969 resultados para Computer generated works
The p120 RasGAP protein negatively regulates Ras via its GAP domain. RasGAP carries several other domains that modulate several signaling molecules such as Rho. RasGAP is also a caspase-3 substrate. One of the caspase-3-generated RasGAP fragments, corresponding to amino acids 158-455 and called fragment N2, was previously reported to specifically sensitize cancer cells to death induced by various anticancer agents. Here, we show that fragment N2 inhibits migration in vitro and that it impairs metastatic progression of breast cancer to the lung. Hence, stress-activated caspase-3 might contribute to the suppression of metastasis through the generation of fragment N2. These results indicate that the activity borne by fragment N2 has a potential therapeutic relevance to counteract the metastatic process.
Bacillus spp. based larvides are increasingly replacing, with numerous advantages, chemical insecticides in programmes for controlling black fly and mosquito populations. Brazil was among the pioneers in adopting Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i) to control black flies. However, the major current mosquito control programme in Brazil, the Programme for Eradication of Aedes aegypti launched in 1997, only recently decided to replace temephos by B.t.i based larvicides, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In the last decade, works developed by research groups in Brazilian institutions have generated a significant contribution to this subject through the isolation of B. sphaericus new strains, the development of new products and the implementation of field trials of Bacillus efficacy against mosquito species under different environmental conditions.
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are probabilistic models that are well adapted to many tasks in bioinformatics, for example, for predicting the occurrence of specific motifs in biological sequences. MAMOT is a command-line program for Unix-like operating systems, including MacOS X, that we developed to allow scientists to apply HMMs more easily in their research. One can define the architecture and initial parameters of the model in a text file and then use MAMOT for parameter optimization on example data, decoding (like predicting motif occurrence in sequences) and the production of stochastic sequences generated according to the probabilistic model. Two examples for which models are provided are coiled-coil domains in protein sequences and protein binding sites in DNA. A wealth of useful features include the use of pseudocounts, state tying and fixing of selected parameters in learning, and the inclusion of prior probabilities in decoding. AVAILABILITY: MAMOT is implemented in C++, and is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). The software, documentation, and example model files can be found at http://bcf.isb-sib.ch/mamot
The primary purpose of the Cross-Border conference was the pooling of experience and expertise in relation to health promotion initiatives currently being implemented in Northern Ireland and in the Republic. The main focus of the conference was the identification of effective health promotion strategies and projects designed to achieve health gain and social gain for older people in both parts of the island Download the Report here
This publication is part of research undertaken for the Springboard Family Support Initiative. Springboard is one of the most important initiatives of any Government in recent times to support vulnerable families. It aims to support families which are experiencing difficulties in providing adequate care and protection for their children through community based centres which work in partnership not only with other local service providers but with the families themselves. Download the Report here
RÉSUMÉ Le système rénine-angiotensine joue un rôle prépondérant dans la régulation de la pression sanguine et de la balance des sels ainsi que dans d'autres processus physiologiques et pathologiques. Lorsque la pression sanguine est trop basse, les cellules juxtaglomérulaires sécrètent la rénine, qui clivera l'angiotensinogène circulant (sécrété majoritairement par le foie) pour libérer l'angiotensine I, qui sera alors transformée en angiotensine II par l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine. Ce système est régulé au niveau de la sécrétion de la rénine par le rein. La rénine est une enzyme de type protéase aspartique. Elle est produite sous la forme d'un précurseur inactif de haut poids moléculaire appelé prorénine, qui peut être transformé en rénine active. Si le rôle de la prorégion de la rénine n'est pas encore connu, plusieurs études ont montré qu'elle pourrait être un auto-inhibiteur. Des travaux menés sur d'autres enzymes protéolytique ont mis en évidence un rôle de chaperon de leurs prorégions. Dans la circulation, la prorénine est majoritaire (90%) et la rénine active ne représente que 10% de la rénine circulante. L'enzyme qui transforme, in vivo, la prorénine en rénine active n'est pas connue. De même, l'endroit précis du clivage n'est pas élucidé. Dans ce travail, nous avons généré plusieurs mutants de la prorénine et les avons exprimés dans deux types cellulaires : les CV1 (modèle constitutif) et AtT-20 (modèle régulé). Nous avons montré que la prorégion joue un rôle important aussi bien dans l'acquisition de l'activité enzymatique que dans la sécrétion de la rénine, mais fonctionne différemment d'un type cellulaire à l'autre. Nous avons montré pour la première fois que la prorégion interagit de façon intermoléculaire à l'intérieur de la cellule. Les expériences de complémentation montre que l'interaction favorable de la rénine avec la prorégion dépend de la taille de cette dernière : prorénine (383 acides aminés) > pro62 (62 acides aminés) > pro43 (43 acides aminés). Par ailleurs nos résultats montrent qu'une faible partie de la rénine est dirigée vers la voie de sécrétion régulée classique tandis que la majorité est dirigée vers les lysosomes. Ceci suggère qu'une internalisation de la rénine circulante via le récepteur mannose-6-phosphate est possible. Cette dernière concernerait essentiellement la prorénine (dont les taux circulants sont 10 fois plus élevés que la rénine active). La suite de ce travail porterait sur la confirmation de cette hypothèse et l'identification de son possible rôle physiologique. SUMMARY The renin-angiotensin system is critical for the control of blood pressure and salt balance and other physiological and pathological processes. When blood pressure is too low, renin is secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells. It will cleave the N-terminus of circulating angiotensinogen (mostly secreted by the liver) to angiotensin-1, which is then transformed in angiotensin-II by the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE). This system is regulated at the level of renin release. Renin, an aspartyl protease, is produced from a larger precursor (called prorenin) which is matured into active renin. Although the role of the renin proregion remains unknown, it has been reported that it could act as an autoinhibitor. Works on other proteolytic enzymes showed that their prorégion can act as chaperones. prorenin is the major circulating form of renin, while active renin represents only 10%. The enzyme which transforms, in vivo, the prorenin into active renin is unknown and the exact cleavage site remains to be elucidated. In this study, we generated some prorenin mutants, which were expressed in CV1 cells (constitutive pathway model) or AtT-20 cells (regulated pathway model). We showed that the proregion plays a pivotal role in the enzymatic activity and secretion of renin in a different manner in the two cell types. For the first time, it has been demonstrated that the proregion acts in an intermolecular way into the cell. Complementation assays showed that interaction between renin and proregion depends on the size of the proregion: prorenin (383 amino acids) > pro62 (62 amino acids) > pro43 (43 amino acids). Furthermore, our results showed that only a small amount of the cellular renin pool is targeted to the "canonical" regulated pathway and that the remaining is targeted to the lysosomes. Those results suggest a possible internalizátion of the circulating renin through the mannose-6-phosphate receptor pathway. This would mostly concern the prorenin (whose levels are ten times higher than active renin). Further studies would confirm or infirm this hypothesis and elucidate a potential physiological role.
The identification of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals is a long standing issue in population genetics. A recent Bayesian algorithm implemented in the software STRUCTURE allows the identification of such groups. However, the ability of this algorithm to detect the true number of clusters (K) in a sample of individuals when patterns of dispersal among populations are not homogeneous has not been tested. The goal of this study is to carry out such tests, using various dispersal scenarios from data generated with an individual-based model. We found that in most cases the estimated 'log probability of data' does not provide a correct estimation of the number of clusters, K. However, using an ad hoc statistic DeltaK based on the rate of change in the log probability of data between successive K values, we found that STRUCTURE accurately detects the uppermost hierarchical level of structure for the scenarios we tested. As might be expected, the results are sensitive to the type of genetic marker used (AFLP vs. microsatellite), the number of loci scored, the number of populations sampled, and the number of individuals typed in each sample.
Aquest treball tracta de l'estudi i creació de la interfície d'una aplicació que reculli les dades de control generades en un procés productiu real en una petita planta de fabricació amb cinc treballadors.
El presente documento describe los trabajos realizados en el ámbito del Proyecto Fin de Carrera de la titulación de Ingeniería Informática de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya para la creación de un nuevo índice espacial para la extensión JASPA sobre H2. En él se detallan el análisis y desarrollo realizados así como la documentación generada durante su proceso de creación.
Actualment seria impensable la existència d'una xarxa d'informació com Internet sense la existència dels motors de cerca. Gràcies a ells, qualsevol usuari tenim al nostre abast la possibilitat d'obtenir informació sobre qualsevol tema només enviant una consulta des dels nostres ordinadors i rebent una resposta en qüestió de segons. Entre els usuaris dels cercadors d'Internet és molt habitual que les consultes facin referència a la empresa on treballem, la ciutat on vivim, els llocs que visitem, o inclús sobre problemes que tenim o malalties que patim amb l'objectiu de trobar opinions, consells o solucions. En resum, els usuaris, a través de les nostres consultes, proporcionem a diari als motors de cerca informació sobre nosaltres mateixos i sobre la nostra identitat que, juntament amb la adreça IP de la màquina des d'on fem les nostres consultes, ens fa perdre l'anonimat dins dels seus sistemes. Sobre aquesta problemàtica és del que tracta el present Projecte de Final de Carrera. En ell s'ha implementat una solució de la proposta especificada per Alexandre Viejo i Jordi Castellà-Roca en la seva publicació "Using social networks to disort users' profiles generated by web search engines", en la qual es documenten una sèrie de protocols de seguretat i d'algorismes de protecció i distribució que garanteixen la privacitat de la identitat dels usuaris dins dels motors de cerca aprofitant per aquest fi la relació existent entre aquests usuaris a través de les xarxes socials.
En aquest treball s'exposa un petit estudi de la tecnologia Android, també es fa un anàlisi de la realitat augmentada i del framework LookAR. Es comença amb una visió general del funcionament d'Android, es repassa el concepte de realitat augmentada i s'analitzen diferents eines de treball per RA. Es fa una descripció del funcionament de LookAR i s'analitzen les eines per a mapes GoogleMaps i OpenstreetMaps. Finalment es realitza una aplicació en Android amb quatres funcionalitats. Una funció de càmera de realitat augmentada amb el framework Lookar, una funció de GoogleMaps per mostrar la nostra ubicació en un mapa, una altre funció per mostrar la localització via GPS o WIFI i finalment una funció per mostrar una llista de diferents punts d'interès que s'utilitzaran per mostrar informació sobre el mapa i en la càmera de realitat augmentada.