolution over time was modeled with Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM), using spatially explicit environmental variables (altitude, orientation, slope, etc.) as well as anthropic variables (distance to urbanized, deforested areas and roads, among others) as explanatory variables. To measure the effects of fragmentation on three types of model communities (forest trees and epiphytic lichen and liverworts), 11 vegetation fragments of different sizes were monitored: two fragments of more than one hundred hectares, three fragments of between ten and ninety ha and six fragments of fewer than ten hectares . In these fragments, a total of 38 transects and 113 20 x 20 m quadrats were installed at distances that progressively moved away from the edge of the fragment by 10, 40 and 80 m. Our results show an average annual rate of deforestation of 1.16% for the entire period of the study, and that the type of vegetation that suffered the highest rate of destruction was grassy paramo, with an annual rate of 2.45%. The analysis of fragmentation patterns determined the number of fragments in 2002 more than doubled the number of fragments present in 1976, and the same occurred for the average density index. The variation of the average proximity index among fragments showed a progressive reduction of the continuity of forested areas. Although fragment shapes have remained quite similar over the period of the study, connectivity among them has diminished by 84%. On the other hand, it emerged from our analysis that the areas of greatest probability of deforestation were those that are close to previously deforested areas; proximity to roads also significantly favored the deforestation causing a direct effect on the composition of our model communities, that in the case of forest trees is determined by the size of the fragment, and in the case of the epiphyte communities (liverworts and lichens), is determined, by the size of the fragment as well as the distance to edge. A subject under discussion is the possibility that if this tendency continues, this type of forest will disappear in a short time, and the ecological services it provides, will be seriously endangered.