974 resultados para Caryocorbula swiftiana, anterior-posterior shell length
Changes in phenotypic traits, such as mollusc shells, are indicative of variations in selective pressure along environmental gradients. Recently, increased sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean acidification (OA) due to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the seawater have been described as selective agents that may affect the biological processes underlying shell formation in calcifying marine organisms. The benthic snail Concholepas concholepas (Muricidae) is widely distributed along the Chilean coast, and so is naturally exposed to a strong physical-chemical latitudinal gradient. In this study, based on elliptical Fourier analysis, we assess changes in shell morphology (outlines analysis) in juvenile C. concholepas collected at northern (23°S), central (33°S) and southern (39°S) locations off the Chilean coast. Shell morphology of individuals collected in northern and central regions correspond to extreme morphotypes, which is in agreement with both the observed regional differences in the shell apex outlines, the high reclassification success of individuals (discriminant function analysis) collected in these regions, and the scaling relationship in shell weight variability among regions. However, these extreme morphotypes showed similar patterns of mineralization of calcium carbonate forms (calcite and aragonite). Geographical variability in shell shape of C. concholepas described by discriminant functions was partially explained by environmental variables (pCO2, SST). This suggests the influence of corrosive waters, such as upwelling and freshwaters penetrating into the coastal ocean, upon spatial variation in shell morphology. Changes in the proportion of calcium carbonate forms precipitated by C. concholepas across their shells and its susceptibility to corrosive coastal waters are discussed.
En numerosas ocasiones a lo largo de la historia la imaginación de los creadores ha ido por delante de las posibilidades técnicas de cada momento. Así, muchas de estas nuevas ideas han requerido largos periodos de tiempo para materializarse como realidad construida, hasta que el desarrollo tecnológico e industrial hubo alcanzado un grado de madurez suficiente. En el campo de la arquitectura, estas limitaciones técnicas se han ido acotando paulatinamente hasta desembocar en la situación actual en la que cualquier planteamiento formal puede ser representado gráficamente y analizado desde un punto de vista estructural, superádose de este modo la barrera existente históricamente en el tratamiento de las formas. A lo largo del presente tesis doctoral se analiza cómo la formulación del Método de los Elementos Finitos en la década de los cincuenta y las curvas de Bézier en la década de los sesenta del siglo pasado y la posterior generalización de los ordenadores personales y de los programas informáticos asociados (C.A.D. y F.E.M. principalmente) en los estudios de arquitectura e ingeniería a partir de la década de los noventa, posibilitó el desarrollo de cualquier propuesta arquitectónica, por compleja que ésta fuese, provocando una verdadera revolución a nivel formal en el mundo de la arquitectura, especialmente en el campo de la edificación singular o icónica. Se estudia este proceso a través de ocho edificios; cuatro anteriores y otros tantos posteriores a la desaparición de la barrera anteriormente referida, establecida de forma simbólica en la década de los años ochenta del siglo XX: Frontón de Recoletos en Madrid, Edificio Seagram en Nueva York, Habitat ’67 en Montreal, Ópera de Sídney, museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, ampliación del Victoria & Albert Museum en Londres, tanatorio “Meiso no Mori” en Gifu y nueva sede de la CCTV en Pekín. De entre ellos, la Ópera de Sídney, obra del arquitecto danés Jørn Utzon, condensa gran parte de los aspectos relevantes investigados en relación a la influencia que los métodos de representación y análisis estructural ejercen en la concepción y construcción de las obras de arquitectura. Por este motivo y por considerarse un hito de la arquitectura a nivel global se toma como caso de estudio. La idea general del edificio, que data de 1956, se enmarca en una época inmediatamente anterior a la del desarrollo científico y tecnológico anteriormente referido. Esta ausencia de herramientas de diseño disponibles acordes a la complejidad formal de la propuesta planteada condicionó enormente la marcha del proyecto, dilatándose dramáticamente en el tiempo y disparándose su coste hasta el punto de que el propio arquitecto danés fue separado de las obras antes de su conclusión. Además, la solución estructural finalmente construida de las cubiertas dista mucho de la prevista por Utzon inicialmente. Donde él había imaginado unas finas láminas de hormigón flotando sobre el paisaje se materializó una estructura más pesada, formada por costillas pretensadas de hormigón con unas secciones notablemente mayores. La forma también debió ser modificada de modo ostensible respecto a la propuesta inicial. Si este edificio se pretendiese construir en la actualidad, con toda seguridad el curso de los acontecimientos se desarrollaría por senderos muy diferentes. Ante este supuesto, se plantean las siguientes cuestiones: ¿sería posible realizar un análisis estructural de la cubierta laminar planteada por Utzon inicialmente en el concurso con las herramientas disponibles en la actualidad?; ¿sería dicha propuesta viable estructuralmente?. A lo largo de las siguientes páginas se pretende dar respuesta a estas cuestiones, poniendo de relieve el impacto que los ordenadores personales y los programas informáticos asociados han tenido en la manera de concebir y construir edificios. También se han analizado variantes a la solución laminar planteada en la fase de concurso, a través de las cuales, tratando en la medida de lo posible de ajustarse a las sugerencias que Ove Arup y su equipo realizaron a Jørn Utzon a lo largo del dilatado proceso de proyecto, mejorar el comportamiento general de la estructura del edificio. Por último, se ha pretendido partir de cero y plantear, desde una perspectiva contemporánea, posibles enfoques metodológicos aplicables a la búsqueda de soluciones estructurales compatibles con la forma propuesta originalmente por Utzon para las cubiertas de la Ópera de Sídney y que nunca llegó a ser construida (ni analizada), considerando para ello los medios tecnológicos, científicos e industriales disponibles en la actualidad. Abstract On numerous occasions throughout history the imagination of creators has gone well beyond of the technical possibilities of their time. Many new ideas have required a long period to materialize, until the technological and industrial development had time to catch up. In the architecture field, these technical limitations have gradually tightened leading to the current situation in which any formal approach can be represented and analyzed from a structural point of view, thus concluding that the structural analysis and the graphical representation’s barrier in the development of architectural projects has dissappeared. Throughout the following pages it is examined how the development of the Finite Element Method in the fifties and the Bezier curves in the sixties of the last century and the subsequent spread of personal computers and specialized software in the architectural and engineering offices from the nineties, enabled the development of any architectural proposal independently of its complexity. This has caused a revolution at a formal level in architecture, especially in the field of iconic building. This process is analyzed through eight buildings, four of them before and another four after the disappearance of the above mentioned barrier, roughly established in the eighties of the last century: Fronton Recoletos in Madrid, Seagram Building in New York Habitat '67 in Montreal, Sydney Opera House, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Victoria & Albert Museum extension in London, Crematorium “Meiso no Mori” in Gifu and the new CCTV headquarters in Beijing. Among them, the Sydney Opera House, designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, condenses many of the main aspects previously investigated regarding the impact of representation methods and structural analysis on the design and construction of architectural projects. For this reason and also because it is considered a global architecture milestone, it is selected as a case study. The building’s general idea, which dates from 1956, is framed at a time immediately preceding the above mentioned scientific and technological development. This lack of available design tools in accordance with the proposal’s formal complexity conditioned enormously the project’s progress, leading to a dramatic delay and multiplying the final budget disproportionately to the point that the Danish architect himself was separated from the works before completion. Furthermore, the built structure differs dramatically from the architect’s initial vision. Where Utzon saw a thin concrete shell floating over the landscape a heavier structure was built, consisting of prestressed concrete ribs with a significantly greater size. The geometry also had to be modified. If this building were to built today, the course of events surely would walk very different paths. Given this assumption, a number of questions could then be formulated: Would it be possible to perform a structural analysis of Utzon’s initially proposed competition-free-ways roof’s geometry with the tools available nowadays?; Would this proposal be structurally feasable?. Throughout the following pages it is intended to clarify this issues, highlighting personal computers and associated software’s impact in building design and construction procedures, especially in the field of iconic building. Variants have also been analyzed for the laminar solution proposed in the competition phase, through which, trying as far as possible to comply with the suggestions that Ove Arup and his team did to Jørn Utzon along the lengthy process project, improving the overall performance of the building structure. Finally, we have started from scratch and analyzed, from a contemporary perspective, possible structural solutions compatible with Utzon’s Opera House’s original geometry and vision –proposal that was never built (nor even analyzed)-, taking into consideration the technological, scientific and industrial means currently available.
Infrared thermography (IRT) is a safe and non-invasive tool used for examining physiological functions based on skin temperature (Tsk) control. The aim of this paper was to establish the probable thermal difference between the beginning and the end of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rehabilitation process after surgery. For this purpose thermograms from 25 ACL surgically operated patients (2 women, 23 men) were taken on the first and last day of a six-week rehabilitation program. A FLIR infrared camera according to the protocol established by the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT). The results showed significant temperature increases in the posterior thigh area between the first and the last week of the rehabilitation process probably due to a compensatory mechanism. According to this, we can conclude that temperature of the posterior area of the injured and non-injured leg has increased from the first to the last day of the rehabilitation process.
Infrared thermography (IRT) is a safe and non-invasive tool used for examining physiological functions based on skin temperature (Tsk) control. Thermograms from 25 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgically operated patients (2 female, 23 male) were taken with a FLIR infrared camera according to the protocol established by the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT). This work consists of 4 studies. Studies 1 and 3 were related to establish the probable thermal difference among different moments of an ACL rupture after surgery: before starting the rehabilitation (P0), at the end of rehabilitation (P1) and 18 months from the end of rehabilitation (P2). For this purpose, on the other hand, studies 2 and 4 were related to establish the skin thermal difference (Tsk) between the injured and the non-injured leg in P0, P1 and P2. Results of the first study showed significant temperature increases in the posterior thigh area between P0 and P1 probably due to a compensatory mechanism. According to this, we can conclude that temperature of the posterior area of the injured and noninjured leg has increased from the first to the last day of the rehabilitation process. In the second study we found significant temperature differences between the injured and non-injured leg in both stages of rehabilitation (p<.01). On the one hand, the temperature of the injured leg is higher in the anterior view and the temperature of the non-injured leg is higher in the posterior view. By the time the patients had recovered from the reconstruction, thermal imbalances should have not been shown between symmetrical parts, but differences seemed to be still latent.. Study 3 shows that temperatures seem to be higher after a year and a half (P2) than in P1. Study 4 shows how thermal values 18 months later seemed to be normalized between both legs. No significant differences were found between the injured leg and the noninjured leg after one year and a half of the rehabilitation process. Considering results from Study 3 and 4 we can conclude that patients seemed to have recovered from a thermal point of view. The temperature in P2 was higher but symmetrical. RESUMEN La termografía infrarroja (IRT) es una herramienta segura y no invasiva utilizada para examinar funciones fisiológicas que se basan en el control de temperatura de la piel (Tsk). Termogramas de 25 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) (2 mujeres, 23 hombres) fueron tomadas con una cámara de infrarrojos FLIR de acuerdo con el protocolo establecido por la Academia Internacional de Termología Clínica (IACT). Este trabajo consiste en 4 estudios. Los estudios 1 y 3 describen la diferencia térmica entre los diferentes momentos tras la operación del ligamento cruzado anterior: antes de comenzar la rehabilitación (P0), al final de la rehabilitación (P1) y 18 meses tras finalizar la rehabilitación (P2). Por otra parte, los estudios 2 y 4 describen la diferencia de temperatura de la piel (Tsk) entre la pierna lesionada y la pierna no lesionada en P0, P1 y P2. Los resultados del primer estudio mostraron aumentos significativos de temperatura en la zona posterior de los muslos entre P0 y P1, probablemente debido a un mecanismo de compensación. De acuerdo con esto, se puede concluir que la temperatura de la zona posterior de la pierna lesionada y no lesionada se ha incrementado desde el primero hasta el último día del proceso de rehabilitación. En el segundo estudio se encontraron diferencias significativas de temperatura entre la pierna lesionada y no lesionada en ambas etapas de la rehabilitación (p<.01). Por un lado, la temperatura de la pierna lesionada es mayor en la vista anterior. Por otro lado, la temperatura de la pierna no lesionada es mayor en la vista posterior. Una vez que los pacientes se han recuperado de todo el proceso, no deberían existir desequilibrios térmicos entre partes simétricas del cuerpo, pero las diferencias todavía estaban latentes. El tercer estudio muestra que la temperatura es más alta en P2 que en P1. El cuarto estudio muestra cómo los valores térmicos entre ambas piernas en P2 se han normalizado entre ambas piernas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la pierna lesionada y la pierna no lesionada después de 18 meses tras el proceso de rehabilitación. Considerando los resultados del studio 3 y 4, podemos concluir que se ha llegado a la recuperación total desde un punto de vista térmico. La temperatura es más elevada en P2 pero simétrica.
The Drosophila gene bicoid functions as the anterior body pattern organizer of Drosophila. Embryos lacking maternally expressed bicoid fail to develop anterior segments including head and thorax. In wild-type eggs, bicoid mRNA is localized in the anterior pole region and the bicoid protein forms an anterior-to-posterior concentration gradient. bicoid activity is required for transcriptional activation of zygotic segmentation genes and the translational suppression of uniformly distributed maternal caudal mRNA in the anterior region of the embryo. caudal genes as well as other homeobox genes or members of the Drosophila segmentation gene cascade have been found to be conserved in animal evolution. In contrast, bicoid homologs have been identified only in close relatives of the schizophoran fly Drosophila. This poses the question of how the bicoid gene evolved and adopted its unique function in organizing anterior–posterior polarity. We have cloned bicoid from a basal cyclorrhaphan fly, Megaselia abdita (Phoridae, Aschiza), and show that the gene originated from a recent duplication of the direct homolog of the vertebrate gene Hox3, termed zerknüllt, which specifies extraembryonic tissues in insects.
The proper development of digits, in tetrapods, requires the activity of several genes of the HoxA and HoxD homeobox gene complexes. By using a variety of loss-of-function alleles involving the five Hox genes that have been described to affect digit patterning, we report here that the group 11, 12, and 13 genes control both the size and number of murine digits in a dose-dependent fashion, rather than through a Hox code involving differential qualitative functions. A similar dose–response is observed in the morphogenesis of the penian bone, the baculum, which further suggests that digits and external genitalia share this genetic control mechanism. A progressive reduction in the dose of Hox gene products led first to ectrodactyly, then to olygodactyly and adactyly. Interestingly, this transition between the pentadactyl to the adactyl formula went through a step of polydactyly. We propose that in the distal appendage of polydactylous short-digited ancestral tetrapods, such as Acanthostega, the HoxA complex was predominantly active. Subsequent recruitment of the HoxD complex contributed to both reductions in digit number and increase in digit length. Thus, transition through a polydactylous limb before reaching and stabilizing the pentadactyl pattern may have relied, at least in part, on asynchronous and independent changes in the regulation of HoxA and HoxD gene complexes.
We have used a transgene mutation approach to study how expression domains of Hoxc8 are established during mouse embryogenesis. A cis-regulatory region located 3 kb upstream from the Hoxc8 translational start site directs the early phase of expression. Four elements, termed A, B, C, and D, were previously shown to direct expression to the neural tube. Here we report that a fifth element, E, located immediately downstream of D directs expression to mesoderm in combination with the other four elements. These elements are interdependent and partially redundant. Different combinations of elements determine expression in different posterior regions of the embryo. Neural tube expression is determined minimally by ABC, ABD, or ACD; somite expression by ACDE; and lateral plate mesoderm expression by DE. Neural tube and lateral plate mesoderm enhancers can be separated, but independent somite expression has not been achieved. Furthermore, mutations within these elements result in posteriorization of the reporter gene expression. Thus, the anterior extent of expression is determined by the combined action of these elements. We propose that the early phase of Hoxc8 expression is directed by two separate mechanisms: one that determines tissue specificity and another that determines anterior extent of expression.
Tradicionalmente, la literatura ha evidenciado debilidades en el sistema de revisión por pares en el ámbito de los artículos publicados en revistas. Hasta la fecha apenas se ha dedicado atención a estas debilidades en el campo de los congresos. Este trabajo examina los factores determinantes de las evaluaciones por pares que reciben las comunicaciones de los congresos a partir de las características de sus autores y del propio manuscrito. Asimismo, analiza la relación existente entre el grado de aceptación/rechazo de las comunicaciones y la calidad de las publicaciones posteriores que se derivan de las mismas. Los resultados obtenidos en un congreso de marketing evidencian que la orientación cuantitativa, las referencias bibliográficas y las notas a pie de página influyen en la evaluación por pares de las comunicaciones. Además, se detecta que aquellas comunicaciones que son aceptadas para su presentación en el congreso, posteriormente resultan publicadas en revistas de mayor calidad.
Purpose: To evaluate the possible associations between corneal biomechanical parameters, optic disc morphology, and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in healthy white Spanish children. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 100 myopic children and 99 emmetropic children as a control group, ranging in age from 6 to 17 years. The Ocular Response Analyzer was used to measure corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor. The optic disc morphology and RNFL thickness were assessed using posterior segment optical coherence tomography (Cirrus HD-OCT). The axial length was measured using an IOLMaster, whereas the central corneal thickness was measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (Visante OCT). Results: The mean (±SD) age and spherical equivalent were 12.11 (±2.76) years and −3.32 (±2.32) diopters for the myopic group and 11.88 (±2.97) years and +0.34 (±0.41) diopters for the emmetropic group. In a multivariable mixed-model analysis in myopic children, the average RNFL thickness and rim area correlated positively with CH (p = 0.007 and p = 0.001, respectively), whereas the average cup-to-disc area ratio correlated negatively with CH (p = 0.01). We did not observe correlation between RNFL thickness and axial length (p = 0.05). Corneal resistance factor was only positively correlated with the rim area (p = 0.001). The central corneal thickness did not correlate with the optic nerve parameters or with RNFL thickness. These associations were not found in the emmetropic group (p > 0.05 for all). Conclusions: The corneal biomechanics characterized with the Ocular Response Analyzer system are correlated with the optic disc profile and RNFL thickness in myopic children. Low CH values may indicate a reduction in the viscous dampening properties of the cornea and the sclera, especially in myopic children.
Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between different ocular and corneal biomechanical parameters in emmetropic and ametropic healthy white children. Methods: This study included 293 eyes of 293 healthy Spanish children (135 boys and 158 girls), ranging in age from 6 to 17 years. Subjects were divided according to the refractive error: control (emmetropia, 99 children), myopia (100 children), and hyperopia (94 children) groups. In all cases, corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) were evaluated with the Ocular Response Analyzer system. Axial length (AL) and mean corneal power were also measured by partial coherence interferometry (IOLMaster), and central corneal thickness (CCT) and anterior chamber depth were measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (Visante). Results: Mean (±SD) CH and CRF were 12.12 (±1.71) and 12.30 (±1.89) mm Hg, respectively. Mean (±SD) CCT was 542.68 (±37.20) μm and mean (±SD) spherical equivalent was +0.14 (±3.41) diopters. A positive correlation was found between CH and CRF (p < 0.001), and both correlated as well with CCT (p < 0.0001). Corneal resistance factor was found to decrease with increasing age (p = 0.01). Lower levels of CH were associated with longer AL and more myopia (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively). Higher values of CH were associated with increasing hyperopia. Significant differences in CH were found between emmetropic and myopic groups (p < 0.001) and between myopic and hyperopic groups (p = 0.011). There were also significant differences in CRF between emmetropic and myopic groups (p = 0.02). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that lower CH and CRF significantly associated with thinner CCT, longer AL, and flatter corneal curvature. Conclusions: The Ocular Response Analyzer corneal biomechanical properties seem to be compromised in myopia from an early age, especially in high myopia.
La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent (SIA) est une déformation tridimensionnelle (3D) de la colonne vertébrale. Pour la plupart des patients atteints de SIA, aucun traitement chirurgical n’est nécessaire. Lorsque la déformation devient sévère, un traitement chirurgical visant à réduire la déformation est recommandé. Pour déterminer la sévérité de la SIA, l’imagerie la plus utilisée est une radiographie postéroantérieure (PA) ou antéro-postérieure (AP) du rachis. Plusieurs indices sont disponibles à partir de cette modalité d’imagerie afin de quantifier la déformation de la SIA, dont l’angle de Cobb. La conduite thérapeutique est généralement basée sur cet indice. Cependant, les indices disponibles à cette modalité d’imagerie sont de nature bidimensionnelle (2D). Celles-ci ne décrivent donc pas entièrement la déformation dans la SIA dû à sa nature tridimensionnelle (3D). Conséquemment, les classifications basées sur les indices 2D souffrent des mêmes limitations. Dans le but décrire la SIA en 3D, la torsion géométrique a été étudiée et proposée par Poncet et al. Celle-ci mesure la tendance d’une courbe tridimensionnelle à changer de direction. Cependant, la méthode proposée est susceptible aux erreurs de reconstructions 3D et elle est calculée localement au niveau vertébral. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la torsion géométrique par l’approximation de longueurs d’arcs locaux et par paramétrisation de courbes dans la SIA. Une première étude visera à étudier la sensibilité de la nouvelle méthode présentée face aux erreurs de reconstructions 3D du rachis. Par la suite, deux études cliniques vont présenter la iv torsion géométrique comme indice global et viseront à démontrer l’existence de sous-groupes non-identifiés dans les classifications actuelles et que ceux-ci ont une pertinence clinique. La première étude a évalué la robustesse de la nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la torsion géométrique chez un groupe de patient atteint de la SIA. Elle a démontré que la nouvelle technique est robuste face aux erreurs de reconstructions 3D du rachis. La deuxième étude a évalué la torsion géométrique utilisant cette nouvelle méthode dans une cohorte de patient avec des déformations de type Lenke 1. Elle a démontré qu’il existe deux sous-groupes, une avec des valeurs de torsion élevées et l’autre avec des valeurs basses. Ces deux sous-groupes possèdent des différences statistiquement significatives, notamment au niveau du rachis lombaire avec le groupe de torsion élevée ayant des valeurs d’orientation des plans de déformation maximales (PMC) en thoraco-lombaire (TLL) plus élevées. La dernière étude a évalué les résultats chirurgicaux de patients ayant une déformation Lenke 1 sous-classifiées selon les valeurs de torsion préalablement. Cette étude a pu démontrer des différences au niveau du PMC au niveau thoraco-lombaire avec des valeurs plus élevées en postopératoire chez les patients ayant une haute torsion. Ces études présentent une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la torsion géométrique et présentent cet indice quantitativement. Elles ont démontré l’existence de sous-groupes 3D basés sur cet indice ayant une pertinence clinique dans la SIA, qui n’étaient pas identifiés auparavant. Ce projet contribue dans la tendance actuelle vers le développement d’indices 3D et de classifications 3D pour la scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
BACKGROUND As an alternative to the modified Stoppa approach, the Pararectus approach is used clinically for treatment of acetabular fractures involving the anterior column. The current study assessed the surgical exposure and the options for instrumentation using both of these approaches. METHODS Surgical dissections were conducted on five human cadavers (all male, mean age 88 years (82-97)) using the modified Stoppa and the Pararectus approach, with the same skin incision length (10cm). Distal boundaries of the exposed bony surfaces were marked using a chisel. After removal of all soft-tissues, distances from the boundaries in the false and true pelvis were measured with reference to the pelvic brim. The exposed bone was coloured and calibrated digital images of each inner hemipelvis were taken. The amount of exposed surface using both approaches was assessed and represented as a percentage of the total bony surface of each hemipelvis. For instrumentation, a suprapectineal quadrilateral buttress plate was used. Screw lengths were documented, and three-dimensional CT reconstructions were performed to assess screw trajectories qualitatively. Wilcoxon's signed rank test for paired groups was used (level of significance: p<0.05). RESULTS After utilization of the Pararectus approach, the distances from the farthest boundaries of exposed bone towards the pelvic brim were significantly higher in the false but not the true pelvis, compared to the modified Stoppa approach. The percentage (mean±SD) of exposed bone accessible after utilizing the Pararectus approach was 42±8%, compared to 29±6% using the modified Stoppa (p=0.011). In cadavers exposed by the Pararectus approach, screws placed for posterior fixation and as a posterior column screw were longer by factor 1.8 and 2.1, respectively (p<0.05), and screws could be placed more posteromedial towards the posterior inferior iliac spine or in line with the posterior column directed towards the ischial tuberosity. CONCLUSION Compared to the modified Stoppa, the Pararectus approach facilitates a greater surgical access in the false pelvis, provides versatility for fracture fixation in the posterior pelvic ring and allows for the option to extend the approach without a new incision.
Here we describe the first Species of sanguinicolid blood fluke (Trematoda: Digenea) from a polynemid fish. Chaulioleptos haywardi n. gen., n. sp. is described from Filimanus heptadacryla Cuvier, 1829 (Perciformes: Polynemidae), the sevenfinger threadfin from Sandgate, Moreton Bay (southeast Queensland, Australia). Chaidioleptos haywardi differs from existing sanguinicolid genera in the combined possession of the following 7 characters: 2 testes, an entirely postovarian uterus, a uterine chamber, separate genital pores, an H-shaped intestine with abbreviated anterior caeca, tegumental spines in incomplete ventromarginal transverse rows that are continuous along the length of the body, and vitelline follicles that are tightly compacted and subsequently appear to form a solid branching mass occupying the area anterior to intestinal bifurcation and extending posteriorly to the level of the posterior margin of the anterior testis. Chaulioleptos haywardi is most closely related to Paracardicola Martin, 1960 and Adelomyllos Nolan and Cribb, 2004.