889 resultados para Common graves
Monte Carlo simulations were used to generate data for ABAB designs of different lengths. The points of change in phase are randomly determined before gathering behaviour measurements, which allows the use of a randomization test as an analytic technique. Data simulation and analysis can be based either on data-division-specific or on common distributions. Following one method or another affects the results obtained after the randomization test has been applied. Therefore, the goal of the study was to examine these effects in more detail. The discrepancies in these approaches are obvious when data with zero treatment effect are considered and such approaches have implications for statistical power studies. Data-division-specific distributions provide more detailed information about the performance of the statistical technique.
OBJECTIVE: The natural course of chronic hepatitis C varies widely. To improve the profiling of patients at risk of developing advanced liver disease, we assessed the relative contribution of factors for liver fibrosis progression in hepatitis C. DESIGN: We analysed 1461 patients with chronic hepatitis C with an estimated date of infection and at least one liver biopsy. Risk factors for accelerated fibrosis progression rate (FPR), defined as ≥0.13 Metavir fibrosis units per year, were identified by logistic regression. Examined factors included age at infection, sex, route of infection, HCV genotype, body mass index (BMI), significant alcohol drinking (≥20 g/day for ≥5 years), HIV coinfection and diabetes. In a subgroup of 575 patients, we assessed the impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms previously associated with fibrosis progression in genome-wide association studies. Results were expressed as attributable fraction (AF) of risk for accelerated FPR. RESULTS: Age at infection (AF 28.7%), sex (AF 8.2%), route of infection (AF 16.5%) and HCV genotype (AF 7.9%) contributed to accelerated FPR in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study, whereas significant alcohol drinking, anti-HIV, diabetes and BMI did not. In genotyped patients, variants at rs9380516 (TULP1), rs738409 (PNPLA3), rs4374383 (MERTK) (AF 19.2%) and rs910049 (major histocompatibility complex region) significantly added to the risk of accelerated FPR. Results were replicated in three additional independent cohorts, and a meta-analysis confirmed the role of age at infection, sex, route of infection, HCV genotype, rs738409, rs4374383 and rs910049 in accelerating FPR. CONCLUSIONS: Most factors accelerating liver fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C are unmodifiable.
Presentamos el proyecto CLARIN, un proyecto cuyo objetivo es potenciar el uso de instrumentos tecnológicos en la investigación en las Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
The number of qualitative research methods has grown substantially over the last twenty years, both in social sciences and, more recently, in the health sciences. This growth came with questions on the quality criteria needed to evaluate this work, and numerous guidelines were published. The latters include many discrepancies though, both in their vocabulary and construction. Many expert evaluators decry the absence of consensual and reliable evaluation tools. The authors present the results of an evaluation of 58 existing guidelines in 4 major health science fields (medicine and epidemiology; nursing and health education; social sciences and public health; psychology / psychiatry, research methods and organization) by expert users (article reviewers, experts allocating funds, editors, etc.). The results propose a toolbox containing 12 consensual criteria with the definitions given by expert users. They also indicate in which disciplinary field each type of criteria is known to be more or less essential. Nevertheless, the authors highlight the limitations of the criteria comparability, as soon as one focuses on their specific definitions. They conclude that each criterion in the toolbox must be explained to come to broader consensus and identify definitions that are consensual to all the fields examined and easily operational.
Exposure to organochlorines induces retinoid deficiency in mammals; hence, retinoids are potential biomarkers of the impact of these pollutants. Appropriate target tissues to monitor retinoids in cetaceans have not been properly identified because of a lack of information on the contribution of each tissue to total body retinoids. Therefore, we have addressed this issue by studying the contribution of the main body tissues to retinoids in 21 common dolphins obtained from incidental catches and in apparent good health and nutritive condition. Although concentrations in the liver were highest, those in blubber were also high and accounted for 43% of the total retinoid load of the compartments examined. As blubber can be obtained using non-invasive biopsy techniques, this tissue is proposed as a reliable indicator of retinoid status in cetaceans. However, blubber topographical variation in structure and composition requires standardization of sampling sites. Retinoid concentrations did not differ significantly between sexes or with body size for any of the tissues, but the lipid content of blubber strongly influenced these concentrations. Biopsies from healthy, free-ranging individuals are preferred to samples from stranded animals. Further research on the influence of factors (age, sex, reproductive condition, diet) that potentially affect retinoid levels is required to implement the use of retinoids as biomarkers of pollutant exposure in cetaceans.
OBJETIVO: Diferentes métodos são usados para determinar atividade do radioiodo para tratamento de hipertireoidismo (doença de Graves). Alguns não consideram a dose absorvida pela tireóide ou os parâmetros necessários para este cálculo. A relação entre dose absorvida e atividade administrada depende da meia-vida efetiva, da captação do iodo e da massa da tireóide de cada paciente. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia para tratamento individualizado com 131I em pacientes portadores de hipertireoidismo da doença de Graves. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Usou-se um simulador de tireóide-pescoço desenvolvido no Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria contendo solução de 131I, para calibração da gama-câmara e sonda cintilométrica do Serviço de Medicina Nuclear do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. RESULTADOS: O campo de visão colimador-detector apresentou valores compatíveis com o tamanho da glândula para as distâncias de 25 cm (sonda de captação) e 45,8 cm (gama-câmara). Os fatores de calibração (cpm/kBq) foram 39,3 ± 0,78 e 4,3 ± 0,17, respectivamente. O intervalo entre 14 e 30 horas da curva de retenção permite o cálculo de atividade entre dois pontos, para determinação da meia-vida efetiva do iodo na tireóide. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização de equipamentos usualmente disponíveis em serviços de medicina nuclear é viável, tornando esta metodologia simples, eficaz e de baixo custo.
Deletions in the 2p16.3 region that includes the neurexin (NRXN1) gene are associated with intellectual disability and various psychiatric disorders, in particular, autism and schizophrenia. We present three unrelated patients, two adults and one child, in whom we identified an intragenic 2p16.3 deletion within the NRXN1 gene using an oligonucleotide comparative genomic hybridization array. The three patients presented dual diagnosis that consisted of mild intellectual disability and autism and bipolar disorder. Also, they all shared a dysmorphic phenotype characterized by a long face, deep set eyes, and prominent premaxilla. Genetic analysis of family members showed two inherited deletions. A comprehensive neuropsychological examination of the 2p16.3 deletion carriers revealed the same phenotype, characterized by anxiety disorder, borderline intelligence, and dysexecutive syndrome. The cognitive pattern of dysexecutive syndrome with poor working memory and reduced attention switching, mental flexibility, and verbal fluency was the same than those of the adult probands. We suggest that in addition to intellectual disability and psychiatric disease, NRXN1 deletion is a risk factor for a characteristic cognitive and dysmorphic profile. The new cognitive phenotype found in the 2p16.3 deletion carriers suggests that 2p16.3 deletions might have a wide variable expressivity instead of incomplete penetrance
The Ebro Delta holds a large seabird community, including a common tern (Sterna hirundo) local population of 3,085 pairs in 2000 which breeds scattered in several colonies. At El Canalot colony, 1,178 (1999) and 1,156 pairs (2000) of this species bred distributed in 32 and 38 sub-colonies respectively. These sub-colonies varied in size from 1 to 223 pairs and were placed near the main breeding colonies of yellow-legged gulls (Larus cachinnans) and Audouin´s gulls (L. audouinii), which are potential egg-predators of terns. We studied egg predation during 1999 (6 sub-colonies) and 2000 (27 sub-colonies). Overall, we found that 10.6% of the nests in 1999 and 16.7% in 2000 suffered partial or total egg predation, being total in 81.1% of the predatory events. Predation was significantly higher in small sub-colonies (< 11 pairs): 49.4% in 1999 and 75.5% in 2000. Only attacks from yellow-legged gulls were observed, and defence behaviour of terns was significantly more frequent against this gull species (40.5 hours of observation), suggesting that in most cases the egg predation recorded was due to this species. Probability of egg predation was significantly and negatively correlated with distance to the nearest yellow-legged gull sub-colony, although this relationship was no more significant after adjustment for sub-colony size. On the other hand, distance to the nearest Audouin´s gull sub-colony did not show any effect. Our results suggest that the impact of large gulls (at least yellow-legged gulls) upon smaller seabirds breeding in the area might be important, especially when they are breeding in small sub-colonies. Further studies are needed to analyse the general impact of large gulls upon the breeding populations of other colonial bird species in the area.
Many people regard the concept of hypothesis testing as fundamental to inferential statistics. Various schools of thought, in particular frequentist and Bayesian, have promoted radically different solutions for taking a decision about the plausibility of competing hypotheses. Comprehensive philosophical comparisons about their advantages and drawbacks are widely available and continue to span over large debates in the literature. More recently, controversial discussion was initiated by an editorial decision of a scientific journal [1] to refuse any paper submitted for publication containing null hypothesis testing procedures. Since the large majority of papers published in forensic journals propose the evaluation of statistical evidence based on the so called p-values, it is of interest to expose the discussion of this journal's decision within the forensic science community. This paper aims to provide forensic science researchers with a primer on the main concepts and their implications for making informed methodological choices.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mudança no perfil e abordagem dos pacientes com doença de Graves submetidos a dose terapêutica de radioiodo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Avaliamos, retrospectivamente, 226 pacientes portadores de doença de Graves submetidos a dose terapêutica de radioiodo entre janeiro de 1990 e dezembro de 2001. O período de 12 anos foi dividido em três períodos de 4 anos para fins de análise estatística, sendo comparadas variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais nos períodos descritos. RESULTADOS: Constatamos que o número de pacientes encaminhados para a dose terapêutica, assim como o percentual de pacientes do sexo feminino (de 62% para 86%; p = 0,005), tiveram incremento significativo. Houve aumento significativo no percentual de pacientes em uso de metimazol previamente à dose terapêutica (de 9,1% para 35,6%; p = 0,03). A dose média de iodo administrada também teve incremento significativo (de 7,6 mCi para 12,7 mCi; p = 0,000003), com reflexo direto em um maior percentual de pacientes curados (de 55,6% para 83,7%; p = 0,004) um ano pós-dose terapêutica. CONCLUSÃO: A dose terapêutica de radioiodo tem sido um método cada vez mais aceito nos pacientes com doença de Graves e a dose administrada tem sido cada vez maior, no intuito de cura permanente e diminuição das chances de recidiva.
Spermiogenesis in Molluscotaenia crassiscolex begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing two centrioles. One of the centrioles develops a flagellum directly into the cytoplasmic extension. The nucleus elongates and later migrates along the spermatid body. During advanced stages of spermiogenesis, a periaxonemal sheath appears in the spermatid. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of a single helicoidal crested body at the base of the spermatid and, finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes causes the detachment of the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of M. crassiscolex exhibits a partially detached crested body in the anterior region of the spermatozoon, one axoneme, twisted cortical microtubules, a periaxonemal sheath, and a spiralled nucleus. The anterior spermatozoon extremity is characterized by the presence of an electron-dense apical cone and a single spiralled crested body, which is attached to the sperm cell in the anterior and posterior areas of region I, whereas in the middle area it is partially detached from the cell. This crested body is described for the first time in cestodes. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits only the disorganizing axoneme. Results are discussed and compared particularly with the available ultrastructural data on dilepidids sensu lato.
Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructural characters of the spermatozoon of Echinobothrium euterpes are described by means of transmission electron microscopy, including cytochemical analysis for glycogen. Materials were obtained from a common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatos caught in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia). Spermiogenesis in E. euterpes is characterized by the orthogonal development of two unequal flagella followed by the flagellar rotation and the proximodistal fusion of these flagella with the median cytoplasmic process. The most interesting pattern characterizing the diphyllidean cestodes is the presence of a triangular body constituted by fines and dense granules without visible striation and assimilated at the striated rootlets. This pattern, only related in the Diphyllidea cestodes may be a synapomorphy of this order. Spermiogenesis is also characterized by the presence of a very short flagellum (around 1 μm long), observed in all the stages of spermiogenesis. This type of flagellum has never been commented in the diphyllidean cestodes and should be considered as an evolved character in this group. In the latest stage of spermiogenesis, this short axoneme probably degenerates. Thus, the mature spermatozoon of E. euterpes possesses only one axoneme of 9 + '1' trepaxonematan pattern. It also exhibits a single helical electron-dense crested body, a spiraled nucleus, few parallel cortical microtubules, and α-glycogen granules. Similitudes and differences between spermatozoa of diphyllideans are discussed.
Demonstration of survival and outcome of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in a 56-year-old patient with common variable immunodeficiency, consisting of severe hypogammaglobulinemia and CD4+ T lymphocytopenia, during continuous treatment with mirtazapine (30 mg/day) and mefloquine (250 mg/week) over 23 months. Regular clinical examinations including Rankin scale and Barthel index, nine-hole peg and box and block tests, Berg balance, 10-m walking tests, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were done. Laboratory diagnostics included complete blood count and JC virus (JCV) concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The noncoding control region (NCCR) of JCV, important for neurotropism and neurovirulence, was sequenced. Repetitive MRI investigated the course of brain lesions. JCV was detected in increasing concentrations (peak 2568 copies/ml CSF), and its NCCR was genetically rearranged. Under treatment, the rearrangement changed toward the archetype sequence, and later JCV DNA became undetectable. Total brain lesion volume decreased (8.54 to 3.97 cm(3)) and atrophy increased. Barthel (60 to 100 to 80 points) and Rankin (4 to 2 to 3) scores, gait stability, and box and block (7, 35, 25 pieces) and nine-hole peg (300, 50, 300 s) test performances first improved but subsequently worsened. Cognition and walking speed remained stable. Despite initial rapid deterioration, the patient survived under continuous treatment with mirtazapine and mefloquine even though he belongs to a PML subgroup that is usually fatal within a few months. This course was paralleled by JCV clones with presumably lower replication capability before JCV became undetectable. Neurological deficits were due to PML lesions and progressive brain atrophy.