996 resultados para Clay minerals adsorbents


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The soft clay of Ariake Bay, in western Kyushu, Japan covers several hundred square kilometers. Ariake clay consists of the principal clay minerals namely, smectite, illite, kaolinite and vermiculite, and other minerals in lesser quantity. The percentage of the principal clay, mineral can vary significantly. The percent clay, size fraction and the salt concentration can also vary significantly. In view of the importance of undrained shear strength in geotechnical engineering practice, its behavior has been studied with respect to variation in salt concentration. Basically, two mechanisms control the undrained strength in clays, namely (a) cohesion or undrained strength is due to the net interparticle attractive forces, or (b) cohesion is due to the viscous nature of the double layer water. Concept (a) operates primarily for kaolinitic soil, and concept (b) dominates primarily for montmorillonitic soils. In Ariake clay, different clay minerals with different exchangeable cations and varying ion concentration in the pore water and varying nonclay size fraction are present. In view of this while both concepts (a) and (b) can coexist and operate simultaneously, one of the mechanisms dominates. For Isahaya clay, concept (a), factors responsible for an increase in level of flocculation and attractive forces result in higher undrained strength. Increase in salt concentration increases the remolded undrained strength at any moisture content. For Kubota and Kawazoe clays, concept (b) factors responsible for an expansion of diffuse double layer thickness, resulting in higher viscous resistance, increase the undrained shear strength, that is, as concentration decreases, the undrained strength increases at any moisture content.The liquid limit of Isahaya,a clay increases with increase in ion concentration and a marginal decrease is seen for both Kubota and Kawazoe clays, and their behavior has been explained satisfactorily,.


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The current understanding of wildfire effects on water chemistry is limited by the quantification of the elemental dissolution rates from ash and element release rate from the plant litter, as well as quantification of the specific ash contribution to stream water chemistry. The main objective of the study was to provide such knowledge through combination of experimental modelling, field data and end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) of wildfire impact on a watershed scale. The study concerns watershed effects of fire in the Indian subcontinent, a region that is typically not well represented in the fire science literature. In plant litter ash, major elements are either hosted in readily-soluble phases (K, Mg) such as salts, carbonates and oxides or in less-soluble carrier-phases (Si, Ca) such as amorphous silica, quartz and calcite. Accordingly, elemental release rates, inferred from ash leaching experiments in batch reactor, indicated that the element release into solution followed the order K > Mg > Na > Si > Ca. Experiments on plant litter leaching in mixed-flow reactor indicated two dissolution regimes: rapid, over the week and slower over the month. The mean dissolution rates at steady-state (R-ss) indicated that the release of major elements from plant litter followed the order Ca > Si > Cl > Mg > K > Na. R-ss for Si and Ca for tree leaves and herbaceous species are similar to those reported for boreal and European tree species and are higher than that from the dissolution of soil clay minerals. This identifies tropical plant litters as important source of Si and Ca for tropical surface waters. In the wildfire-impacted year 2004, the EMMA indicated that the streamflow composition (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Si, Cl) was controlled by four main sources: rainwater, throughfall, ash leaching and soil solution. The influence of the ash end-member was maximal early in the rainy season (the two first storm events) and decreased later in the rainy season, when the stream was dominated by the throughfall end-member. The contribution of plant litter decay to the streamwater composition for a year not impacted by wildfire is significant with estimated solute fluxes originating from this decay greatly exceed, for most major elements, the annual elemental dissolved fluxes at the Mule Hole watershed outlet. This highlighted the importance of solute retention and vegetation back uptake processes within the soil profile. Overall, the fire increased the mobility and export of major elements from the soils to the stream. It also shifted the vegetation-related contribution to the elemental fluxes at the watershed outlet from long-term (seasonal) to short-term (daily to monthly). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), electron probe analysis (EPMA), analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were used to determine the chemical composition and the mineralogy of sub-micrometer inclusions in cubic diamonds and in overgrowths (coats) on octahedral diamonds from Zaire, Botswana, and some unknown localities.

The inclusions are sub-micrometer in size. The typical diameter encountered during transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination was 0.1-0.5 µm. The micro-inclusions are sub-rounded and their shape is crystallographically controlled by the diamond. Normally they are not associated with cracks or dislocations and appear to be well isolated within the diamond matrix. The number density of inclusions is highly variable on any scale and may reach 10^(11) inclusions/cm^3 in the most densely populated zones. The total concentration of metal oxides in the diamonds varies between 20 and 1270 ppm (by weight).

SIMS analysis yields the average composition of about 100 inclusions contained in the sputtered volume. Comparison of analyses of different volumes of an individual diamond show roughly uniform composition (typically ±10% relative). The variation among the average compositions of different diamonds is somewhat greater (typically ±30%). Nevertheless, all diamonds exhibit similar characteristics, being rich in water, carbonate, SiO_2, and K_2O, and depleted in MgO. The composition of micro-inclusions in most diamonds vary within the following ranges: SiO_2, 30-53%; K_2O, 12-30%; CaO, 8-19%; FeO, 6-11%; Al_2O_3, 3-6%; MgO, 2-6%; TiO_2, 2-4%; Na_2O, 1-5%; P_2O_5, 1-4%; and Cl, 1-3%. In addition, BaO, 1-4%; SrO, 0.7-1.5%; La_2O_3, 0.1-0.3%; Ce_2O_3, 0.3-0.5%; smaller amounts of other rare-earth elements (REE), as well as Mn, Th, and U were also detected by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Mg/(Fe+Mg), 0.40-0.62 is low compared with other mantle derived phases; K/ AI ratios of 2-7 are very high, and the chondrite-normalized Ce/Eu ratios of 10-21 are also high, indicating extremely fractionated REE patterns.

SEM analyses indicate that individual inclusions within a single diamond are roughly of similar composition. The average composition of individual inclusions as measured with the SEM is similar to that measured by SIMS. Compositional variations revealed by the SEM are larger than those detected by SIMS and indicate a small variability in the composition of individual inclusions. No compositions of individual inclusions were determined that might correspond to mono-mineralic inclusions.

IR spectra of inclusion- bearing zones exhibit characteristic absorption due to: (1) pure diamonds, (2) nitrogen and hydrogen in the diamond matrix; and (3) mineral phases in the micro-inclusions. Nitrogen concentrations of 500-1100 ppm, typical of the micro-inclusion-bearing zones, are higher than the average nitrogen content of diamonds. Only type IaA centers were detected by IR. A yellow coloration may indicate small concentration of type IB centers.

The absorption due to the micro-inclusions in all diamonds produces similar spectra and indicates the presence of hydrated sheet silicates (most likely, Fe-rich clay minerals), carbonates (most likely calcite), and apatite. Small quantities of molecular CO_2 are also present in most diamonds. Water is probably associated with the silicates but the possibility of its presence as a fluid phase cannot be excluded. Characteristic lines of olivine, pyroxene and garnet were not detected and these phases cannot be significant components of the inclusions. Preliminary quantification of the IR data suggests that water and carbonate account for, on average, 20-40 wt% of the micro-inclusions.

The composition and mineralogy of the micro-inclusions are completely different from those of the more common, larger inclusions of the peridotitic or eclogitic assemblages. Their bulk composition resembles that of potassic magmas, such as kimberlites and lamproites, but is enriched in H_2O, CO_3, K_2O, and incompatible elements, and depleted in MgO.

It is suggested that the composition of the micro-inclusions represents a volatile-rich fluid or a melt trapped by the diamond during its growth. The high content of K, Na, P, and incompatible elements suggests that the trapped material found in the micro-inclusions may represent an effective metasomatizing agent. It may also be possible that fluids of similar composition are responsible for the extreme enrichment of incompatible elements documented in garnet and pyroxene inclusions in diamonds.

The origin of the fluid trapped in the micro-inclusions is still uncertain. It may have been formed by incipient melting of a highly metasomatized mantle rocks. More likely, it is the result of fractional crystallization of a potassic parental magma at depth. In either case, the micro-inclusions document the presence of highly potassic fluids or melts at depths corresponding to the diamond stability field in the upper mantle. The phases presently identified in the inclusions are believed to be the result of closed system reactions at lower pressures.


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A quantidade de resíduos gerados tem crescido rapidamente, sendo maior que a taxa de crescimento populacional, indicando um aumento na geração per capita. Este fato torna preocupante a maneira como é realizada a disposição final de resíduos e o impacto ambiental gerado com isso. Dentre os impactos está a produção de chorume, um poluente de elevada carga orgânica com altas concentrações de amônio e forte coloração, produzido pela decomposição química e microbiológica dos resíduos sólidos depositados em um aterro. Em locais de destino como aterros sanitários, este chorume é drenado para tratamento a fim de não impactar o local onde foi implantado o aterro. Porém, no Brasil, em grande parte dos casos, este tratamento não acontece, deixando o ambiente mais suscetível à contaminação. Este trabalho teve como finalidade determinar a quantidade de amônio presente em amostras de chorume do aterro de Gramacho no Rio de Janeiro, utilizando a cromatografia de íons para a sua quantificação, além de estudar a remoção de amônio por processos de adsorção em materiais como argilominerais. As amostras de chorume in natura apresentaram valores de pH em torno de 8,0 e concentrações de amônio entre 1665,0 e 2788,8 mg.L-1. Nas amostras analisadas após a destilação do chorume foram encontrados valores de pH entre 8,6 e 9,7 e concentrações de amônio de até 6362,3 mg.L-1, verificando que a maior concentração deste íon é arrastada nos primeiros 50 mL da destilação. Os testes de adsorção obtiveram um potencial de remoção de até 47 % do total de amônio. A metodologia aplicada se mostrou eficiente para determinação de amônio, uma vez que o tratamento prévio minimiza a ação de interferentes. Os baixos valores de remoção de amônio reforçam a necessidade de maior aprofundamento deste estudo, o que seria uma alternativa interessante para minimizar a ação deste poluente no meio ambiente


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In the mesotrophic-eutrophic Saidenbach Reservoir in Saxony, the nanoplankton and cyanobacteria have increased at the expense of diatom dominance, due to a doubling of the external phosphorus load in the last 15 years. However, the phosphorus sedimentation flux is still very high (up to 80% of the input), corresponding to more than 2 g m2 d-1 in terms of dry weight. There is a strong correlation between the abundance of diatoms in the euphotic zone and their sedimentation flux (with a delay of about 2 weeks). Only about 25% of the deposited material could be clearly attributed to plankton biomass; the remainder resulted from flocculation and precipitation processes or directly from the inflow of clay minerals. The ash content of the deposited material was high (73%). Thus the sedimentation flux can be considered to operate as an internal water-treatment/oligotrophication process within the lake. The neighbouring Neunzehnhain Reservoir still has a very clear water with a transparency up to 18 m depth. Though the sediment was not much lower than Saidenbach sediment in total phosphorus and total numbers of bacteria, sulphide was always absent and the ratio of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ was very low in the upper (0- 5 cm) layer. Thus the external and internal phosphorus loads do not attain the critical level necessary to induce a ”phosphorus - phytoplankton” feedback loop.


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Partículas nanoestruturadas têm sido amplamente utilizadas como carga de reforço em matrizes elastoméricas, sendo substitutos eficazes das cargas convencionais, já consagradas, como o negro de fumo, mica, sílica. Em especial, as argilas têm mostrado grande potencial ao que se refere a melhor dispersão na matriz polimérica, em função de sua elevada razão de aspecto. Dentro do vasto universo de argilominerais, as argilas aniônicas, também conhecidas hidróxido duplo lamelar (HDL), apresentam como vantagem a possibilidade de ser projetada estruturalmente para as mais diversas finalidades, ao se modificar os ânions ou os cátions, ou até mesmo combiná-los na estrutura lamelar. E dentre os métodos existentes para se preparar compósitos a base de elastômero/argila, a co-coagulação do látex, é uma forma bastante eficaz e economicamente viável, uma vez que a borracha obtida após processo de coagulação já contém a carga incorporada. Este trabalho se dedicou a avaliar o processo de co-coagulação do látex de NBR e HDL, visando a obtenção de nanocompósitos. Para tanto HDL de composição Mg/Al-CO3 foi modificado com ânions DS, DBS e ST e foram preparadas suspensões aquosas, utilizando como ferramentas de dispersão ultraturrax e ultrassom de ponteira. As variáveis de processo avaliadas foram tipo e teor de HDL, tempo de mistura látex/suspensão aquosa de HDL, quantidade de coagulante e velocidade de agitação. Por fim, os coágulos obtidos foram formulados para avaliar a influência dos HDL na cinética de vulcanização e também para determinação das propriedades mecânicas convencionais. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que a metodologia de dispersão de hidrotalcita ao látex nitrílico de modo prévio ao processo de coagulação é uma alternativa viável para a obtenção de nanocompósitos. O uso do ultrassom de ponteira como ferramenta na dispersão aquosa de HDL contribuiu para maior estabilidade da suspensão e o ajuste nos parâmetros do sistema de coagulação, levaram a obtenção de grumos uniformes do ponto de vista macroscópico e microscópico. As micrografias dos coágulos não vulcanizados obtidas por MEV-FEG confirmaram as informações apuradas a partir dos difratogramas de raios-X que apontou a formação de um sistema parcialmente esfoliado, em função da ausência dos picos característicos da hidrotalcita, além de indicarem a coexistência de partículas em dimensões micrométrica a nanométricas em uma mesma estrutura. A composição química do HDL, com a presença de átomos de magnésio e alumínio combinados com grupos hidroxila favoreceu a redução tanto o tempo de indução como de pré-cura. As propriedades mecânicas que se mostraram mais sensíveis ao grau de dispersão da carga foram a dureza, a deformação permanente à compressão (DPC) e o módulo de tração a 300% de deformação (E300), em especial para os compósitos contendo 10% m/m de HDL natural e modificado com estearato. A resistência à chama dos nanocompósitos de NBR-HDL vulcanizados apresentou um ligeiro aumento quando comparados à NBR pura, visto que esta é uma característica própria da hidrotalcita, decorrente da sua composição química


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Lake Edku is one of the Nile Delta lakes. It is subjected to contaminations by several anthropogenic materials such as trace elements and other wastes. The distribution of the different chemical forms of copper and manganese has been studied using sequential extraction techniques. Chemical analysis of the sediments shows that CaCO sub(3) ranged from 3.7% to 9.6% and organic matter from 3.06% to 8.11%. The results indicate that the distribution of manganese among the six chemical forms in the sediments of the lake obeys the following order: Mn-residual>Mn-carbonate>Mn-moderately reducible>Mn-organic form>Mn-exchangeable > Mn-easily reducible fraction. Also, the data revealed that more than 50% of the total manganese was found in the residual form, while the remainder was distributed among the other forms. In contrast, more than 70% of the total copper content was associated with the five chemical forms (exchangeable, carbonate, easily and moderately reducible and organic forms). Generally, the enrichment of manganese in the residual form revealed the important role in building up of clay minerals, while the distribution of copper among the different forms reflects an important role in biological and biochemical processes.


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Two types of microfabrics relating to pollutant adsorption were studied in the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) in a polluted, eutrophic lake, the Yangtze delta region. Agglutinational texture or the aggregates of small particles are composed of clay minerals and fine organic fragments among the silty grains and the coatings with a thickness about 1 mu m were on the surfaces of the silty grains in the sediments. The chemical constituents of the aggregates and the coatings are K, Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Al, O, Fe, Ti, C, N and P determined in X-ray energy spectrometry connected with the SEM. In some cases, Pb was detected in the aggregates in the top sediment. It is suggested that nutrients and metals are adsorbed to the aggregates, which were formed by electrostatic attraction of physicochemical floes. The coatings on the surface of quartz grains were formed by the interaction of dissociated Al, Si, Fe, etc from silicates with dissolved N, P and C nutrients in interstitial water, which was aroused by human pollution to the lake in recent two decades.


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以黄土高原从北向南不同地区典型土壤类为对象,采用Bremner淹水培养法,研究黄土高原典型土壤有机氮的矿化过程。结果表明,淹水培养期间矿化出的部分NH4+-N会被粘土矿物固定,固定量因土壤不同而异,因此在测定有机氮矿化量时,只有考虑这一部分氮素,才可获得可靠结果。不同土壤有机氮量矿化明显不同,表现为土垫旱耕人为土>黄土正常新成土>简育干润均腐土>干润砂质新成土,从南到北氮素矿化量呈减小趋势。添加C/N低(C/N比为21.7)的紫花苜蓿(Medicago stativa)茎叶有利于促进土壤有机氮矿化,而添加C/N高(C/N比为43.3)的长芒草(Stipa bungeana)会促进矿质氮的生物固定;不同类型植被土壤间在培养20、40d和60d时的矿化量差异显著(p值分别为0.0177、0.0109和0.0073),均表现为均为林地土壤>裸地土壤>草地土壤>农田土壤;从平均看,加(NH4)2SO4后有机氮矿化量有一定减少。在不同培养阶段,不同土类间氮素矿化率不同,在20d和40d时存在显著差异(p分别为0.0092和0.0381),60d时差异不显著,不同土类氮素矿化率的大小顺序为干润砂质新成土>黄土正常新成土>...


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含油污泥是危险废物,已列入《国家危险废物名录》。目前,热水清洗法是含油污泥处理的核心技术之一,但因含油污泥来源不同,成分性质各异,含油污泥清洗技术的普适性及规律性差。粘土矿物作为含油污泥泥质的主要成分,其吸附原油的清洗是含油污泥清洗技术的关键环节,因此,从粘土矿物性质、原油组分、清洗剂性质三个方面对粘土矿物吸附原油的清洗技术进行研究,分析其内在的规律性,是获得普适性含油污泥清洗技术的突破口。 本文结合含油污泥的理化性质分析,选取粒径范围为0~100µm高岭石、蒙脱石、绿泥石和伊利石四种粘土矿物,在优化工艺条件的基础上,研究其吸附原油在不同表面活性剂作用下的解吸规律,分析原油中不同族组分的脱附特性,筛选了针对典型粘土矿物吸附原油的高效清洗剂。 四种粘土矿物吸附原油解吸效率的大小顺序为伊利石>蒙脱石>高岭石>绿泥石。不同表面活性剂对粘土矿物吸附原油清洗效率的大小顺序为阴离子表面活性剂>非离子表面活性剂>阳离子表面活性剂。粘土矿物吸附原油中三个族组分的脱附难易顺序为饱和烃>芳烃>胶质沥青质,饱和烃的脱附效率是控制粘土矿物吸附原油总体清洗效率的最重要参数。Dodec-MNS和NPS-10是良好的粘土矿物吸附原油清洗剂,NPS–10对含油率为18.32%和29.68%的含油污泥的脱附效率分别为78.43%和84.11%。 本文同时还针对含油污泥清洗技术中清洗剂复配,提出根据含油污泥族组分特性,选取亲油基性质与对应族组分性质接近的表面活性剂进行复配的方法,方法经实验验证可行,可作为一种含油污泥清洗剂复配的基本方法。


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This paper deals with determining points of zero charge of natural and Na+-saturated mineral kaolinites using two methods: (1) acid-base potentiometric titration was employed to obtain the adsorption of H+ and OH- on amphoteric surfaces in solutions of varying ionic strengths in order to determinate graphically the point of zero net proton charge (PZNPC) defined equally as point of zero salt effect (PZSE); (2) mass titration curve at different electrolyte concentrations in order to estimate PZNPCs by interpolation and to compare with those determined by potentiometric titrations. The two methods involved points of zero charge approximately similar for the two kaolinites between 6.5-7.8, comparable to those reported previously and were in the range expected for these clay minerals. The comparison of potentiometric surface titration curves obtained at 25 °C and those published in the literature reveals significant discrepancies both in the shape and in the pH of PZNPCs values.


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Thirty-eight surficial deposit samples were collected from the equatorial North Pacific, and the natural thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of both bulk and clay fraction samples ( < 2 mu m fractions) were studied by the FJ427 - Al automatic TL Dosimeter for the first time. With the measurements of clay mineral composition, element composition by XRD and ICP, the correlations between TL intensity and sedimentary environment proxies were analyzed, such as water depth, ratio of FeO to Fe2O3 contents, LOI, and major clay mineral concentration, and it was found the bulk sample's TL signal was stronger than the clay ones. Usually, increase in the clay components may result in the decrease of TL intensity. From the shape of TL curves, the pelagic sediments can be divided into two groups: the majority group has two glow peaks, in general, the first peak is broad and flat, but the second narrow and sharp; the minority group only has a single peak because the first is absent. The peak centers of TL curves are almost fixed, falling in the temperature sections 230 similar to 260 and 390 similar to 405 degrees C respectively. Lorentz model packed in the Origin 7.5 was chosen to deal with the TL curves. From the processing results, three parameters ( H, C and A), corresponding to the height, center, and kurtosis of TL curve, were obtained to describe the curve characteristics. The correlations between TL curve parameters and sedimentary environment proxies were also calculated. On the basis of the above work, the relationship between TL characteristics and sediment type, mineral composition, sedimentary environment of surface sediments was discussed in the study area, and a conclusion is: sediments from the environment of shallower water, higher organic contents and weaker reductivity have stronger TL signals.


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We here reconstruct the past change of the East Asian monsoon since 20 Ma using samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea based On a multi-proxy approach including a monomineralic quartz isolation procedure, identification of clay minerals by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and grain-size analysis of isolated terrigenous materials. Terrigenous supply to ODP Site 1146 was dominated by changes in the strength of multiple sources and transport processes. Grain-size data modeled by an end-member modeling algorithm indicate that eolian dust from the and Asian inland and fluvial input have contributed on average 20% and 80% of total terrigenous material to ODP Site 1146, respectively. Specifically, about 40-53% of the total (quartz+feldspar) and only 6-11% of the total clay is related to eolian supply at the study site. Detailed analysis of the sedimentary environment, and clay minerals combined with previous studies shows that smectite originates mainly from Luzon, kaolinite from the Pearl River and illite and chlorite from the Pearl River, Taiwan and/or the Yangtze River. The proportion and mass accumulation rate (MAR) of the coarsest end-member EM1 (interpreted as eolian dust), ratios of (illite+chlorite)/smectite, (quartz+feldspar)% and mean grain-size of terrigenous materials at ODP Site 1146 were adopted as proxies for East Asian monsoon evolution. The consistent variation of these independent proxies since 20 Ma shows three profound shifts in the intensity of East Asian winter monsoon relative to summer monsoon, as well as aridity of the Asian continent, occurred at similar to 15 Ma, similar to 8 Ma and the youngest at about 3 Ma. In comparison, the summer monsoon intensified contemporaneously with the winter monsoon at 3 Ma. The phased uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan plateau may have played a significant role in strengthening the Asian monsoon at similar to 15 Ma, 8 Ma and 3 Ma. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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AMS(14)C dating and analysis of grain size, major elements and clay minerals were applied to Core MZ01 from the mud area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea. Based on the environmentally sensitive grain size, clay mineral and major element assemblages, the history of the East Asia winter monsoon since the mid-Holocene could be reconstructed. These three proxies, mean grain size (>9.71 mu m), chemical index of alteration (CIA) and ratio of smectite to kaolinite in particular, show similar fluctuation patterns. Furthermore, 10 extreme values corresponding to the contemporary cooling events could be recognized since the mid-Holocene; these extreme values are likely to have been caused by the strengthening of the East Asia winter monsoon. The cooling events correlated well with the results of the delta O-18 curves of the Dunde ice core and GISP2, which therefore revealed a regional response to global climate change. Four stages of the East Asia winter monsoon were identified, i.e. 8300-6300 a BP, strong and unstable; 6300-3800 a BP, strong but stable; 3800-1400 a BP, weak and unstable; after 1400 a BP, weak but stable.