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An emerging idea is that long-term alcohol abuse results in changes in gene expression in the brain and that these changes are responsible at least partly for alcohol tolerance, dependence and neurotoxicity, The overall goal of our research is to identify genes which are differentia[ly expressed in the brains of well-characterized human alcoholics as compared with non-alcoholics. This should identify as-yet-unknown alcohol-responsive genes, and may well confirm changes in the expression of genes which have been delineated in animal models of alcohol abuse. Cases were carefully selected and samples pooled on the basis of relevant criteria; differential expression was monitored by microarray hybridization. The inherent diversity of human alcoholics can be exploited to identify genes associated with specific pathological processes, as well as to assess the effects of concomitant disease, severity of brain damage, drinking behavior, and factors such as gender and smoking history. initial results show selective changes in gene expression in alcoholics; of particular importance is a coordinated reduction in genes coding for myelin components, Copyright (C) 2001 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel.
We solve the Sp(N) Heisenberg and SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg models on the anisotropic triangular lattice in the large-N limit. These two models may describe respectively the magnetic and electronic properties of the family of layered organic materials K-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X, The Heisenberg model is also relevant to the frustrated antiferromagnet, Cs2CuCl4. We find rich phase diagrams for each model. The Sp(N) :antiferromagnet is shown to have five different phases as a function of the size of the spin and the degree of anisotropy of the triangular lattice. The effects of fluctuations at finite N are also discussed. For parameters relevant to Cs2CuCl4 the ground state either exhibits incommensurate spin order, or is in a quantum disordered phase with deconfined spin-1/2 excitations and topological order. The SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg model exhibits an insulating dimer phase, an insulating box phase, a semi-metallic staggered flux phase (SFP), and a metallic uniform phase. The uniform and SFP phases exhibit a pseudogap, A metal-insulator transition occurs at intermediate values of the interaction strength.
The generalization of the quasi mode theory of macroscopic quantization in quantum optics and cavity QED presented in the previous paper, is applied to provide a fully quantum theoretic derivation of the laws of reflection and refraction at a boundary. The quasi mode picture of this process involves the annihilation of a photon travelling in the incident region quasi mode, and the subsequent creation of a photon in either the incident region or transmitted region quasi modes. The derivation of the laws of reflection and refraction is achieved through the dual application of the quasi mode theory and a quantum scattering theory based on the Heisenberg picture. Formal expressions from scattering theory are given for the reflection and transmission coefficients. The behaviour of the intensity for a localized one photon wave packet coming in at time minus infinity from the incident direction is examined and it is shown that at time plus infinity, the light intensity is only significant where the classical laws of reflection and refraction predict. The occurrence of both refraction and reflection is dependent upon the quasi mode theory coupling constants between incident and transmitted region quasi modes being nonzero, and it is seen that the contributions to such coupling constants come from the overlap of the mode functions in the boundary layer region, as might be expected from a microscopic theory.
Computational simulations of the title reaction are presented, covering a temperature range from 300 to 2000 K. At lower temperatures we find that initial formation of the cyclopropene complex by addition of methylene to acetylene is irreversible, as is the stabilisation process via collisional energy transfer. Product branching between propargyl and the stable isomers is predicted at 300 K as a function of pressure for the first time. At intermediate temperatures (1200 K), complex temporal evolution involving multiple steady states begins to emerge. At high temperatures (2000 K) the timescale for subsequent unimolecular decay of thermalized intermediates begins to impinge on the timescale for reaction of methylene, such that the rate of formation of propargyl product does not admit a simple analysis in terms of a single time-independent rate constant until the methylene supply becomes depleted. Likewise, at the elevated temperatures the thermalized intermediates cannot be regarded as irreversible product channels. Our solution algorithm involves spectral propagation of a symmetrised version of the discretized master equation matrix, and is implemented in a high precision environment which makes hitherto unachievable low-temperature modelling a reality.
Resonance phenomena associated with the unimolecular dissociation of HO2 have been investigated quantum-mechanically by the Lanczos homogeneous filter diagonalization (LHFD) method. The calculated resonance energies, rates (widths), and product state distributions are compared to results from an autocorrelation function-based filter diagonalization (ACFFD) method. For calculating resonance wave functions via ACFFD, an analytical expression for the expansion coefficients of the modified Chebyshev polynomials is introduced. Both dissociation rates and product state distributions of O-2 show strong fluctuations, indicating the dissociation of HO2 is essentially irregular. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
We have utilised the combination of sensitivity and specificity afforded by coupling high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to a tandem mass spectrometer (MS-MS) to produce an assay which is suitable for assaying glutathione (GSH) concentrations in liver tissue. The sensitivity suggests it may also be suitable for extrahepatic tissues, The method has been validated for GSH using mouse liver samples and also allows the assay of GSSG. The stability of GSH under conditions relevant to the assay has been determined. A 20-mul amount of a diluted methanol extract of tissue is injected with detection limits of 0.2 pmol for GSH and 2 pmol for GSSG. The HPLC uses an Altima C-18 (150X4.6 mm, 5 mum) column at 35 degreesC. Chromatography utilises a linear gradient from 0 to 10% methanol in 0.1% formic acid over 5 min, with a final isocratic stage holding at 10% methanol for 5 min. Total flow rate is 0.8 ml/min. The transition from the M+H ion (308.1 m/z for GSH, and 613.3 m/z for GSSG) to the 162.0 m/z (GSH) and 355.3 m/z (GSSG) fragments are monitored. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Petrov-Galerkin methods are known to be versatile techniques for the solution of a wide variety of convection-dispersion transport problems, including those involving steep gradients. but have hitherto received little attention by chemical engineers. We illustrate the technique by means of the well-known problem of simultaneous diffusion and adsorption in a spherical sorbent pellet comprised of spherical, non-overlapping microparticles of uniform size and investigate the uptake dynamics. Solutions to adsorption problems exhibit steep gradients when macropore diffusion controls or micropore diffusion controls, and the application of classical numerical methods to such problems can present difficulties. In this paper, a semi-discrete Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for numerically solving adsorption problems with steep gradients in bidisperse solids is presented. The numerical solution was found to match the analytical solution when the adsorption isotherm is linear and the diffusivities are constant. Computed results for the Langmuir isotherm and non-constant diffusivity in microparticle are numerically evaluated for comparison with results of a fitted-mesh collocation method, which was proposed by Liu and Bhatia (Comput. Chem. Engng. 23 (1999) 933-943). The new method is simple, highly efficient, and well-suited to a variety of adsorption and desorption problems involving steep gradients. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The vacancy solution theory of adsorption is re-formulated here through the mass-action law, and placed in a convenient framework permitting the development of thermodynamic ally consistent isotherms. It is shown that both the multisite Langmuir model and the classical vacancy solution theory expression are special cases of the more general approach when the Flory-Huggins activity coefficient model is used, with the former being the thermodynamically consistent result. The improved vacancy solution theory approach is further extended here to heterogeneous adsorbents by considering the pore-width dependent potential along with a pore size distribution. However, application of the model to numerous hydrocarbons as well as other adsorptives on microporous activated carbons shows that the multisite model has difficulty in the presence of a pore size distribution, because pores of different sizes can have different numbers of adsorbed layers and therefore different site occupancies. On the other hand, use of the classical vacancy solution theory expression for the local isotherm leads to good simultaneous fit of the data, while yielding a site diameter of about 0.257 nm, consistent with that expected for the potential well in aromatic rings on carbon pore surfaces. It is argued that the classical approach is successful because the Flory-Huggins term effectively represents adsorbate interactions in disguise. When used together with the ideal adsorbed solution theory the heterogeneous vacancy solution theory successfully predicts binary adsorption equilibria, and is found to perform better than the multisite Langmuir as well as the heterogeneous Langmuir model. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Some efficient solution techniques for solving models of noncatalytic gas-solid and fluid-solid reactions are presented. These models include those with non-constant diffusivities for which the formulation reduces to that of a convection-diffusion problem. A singular perturbation problem results for such models in the presence of a large Thiele modulus, for which the classical numerical methods can present difficulties. For the convection-diffusion like case, the time-dependent partial differential equations are transformed by a semi-discrete Petrov-Galerkin finite element method into a system of ordinary differential equations of the initial-value type that can be readily solved. In the presence of a constant diffusivity, in slab geometry the convection-like terms are absent, and the combination of a fitted mesh finite difference method with a predictor-corrector method is used to solve the problem. Both the methods are found to converge, and general reaction rate forms can be treated. These methods are simple and highly efficient for arbitrary particle geometry and parameters, including a large Thiele modulus. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of gate-to-drain capacitance (C-gd) measurement as a tool to characterize hot-carrier-induced charge centers in submicron n- and p-MOSFET's has been reviewed and demonstrated. By analyzing the change in C-gd measured at room and cryogenic temperature before and after high gate-to-drain transverse field (high field) and maximum substrate current (I-bmax) stress, it is concluded that the degradation was found to be mostly due to trapping of majority carriers and generation of interface states. These interface states were found to be acceptor states at top half of band gap for n-MOSFETs and donor states at bottom half of band gap for p-MOSFETs. In general, hot electrons are more likely to be trapped in gate oxide as compared to hot holes while the presence of hot holes generates more interface states. Also, we have demonstrated a new method for extracting the spatial distribution of oxide trapped charge, Q(ot), through gate-to-substrate capacitance (C-gb) measurement. This method is simple to implement and does not require additional information from simulation or detailed knowledge of the device's structure. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results of the characterisation of templated silica xerogels as precursor material for molecular sieve silica membranes for gas separation. The template agent integrated in the xerogel matrix is a methyl ligand covalently bended to the siloxane network in the form of methyltriethoxysilane (MTES). Several surface and microstructural characterisation techniques such as TGA, FTIR, NMR, and nitrogen adsorption have been employed to obtain information on the reaction mechanisms involved in the sol-gel processing of such molecular sieves. The characterisation results show the effects of processing parameters such as heat treatment temperature, and the concentration of the covalently bonded template on the development of the pore structure. It was found that calcination temperature significantly enhanced the condensation reactions thus resulted in more Si-O-Si groups being formed. This was also confirmed with the data of FTIR characterisation showing enhanced silicon bands at higher heat treatment temperatures. As a result of the promoted densification and shrinkable pore network the micropore volume also reduced with increasing methyl ligand molar ratio. However, the mean pore diameter does not change significantly with calcination temperature. While the contribution of the templates towards controlling pore size is less precise, increasing the methyl ligand molar ratio results in the broadening of the pore size distribution and lower pore volume. Higher template concentration induces the collapse of the xerogel matrix due to capillary stress promoting dense xerogels with low pore volume (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.