954 resultados para Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), Picarro Inc.
- NIR Hyperspectral images (1000-2200 nm) allowed the detection of peanut traces down to adulteration percentages 0.01 % - Determination coefficient of R2= 0.946 was found for the quantification of peanut adulteration from 10% to 0.1%. - The obtained results shows the feasibility of using HSI systems for the detection of peanut traces in conjuction with chemical procedures, such as RT-PCR and ELISA to facilitate quality control surveyance on food product processing lines.
The use of a common environment for processing different powder foods in the industry has increased the risk of finding peanut traces in powder foods. The analytical methods commonly used for detection of peanut such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) represent high specificity and sensitivity but are destructive and time-consuming, and require highly skilled experimenters. The feasibility of NIR hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is studied for the detection of peanut traces down to 0.01% by weight. A principal-component analysis (PCA) was carried out on a dataset of peanut and flour spectra. The obtained loadings were applied to the HSI images of adulterated wheat flour samples with peanut traces. As a result, HSI images were reduced to score images with enhanced contrast between peanut and flour particles. Finally, a threshold was fixed in score images to obtain a binary classification image, and the percentage of peanut adulteration was compared with the percentage of pixels identified as peanut particles. This study allowed the detection of traces of peanut down to 0.01% and quantification of peanut adulteration from 10% to 0.1% with a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.946. These results show the feasibility of using HSI systems for the detection of peanut traces in conjunction with chemical procedures, such as RT-PCR and ELISA to facilitate enhanced quality-control surveillance on food-product processing lines.
The chaperonin GroEL is an oligomeric double ring structure that, together with the cochaperonin GroES, assists protein folding. Biochemical analyses indicate that folding occurs in a cis ternary complex in which substrate is sequestered within the GroEL central cavity underneath GroES. Recently, however, studies of GroEL “minichaperones” containing only the apical substrate binding subdomain have questioned the functional importance of substrate encapsulation within GroEL-GroES complexes. Minichaperones were reported to assist folding despite the fact that they are monomeric and therefore cannot form a central cavity. Here we compare directly the folding activity of minichaperones with that of the full GroEL-GroES system. In agreement with earlier studies, minichaperones assist folding of some proteins. However, this effect is observed only under conditions where substantial spontaneous folding is also observed and is indistinguishable from that resulting from addition of the nonchaperone protein α-casein. By contrast, the full GroE system efficiently promotes folding of several substrates under conditions where essentially no spontaneous folding is observed. These data argue that the full GroEL folding activity requires the intact GroEL-GroES complex, and in light of previous studies, underscore the importance of substrate encapsulation for providing a folding environment distinct from the bulk solution.
By using a Raman microscope, we show that it is possible to probe the conformational states in protein crystals and crystal fragments under growth conditions (in hanging drops). The flavin cofactor in the enzyme para-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase can assume two conformations: buried in the protein matrix (“in”) or essentially solvent-exposed (“out”). By using Raman difference spectroscopy, we previously have identified characteristic flavin marker bands for the in and out conformers in the solution phase. Now we show that the flavin Raman bands can be used to probe these conformational states in crystals, permitting a comparison between solution and crystal environments. The in or out marker bands are similar for the respective conformers in the crystal and in solution; however, significant differences do exist, showing that the environments for the flavin's isoalloxazine ring are not identical in the two phases. Moreover, the Raman-band widths of the flavin modes are narrower for both in and out conformers in the crystals, indicating that the flavin exists in a more limited range of closely related conformational states in the crystal than in solution. In general, the ability to compare detailed Raman data for complexes in crystals and solution provides a means of bridging crystallographic and solution studies.