996 resultados para Crise hídrica


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O artigo analisa como a luta pela extensão da cidadania faz parte do conflito social típico da época moderna. E hoje encontra-se na dependência de uma remvenção da política e de uma recuperação do Estado.


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Este artigo é o que o seu título indica: notas de leitura. Na tentativa de vincular atividade docente e investigação, procuro aqui sintetizar temas surgidos a partir dos cursos de Filosofia das Ciências Humanas do Instituto de Letras, Ciências Sociais e Educação da Universidade Estadual Paulista (ILCSE — UNESP, Campus de Araraquara). Temas para discussão, eles procuram alinhar formulações que unem questões Clássicas a problemas contemporâneos: a crise da sociedade burguesa e as origens do totalitarismo, a reprodução da maneira burguesa de ver o mundo, a conquista do aparelho de estado, e a revolução social, o pensamento liberal e o totalitarismo. Constitui tentativa (não certamente acabada) de escrever para o leitor-aluno e, ao mesmo tempo, resgatar uma referência a problemas teóricos que necessitam tratamento mais profundo.


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This article focuses on the financial crisis beginning in 2008. Drawing on the work of Lebaron (2010; 2011) and (Grün 2010), the study seeks to grasp the cognitive dimension of the crisis through the discourses produced (and reproduced) by members of the Brazilian government involved in controlling the crisis and by the pension fund sector and its strategies. The method was based on analysis of documents produced by the pension fund sector and the Lula Administration in 2008 and the spinoffs of the discourses and strategies. The text indicates the construction of a discourse emphasizing the importance of state regulation (as opposed to market self-regulation) and the central role of pension funds during the process, since they partially abandoned government bonds and migrated to productive investment, in alliance with the private equity sector, especially in financing construction works under the Growth Acceleration Program.


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This paper aims to analyze the experience of Japan after the collapse of speculative bubbles in assets and the banking crisis in the 1990s. An analysis about the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy is conducted and the measures taken with respect to the banking sector are also discussed in this paper. The Japanese financial crisis experience suggests that the nature, speed and order in which the government implements measures determine, in large part, the magnitude and cost of the crisis. Therefore, in hindsight, it can be said that the following tasks were necessary: 1) recapitalize the banking sector; 2) restore credit; and 3) reinvigorate the economic activity through appropriate fiscal measures.


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Assuming from the very beginning that contemporary democracies cannot work without active parliaments, this article deals with the recurrent image of the crisis of representation of the modern State, that is, with the latter's alleged difficulties to fulfill some of the strategic roles demanded by complex societies in recent times. I contend that the problems of legitimacy in today's political systems are linked with the crisis of the State triggered by the new economic and social structures of contemporary capitalism. According to my hypothesis, the transformations of capitalist society - i.e., of hypermodernity - jeopardized and bypassed representation, which is now facing serious operational issues.


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Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de estudar as respostas fisiológicas de cinco genótipos de eucalipto à disponibilidade hídrica e adubação potássica. As mudas foram plantadas em vasos preenchidos com sete litros de um Neossolo Quartzarênico, com baixo teor natural de potássio (0,2 mmol c.dm-3 K), e submetidas a dois regimes de irrigação (RI1 - diário e RI2 - irrigação suspensa até o aparecimento de sintomas iniciais de murcha), sem (K0) e com suprimento de potássio (K1 - 200 mg.dm-3 K2O), em casa de vegetação. Avaliou-se a taxa fotossintética (A), condutância estomática (gs), transpiração (E), índice de conteúdo de clorofila (ICC), conteúdo relativo de água (CRA), eficiência fotoquímica (Fv/Fm), eficiência intrínseca (EUAintr) e instantânea no uso da água (EUAinst) e potencial hídrico foliar (Ψf). O experimento foi estabelecido no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 x 2 (5 genótipos, 2 regimes de irrigação e 2 níveis de adubação potássica), com cinco repetições. À exceção da eficiência fotoquímica, as demais características apresentaram alterações significativas no regime RI2, com redução nos valores de A, gs e E e aumento em ICC e EUAinst. O suprimento de potássio nas plantas do RI2 proporcionou maiores valores de A, gs, E e CRA. Dos genótipos avaliados, o G1 é o mais resistente e o G2 o mais sensível à deficiência hídrica. Conclui-se que a adubação potássica pode amenizar os efeitos negativos da deficiência hídrica nos estádios iniciais de crescimento de eucalipto.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction among meteorological variables and yield components of six sugarcane varieties and to establish appropriate varietal management at the Coastal Tablelands of the Alagoas State (Brazil). The sugarcane planting was carried out in September 2005, and three cane harvests were made in November 2006, 2007 and 2008. The experimental design was in randomized block with six treatments consisting of the varieties RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003 and RB951541, with four replications. The growth variables evaluated were number and length of stalks, leaf area index, and productivity of stalks and sugar. On average, the crop water balance showed water deficit of 869 mm between September and March and excess of 837 mm from April to August. The irregularity of rainfall in the Coastal Tablelands promoted differential responses in the development and productivity of varieties of sugarcane. Varieties RB93509 and RB931003 are considered options for the varietal management in this region.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the responses of sugar cane subject to water stress by photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a, b, total a + b, ratio chlorophylls a/b and carotenoids) and verify the use of SPAD index as a cultivar differentiation tool. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, where four cultivars (IACSP95-5000, RB835054, RB928064 and SP80-3280) were grown in pots. After 65 days of planting, two treatments were implemented, i.e., with no stress (-D) and with water stress (D +). Cultivars of sugar cane respond differently in relation to photosynthetic pigments when subjected to water deficit. Cultivars IACSP95-5000 and RB928064 have less effect of drought, that is attributed to the ability of maintaining the chlorophyll and carotenoid content, as well as higher SPAD index values under this condition. Water stress affects with more intensity the cultivars RB835054 and SP80-3280 due to higher reductions in photosynthetic pigments and SPAD index. SPAD index is correlated with chlorophyll and carotenoid content in sugar cane and can be used as a technique for selecting tolerant cultivars to drought in breeding programs.


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The aim of this work was to study the physiological responses of three contrasting cultivars of sugar cane subject to water stress and rewatering, The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, where the cultivars SP83-2847, SP80-1842 and SP81-3250 were grown in pots. The first assessment was done after 85 days of planting, then two treatments were implemented, i.e. without water stress (-D) and with water stress (+D) by withholding water for 15 days and rewatering imposed for 12 days after the stress period. Cultivars SP81-3250 and SP80-1842 showed a higher decline in the F-v/F-m ratio, leaf relative water content (RWC), leaf water potential (Psi(w)), SPAD index and photosynthetic pigments due to water deficit. Drought caused less damage in the physiology of the variety SP83-2847, and it still showed rapid recovery during rewatering, including for the stomatal conductance (gs), so this variety had better adaptation under this condition. The traits F-v/F-m, Psi(w), RWC, SPAD index and photosynthetic pigments present as potential physiological indicators in order to select tolerant sugar cane cultivars to water deficit. The trait gs is more effective in differentiating the tolerant cultivars during rewatering.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)