805 resultados para Crocodylidae (all crocodiles)
Speech delivered to the Federation of European Securities Exchanges' 7th European Financial Markets Convention in London in June 2003.
This Thesis deals with the fabrication and characterization of novel all-fiber components for access networks. All fiber components offer distinctive advantages due to low forward and backward losses, epoxy free optical path and high power handling. A novel fabrication method for monolithic 1x4 couplers, which are vital components in distributed passive optical networks, is realized. The fabrication method differs from conventional structures with a symmetric coupling profile and hence offers ultra wideband performance and easy process control. New structure for 1x4 couplers, by fusing five fibers is proposed to achieve high uniformity, which gives equivalent uniformity performance to 1x4 planar lightwave splitters, isolation in fused fiber WDM is improved with integration of long period gratings. Packaging techniques of fused couplers are analyzed for long term stability.
We demonstrate the possibility of realizing, all-optical switching in gold nanosol. Two overlapping laser beams are used for this purpose, due to which a low-power beam passing collinear to a high-power beam will undergo cross phase modulation and thereby distort the spatial profile. This is taken to advantage for performing logic operations. We have also measured the threshold pump power to obtain a NOT gate and the minimum response time of the device. Contrary to the general notion that the response time of thermal effects used in this application is of the order of milliseconds, we prove that short pump pulses can result in fast switching. Different combinations of beam splitters and combiners will lead to the formation of other logic functions too.
This thesis Entitled Studies on transport and magnetic properties of nano particle doped mgb2 superconductor for technological applications.The thesis ahead focuses on the establishment of enhanced superconducting properties in bulk MgB2 via nano particle doping and its conversion into mono/multifilamentary wires. Further, an attempt has also been made to develop prototypes of MgB2 coil and conduction cooled current lead for technological applications. The thesis is configured into 6 chapters. The opening chapter gives an idea on the phenomenon of superconductivity, the various types of superconductors and its applications in different fields. The second chapter is an introduction on MgB2 superconductor and its relevance which includes crystal and electronic structure, superconducting mechanism, basic superconducting properties along with its present international status. The third chapter provides details on the preparation and characterization techniques followed through out the study on MgB2. Fourth chapter discusses the effect of processing temperature and chemical doping using nano sized dopants on the superconducting properties of MgB2• Fifth chapter deals with the optimization of processing parameters and novel preparation techniques for wire fabrication. Sixth chapter furnishes the preparation of multifilamentary wires with various filament configurations, their electromechanical properties and it also incorporates the development of an MgB2 coil and a general purpose conduction cooled current lead.
The electron screening correction in the X-ray transitions in muonic atoms is calculated within a relativistic SCF Hartree-Fock procedure for many transitions and all Z.
Proyecto de iniciativa juvenil financiado por el Programa Europeo Juventud en Acción, junto con la Consejería de Educación, Formación y Empleo de la Región de Murcia, en colaboración con el Instituto de la Juventud. - Textos en distintas lenguas.
Se habla sobre el patrimonio educativo que posee Aragón y se nombra a Rafael Jiménez como persona que impulsó el conocimiento, la difusión y la conservación de estos bienes. También se mencionan y recomiendan algunos libros editados sobre el mismo tema.
En esta comunicación se presentan algunos de los resultados de la investigación: “Las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la universidad como indicador de calidad”, realizada en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y defendida como Tesis Doctoral en el año 2007. La investigación hace un análisis pormenorizado sobre el papel de la Universidad en el proceso de formación de las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la propia Institución, desde la perspectiva de la información que traslada. En este trabajo nos referiremos concretamente al papel de la universidad en el proceso de formación de actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la participación activa en la vida institucional, a partir de la información que la propipia institución les traslada al respecto. Accedimos a una muestra de 554 estudiantes de los últimos cursos universitarios, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario de 327 ítems, en el que se recoge información sobre 55 dimensiones que nos han permitido configurar una completa radiografía de la institución universitaria como contexto de formación
En el monografic que presentem, hi publiquem les ponencies sorgides del seminari de primavera, que, com cada any, organitzem les dones de Duoda. El seminari portava el títol Les relacions d'autoritat i de llibertat en el mercat de treball. Desitjavem donar a conèixer el pensament i els sabers de les dones fruit de la recerca de dotar de sentit la seva experiència femenina en el món del treball, des de la consciencia del que aportem les dones al món amb la nostra diferencia sexual
Esta cartilla recoge una serie de reflexiones sobre temas de actualidad internacional, tratados por jóvenes investigadores de la Universidad del Rosario en un taller realizado a estudiantes de últimos años de colegio. En el texto se describe el proceso de transformación del sistema internacional y el paso de la Guerra Fría a la Globalización. Luego, se explican los principales dilemas que han entrañado para América del Sur la globalización y las dinámicas que determinarán su futuro inmediato. Más adelante se profundiza en el proceso de construcción en el seno de la Unión Europea y se dan luces sobre los desafíos que enfrenta uno de los experimentos de integración regional más avanzados del mundo, pero no por ello exento de vicisitudes. Posteriormente, se describen el conflicto árabe israelí y la guerra en Irak para dar una idea general sobre dos hechos trascendentales para el futuro del Medio Oriente y sobre la relación entre las naciones que lo componen y Occidente. Finalmente se analiza, en lo que tiene que ver con África, el conflicto de Dafur.
Optical transport networks (OTN) must be prepared in terms of better resource utilization, for accommodating unicast and multicast traffic together. Light-trees have been proposed for supporting multicast connections in OTN. Nevertheless when traffic grooming is applied in light-trees, resources can be underutilized as traffic can be routed to undesirable destinations in order to avoid optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversions. In this paper, a novel architecture named S/G light- tree for supporting unicast/multicast connections is proposed. The architecture allows traffic dropping and aggregation in different wavelengths without performing OEO conversions. A heuristic that routes traffic demands using less wavelengths by taking advantage of the proposed architecture is designed as well. Simulation results show that the architecture can minimize the number of used wavelengths and OEO conversions when compared to light-trees
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
All-optical label swapping (AOLS) forms a key technology towards the implementation of all-optical packet switching nodes (AOPS) for the future optical Internet. The capital expenditures of the deployment of AOLS increases with the size of the label spaces (i.e. the number of used labels), since a special optical device is needed for each recognized label on every node. Label space sizes are affected by the way in which demands are routed. For instance, while shortest-path routing leads to the usage of fewer labels but high link utilization, minimum interference routing leads to the opposite. This paper studies all-optical label stacking (AOLStack), which is an extension of the AOLS architecture. AOLStack aims at reducing label spaces while easing the compromise with link utilization. In this paper, an integer lineal program is proposed with the objective of analyzing the softening of the aforementioned trade-off due to AOLStack. Furthermore, a heuristic aiming at finding good solutions in polynomial-time is proposed as well. Simulation results show that AOLStack either a) reduces the label spaces with a low increase in the link utilization or, similarly, b) uses better the residual bandwidth to decrease the number of labels even more
La figura del campesino, primero en Europa y posteriormente en el mundo, por lo general ha estado ligada a estereotipos asociados a la marginalidad, la pobreza y el atraso. Estas representaciones poco a poco han tomado fuerza en nuestra sociedad y parecen inmodificables a través del tiempo. Lo que hace interesante su análisis es el hecho de que en la mayoría de los casos las representaciones no corresponden a la realidad, son contradictorias y se dan como resultado de lecturas poco objetivas construidas por parte de unos pocos.
Exceptions An Example The Throws keyword Try and Catch The flow Multiple exceptions Finally How exceptions are thrown What the complier checks Handle or Defer Recovery Writing your own