496 resultados para Campomelic Dysplasia


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Decrease in Cdx dosage in an allelic series of mouse Cdx mutants leads to progressively more severe posterior vertebral defects. These defects are corrected by posterior gain of function of the Wnt effector Lef1. Precocious expression of Hox paralogous 13 genes also induces vertebral axis truncation by antagonizing Cdx function. We report here that the phenotypic similarity also applies to patterning of the caudal neural tube and uro-rectal tracts in Cdx and Wnt3a mutants, and in embryos precociously expressing Hox13 genes. Cdx2 inactivation after placentation leads to posterior defects, including incomplete uro-rectal septation. Compound mutants carrying one active Cdx2 allele in the Cdx4-null background (Cdx2/4), transgenic embryos precociously expressing Hox13 genes and a novel Wnt3a hypomorph mutant all manifest a comparable phenotype with similar uro-rectal defects. Phenotype and transcriptome analysis in early Cdx mutants, genetic rescue experiments and gene expression studies lead us to propose that Cdx transcription factors act via Wnt signaling during the laying down of uro-rectal mesoderm, and that they are operative in an early phase of these events, at the site of tissue progenitors in the posterior growth zone of the embryo. Cdx and Wnt mutations and premature Hox13 expression also cause similar neural dysmorphology, including ectopic neural structures that sometimes lead to neural tube splitting at caudal axial levels. These findings involve the Cdx genes, canonical Wnt signaling and the temporal control of posterior Hox gene expression in posterior morphogenesis in the different embryonic germ layers. They shed a new light on the etiology of the caudal dysplasia or caudal regression range of human congenital defects.


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Background Lethal chondrodysplasia (bulldog syndrome) is a well-known congenital syndrome in cattle and occurs sporadically in many breeds. In 2015, it was noticed that about 12 % of the offspring of the phenotypically normal Danish Holstein sire VH Cadiz Captivo showed chondrodysplasia resembling previously reported bulldog calves. Pedigree analysis of affected calves did not display obvious inbreeding to a common ancestor, suggesting the causative allele was not a rare recessive. The normal phenotype of the sire suggested a dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance or a mosaic mutation. Results Three malformed calves were examined by necropsy, histopathology, radiology, and computed tomography scanning. These calves were morphologically similar and displayed severe disproportionate dwarfism and reduced body weight. The syndrome was characterized by shortening and compression of the body due to reduced length of the spine and the long bones of the limbs. The vicerocranium had severe dysplasia and palatoschisis. The bones had small irregular diaphyses and enlarged epiphyses consisting only of chondroid tissue. The sire and a total of four affected half-sib offspring and their dams were genotyped with the BovineHD SNP array to map the defect in the genome. Significant genetic linkage was obtained for several regions of the bovine genome including chromosome 5 where whole genome sequencing of an affected calf revealed a COL2A1 point mutation (g.32473300 G > A). This private sequence variant was predicted to affect splicing as it altered the conserved splice donor sequence GT at the 5’-end of COL2A1 intron 36, which was changed to AT. All five available cases carried the mutant allele in heterozygous state and all five dams were homozygous wild type. The sire VH Cadiz Captivo was shown to be a gonadal and somatic mosaic as assessed by the presence of the mutant allele at levels of about 5 % in peripheral blood and 15 % in semen. Conclusions The phenotypic and genetic findings are comparable to a previously reported COL2A1 missense mutation underlying lethal chondrodysplasia in the offspring of a mosaic French Holstein sire (Igale Masc). The identified independent spontaneous splice site variant in COL2A1 most likely caused chondrodysplasia and must have occurred during the early foetal development of the sire. This study provides a first example of a dominant COL2A1 splice site variant as candidate causal mutation of a severe lethal chondrodysplasia phenotype. Germline mosaicism is a relatively frequent mechanism in the origin of genetic disorders and explains the prevalence of a certain fraction of affected offspring. Paternal dominant de novo mutations are a risk in cattle breeding, especially because the ratio of defective offspring may be very high and be associated with significant animal welfare problems.


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Le co-transporteur KCC2 spécifique au potassium et chlore a pour rôle principal de réduire la concentration intracellulaire de chlore, entraînant l’hyperpolarisation des courants GABAergic l’autorisant ainsi à devenir inhibiteur dans le cerveau mature. De plus, il est aussi impliqué dans le développement des synapses excitatrices, nommées aussi les épines dendritiques. Le but de notre projet est d’étudier l’effet des modifications concernant l'expression et la fonction de KCC2 dans le cortex du cerveau en développement dans un contexte de convulsions précoces. Les convulsions fébriles affectent environ 5% des enfants, et ce dès la première année de vie. Les enfants atteints de convulsions fébriles prolongées et atypiques sont plus susceptibles à développer l’épilepsie. De plus, la présence d’une malformation cérébrale prédispose au développement de convulsions fébriles atypiques, et d’épilepsie du lobe temporal. Ceci suggère que ces pathologies néonatales peuvent altérer le développement des circuits neuronaux irréversiblement. Cependant, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ces effets ne sont pas encore compris. Nous avons pour but de comprendre l'impact des altérations de KCC2 sur la survenue des convulsions et dans la formation des épines dendritiques. Nous avons étudié KCC2 dans un modèle animal de convulsions précédemment validé, qui combine une lésion corticale à P1 (premier jour de vie postnatale), suivie d'une convulsion induite par hyperthermie à P10 (nommés rats LHS). À la suite de ces insultes, 86% des rats mâles LHS développent l’épilepsie à l’âge adulte, au même titre que des troubles d’apprentissage. À P20, ces animaux presentent une augmentation de l'expression de KCC2 associée à une hyperpolarisation du potentiel de réversion de GABA. De plus, nous avons observé des réductions dans la taille des épines dendritiques et l'amplitude des courants post-synaptiques excitateurs miniatures, ainsi qu’un déficit de mémoire spatial, et ce avant le développement des convulsions spontanées. Dans le but de rétablir les déficits observés chez les rats LHS, nous avons alors réalisé un knock-down de KCC2 par shARN spécifique par électroporation in utero. Nos résultats ont montré une diminution de la susceptibilité aux convulsions due à la lésion corticale, ainsi qu'une restauration de la taille des épines. Ainsi, l’augmentation de KCC2 à la suite d'une convulsion précoce, augmente la susceptibilité aux convulsions modifiant la morphologie des épines dendritiques, probable facteur contribuant à l’atrophie de l’hippocampe et l’occurrence des déficits cognitifs. Le deuxième objectif a été d'inspecter l’effet de la surexpression précoce de KCC2 dans le développement des épines dendritiques de l’hippocampe. Nous avons ainsi surexprimé KCC2 aussi bien in vitro dans des cultures organotypiques d’hippocampe, qu' in vivo par électroporation in utero. À l'inverse des résultats publiés dans le cortex, nous avons observé une diminution de la densité d’épines dendritiques et une augmentation de la taille des épines. Afin de confirmer la spécificité du rôle de KCC2 face à la région néocorticale étudiée, nous avons surexprimé KCC2 dans le cortex par électroporation in utero. Cette manipulation a eu pour conséquences d’augmenter la densité et la longueur des épines synaptiques de l’arbre dendritique des cellules glutamatergiques. En conséquent, ces résultats ont démontré pour la première fois, que les modifications de l’expression de KCC2 sont spécifiques à la région affectée. Ceci souligne les obstacles auxquels nous faisons face dans le développement de thérapie adéquat pour l’épilepsie ayant pour but de moduler l’expression de KCC2 de façon spécifique.


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La dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire (DBP), caractérisée par un défaut de l’alvéolarisation, est une complication pathologique associée à un stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né prématuré. La DBP est présente chez près de 50 % des nouveau-nés de moins de 29 semaines de gestation. La nutrition parentérale (NP) que ces nouveau-nés reçoivent pour cause d’immaturité gastro-intestinale est une source importante de stress oxydant. En effet, leur NP est contaminée par des peroxydes, dont l’ascorbylperoxyde qui est une forme peroxydée du déshydroascorbate. La génération des peroxydes est catalysée par la lumière ambiante. La photoprotection de la NP, quoique difficile d’application en clinique, est associée à une diminution de l’incidence de la DBP chez les enfants prématurés. Chez l’animal nouveau-né, la photoprotection de la NP est associée à un meilleur développement alvéolaire. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’ascorbylperoxide infusé avec la NP cause la perte d’alvéoles suite à une apoptose exagérée induite par l’oxydation du potentiel redox du glutathion. Cette oxydation du potentiel redox serait occasionnée par l’inhibition de la transformation hépatique de la méthionine en cystéine, menant à une diminution de la synthèse de glutathion au foie et dans les tissus tels que les poumons. La confirmation de cette hypothèse suggérera qu’un ajout de glutathion dans la NP permettra une meilleure détoxification de l’ascorbylperoxide par l’action de la glutathion peroxydase, et préviendra l’oxydation du potentiel redox et ainsi, la perte d'alvéoles par apoptose. Objectifs : Le but de mon projet de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes biochimiques liant la NP et le développement de la DBP chez le nouveau-né prématuré et de proposer une alternative nutritionnelle prévenant le développement de cette complication fréquemment observée dans cette population. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : 1) d’évaluer l’impact, au poumon, de l’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde sur l’axe métabolique potentiel redox du glutathion - apoptose - le développement alvéolaire; 2) d’étudier l’impact de l’ascorbylperoxyde et du potentiel redox sur l’activité hépatique de la méthionine adénosyltransférase (MAT), première enzyme de la cascade métabolique transformant la méthionine en cystéine; et 3) de tenter de prévenir l’impact négatif de la NP ou de l’infusion d’ascorbylperoxyde sur le poumon en améliorant le statut en glutathion. Méthodes: Par un cathéter fixé dans la jugulaire, des cochons d’Inde de trois jours de vie (n = 8 par groupe) ont reçu en continu durant 4 jours une NP ou une solution de base (dextrose + NaCl) enrichie des différentes molécules à l’essai. Le premier objectif a été atteint en enrichissant la solution de base en ascorbylperoxyde à 0, 20, 60 et 180 μM. Ces solutions contenaient ou non 350 μM H2O2 pour se rapprocher des conditions cliniques. Le second objectif a été atteint en investiguant les mécanismes d’inhibition de la MAT dans des animaux infusés ou non avec des solutions contenant la solution de base, des peroxydes, du glutathion et la NP (dextrose + acides aminés + multivitamines + lipides). Le troisième objectif a été atteint en ajoutant ou non à une solution d’ascorbylperoxide ou à la NP 10 μM de glutathion (GSSG), afin d’obtenir une concentration plasmatique normale de glutathion. Après 4 jours, les poumons étaient prélevés et traités pour la détermination de GSH et GSSG par électrophorèse capillaire, le potentiel redox était calculé selon l'équation de Nernst et le niveau de caspase-3 actif (marqueur d’apoptose) par Western blot et l’index d’alvéolarisation quantifié par le nombre d’interceptes entre des structures histologiques et une droite calibrée. Les données étaient comparées par ANOVA, les effets étaient considérés comme significatifs si le p était inférieur à 0,05. Résultats: L’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde, indépendamment du H2O2, a induit une hypoalvéolarisation, une activation de la caspase-3 et une oxydation du potentiel redox de manière dose-dépendante. Ces effets ont été empêchés par l’ajout de GSSG à la NP ou à la solution d’ascorbylperoxyde (180 M). L’ascorbylperoxyde et le H2O2 ont inhibé l’activité de MAT tandis qu’elle était linéairement modulée par la valeur du potentiel redox hépatique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que l’ascorbylperoxyde est l’agent actif de la NP conduisant au développement de la DBP. Ainsi la correction des bas niveaux de glutathion induits par les peroxydes de la NP favorise la détoxification des peroxydes et la correction du potentiel redox pulmonaire ; ce qui a protégé les poumons des effets délétères de la NP en outrepassant l’inhibition de la MAT hépatique. Nos résultats sont d'une grande importance car ils donnent de l'espoir pour une prévention possible de la DBP.


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Chronic gallbladder disease frequently accompanies infection with the liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, in Northeast Thailand. However, the pathology and pathogenesis of the gallbladder disease have not been described. Accordingly, gallbladder specimens from 187 consecutive patients who had undergone cholecystectomy at a referral hospital in an endemic area in Thailand were histologically characterized in relation to O. viverrini infection. The infection was assessed by the presence of parasite eggs in the bile and/or antibody response to the liver fluke. The average level of parasite-specific IgG was significantly higher in patients with Opisthorchis eggs in the bile than those without (P < 0.001). The main histopathologic features of the gallbladder included inflammation, mucosal atrophy/or hyperplasia, goblet cell metaplasia, mucous gland hyperplasia, Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus formation, dysplasia and fibrosis. The fibrosis was strongly associated with elevated levels of Opisthorchis-specific antibody (P < 0.001) but not with the presence of parasite eggs. Other pathologic features did not vary in frequency or severity with parasitological status. Our results show that severe fibrosis of the gallbladder is a more common histologic feature of cholecystitis among those with O. viverrini infection compared to those without infection. The close relationship between parasite-specific IgG and severe fibrosis suggests that specific immune response to the parasite play an important role in the pathogenesis of the fibrotic change. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Barrett's esophagus, a metaplastic precursor to esophageal adenocarcinoma, is becoming increasingly prevalent in many populations. Clinical studies suggest acid reflux causes Barrett's esophagus; however, no population-based estimates of risk have been reported, and the role of other health factors in modifying risk is unclear. Methods: We conducted a population-based case-control study in Brisbane, Australia. Cases were 167 patients with histologically confirmed Barrett's esophagus diagnosed between February and December 2003. Age-matched and sex-matched controls (n = 261) were randomly selected from a population register. Data on exposure to self-reported symptoms of acid reflux, smoking, obesity, and other factors were collected through self-completed questionnaires followed by telephone interview. Risks of Barrett's esophagus and Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia associated with these exposures were estimated by the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% Cl), both crude and adjusted for other factors. Results: Self-reported weekly episodes of acid reflux were associated with greatly increased risks of Barrett's esophagus (adjusted OR, 29.7; 95% CI, 12.2-72.6) and Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia (OR, 59.7; 95% CI, 18.5-193). Smoking was also associated with risk of Barrett's esophagus. We found evidence of interactions between symptoms of acid reflux and smoking and obesity. Obese people with self-reported symptoms of acid reflux had markedly higher risks of Barrett's esophagus (OR, 34.4; 95% CI, 6.3-188) than people with reflux alone (OR, 9.3; 95% CI, 1.4-62.2) or obesity alone (OR, 0.7,95% CI, 0.2-2.4). Similarly, those reporting both acid reflux symptoms and smoking were at substantially higher risks of Barrett's esophagus (OR, 51.4; 95% CI, 14.1-188) than those reporting acid reflux or smoking alone. Conclusions: Although history of symptoms of acid reflux is the principle factor associated with Barrett's esophagus, risks are substantially increased by obesity and smoking.


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We have compared the expression pattern of NMDA receptor subunits (NR1 and NR2A-D)and NRI splice variants (NR1-1a/1b,-2a/2b,-3a/3b,4a/4b) in motor neuron populations from adult Wistar rats that are vulnerable (hypoglossal, XII) or resistant (oculomotor, III) to death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The major finding was higher levels of expression of the NR2B subunit in the hypoglossal nucleus. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that NR1 was expressed at a greater level than any of the NR2 subunits (> 15 fold greater, P


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The development of colorectal cancer is a major complication for patients with chronic idiopathic colitis. Colitis-associated tumours tend to occur at a younger age and be more aggressive than sporadic colorectal cancers. While we have previously associated the presence of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and increased apoptosis in sporadic colorectal cancer with high-level microsatellite instability and improved prognosis, little is known of the relationship between these variables in colitis-associated colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to correlate TILs and tumour cell apoptosis in colitis-associated neoplasms stratified according to microsatellite instability. Twenty tumour and 11 dysplastic samples resected from 21 patients with long-standing colitis were analysed for microsatellite instability at 10 microsatellite markers. TIL distribution (CD3, CD8) and function (granzyme B) were quantified by immunohistochemistry. Neoplastic cell apoptosis was assessed using the M30 CytoDEATH antibody. These findings were compared with 40 microsatellite stable (MSS) sporadic colorectal cancers previously evaluated for TILs and neoplastic apoptosis. Low-level microsatellite instability was found in 1/20 colitis-associated tumours. All other colitis-associated lesions were designated MSS. CD3(+) and CD8(+) TIL counts were significantly higher in colitis-associated lesions compared with NISS sporadic colorectal cancer (p < 0.0001, p = 0.001 respectively). Despite their higher TIL density, colitis-associated tumours were more likely to present late (Dukes' stage C or D) (P = 0.02). Functionally, colitis-associated TILs demonstrated significantly less granzyme B expression compared to sporadic cancers (p = 0.002). The level of tumour cell apoptosis was similar between the two groups (sporadic, 1.53%; colitis cancers, 1.45%). In conclusion, NISS colitis-associated tumours have a higher prevalence of CD3(+)/CD8(+) TILs but no associated increase in tumour cell killing by apoptosis. Unlike cytotoxic T cells in sporadic colorectal cancer, TILs do not appear to enhance the prognosis of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. This may be related to an impairment of granzyme B expression within these lesions. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Aim: To compare cell phenotypes displayed by cholangiocarcinomas and adjacent bile duct lesions in patients from an area endemic in liver-fluke infestation and those with sporadic cholangiocarcinoma. Methods: 65 fluke-associated and 47 sporadic cholangiocarcinomas and 6 normal livers were studied. Serial paraffin-wax sections were stained immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies characterising a Brunner or pyloric gland metaplasia cell phenotype (antigens D10 and 1F6), intestinal goblet cells (antigen 17NM), gastric foveolar apomucin (MUC5AC), a gastrointestinal epithelium cytokeratin (CK20) and the p53 protein. Results: 60% of the 112 cholangiocarcinomas expressed antigen D10, 68% MUC5AC, 33% antigen 17NM and 20% CK20; 37% showed overexpression of p53. When present together in a cholangiocarcinoma, cancer cells expressing D10 were distinct from those displaying 17NM or MUC5AC. Many more fluke-associated cholangiocarcinomas than sporadic cholangiocarcinomas displayed 17NM and p53 expression. Most cases of hyperplastic and dysplastic biliary epithelium expressed D10 strongly. Pyloric gland metaplasia and peribiliary glands displayed D10 and 1F6, with peribiliary gland hyperplasia more evident in the livers with fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma; goblet cells in intestinal metaplasia stained for 17NM. No notable association of expression between any two antigens (including p53) was found in the cancers. Conclusions: Most cases of dysplastic biliary epithelium and cholangiocarcinoma display a Brunner or pyloric gland cell phenotype and a gastric foveolar cell phenotype. The expression of D10 in hyperplastic and dysplastic epithelium and in cholangiocarcinoma is consistent with a dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Many more fluke-associated cholangiocarcinomas than sporadic cholangiocarcinoma display an intestinal goblet cell phenotype and overexpress p53, indicating differences in the aetiopathology of the cancers in the two groups of patients.


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center dot PURPOSE: To evaluate topical interferon alfa-2b (IFN-alpha 2b) for the treatment of recalcitrant ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). center dot DESIGN: Prospective, noncomparative, interventional consecutive case series. center dot METHODS: Ten patients with recalcitrant OSSN were treated with topical IFN-alpha 2b (1 million IU/ml) four times a day until clinical resolution of the lesion or until the lesion appeared nonresponsive-that is, treatment failure. Progress was assessed by clinical examination and photographic records, with a minimum follow,up of six months. center dot RESULTS: Eight of 10 patients achieved clinical resolution from topical IFN-alpha 2b treatment. One patient developed invasive squamous cell carcinoma and underwent exenteration. The other patient required further mitomycin C therapy to achieve clinical resolution. The mean duration to clinical resolution for the eight patients treated with IFN-alpha 2b was 21.9 weeks (range six to 59 weeks). There have been no recurrences for any of the nine patients during follow-up (mean 55.0 weeks; range 26 to 84 weeks). center dot CONCLUSIONS: Topical IFN-alpha 2b is an important treatment modality for recalcitrant OSSN; it avoids the risks of further limbal stem cell destruction from other agents and surgical excision. If invasive disease is diagnosed at any stage, topical therapy is contraindicated, necessitating surgical excision. (Am J Ophthalmol 2006; 142:568-571. (c) 2006 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)


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Aim-Colorectal cancer has been described in association with hyperplastic polyposis but the mechanism underlying this observation is unknown. The aim of this study was to characterise foci of dysplasia developing in the polyps of subjects with hyperplastic polyposis on the basis of DNA microsatellite status and expression of the DNA mismatch repair proteins hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6. Materials and methods-The material was derived from four patients with hyperplastic polyposis and between one and six synchronous colorectal cancers. Normal (four), hyperplastic (13), dysplastic (13), and malignant (11) samples were microdissected and a PCR based approach was used to identify mutations at 10 microsatellite loci, TGF beta IIR, IGF2R, BAX, MSH3, and MSH6. Microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) was diagnosed when 40% or more of the microsatellite loci showed mutational bandshifts. Serial sections were stained for hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6. Result-DNA microsatellite instability was found in 1/13 (8%) hyperplastic samples, in 7/13 (54%) dysplastic foci, and in 8/11 (73%) cancers. None of the MSI-low (MSI-L) samples (one hyperplastic, three dysplastic, two cancers) showed loss of hMLH1 expression. All four MSI-H dysplastic foci and six MSI-H cancers showed loss of hMLH1 expression. Loss of hMLH1 in MSI-H but not in MSI-L lesions showing dysplasia or cancer was significant (p< 0.001, Fisher's exact test). Loss of hMSH6 occurred in one MSI-H cancer and one MSS focus of dysplasia which also showed loss of hMLH1 staining. Conclusion-Neoplastic changes in hyperplastic polyposis may occur within a hyperplastic polyp. Neoplasia may be driven by DNA instability that is present to a low (MSI-L) or high (MSI-H) degree. MSI-H but not MSI-L dysplastic foci are associated with loss of hMLH1 expression. At least two mutator pathways drive neoplasia in hyperplastic polyposis. The role of the hyperplastic polyp in the histogenesis of sporadic DNA microsatellite unstable colorectal cancer should be examined.


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Coral reefs are in decline worldwide and coral disease is a significant contributing factor. However, etiologies of coral diseases are still not well understood. In contrast with the Caribbean, extremely little is known about coral diseases in the Philippines. In 2005, off Southeast Negros Island, Philippines, I investigated relationships between environmental parameters and prevalence of the two most common coral diseases, ulcerative white spot (UWS) and massive Porites growth anomalies (MPGAs). Samples were collected along a disease prevalence gradient 40.5 km long. Principal component analyses showed prevalence of MPGAs was positively correlated with water column nitrogen, organic carbon of surface sediments, and colony density. UWS was positively correlated with water column phosphorus. This is the first quantitative evidence linking anthropogenically-impacted water and sediment to a higher prevalence of these diseases. Histological and cytological alterations were investigated by comparing tissues from two distinct types of MPGA lesions (types 1 and 2) and healthy coral using light and electron microscopy. Skeletal abnormalities and sloughing, swelling, thinning, and loss of tissues in MPGAs resembled tissues exposed to bacterial or fungal toxins. Both lesion types had decreases in symbiotic zooxanthellae, which supply nutrients to corals. Notable alterations included migrations of chromophore cells (amoebocytes) (1) nocturnally to outer epithelia to perform wound-healing, including plugging gaps and secreting melanin in degraded tissues, and (2) diurnally to the interior of the tissue possibly to prevent shading zooxanthellae in order to maximize photosynthate production. Depletion of melanin (active in wound healing) in type 2 lesions suggested type 2 tissues were overtaxed and less stable. MPGAs contained an abundance of endolithic fungi and virus-like particles, which may result from higher nutrient levels and play roles in disease development. Swollen cells and mucus frequently blocked gastrovascular canals (GVCs) in MPGAs. Type 1 lesions appeared to compensate for impeded flow of wastes and nutrients through these canals with proliferation of new GVCs, which were responsible for the observed thickened tissues. In contrast, type 2 tissues were thin and more degraded. Dysplasia and putative neoplasia were also observed in MPGAs which may result from the tissue regeneration capacity being overwhelmed.


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The primary objective of this proposal was to determine whether mitochondrial oxidative stress and variation in a particular mtDNA lineage contribute to the risk of developing cortical dysplasia and are potential contributing factors in epileptogenesis in children. The occurrence of epilepsy in children is highly associated with malformations of cortical development (MCD). It appears that MCD might arise from developmental errors due to environmental exposures in combination with inherited variation in response to environmental exposures and mitochondrial function. Therefore, it is postulated that variation in a particular mtDNA lineage of children contributes to the effects of mitochondrial DNA damage on MCD phenotype. Quantitative PCR and dot blot were used to examine mitochondrial oxidative damage and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the mitochondrial genome in brain tissue from 48 pediatric intractable epilepsy patients from Miami Children’s Hospital and 11 control samples from NICHD Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders. Epilepsy patients showed higher mtDNA copy number compared to normal health subjects (controls). Oxidative mtDNA damage was lower in non-neoplastic but higher in neoplastic epilepsy patients compared to controls. There was a trend of lower mtDNA oxidative damage in the non-neoplastic (MCD) patients compared to controls, yet, the reverse was observed in neoplastic (MCD and Non-MCD) epilepsy patients. The presence of mtDNA SNP and haplogroups did not show any statistically significant relationships with epilepsy phenotypes. However, SNPs G9804A and G9952A were found in higher frequencies in epilepsy samples. Logistic regression analysis showed no relationship between mtDNA oxidative stress, mtDNA copy number, mitochondrial haplogroups and SNP variations with epilepsy in pediatric patients. The levels of mtDNA copy number and oxidative mtDNA damage and the SNPs G9952A and T10010C predicted neoplastic epilepsy, however, this was not significant due to a small sample size of pediatric subjects. Findings of this study indicate that an increase in mtDNA content may be compensatory mechanisms for defective mitochondria in intractable epilepsy and brain tumor. Further validation of these findings related to mitochondrial genotypes and mitochondrial dysfunction in pediatric epilepsy and MCD may lay the ground for the development of new therapies and prevention strategies during embryogenesis.