998 resultados para Construction en bois -- Indonésie


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Comprend : [Volume I. Frontispice : les richesses provenant du commerce et des échanges entre les Pays-Bas et l'Orient.] [Cote : M10326/Microfilm R 122143] ; [Volume I. Carte en reg. p.1 : carte de la baie de Loms. Norvège, Moscovie et Tartarie.]


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Problématique : En réaction à l'émergence de société plurielle, la communauté médicale a mis en place des outils de prise en charge de l'altérité. Cependant, la culture, issue notamment des origines, des croyances et des expériences est unique à chaque patient et lui sert à appréhender la maladie. Ce pourquoi, les outils de prise en compte de la culture, et de valorisation du patient, peuvent être potentiellement étendus à tous. Objectifs : Déterminer la place de la culture en médecine de famille, les enjeux qui en dépendent et la pertinence de l'utilisation des compétences transculturelles avec tous les patients. Perfectionner ces compétences dans le but de créer un modèle bio-psycho-socio-culturel améliorant la communication et la compréhension entre patients et thérapeutes. Méthodologie : Réalisation d'une revue de la littérature en déterminant comment la culture est intégrée à la médecine sous forme de savoir théorique. Réalisation d'une recherche qualitative de type exploratoire sur la base d'entretiens enregistrés auprès de 7 médecins de famille romands, pour montrer comment la notion de culture est intégrée en pratique. Comparaison entre médecine transculturelle et approche pratique de terrain. Résultats : La culture influe sur toutes les étapes de la consultation. La pratique des médecins est influencée par leur conception de la culture. La construction commune d'une représentation de la maladie, basée sur les conceptions du patient, améliore la collaboration thérapeutique. Les compétences cliniques transculturelles actuelles semblent être applicables à tous, mais nécessitent un léger développement en intégrant l'expérience pratique quotidienne de la médecine de famille. Conclusion : L'utilisation des compétences cliniques transculturelles (savoir, savoir-faire, savoir-être) avec tous les patients est réalisable et peut être affinée d'une quatrième compétence le savoir- percevoir : capacité d'être alerte et réceptif à toute subtilité culturelle qui ressurgit de l'interaction.


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RESUME« L'insertion sociale plurielle des femmes cadres supérieurs en Suisse. Contribution à l'étude du bien-être subjectif au quotidien. Approche intégrative qualitative. »Depuis une quarantaine d'années, nombreux sont les travaux qui étudient les relations entre les différents milieux de vie au quotidien et, plus particulièrement, l'impact de leurs articulations singulières sur la santé. Nous y identifions deux axes principaux : l'un aborde ce phénomène selon une perspective de « conflit travail-famille » en termes de « stress », l'autre se focalise davantage sur la promotion du « bien-être » au travers d'une approche d'« équilibre travail-vie ». Or, l'ensemble de ces recherches considère comme «pathogènes» les désajustements, les contradictions et les tensions vécus au quotidien. Selon cette tendance, le « bien-être » apparaît comme un état d'équilibre ultime indépendant du contexte de vie du sujet. Toutefois, peu de recherches portent sur la dimension située du bien-être dans son rapport à l'activité concrète au sein des milieux deNotre étude s'intéresse à cette question auprès des femmes cadres supérieurs, selon une perspective critique et développementale en psychologie de la santé (Lyons & Chamberlain, 2006 ; Santiago-Delefosse, 2002,2011 ; Malrieu, 1989 ; Vygotski, 1985). En effet, cette population constitue un terrain privilégié pour comprendre le sens donné à l'activité à partir des contraintes, responsabilités et demandes perçues dans des contextes parfois contradictoires, et pour analyser le rôle de ces derniers dans un bien-être subjectif.En cohérence avec notre positionnement théorique, nous avons mené des entretiens qualitatifs focalisés sur l'activité quotidienne auprès de 20 femmes, et ceci en deux temps (T1-T2) (40 entretiens). Les résultats issus des analyses du contenu des discours permettent de définir le vécu de l'articulation des milieux de vie chez nos participantes, selon trois axes à la fois interdépendants et autonomes. Chaque axe se définit par une série de supports spécifiques jouant un rôle structurant dans leur bien-être subjectif. Ainsi, le premier axe se caractérise par des supports de maîtrise subjective, ainsi que par l'appropriation de contraintes sociales et corporelles, selon un rythme de l'activité soutenu. Le deuxième s'accompagne de supports qui favorisent la prise de distance au travers du relâchement du rythme et du lâcher prise de la maîtrise, par la création d'espaces personnels et sociaux « pour soi ». Enfin, le troisième porte sur le positionnement de soi par rapport à autrui en termes de « personnalisation ».Construits en rapport à la corporéité et à autrui au sein de contextes spécifiques, ces différents supports prennent leur sens au sein d'un système de pratiques global, unique pour chaque femme. Selon cette conception critique, le bien-être subjectif chez les femmes cadres se définit comme le fruit d'un processus mouvant issu des tensions vécues entre les trois axes de l'articulation des milieux de vie. Il est par conséquent social, corporel et psychologique.Nos résultats ouvrent des perspectives de recherche et d'intervention, notamment en santé et travail. Ces ouvertures sont orientées vers une approche intégrative en psychologie de la santé, c'est-à-dire, de la prise en compte dans des questions de santé et de bien-être du processus de construction du sujet en relation à son insertion sociale plurielle.ABSTRACT« Plural social participation among women senior managers in Switzerland. Contribution to the study of subjective well-being in everyday life. An integrative and qualitativeapproach.»For the last forty years, a large body of literature has studied the relationships between different social realms in everyday life and, more particularly, the impact of their singular intertwinements with health. We identify two main trends : The first one focuses on this phenomenon through the « work-family conflict » perspective in terms of « stress » whilst the second one is more concerned by the promotion of « well-being » through a « work-life balance » approach. However, both of these trends consider disadjustments, contradictions and tensions in everyday life as « pathogenic ». According to this conception, « well- being » appears as an ultimate state of balance which is indépendant from the subject's life context. Nevertheless, few studies have examined the situated dimension of well-being in its link to concrete activity in social realms.Our research is concerned with this issue among women senior managers from a critical and developmental perspective in Health Psychology (Lyons & Chamberlain, 2006 ; Santiago-Delefosse, 2002, 2011 ; Malrieu, 1989 ; Vygotski, 1985). In fact, this population represents a favourable field so as to study : how the meaning of daily activity is constructed accross different and often conflictive social realms ; to understand the many ways in which this population deals with perceived constraints, responsibilities and requests, and to analyse the role of situated plural activity in subjective well-being.Consitent with our theoretical framework, we have designed a qualitative method. We have conducted two-time (T1-T2) interviews with 20 women by focusing on their daily activity (40 interviews). The Thematic Content Analysis reveals that four different social realms are articulated among our participants through three main axes, which are at the same time interdependent and autonomous. Each one of these axis is defined by a certain number of specific supports that play an important role in these women's subjective well- being. The first axis is concerned by several supports that signify a « feeling of control » along with the appropriation of social and body constraints by means of a rapid pace of activity. The second one regards the use of supports that contribute to « put things into perspective » by means of the slowing down of the pace of activity and through letting go of the feeling of control. This mechanism includes the creation of personal and social spaces of « one's own ». The third axis is defined by the positioning of the self in regard to others through a process of « personnalization ».Developed in specific contexts through the intertwinnements between the body and social others, supports belonging to these axes acquire significance and meaning on the basis of their relationship to a global system of activities of which they are part. However, this articulation is uniquely defined for each participant. According to this critical approach, subjective well-being among women senior managers emerges as a meaningful and changing process, situated in a plural social context. This is, it appears as the result of conflictual interactions defining the three different axis that we have identified. Subjective well-being is hence a social, embodied and psychological phenomena that is closely linked to the articulation of different social realms. Our findings open new research and practice perspectives, especially concerning health and work issues. These perspectives convey an integrative approach in Health Psychology by considering health and well-being by taking into account the process of construction of the subject in regard to his or her plural social participation.


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This phase of the electronic collaboration project involved two major efforts: 1) implementation of AEC Sync (formerly known as Attolist), a web-based project management system (WPMS), on the Broadway Viaduct Bridge Project and the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge Project and 2) development of a web-based project management system for bridge and highway construction projects with less than $10 million in contract value. During the previous phase of this project (fiscal year 2010), the research team helped with the implementation process for AEC Sync and collected feedback from the Broadway Viaduct project team members before the start of the project. During the 2011 fiscal year, the research team collected the post-project surveys from the Broadway Viaduct project members and compared them to the pre-project survey results. The results of the AEC Sync implementation on the Broadway project were positive. The project members were satisfied with the performance of the AEC Sync software and how it facilitated document management and its transparency. In addition, the research team distributed, collected, and analyzed the pre-project surveys for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge Project. The implementation of AEC Sync for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge Project appears to also be positive, based on the pre-project surveys. The fourth phase of this electronic collaboration project involves the identification and implementation of a WPMS solution for smaller bridge and highway projects. The workflow for the shop drawing approval process for sign truss projects was documented and used to identify possible WPMS solutions. After testing and evaluating several WPMS solutions, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation’s site pages were selected to be pilot-tested on sign truss projects. Due to the limitation on the SharePoint license that the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) has, a file transfer protocol (FTP) site will be developed alongside this site to allow contractors to upload shop drawings to the Iowa DOT. The SharePoint site pages are expected to be ready for implementation during the 2012 calendar year.


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Most counties have bridges that are no longer adequate, and are faced with large capital expenditure for replacement structures of the same size. In this regard, low water stream crossings (LWSCs) can provide an acceptable, low cost alternative to bridges and culverts on low volume and reduced maintenance level roads. In addition to providing a low cost option for stream crossings, LWSCs have been designed to have the additional benefit of stream bed stabilization. Considerable information on the current status of LWSCs in Iowa, along with insight of needs for design assistance, was gained from a survey of county engineers that was conducted as part of this research (Appendix A). Copies of responses and analysis are included in Appendix B. This document provides guidelines for the design of LWSCs. There are three common types of LWSCs: unvented ford, vented ford with pipes, and low water bridges. Selection among these depends on stream geometry, discharge, importance of road, and budget availability. To minimize exposure to tort liability, local agencies using low water stream crossings should consider adopting reasonable selection and design criteria and certainly provide adequate warning of these structures to road users. The design recommendations included in this report for LWSCs provide guidelines and suggestions for local agency reference. Several design examples of design calculations are included in Appendix E.


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Apamè, Stratonice et Laodice(s) sont les différents protagonistes de cette thèse qui s'attache à saisir comment les souveraines séleucides participent au pouvoir. Principalement centré sur les identités politiques des reines que l'épigraphie grecque et akkadienne nous permet de re-construire, ce travail se développe chronologiquement. Il débute en 324, lors des noces Suse - qui virent Séleucos épouser la bactrienne Apamè, pour se terminer en 177 par la mention de la reine Laodice, la mère du roi Séleucos IV. Nous avons, par ce travail, démontré que les reines séleucides participent pleinement au pouvoir et ce dès le début de la constitution du royaume. Les souveraines mobilisent l'administration, écrivent aux cités, possèdent une autonomie financière grâce aux domaines qu'elles détiennent et disposent de réseaux d'influence personnels. Les identités qu'elles se construisent les lient notamment à la fécondité et leur permettent d'avoir un domaine d'action politique particulier inaccessible au roi. Elles sont en ce sens des partenaires politiques indispensables qui soutiennent à la fois la perpétuation du pouvoir royal et le maintien du territoire séleucide. Si par ce travail nous avons focalisé notre attention sur les basilissai, le cas de la première épouse d'Antiochos II nous a permis de mettre en évidence la polygamie des souverains, l'organisation « hiérarchique » des différentes épouses du roi ainsi que les stratégies développées par le pouvoir séleucide pour désigner celle dont sera issus le successeur. Enfin, le pouvoir séleucide, tel que nous l'avons décrit, ne permet plus de défendre les hypothèses de répudiation ou de régence des souveraines séleucides avancées pour les cas des épouses d'Antiochos II et d'Antiochos III.


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La notion d'intersubjectivité est au coeur des débats contemporains dans le champ de la psychologie. L'intersubjectivité traverse en effet les différentes approches de la psychologie, des neurosciences à la psychologie sociale, des perspectives développementales aux approches psychoaffectives de la personnalité, des contextes de l'apprentissage à ceux du soin. Cet ouvrage collectif, premier volume de la collection Actualités psychologiques, se propose de faire le point sur cette notion et d'apporter des pistes actuelles de compréhension aux enjeux de la place de l'autre et de l'altérité dans la construction du sujet. Des chercheurs de renommée internationale, de Suisse et de différents pays européens, apportent ici leur contribution, dans différents domaines de la psychologie, invitant au dialogue entre les modèles théoriques qui sous-tendent la notion d'intersubjectivité et entre les méthodologies qui permettent d'en appréhender la dynamique. Contribution exceptionnelle, cet ouvrage est à destination de tous, psychologues praticiens et professionnels de la relation, chercheurs et étudiants en psychologie ou dans des disciplines connexes. Il permet d'approcher l'intersubjectivité comme une notion tout à la fois familière et complexe, au service de la rencontre de l'autre.


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General principles • Everyone at the construction site, particularly foremen and supervisors, is responsible for recognizing and troubleshooting potential problems as they arise. • Batches of concrete should be consistent and uniformly mixed. • A major cause of pavement failure is unstable subgrade. The subgrade should consist of uniform material, and the subgrade system must drain well. • Dowel bars are important for load transfer at transverse joints on pavements with high truck volumes. Dowels must be carefully aligned, horizontally and vertically, to prevent pavement damage at the joints. • Stringlines control the slipform paver’s horizontal and vertical movement and ensure a smooth pavement profile. Once stringlines are set, they should be checked often and not disturbed. • Overfinishing the new pavement and/or adding water to the surface can lead to pavement surface problems. If the concrete isn’t sufficiently workable, crews should contact the project manager. Changes to the mixture or to paver equipment may reduce the problem. • Proper curing is critical to preventing pavement damage from rapid moisture loss at the pavement surface. • A well spaced and constructed system of joints is critical to prevent random cracking. • Joints are simply controlled cracks. They must be sawed during the brief time after the pavement has gained enough strength to prevent raveling but before it begins to crack randomly (the “sawing window”). • Seasonal and daily weather variations affect setting time and other variables in new concrete. Construction operations should be adjusted appropriately.


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This document provides language that can be used by an Owner-Agency to develop materials and construction specifications with the objective of reducing tire/pavement noise. While the practices described herein are largely prescriptive, they have been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of constructing a durable, quieter concrete surface.


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This document provides language that can be used by an Owner-Agency to develop materials and construction specifications with the objective of reducing tire/pavement noise. While the practices described herein are largely prescriptive, they have been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of constructing a durable, quieter concrete surface. Guidance is provided herein for texturing the concrete surface since texture geometry has a paramount effect on tire/pavement noise. Guidance for curing is also provided to improve strength and durability of the surface mortar, and thus to improve texture durability.


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This document provides language that can be used by an Owner-Agency to develop materials and construction specifications with the objective of reducing tire/pavement noise. While the practices described herein are largely prescriptive, they have been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of constructing a durable, quieter concrete surface. Guidance is provided herein for texturing the concrete surface since texture geometry has a paramount effect on tire/pavement noise. Guidance for curing is also provided to improve strength and durability of the surface mortar, and thus to improve texture durability.


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ABSTRACT The removal of thick layers of soil under native scrubland (Cerrado) on the right bank of the Paraná River in Selvíria (State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) for construction of the Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Power Plant caused environmental damage, affecting the revegetation process of the stripped soil. Over the years, various kinds of land use and management systems have been tried, and the aim of this study was to assess the effects of these attempts to restore the structural quality of the soil. The experiment was conducted considering five treatments and thirty replications. The following treatments were applied: stripped soil without anthropic intervention and total absence of plant cover; stripped soil treated with sewage sludge and planted to eucalyptus and grass a year ago; stripped soil developing natural secondary vegetation (capoeira) since 1969; pastureland since 1978, replacing the native vegetation; and soil under native vegetation (Cerrado). In the 0.00-0.20 m layer, the soil was chemically characterized for each experimental treatment. A 30-point sampling grid was used to assess soil porosity and bulk density, and to assess aggregate stability in terms of mean weight diameter (MWD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD). Aggregate stability was also determined using simulated rainfall. The results show that using sewage sludge incorporated with a rotary hoe improved the chemical fertility of the soil and produced more uniform soil pore size distribution. Leaving the land to develop secondary vegetation or turning it over to pastureland produced an intermediate level of structural soil quality, and these two treatments produced similar results. Stripped soil without anthropic intervention was of the lowest quality, with the lowest values for cation exchange capacity (CEC) and macroporosity, as well as the highest values of soil bulk density and percentage of aggregates with diameter size <0.50 mm, corroborated by its lower organic matter content. However, the percentage of larger aggregates was higher in the native vegetation treatment, which boosted MWD and GMD values. Therefore, assessment of some land use and management systems show that even decades after their implementation to mitigate the degenerative effects resulting from the installation of the Hydroelectric Plant, more efficient approaches are still required to recover the structural quality of the soil.


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This paper describes the improvement that took place in the Spanish transport system between 1800 and 1936. The text points out that, despite the investment efforts that were carried out between 1840 and 1855, the process of transport cost reduction only experienced substantial progress after 1855. The largest transport cost decrease of the period under consideration took place during the three decades between 1855 and the great depression of the late nineteenth century, through the substitution of the railroad for the traditional transport means in the main routes of the country, as well as through the gradual reduction of the price of railway transport. The process went on more slowly later on, thanks to the construction of additional raillway lines (until 1895) and the enlargement of the secondary road network. The process of transport cost reduction accelerated again from the 1920s onwards, thanks to the diffusion of the automobile technology.


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This paper is aimed at describing the impact of infrastructure on the economic evolution of Central Pyrenees (i.e., Huesca and the Catalan"Alt Pirineu"). The text analyses if investment in railways, roads and dams favoured economic development or, on the contrary, was just an instrument to extract domestic resources. The paper distinguishes among three different periods. Firstly, during the second half of the nineteenth century and the first few years of the twentieth century, the lack of railway connections prevented the economic development of the area. Secondly, between the first decades of the twentieth century and 1975, a road network was set up that reinforced the economic decadence of the most depressed valleys, and the construction of large dams was a powerful factor of depopulation all over the region. Finally, from 1975 onwards, some trends may be observed towards the correction of the previous policies.