974 resultados para Congenital malformation


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Patients with congenital malformations, traumatic or pathological mutilation and maxillofacial developmental disorders can be restored aesthetically and emotionally by the production and use of facial prostheses. The aim of this study was to review the literature about the retention and processing methods of facial prostheses, and discuss their characteristics. A literature review on Medline (PubMed) database was performed by using the keywords maxillofacial prosthesis, silicone, resin, pigment, cosmetic, prosthetic nose, based on articles published from 1956 to 2010. Several methods of retention, from adhesives to the placement of implants, and different processing methods such as laser, CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping technologies have been reported. There are advantages and disadvantages of each procedure, and none can be classified as better compared to others.


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We evaluated associations between the concentrations of heat shock proteins (hsp60 and hsp70) and their respective antibodies, alterations in maternal reproductive performance, and fetal malformations in pregnant rats with hyperglycemia. Mild diabetes (MD) or severe diabetes (SD) was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats prior to mating; non-treated non-diabetic rats (ND) served as controls. On day 21 of pregnancy, maternal blood was analyzed for hsp60 and hsp70 and their antibodies; and fetuses were weighed and analyzed for congenital malformations. Hsp and anti-hsp levels were correlated with blood glucose levels during gestation. There was a positive correlation between hsp60 and hsp70 levels and the total number of malformations (R∈=∈0.5908, P∈=∈0.0024; R∈=∈0.4877, P∈=∈0.0134, respectively) and the number of malformations per fetus (R∈=∈0.6103, P∈=∈0.0015; R∈=∈0.4875, P∈=∈0.0134, respectively). The anti-hsp60 IgG concentration was correlated with the number of malformations per fetus (R∈=∈0.3887, P∈=∈0.0451) and the anti-hsp70 IgG level correlated with the total number of malformations (R∈=∈0.3999, P∈=∈0.0387). Moreover, both hsp and anti-hsp antibodies showed negative correlations with fetal weight. The results suggest that there is a relationship between hsp60 and hsp70 levels and their respective antibodies and alterations in maternal reproductive performance and impaired fetal development and growth in pregnancies associated with diabetes. © 2012 Cell Stress Society International.


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Hereditary or acquired cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) is commonly diagnosed in Holstein, Guernsey, Shorthorn and Jersey cattle. Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) has been associated to acquired CH due to viral infection during the second trimester of pregnancy. Stricken calf usually shows ataxia, hypermetria, opisthotonus, intentional tremor and wide-based stance when in standing position. Three newborn calves were referred to the FCAV/Unesp Veterinary Teaching Hospital because of neurological distress. The clinical presentation, similar in all cases, indicated CH. Two weeks later, clinical signs did not improve and euthanasia was performed. Macroscopic examination revealed a gelatinous serosanguineous fluid over the brain surface and within the cervical spinal canal. Histologically the cerebellum had disorganization of the internal granular layer and moderate disappearance of Purkinje cells. The observed clinical signs and nervous tissue lesions were consistent with congenital cerebellar syndrome, possibly associated to viral infection during fetal development. Despite CH has been assumed to be related to BVD, blue tongue and Akabane viruses, only the BVD etiology has been already identified in Brazil.


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In vitro production and somatic cell nuclear transfer are biotechnologies widely used for breeding cattle, although may result in congenital anomalies. This paper aims to report a set of congenital anomalies in two Nelore calves, a male and a female, produced through in vitro fertilization. The major anomalies revealed at necropsy were hypospadias, bifid scrotum, atresia ani and rectum ending in blind pouch in the male calf. In the female calf accessory spleen, atresia ani, underdevelopment of extern genitalia and urethral orifice, and rectum ending in blind pouch forming a uterus-rectum fistula were observed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A Rubéola é uma virose exantemática geralmente de evolução benigna, mas quando adquirida durante a gestação, pela teratogenicidade do vírus, pode provocar a Síndrome da Rubéola Congênita caracterizada por malformações fetais e aborto espontâneo. Com o objetivo de descrever o perfil soroepidemiológico da Rubéola de pacientes referenciados ao Instituto Evandro Chagas/SVS/MS nos períodos prévacinal(1989 a 1999) e pós-vacinal (2000 a 2005), foi realizado estudo retrospectivo do banco de dados de 34.221 amostras, cujos testes sorológicos foram analisados através da técnica de pesquisa de IgM e IgG por ELISA com kits do laboratório DADE BEHRING®. A taxa de infecção encontrada foi de 17,2% no período prévacinal e de 4,0% no pós-vacinal. Entre a sintomatologia apresentada no período pré-vacinal, a linfadenopatia teve maior taxa com 38,4% e no pós-vacinal a artralgia com 11,3%. Nas mulheres em idade fértil, a média da taxa de imunes foi de 78,3% e 84,4% no período pré e pós-vacinal, respectivamente. A taxa de infecção em gestantes no período pré-vacinal foi de 9,3% e no pós-vacinal 1,6%. Os recémnascidos infectados corresponderam a 2,1% no período pré e 1,0% no período pósvacinal nesses, houve predomínio de catarata e cardiopatia isoladas ou em associação. Foi concluído que houve diferença significante entre as frequências de todos os segmentos estudados, em relação aos períodos pré e pós-vacinal, confirmando a eficácia da vacina na prevenção da Rubéola e da SRC, tal fato realça a necessidade de se ampliar as coberturas vacinais para impedir a circulação do VR no país, cumprindo assim o acordo de eliminação até o ano 2010.


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This paper describes the occurrence of cor triatriatum sinister, a rare cardiac malformation in dogs, associated with pulmonary edema and pulmonary hypertension in a 5-year-old Poodle female with history of acute dyspnea and cyanosis. The animal presented acute respiratory failure, heart failure with low cardiac output, progressing to acute tubular necrosis and death. The diagnosis was made posmortem due to the clinical instability of the dog. This malformation was diagnosed by the subdivision of the left atrium into two compartments separated by an abnormal fibromuscular membrane, absence of structural abnormalities of the mitral valve and thickening of pulmonary artery tunica media associated with renal tubular degeneration. The occurrence of cor triatriatum in dogs is most common in the right atrium, defined as cor triatriatum dexter. Additionally, pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with this malformation is described only in humans with this heart defect.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An 8-month-old Lhasa Apso female dog was referred to the Veterinary Hospital, FMVZ, Unesp, Botucatu Campus, with suspected congenital renal disorder. Ultrasound images revealed higher renal echogenicity, loss of corticomedullary demarcation and diverticular mineralization on the right kidney. The mucosal lining of the stomach was hyperechoic and radiographic examination demonstrated mineralization of wall and folds, which is consistent with uremic gastropathy.


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Tetralogy of Fallot is a complex cardiac malformation characterized by four anatomical defects: pulmonary valve stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, interventricular septal defect and aortic dextroposition. Imaging techniques are useful in the diagnosis of this disease, such as radiography for screening and Doppler echocardiography for a definitive diagnosis. Our objective is to report the radiographic and Doppler echocardiographic aspects of a tetralogy of Fallot case in a 10 month-old Border Collie dog.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of early fetoscopictracheal occlusion (FETO) (22–24 weeks’ gestation) onpulmonary response and neonatal survival in cases ofextremely severe isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia(CDH). Methods: This was a multicenter study involving fetuseswith extremely severe CDH (lung-to-head ratio < 0.70,liver herniation into the thoracic cavity and no otherdetectable anomalies). Between August 2010 and December 2011, eight fetuses underwent early FETO. Datawere compared with nine fetuses that underwent standard FETO and 10 without fetoscopic procedure fromJanuary 2006 to July 2010. FETO was performed undermaternal epidural anesthesia, supplemented with fetalintramuscular anesthesia. Fetal lung size and vascularitywere evaluated by ultrasound before and every 2 weeksafter FETO. Postnatal therapy was equivalent for bothtreated fetuses and controls. Primary outcome was infantsurvival to 180 days and secondary outcome was fetalpulmonary response. Results: Maternal and fetal demographic characteristicsand obstetric complications were similar in the threegroups (P > 0.05). Infant survival rate was significantlyhigher in the early FETO group (62.5%) comparedwith the standard group (11.1%) and with controls(0%) (P < 0.01). Early FETO resulted in a significantimprovement in fetal lung size and pulmonary vascularitywhen compared with standard FETO (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Early FETO may improve infant survival byfurther increases of lung size and pulmonary vascularityin cases with extremely severe pulmonary hypoplasia inisolated CDH. This study supports formal testing of thehypothesis with a randomized controlled trial.


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The purpose of this study was to report a case of bilateral swelling on the floor of the mouth of a 7-month-old patient. The lesion was congenital and had started to cause feeding problems. After the clinical diagnosis of ranula was made, the lesion was marsupialized. The obtained specimen was submitted for histopathological examination, which revealed an epithelial-lined cystic lesion. These results led to the final diagnosis of mucus retention cyst. After an 8-year follow-up period, the patient is in good general health with no recurrences.


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In this study the authors present the frequency and types of congenital heart malformations (CHM) among Down Syndrome (DS) patients emphasizing the prevention of infectious endocarditis (IE) with appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis (ABP). Out of 390 DS patients, 312 (80%) were considered free from any CHM. 78 (20%) presented some CHM; from these 11,54% (n=9) have more than one CHM; ABP to prevent IE was recommended for 41,03% (n=32). Ventricular septal defect was the most frequent CHM (20,51%, n=16). Dentists must know about the patients’ cardiologic diagnosis before a treatment that could cause bleeding, because they have to administer antibiotics to prevent IE. Although some CHM doesn’t need ABP, according to the protocol of the American Heart Association, there are systemic conditions in DS that are relevant to the prescription of antibiotics.


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This study evaluated the potential of congenital transmission in goats experimentally infected and reinfected with Toxoplasma gondii, in three gestational stages (initial, intermediate and final). Of the 25 non-pregnant females negative for T. gondii, 20 were orally inoculated with 2.5 x 103 T. gondii ME49 oocysts. Of these, 15 pregnant females chronically infected were reinoculated, via oral, with 2.5 x 103 T. gondii VEG oocysts. Five experimental groups were formed (n=5): I, II and III (reinoculations in the initial, intermediate and final gestational stage, respectively), IV (inoculation) and V (no inoculation). Clinical and serological exams (IgG IFAT [indirect immunofluorescence antibody test]) in different days of evaluation, and bioassay and PCR were performed in all goats. In the infected goats with T. gondii a peak of 40.2°C (IV) at nine, seroconversion (IgG≥64) at 21 and stabilization (IgG<1024) at 119 days postinoculation were observed. In the reinfected goats with T. gondii occurred an increase in IgG titers (≥1,024) at 28 (I), 7 (II) and 3 (III) days post-reinoculation. During kidding were observed only in the reinfected groups: dystocia, malformation body, stillbirth and weakness, and IgG anti-Toxoplasma were detected in all and in some offsprings of the reinfected and infected goats, respectively. Tissue parasitism by T. gondii was diagnosed by bioassay and PCR in infected and reinfected goats and in their offspring. The congenital toxoplasmosis was possible in goats chronically infected and reinfected with T. gondii. The primary infection with T. gondii did not protect the pregnant goats against congenital disease resulting from toxoplasmic reinfection, in different gestational stages (initial, intermediate and final).