954 resultados para Causal attributions


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Neste trabalho testou-se o potencial antagonista de 16 fungos endofíticos isolados de videiras (Vitis vinifera L.), de castas representativas do Alentejo produzidas em modo de proteção integrada e em modo biológico, contra Guignardia bidwellii. Os isolados identificados após ITS-PCR e sequenciação pertencem aos géneros Epicoccum, Alternaria, Botrytis, Athelia, Phoma e Gibberella. Os isolados testados mostraram atividade antagonista contra G. bidwellii quer por inibição direta, quer através da produção de compostos voláteis, à exceção dos dois isolados de B. cinerea. No entanto, todos os isolados produziram alguns compostos voláteis com reconhecida atividade antimicrobiana, tais como benzaldeído, 3-metil-1-butanol e derivados de ácido propanoico. Foi ainda observado que seis dos isolados produziram também metabolitos não voláteis com capacidade de inibir o crescimento de G. bidwellii. Os resultados obtidos vêm mostrar o potencial dos fungos endofíticos como agentes de luta biológica no controlo de G. bidwellii, podendo constituir novas alternativas no âmbito de Proteção de Plantas; ABSTRACT: Endophytic fungi present in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) with the ability to inhibit the growth of the causal agent of black rot (Guignardia bidwellii) In this work the antagonistic potential of 16 endophytic grapevine fungi isolates (Vitis vinifera L.), from representative cultivars of the Alentejo region produced either under integrated pest management or organic mode, was tested against Guignardia bidwellii. Isolates were identified through ITS-PCR and sequencing, as belonging to the genera Epicoccum, Alternaria, Botrytis, Athelia, Phoma and Gibberella. Isolates showed antagonist activity against G. bidwellii either by direct inhibition or through the production of volatile compounds, with the exception of two isolates of B. cinerea. Nevertheless, all isolates produced volatile compounds with known antimicrobial activity such as benzaldehyde, 3-methyl-1-butanol and propionic acid derivatives. Additionally, six isolates produced non-volatile metabolites with the ability to inhibit G. bidwellii growth. These results show the potential that endophytic fungi have as agents for biological control of G. bidwellii, opening new options in the field of Plant Protection.


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Child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosure is critical for survivor´s psychosocial adjustment later in life. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between attributions of blame for child sexual abuse by the victim and the disclosure of the abuse to parents or caregivers while controlling for characteristics of the abuse. Female college students between 17 and 24 years of age (M = 19.44, SD = 1.64) from a southern Spanish University were surveyed. Of 1547 respondents, 153 (9.90%) reported having suffered some form of CSA before the age of 15. Information about the characteristics of abuse (age of onset, type of abuse suffered, continuity of abuse, and relationship with and age of the perpetrator) and the existence of abuse disclosure by the survivor was obtained from a self-reported questionnaire developed for the present study. The Attributions of Responsibility and Blame Scale (McMillen & Zuravin, 1997) was used to assess attributions made about CSA (self-blame, perpetrator blame and family blame). The results of a logistic regression model was statistically significant, χ² (9) = 43.856, p < .001. The model explained 41% (Nagelkerke R²) of the variance of abuse disclosure and correctly classified 85.6% of cases. Survivor disclosure was 5.50 times more likely to occur when the perpetrator was not a family member (Wald = 8.14, p < .01) and 3.95 times more likely to occur when there was not physical contact with the perpetrator (Wald = 4.30, p < .05). The occurrence of disclosure was also related to increased perpetrator age (Wald = 4.83, p < .05). With regard to the attributions of blame, the occurrence of disclosure was related to lower scores on self-blame (Wald = 6.78, p < .01) and higher scores on family blame (Wald = 9.67, p < .001). However, no relationship was found between perpetrator blame and disclosure of abuse. The results confirm the idea that not only self-blame attributions, but also family blame attributions are critical to the decision of a CSA victim to disclose abuse. The possibility that children who do not disclose abuse have a greater need to deny the occurrence of abuse, or have more confusion about being abused is discussed. Attributions of blame should be taken into serious consideration when evaluating children for possible sexual abuse.


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Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense (Foc), the causal agent of Panama disease, is responsible for economic losses in banana crops worldwide. The identification of genes that effectively act on pathogenicity and/or virulence may contribute to the development of different strategies for disease control and the production of resistant plants. The objective of the current study was to analyze the importance of SGE1 gene expression in Foc virulence through post-transcriptional silencing using a double-stranded RNA hairpin.


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As research into the dynamic characteristics of job performance across time has continued to accumulate, associated implications for performance appraisal have become evident. At present, several studies have demonstrated that systematic trends in job performance across time influence how performance is ultimately judged. However, little research has considered the processes by which the performance trend-performance rating relationship occurs. In the present study, I addressed this gap. Specifically, drawing on attribution theory, I proposed and tested a model whereby the performance trend-performance rating relationship occurs through attributions to ability and effort. The results of this study indicated that attributions to ability, but not effort, mediate the relationship between performance trend and performance ratings and that this relationship depends on attribution-related cues. Implications for performance appraisal research and theory are discussed.


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El objetivo general de esta investigación fue medir, describir, relacionar y analizar las estrategias cognitivas, metacognitivas y contextuales así como la motivación hacia el aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios mexicanos, y su relación con diversas variables educativas y socio-familiares como determinantes del rendimiento académico en la universidad, desde la teoría social-cognitiva del aprendizaje autorregulado. Mediante la aplicación y el análisis posterior de las bases de datos institucionales obtenidas del Examen Nacional de Ingreso al Nivel Superior (EXANI-II) y del Cuestionario de Contexto del Centro Nacional de Evaluación (CENEVAL) de los 1,140 estudiantes de licenciatura de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY) que respondieron el Cuestionario de Motivación y Estrategias de Aprendizaje (CMEA) diseñado a partir de la traducción, adaptación y validación del Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). El tipo de investigación seleccionada fue cuasiexperimental, descriptivo y correlacional-causal. Se realizó un análisis de frecuencias de las variables descriptivas, se calcularon los estadísticos descriptivos de los resultados en las sub-escalas del CMEA, y análisis de medias mediante la prueba t de Student para muestras no relacionadas y análisis de varianza. Finalmente, se calcularon los índices de correlación entre las variables educativas, socio-familiares, motivacionales, y de uso de estrategias y el rendimiento académico. Para evaluar la hipótesis general del ajuste del modelo teórico a los datos se utilizó el programa SPSS Amos 16 y el paquete sem 0.9-14 en R 2.8.0...


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El presente escrito se ocupa de estudiar el nexo de causalidad como elemento estructural de la responsabilidad cuando éste es difuso. Para ello, se pretende abordar la pérdida de la oportunidad como una teoría especial de causalidad que tiene lugar cuando el nexo causal no resulta claro, lo cual contradice la tesis preponderante de la doctrina y la jurisprudencia tradicional según la cual, la pérdida de la oportunidad es un criterio autónomo del daño. En su contenido se realiza una explicación del por qué se entiende la pérdida de la oportunidad como una teoría especial de causalidad y no como un criterio autónomo de daño, haciendo énfasis en el elemento de certeza que caracteriza al daño. Posteriormente, se advierte del tratamiento que la jurisprudencia le ha dado a la pérdida de la oportunidad. A su turno, el presente documento, indica la naturaleza jurídica de la pérdida de la oportunidad, afirmando que es una inferencia lógica que realiza el juez y no un hecho que altere el estado de las cosas como si sucede con el daño. Finalmente, se aborda la prueba de la teoría de la pérdida de la oportunidad mediante un cálculo de probabilidades y se identifican los pasos para realizar una adecuada reparación integral.


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Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.


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The phytopathogenic fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime & Philips-Mora, causal agent of witches' broom disease of cocoa, causes countless damage to cocoa production in Brazil. Molecular studies have attempted to identify genes that play important roles in fungal survival and virulence. In this study, sequences deposited in the M. perniciosa Genome Sequencing Project database were analyzed to identify potential biological targets. For the first time, the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway in M. perniciosa was studied and the lanosterol 14α-demethylase gene (ERG11) that encodes the main enzyme of this pathway and is a target for fungicides was cloned, characterized molecularly and its phylogeny analyzed. ERG11 genomic DNA and cDNA were characterized and sequence analysis of the ERG11 protein identified highly conserved domains typical of this enzyme, such as SRS1, SRS4, EXXR and the heme-binding region (HBR). Comparison of the protein sequences and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the M. perniciosa enzyme was most closely related to that of Coprinopsis cinerea.


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A case of a right frontal astrocytoma with spinal metastatic lesion in the region of the third dorsal vertebra is reported. The metastatic nodule was removed six months after the craniotomy. In the literature concerning to the dissemination of tumors cells is suggested that there is not a causal relationship between CSF seeding and operative intervention. Acess to the ventricular system or basal cisterns is of primary importance in the production of metastases.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física