918 resultados para Conjugated heat transfer


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Poultry carcasses have to be chilled to reduce the central breast temperatures from approximately 40 to 4 °C, which is crucial to ensure safe products. This work investigated the cooling of poultry carcasses by water immersion. Poultry carcasses were taken directly from an industrial processing plant and cooled in a pilot chiller, which was built to investigate the influence of the method and the water stirring intensity on the carcasses cooling. A simplified empiric mathematical model was used to represent the experimental results. These results indicated clearly that the understanding and quantification of heat transfer between the carcass and the cooling water is crucial to improve processes and equipment. The proposed mathematical model is a useful tool to represent the dynamics of carcasses cooling, and it can be used to compare different chiller operational conditions in industrial plants. Therefore, this study reports data and a simple mathematical tool to handle an industrial problem with little information available in the literature.


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In this work, bromelain was recovered from ground pineapple stem and rind by means of precipitation with alcohol at low temperature. Bromelain is the name of a group of powerful protein-digesting, or proteolytic, enzymes that are particularly useful for reducing muscle and tissue inflammation and as a digestive aid. Temperature control is crucial to avoid irreversible protein denaturation and consequently to improve the quality of the enzyme recovered. The process was carried out alternatively in two fed-batch pilot tanks: a glass tank and a stainless steel tank. Aliquots containing 100 mL of pineapple aqueous extract were fed into the tank. Inside the jacketed tank, the protein was exposed to unsteady operating conditions during the addition of the precipitating agent (ethanol 99.5%) because the dilution ratio "aqueous extract to ethanol" and heat transfer area changed. The coolant flow rate was manipulated through a variable speed pump. Fine tuned conventional and adaptive PID controllers were on-line implemented using a fieldbus digital control system. The processing performance efficiency was enhanced and so was the quality (enzyme activity) of the product.


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In this study, water uptake by poultry carcasses during cooling by water immersion was modeled using artificial neural networks. Data from twenty-five independent variables and the final mass of the carcass were collected in an industrial plant to train and validate the model. Different network structures with one hidden layer were tested, and the Downhill Simplex method was used to optimize the synaptic weights. In order to accelerate the optimization calculus, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to preprocess the input data. The obtained results were: i) PCA reduced the number of input variables from twenty-five to ten; ii) the neural network structure 4-6-1 was the one with the best result; iii) PCA gave the following order of importance: parameters of mass transfer, heat transfer, and initial characteristics of the carcass. The main contributions of this work were to provide an accurate model for predicting the final content of water in the carcasses and a better understanding of the variables involved.


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This thesis addresses the coolability of porous debris beds in the context of severe accident management of nuclear power reactors. In a hypothetical severe accident at a Nordic-type boiling water reactor, the lower drywell of the containment is flooded, for the purpose of cooling the core melt discharged from the reactor pressure vessel in a water pool. The melt is fragmented and solidified in the pool, ultimately forming a porous debris bed that generates decay heat. The properties of the bed determine the limiting value for the heat flux that can be removed from the debris to the surrounding water without the risk of re-melting. The coolability of porous debris beds has been investigated experimentally by measuring the dryout power in electrically heated test beds that have different geometries. The geometries represent the debris bed shapes that may form in an accident scenario. The focus is especially on heap-like, realistic geometries which facilitate the multi-dimensional infiltration (flooding) of coolant into the bed. Spherical and irregular particles have been used to simulate the debris. The experiments have been modeled using 2D and 3D simulation codes applicable to fluid flow and heat transfer in porous media. Based on the experimental and simulation results, an interpretation of the dryout behavior in complex debris bed geometries is presented, and the validity of the codes and models for dryout predictions is evaluated. According to the experimental and simulation results, the coolability of the debris bed depends on both the flooding mode and the height of the bed. In the experiments, it was found that multi-dimensional flooding increases the dryout heat flux and coolability in a heap-shaped debris bed by 47–58% compared to the dryout heat flux of a classical, top-flooded bed of the same height. However, heap-like beds are higher than flat, top-flooded beds, which results in the formation of larger steam flux at the top of the bed. This counteracts the effect of the multi-dimensional flooding. Based on the measured dryout heat fluxes, the maximum height of a heap-like bed can only be about 1.5 times the height of a top-flooded, cylindrical bed in order to preserve the direct benefit from the multi-dimensional flooding. In addition, studies were conducted to evaluate the hydrodynamically representative effective particle diameter, which is applied in simulation models to describe debris beds that consist of irregular particles with considerable size variation. The results suggest that the effective diameter is small, closest to the mean diameter based on the number or length of particles.


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Työn teoreettisessa osuudessa tehdään katsaus kiertoleijupetiteknologian eri osa-alueisiin: leijupedin virtausdynamiikkaan, hiukkaserottimeen ja kiintoaineen palautusmekanismiin. Myös teknologian historiaa ja muita käyttötarkoituksia energiantuotannon ohella käydään läpi. Termodynamiikkaa sekä lämmönsiirron ja voimalaitosprosessien teoriaa käsitellään mallinnuksessa tarvittavilta osin. Mallinnusosiossa käydään läpi kiertoleijupetihöyrykattilan matemaattisen mallin tekoprosessia. Malli perustuu yleisesti saatavilla oleviin yhtälöihin ja korrelaatioihin. Mallintaminen koostuu höyrykattilan jakamisesta lämpöpintoihin ja niiden mitoittamisesta. Mallissa esitetään myös näkemys siitä, miten lämpö siirtyy savukaasuun ja miten petimateriaalin kierto tapahtuu tulipesässä.


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä kerrotaan meesauunin rakenteesta ja toiminnasta osana sulfaattisellutehtaan kalkkikiertoa. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosan ohella tehdään meesauunimalli, jonka avulla hahmotetaan lämmönsiirron ja lämpötilojen käyttäytymistä meesauunissa. Meesauunin tehtävänä sellutehtaan kalkkikierrossa on muuntaa meesan sisältämä kalsiumkarbonaatti poltetuksi kalkiksi eli kalsiumoksidiksi. Kalsiumoksidia tarvitaan kaustisointireaktion aikaansaamiseksi. Kaustisointireaktiossa regeneroidaan sellunkeiton keittokemikaaleja ja samalla syntyy kalsiumkarbonaattia. Kalsiumkarbonaatin hajottaminen kalsiumoksidiksi ja hiilidioksidiksi vaatii suuret lämpötilat ja paljon lämpöenergiaa. Tämä toteutetaan uunissa polttimella, joka on asennettuna rumpu-uunin polttopäähän. Meesa kulkee uunissa syöttöpäästä kohti poltinta uunin pyöriessä akselinsa ympäri. Reagoinut poltettu kalkki poistetaan uunista, jäähdytetään, murskataan ja kuljetetaan siiloon varastoon.


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Höyryvoimalaitoksen käyttöönotossa muodostuu kattilaputkien sisäpinnoille niitä korroosiolta suojaava ohut metallioksidikerros. Tämän kerroksen päälle kasvaa kattilan käytön aikana haitallista kerrostumaa paikallisen korroosion tai kattilavedessä olevien epäpuhtauksien kerääntymisen tai kiteytymisen seurauksena. Kerrostuma haittaa lämmönsiirtoa tulipesästä putkiseinämän läpi kattilaveteen. Putkien lämpötilan nousu suunniteltua korkeammaksi kasvattaa putkivaurioiden ja sisäpuolisen korroosion riskiä. Tästä johtuen paksuksi kasvaneet kerrostumat pyritään poistamaan happokäsittelyllä eli peittauksella ennen vaurioiden syntyä. Perinteisesti kerrostumapaksuus on määritetty kattilasta irrotetuista näyteputkista mikroskoopilla. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia uudenlaisen ultraäänimittauksen teoriaa ja selvittää sen toimivuus höyrystinputkien kerrostumapaksuusmittauksissa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia voimalaitoksen höyrystimen sisäpuolisten kerrostumien muodostumista ja niiden vaikutuksia sekä kattilan peittaustarpeen arviointia. Höyrystimen kerrostumien kasvunopeuteen vaikuttavat eniten voimalaitostyyppi, käytetty vesikemia ja kattilaveteen kulkeutuvien epäpuhtauksien määrä. Kasvunopeus vaihtelee laitosten välillä suuresti ja eroaa myös tulipesän eri kohdissa. Kattilaveden epäpuhtauspitoisuus ja kerrostumapaksuus vaikuttavat molemmat korroosiovaurioiden todennäköisyyteen. Peittauspaksuuden ohjearvoissa tulisi huomioida kattilan käyttöpaine, kattilatyyppi ja riski kattilaveden laadun heikkenemiselle. Putkinäytteistä ja laitoksilla suoritettujen mittauksien perusteella uusi ultraäänitekniikka tuottaa luotettavia tuloksia tavanomaisten kerrostumien mittauksessa. Vain yhdellä laitoksella esiintyi irtonaisen sakan kaltaista kerrostumaa, jota mittaus ei kyennyt havaitsemaan. Mittaustulokset kerrostumista tulipesän eri osissa antavat hyvän perustan peittaustarpeen arviointiin.


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The aim of this thesis was to examine efficiency of freeze crystallization and eutectic freeze crystallization in purification of wastewater by imitating natural freezing. In addition, a mathematic model based on heat transfer to determine ice thickness and ice growth rate was examined. Also, the amount of sodium sulfate crystallized at the eutectic point was under investigation. In literature part, advantages and applications of the freeze crystallization are discussed, and possibility to apply it in Northern hemisphere winter weather conditions is under study. Furthermore, main sources of sodium sulfate from Finnish industries are described. The experiments were carried out in modified chest freezer, where a fan was placed in order to obtain laminar air flow inside. Picolog PT-104 data logger was used to monitor temperature changes in the salt-water solution, and constant temperature was maintained in the crystallizer with Lauda RP 850 thermostat. The impurity of formed ice layer was determined by weighing ice samples after experiment and again after 24 hours drying to full dryness in oven. Volume of salt-water solution was also measured after experiment. The highest purity of formed ice layer was obtained with small temperature difference and with long freezing time. On the other hand, the amount of crystallized sodium sulfate was its greatest with long freezing time and higher temperature difference. The results obtained by the mathematic model and empirical results did not differ significantly in most of the experiments. However, the difference increased when salt-water mixture reached its eutectic point, leading to simultaneous ice and salt crystallization. Eutectic point was reached only with the highest salt concentration with one exception. In these cases, calculated values were in many cases greater than the experimental ones. In winter weather conditions freeze crystallization is cost-effective wastewater treatment method and rather simple. Nonetheless, the efficiency and separation rate are strongly depended on ambient temperature and its changes


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Les changements climatiques mesurés dans le Nord-ouest canadien au cours du XXIe siècle entraînent une dégradation du pergélisol. Certaines des principales conséquences physiques sont la fonte de la glace interstitielle lors du dégel du pergélisol, l’affaissement du sol et la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage. L’effet est particulièrement marqué pour les routes bâties sur le pergélisol, où des dépressions et des fentes se créent de façon récurrente, rendant la conduite dangereuse. Des observations et mesures de terrain effectuées à Beaver Creek (Yukon) entre 2008 et 2011 ont démontré qu’un autre processus très peu étudié et quantifié dégradait le pergélisol de façon rapide, soit la chaleur transmise au pergélisol par l’écoulement souterrain. Suite aux mesures de terrain effectuées (relevé topographique, étude géotechnique du sol, détermination de la hauteur de la nappe phréatique et des chenaux d’écoulement préférentiels, température de l’eau et du sol, profondeur du pergélisol et de la couche active), des modèles de transfert de chaleur par conduction et par advection ont été produits. Les résultats démontrent que l’écoulement souterrain dans la couche active et les zones de talik contribue à la détérioration du pergélisol via différents processus de transfert de chaleur conducto-convectifs. L’écoulement souterrain devrait être pris en considération dans tous les modèles et scénarios de dégradation du pergélisol. Avec une bonne caractérisation de l’environnement, le modèle de transfert de chaleur élaboré au cours de la présente recherche est applicable dans d’autres zones de pergélisol discontinu.


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Les hétérojonctions formées de deux matériaux, un donneur et un accepteur (D/A), sont la base de la majorité des mélanges photovoltaïques organiques. Les mécanismes de séparation des charges dans ces systèmes représentent aujourd'hui l'un des sujets les plus chauds et les plus débattus dans ce domaine. Nous entrons au coeur de ce débat en choisissant un système D/A à base de phtalocyanine de cuivre (CuPc) et de fullerène (C60). Pour sonder les états excités de nos molécules et obtenir de l'information sur les phénomènes à l'interface D/A, nous réalisons une expérience pompe-sonde, appelée absorption photoinduite (PIA). Nous y mesurons le changement fractionnaire de transmission au travers de l'échantillon. Les mesures de PIA sont réalisées à l'état de quasi équilibre, à T=10K. Nous observons une modulation prononcée dans la région du photoblanchiment de l'état fondamental qui nous indique que la pompe induit un décalage du spectre d'absorption de l'état fondamental. Ce décalage peut être expliqué par deux processus : soit l'échantillon est chauffé par la pompe (effet thermique) ou bien des charges sont créées à l'interface entre les deux matériaux (effet Stark). La dépendance en température du spectre d'absorption entre 10K et 290K montre une signature thermique pour un changement de température de 80K. Grâce au ratio des raies Raman anti-Stokes et Stokes, nous démontrons que la pompe chauffe l'échantillon de 34 K, température insuffisante pour attribuer notre signal à un effet thermique. Nous évaporons ensuite la bicouche CuPc/C60 sur de l'ITO et du saphir, substrats qui possèdent des conductivités thermiques différentes et nous observons le même signal de PIA, excluant par le fait même l'hypothèse de l'effet thermique. Puisque notre étude est comparable à la spectroscopie à effet Stark, nous procédons à une analyse similaire en comparant notre signal de PIA au spectre de la transmittance et à ses dérivés première et seconde. Nous observons alors que notre signal reproduit presque parfaitement la dérivée seconde de la transmittance. Ces résultats sont conformes à une signature optique d'effet Stark due à la création de charges à l'interface D/A.


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Afin de mieux comprendre les effets des changements climatiques sur le pergélisol, il s’avère essentiel d’obtenir une meilleure connaissance des facteurs physiques et biologiques l’influençant. Même si plusieurs études font référence à l’influence de la végétation sur le pergélisol à grande échelle, l’effet de la végétation sur la profondeur du front de dégel du pergélisol à l’échelle de mètres, tel qu’exploré ici, est peu connu. L’étude s’est effectuée dans une forêt boréale tourbeuse dans la zone à pergélisol discontinu au sud des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (N61°18’, O121°18’). Nous avons comparé la profondeur de dégel aux mesures du couvert végétal suivantes : densité arborescente, couvert arbustif, indice de surface foliaire et présence de cryptogames (lichens et bryophytes). Nous avons trouvé qu’une plus grande densité arborescente menait à une moins grande profondeur de dégel tandis que le couvert arbustif (<50cm de hauteur) n’avait aucune influence. De plus, la profondeur de dégel dépendait de l’espèce des cryptogames et des microformes. Cette recherche quantifie l’influence de la végétation par strate sur la dégradation du pergélisol. Ultimement, les résultats pourront être pris en considération dans la mise en place des modèles, afin de valider les paramètres concernant la végétation, la dégradation du pergélisol et le flux du carbone.


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Dual beam mode-matched thermal lens method has been employed to measure the heat diffusion in nanofluid of silver with various volumes of rhodamine 6G, both dispersed in water. The important observation is an indication of temperature dependent diffusivity and that the overall heat diffusion is slower in the chemically prepared Ag sol compared to that of water. The experimental results can be explained assuming that Brownian motion is the main mechanism of heat transfer under the present experimental conditions. Light induced aggregation of the nanoparticles can also result in an anomalous diffusion behavior.


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature.


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature