1000 resultados para Civil-militära relationer
[Acte. 1726-07-27. Versailles]
El propòsit d’aquest article és endreçar la cronologia dels programes femenins que les estacions de ràdio pioneres emetien a Catalunya abans de la Guerra Civil i conèixer-ne els trets diferenciadors que tenien. Tal com ja he posat de manifest en les conclusions de la meva tesi doctoral, i en alguns dels articles que se n’han derivat, els programes femenins que les emissores catalanes varen dur a terme abans de 1939 van ser els primers espais de la radiodifusió espanyola que varen tenir el que ara coneixem com a format. Aquesta manera d’entendre un programa de ràdio, que ja va tenir una locutora a finals dels anys vint, ha permès que ara investiguem, per ordenar-los cronològicament, aquests espais tan vells i tan preuats de la ràdio pionera, i que a més a més puguem revelar quines característiques comunes tenien tots aquests espais femenins, a partir de saber els detalls de tots els que varen coincidir, en el temps, a les ones de Barcelona
This essay examines the American Civil War of 1861 – 1865, which is also known as the bloodiest war that the United States has ever experienced. The pretext for the war was the abolition of slavery in the South, and after many battles the Southern states lost: as a consequence, they experienced major changes in their economic and social life. This interesting piece from American history can be traced out throughout the characters’ lives in the novel Gone with the Wind which has been thoroughly analyzed in order to draw nearer and to comprehend the changes in the Southern way of life before and after the war. The author, Margaret Mitchell, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and grew up with the stories about the war. As a result, Gone with the Wind studies not only its causes, but also the years after its end – a period which is not generally a subject of history and receives little attention – and the effects that such reversals have on former planters and slaves. From the position of contemporaneity, the reader can see that such changes in a society do not end with the laying down of an act, or in this case the end of the war, but they continue during many years; thus, the modern world can draw conclusions and lessons for events that are happening at the moment.
Report on the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
El Servei de Protecció Civil del Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Empordà actua: -Amb el Pla d’Assistència i Suport -La figura del tècnic comarcal de protecció civil -Els Avantatges d’estar a l’àrea de Medi Ambient • Actuacions durant l’incendi • Actuacions després de l’incendi
Wars are often associated with a rhetoric of renewal or new beginnings. This essay explores this claim through the lens of civil religion and a recent book by Carolyn Marvin and David Ingle, Blood Sacrifice and the Nation, which combines Emile Durkheim with Réné Girard in proposing that modern national cohesion depends on blood sacrifice. I unpack some of the paradoxes raised by this theory of national renewal in the context of 9/11, with a special focus on the sacred status of the flag and the special attention given to uniformed serviceman in the American body politic.