655 resultados para Cosmic conciousness
Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di individuare una strada nella ricerca di un confronto tra canditati eventi di neutrino cosmico da parte dell'esperimento ANTARES ,nel Mar Mediterraneo a sud est della costa di Tolone, in Francia e gli Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays dell'osservatorio Pierre Auger in Argentina. Si utilizzano dati raccolti dal telescopio di neutrini ANTARES tra il 2007 e il 2013, con energie dell'ordine del TeV, e quelli di Auger ottenuti tra il 2004 e il 2014, con energie dei raggi cosmici dell'ordine dell'EeV. Entrambi gli apparati sono basati sulla rivelazione di radiazione Cherenkov, ma l'osservatorio di Auger è dotato di un secondo rivelatore di luminescenza che lavora in sincrono per ridurre gli errori sistematici associati ai singoli rivelatori. Le distribuzioni degli eventi in base alle direzioni di arrivo e dell' energia osservata, sono i parametri necessari per la ricerca di una correlazione. Dalla sovrapposizione delle distribuzioni possiamo evidenziare le zone di visibilità caratteristiche di ciascun esperimento, e condurre un eventuale successiva analisi finalizzata ad una identificazione univoca di eventi coincidenti.
The radiation environment of space presents a significant threat to the reliability of nonvolatile memory technologies. Ionizing radiation disturbs the charge stored on floating gates, and cosmic rays can permanently damage thin oxides. A new memory technology based on the magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) appears to offer superior resistance to radiation effects and virtually unlimited write endurance. A magnetic flip flop has a number of potential applications, such as the configuration memory in field-programmable logic devices. However, using MTJs in a flip flop requires radically different circuitry for storing and retrieving data. New techniques are needed to insure that magnetic flip flops are reliable in the radiation environment of space. We propose a new radiation-tolerant magnetic flip flop that uses the inherent resistance of the MTJ to increase its immunity to single event upset and employs a robust “Pac-man” magnetic element.
The surface of Mars, unshielded by thick atmosphere or global magnetic field, is exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation. This ionising radiation field is deleterious to the survival of dormant cells or spores and the persistence of molecular biomarkers in the subsurface, and so its characterisation is of prime astrobiological interest. Here, we present modelling results of the absorbed radiation dose as a function of depth through the Martian subsurface, suitable for calculation of biomarker persistence. A second major implementation of this dose accumulation rate data is in application of the optically stimulated luminescence technique for dating Martian sediments. We present calculations of the dose-depth profile in the Martian subsurface for various scenarios: variations of surface composition (dry regolith, ice, layered permafrost), solar minimum and maximum conditions, locations of different elevation (Olympus Mons, Hellas basin, datum altitude), and increasing atmospheric thickness over geological history. We also model the changing composition of the subsurface radiation field with depth compared between Martian locations with different shielding material, determine the relative dose contributions from primaries of different energies, and discuss particle deflection by the crustal magnetic fields.
Measuring energy spectra of TeV gamma-ray emission from the Cygnus region of our galaxy with Milagro
High energy gamma rays can provide fundamental clues to the origins of cosmic rays. In this thesis, TeV gamma-ray emission from the Cygnus region is studied. Previously the Milagro experiment detected five TeV gamma-ray sources in this region and a significant excess of TeV gamma rays whose origin is still unclear. To better understand the diffuse excess the separation of sources and diffuse emission is studied using the latest and most sensitive data set of the Milagro experiment. In addition, a newly developed technique is applied that allows the energy spectrum of the TeV gamma rays to be reconstructed using Milagro data. No conclusive statement can be made about the spectrum of the diffuse emission from the Cygnus region because of its low significance of 2.2 σ above the background in the studied data sample. The entire Cygnus region emission is best fit with a power law with a spectral index of α=2.40 (68% confidence interval: 1.35-2.92) and a exponential cutoff energy of 31.6 TeV (10.0-251.2 TeV). In the case of a simple power law assumption without a cutoff energy the best fit yields a spectral index of α=2.97 (68% confidence interval: 2.83-3.10). Neither of these best fits are in good agreement with the data. The best spectral fit to the TeV emission from MGRO J2019+37, the brightest source in the Cygnus region, yields a spectral index of α=2.30 (68% confidence interval: 1.40-2.70) with a cutoff energy of 50.1 TeV (68% confidence interval: 17.8-251.2 TeV) and a spectral index of α=2.75 (68% confidence interval: 2.65-2.85) when no exponential cutoff energy is assumed. According to the present analysis, MGRO J2019+37 contributes 25% to the differential flux from the entire Cygnus at 15 TeV.
In this report we will investigate the effect of negative energy density in a classic Friedmann cosmology. Although never measured and possibly unphysical, the evolution of a Universe containing a significant cosmological abundance of any of a number of hypothetical stable negative energy components is explored. These negative energy (Ω < 0) forms include negative phantom energy (w<-1), negative cosmological constant (w=-1), negative domain walls (w=-2/3), negative cosmic strings (w= -1/3), negative mass (w=0), negative radiation (w=1/3), and negative ultra-light (w > 1/3). Assuming that such universe components generate pressures as perfect fluids, the attractive or repulsive nature of each negative energy component is reviewed. The Friedmann equations can only be balanced when negative energies are coupled to a greater magnitude of positive energy or positive curvature, and minimal cases of both of these are reviewed. The future and fate of such universes in terms of curvature, temperature, acceleration, and energy density are reviewed including endings categorized as a Big Crunch, Big Void, or Big Rip and further qualified as "Warped", "Curved", or "Flat", "Hot" versus "Cold", "Accelerating" versus" Decelerating" versus "Coasting". A universe that ends by contracting to zero energy density is termed a Big Poof. Which contracting universes ``bounce" in expansion and which expanding universes ``turnover" into contraction are also reviewed. The name by which the ending of the Universe is mentioned is our own nomenclature.
Data collected with the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory during the period from January 1, 2004 to March 17, 2015 was examined for evidence of production of long-lived weakly interacting particles in interactions of ultra high energy cosmic rays in the atmosphere. The search was performed using extensive air showers with primary energies more than 10 EeV and arrival directions in the range of 57.5◦ to 77.5◦. There was no evidence of significant production of such particles. An upper limit on the fraction of extensive air showers in which such particles are produced was set.
he physics program of the NA61/SHINE (SHINE = SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) experiment at the CERN SPS consists of three subjects. In the first stage of data taking (2007-2009) measurements of hadron production in hadron-nucleus interactions needed for neutrino (T2K) and cosmic-ray (Pierre Auger and KASCADE) experiments will be performed. In the second stage (2009-2010) hadron production in proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions needed as reference data for a better understanding of nucleus-nucleus reactions will be studied. In the third stage (2009-2013) energy dependence of hadron production properties will be measured in p+p, p+Pb interactions and nucleus-nucleus collisions, with the aim to identify the properties of the onset of deconfinement and find evidence for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. The NA61 experiment was approved at CERN in June 2007. The first pilot run was performed during October 2007. Calibrations of all detector components have been performed successfully and preliminary uncorrected spectra have been obtained. High quality of track reconstruction and particle identification similar to NA49 has been achieved. The data and new detailed simulations confirm that the NA61 detector acceptance and particle identification capabilities cover the phase space required by the T2K experiment. This document reports on the progress made in the calibration and analysis of the 2007 data.
The response of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics to volcanic eruptions and to a decrease in solar activity during the Dalton Minimum is investigated with the fully coupled atmosphere–ocean chemistry general circulation model SOCOL-MPIOM (modeling tools for studies of SOlar Climate Ozone Links-Max Planck Institute Ocean Model) covering the time period 1780 to 1840 AD. We carried out several sensitivity ensemble experiments to separate the effects of (i) reduced solar ultra-violet (UV) irradiance, (ii) reduced solar visible and near infrared irradiance, (iii) enhanced galactic cosmic ray intensity as well as less intensive solar energetic proton events and auroral electron precipitation, and (iv) volcanic aerosols. The introduced changes of UV irradiance and volcanic aerosols significantly influence stratospheric dynamics in the early 19th century, whereas changes in the visible part of the spectrum and energetic particles have smaller effects. A reduction of UV irradiance by 15%, which represents the presently discussed highest estimate of UV irradiance change caused by solar activity changes, causes global ozone decrease below the stratopause reaching as much as 8% in the midlatitudes at 5 hPa and a significant stratospheric cooling of up to 2 °C in the mid-stratosphere and to 6 °C in the lower mesosphere. Changes in energetic particle precipitation lead only to minor changes in the yearly averaged temperature fields in the stratosphere. Volcanic aerosols heat the tropical lower stratosphere, allowing more water vapour to enter the tropical stratosphere, which, via HOx reactions, decreases upper stratospheric and mesospheric ozone by roughly 4%. Conversely, heterogeneous chemistry on aerosols reduces stratospheric NOx, leading to a 12% ozone increase in the tropics, whereas a decrease in ozone of up to 5% is found over Antarctica in boreal winter. The linear superposition of the different contributions is not equivalent to the response obtained in a simulation when all forcing factors are applied during the Dalton Minimum (DM) – this effect is especially well visible for NOx/NOy. Thus, this study also shows the non-linear behaviour of the coupled chemistry-climate system. Finally, we conclude that especially UV and volcanic eruptions dominate the changes in the ozone, temperature and dynamics while the NOx field is dominated by the energetic particle precipitation. Visible radiation changes have only very minor effects on both stratospheric dynamics and chemistry.
The Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) is a prime type of detector for future large-mass neutrino observatories and proton decay searches. In this paper we present the design and operation, as well as experimental results from ARGONTUBE, a LArTPC being operated at the AEC-LHEP, University of Bern. The main goal of this detector is to prove the feasibility of charge drift over very long distances in liquid argon. Many other aspects of the LArTPC technology are also investigated, such as a voltage multiplier to generate high voltage in liquid argon (Greinacher circuit), a cryogenic purification system and the application of multi-photon ionization of liquid argon by a UV laser. For the first time, tracks induced by cosmic muons and UVlaser beam pulses have been observed and studied at drift distances of up to 5 m, the longest reached to date.