942 resultados para Calorie expenditure
Incubation temperature and the amount of water taken up by eggs from the substrate during incubation affects hatchling size and morphology in many oviparous reptiles. The Brisbane river turtle Emydura signata lays hard-shelled eggs and hatchling mass was unaffected by the amount of water gained or lost during incubation. Constant temperature incubation of eggs at 24 degrees C, 26 degrees C, 28 degrees C and 31 degrees C had no effect on hatchling mass, yolk-free hatchling mass, residual yolk mass, carapace length, carapace width, plastron length or plastron width. However, hatchlings incubated at 26 degrees C and 28 degrees C had wider heads than hatchlings incubated at 24 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Incubation period varied inversely with incubation temperature, while the rate of increase in oxygen consumption during the first part of incubation and the peak rate of oxygen consumption varied directly with incubation temperature. The total amount of oxygen consumed during development and hatchling production cost was significantly greater at 24 degrees C than at 26 degrees C, 28 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Hatchling mass and dimensions and total embryonic energy expenditure was directly proportional to initial egg mass.
Background. A sustainable pattern of participation in physical activity is important in the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, College students are in transition from an active youth to a more sedentary adult behavior pattern. Methods. We assessed self-reported physical activity and other characteristics in a sample of 2,729 male and female students (median age was 20 years) recruited from representative courses and year levels at four Australian College campuses. They were categorized as sufficiently or insufficiently active, using estimates of energy expenditure (kcal/week) derived from self-reported physical activity, Personal factors (self-efficacy, job status, enjoyment), social factors (social support from family/friends), and environmental factors (awareness of facilities, gym membership) were also assessed. Results. Forty-seven percent of females and 32% of males were insufficiently active. For females, the significant independent predictors of being insufficiently active were lower social support from family and friends, lower enjoyment of activity, and not working. For males, predictors were lower social support from family and friends, lower enjoyment of activity, and being older. Conclusions. Factors associated with physical activity participation (particularly social support from family and friends) can inform physical activity strategies directed at young adults in the college setting. (C) 1999 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
Contemporary strategies for rural development in Australia are based upon notions of self-help and bottom-up, community-based initiatives which are said to 'empower' the individual from the imposing structures of government intervention. While such strategies are not entirely new to Australia, they have, it seems, been inadequately theorised to date and are generally regarded, in rather functionalist terms, as indicative of attempts to cut back on public expenditure. Harnessing itself to the 'governmentality' perspective, this paper explores government and 'expert' discourses of rural community development in Queensland and suggests, instead, that these strategies are indicative of an advanced liberal form of rule which seeks to 'govern through community'. With this in mind, three basic research questions are identified as worthy of further exploration; how are the notions of self-governing individuals and communities constructed in political discourse; what political rationalities are used to justify current levels of(non) intervention and finally; what are the discourses, forms and outcomes of empowerment at the local level? The paper concludes by arguing that while the empowering effects of self-help are frequently cited as its greatest virtue, it is not so much control as the added burden of responsibility that is being devolved to local people. Given the emphasis of the governmentality perspective on strategies for 'governing at a distance', however, these conclusions can hardly be unexpected. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
Background, Regular physical activity in older adults can facilitate healthy aging, improve functional capacity, and prevent disease. However, factors associated with physical inactivity in older populations are poorly understood. This study attempts to identify social-cognitive and perceived environmental influences associated with physical activity participation in older populations. Methods. In a randomly selected sample of 449 Australian adults age 60 and older, we assessed self-reported physical activity and a range of social-cognitive and perceived environmental factors. Respondents were classified as sufficiently active and inactive based on energy expenditure estimates (kcal/week) derived from self-reported physical activity. Two logistic regression models, with and without self-efficacy included, were conducted to identify modifiable independent predictors of physical activity. Results. Significantly more males than females were physically active. Physical activity participation was related to age with a greater proportion of those age 65-69 being active than those age 60-64 or 70 or older. High self-efficacy, regular participation of friends and family, finding footpaths safe for walking, and access to local facilities were significantly associated with being active. Conclusion. Identifying predictors of physical activity in older populations, particularly social support, facility access, and neighbourhood safety, can inform the development of policy and intervention strategies to promote the health of older people. (C) 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
Incubation temperature influences embryonic development and the morphology of resultant hatchlings in many species of turtle but few studies have addressed its effect on oxygen consumption and total embryonic energy expenditure. Eggs of the Australian broad-shelled river turtle, Chelodina expansa, were incubated at constant temperatures of 24 degrees C and 28 degrees C to determine the effect of temperature on oxygen consumption, embryonic energy expenditure and hatchling morphology. All embryos at both incubation temperatures experienced a period of developmental diapause immediately after oviposition. Once this initial diapause was broken, embryos underwent a further period of developmental arrest when the embryo was still very small and had minimal oxygen consumption (
Background: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are important co-factors in HIV transmission. We studied the impact of health worker training and STD syndrome packets (containing recommended drugs, condoms, partner notification cards and information leaflets) on the quality of STD case management in primary care clinics in rural South Africa. Methods: A randomized controlled trial of five matched pairs of clinics compared the intervention with routine syndromic management. Outcomes were measured by simulated patients using standardized scripts, and included the proportion given recommended drugs; correctly case managed (given recommended drugs plus condoms and partner cards); adequately counselled; reporting good staff attitude; and consulted in privacy. Results: At baseline, the quality of STD case management was similarly poor in both groups. Only 36 and 46% of simulated patients visiting intervention and control clinics, respectively, were given recommended drugs. After the intervention, intervention clinics provided better case management than controls: 88 versus 50% (P < 0.01) received recommended drugs; 83 versus 12% (P < 0.005) were correctly case managed; 68 versus 46% (P = 0.06) were adequately counselled; 84 versus 58% experienced good staff attitude (P = 0.07); and 92 versus 86% (P = 0.4) were consulted privately. A syndrome packet cost US$1.50; the incremental cost was US$6.80. The total intervention cost equalled 0.3% of annual district health expenditure. Interpretation: A simple and affordable health service intervention achieved substantial improvements in STD case management. Although this is a critical component of STD control and can reduce HIV transmission, community-level interventions to influence health-seeking behaviour are also needed. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Background. International research indicates that blue-collar employees typically exhibit lower rates of leisure-time physical activity. While lack of time and work demands are commonly reported barriers to activity, the extent to which time-at-work mediates the relationship between occupation and leisure-time physical activity is unclear. This study investigated the association between occupation, time spent in paid employment, and participation in leisure-time physical activity. Methods. This was a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data from the 1995 Australian Health Survey, focusing on employed persons ages 18-64 years (n = 24,454), Occupation was coded as per the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations and collapsed into three categories (professional, white-collar, blue-collar). Hours worked was categorized into eight levels, ranging from 1-14 to more than 50 h per week. Participation in leisure-time physical activity was categorized as either insufficient or sufficient for health, consistent with recommended levels of energy expenditure (1600 METS-min/fortnight). The relationship between occupation, hours worked, and leisure-time physical activity was examined using logistic regression. Analyses were conducted separately for male and female, and the results are presented as a series of models that successively adjust for a range of potential covariates: age, living arrangement, smoking status, body mass index, and self-reported health. Results. Individuals in blue-collar occupations were approximately 50% more likely to be classified as insufficiently active. This occupational variability in leisure-time physical activity was not explained by hours worked. There was a suggested relationship between hours worked and leisure-time physical activity; however, this differed between men and women, and was difficult to interpret. Conclusions. Occupational variability in leisure-time physical activity cannot be explained by hours worked. Therefore, reports that work constitutes a barrier to participation should be explored further. Identification of the factors contributing to occupational variability in leisure-time physical activity will add to our understanding of why population subgroups differ in their health risk profiles, and assist in the development of health promotion strategies to reduce rates of sedentariness and health inequalities. (C) 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
Estimating energy requirements is necessary in clinical practice when indirect calorimetry is impractical. This paper systematically reviews current methods for estimating energy requirements. Conclusions include: there is discrepancy between the characteristics of populations upon which predictive equations are based and current populations; tools are not well understood, and patient care can be compromised by inappropriate application of the tools. Data comparing tools and methods are presented and issues for practitioners are discussed. (C) 2003 International Life Sciences Institute.
This paper measured the variations in performance of small municipalities in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, regarding the technical efficiency in the use of public funds in public primary health care actions concerning the funding profile, in a scenario of fiscal federalism. Technical efficiency is one of the parameters of evaluation of public sector performance and was measured by means of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The correlation analysis of DEA score was used to verify possible associations between technical efficiency and the funding profile of expenses with health care. The results showed that 6.41% of the municipalities were considered efficient. They also showed that the level of municipality dependence to inter-governmental general purpose grants and the national health funding specific purpose grants have negative correlation with efficiency scores.
The object of this article is to estimate demand elasticities for a basket of staple food important for providing the caloric needs of Brazilian households. These elasticities are useful in the measurement of the impact of structural reforms on poverty. A two-stage demand system was constructed, based on data from Household Expenditure Surveys (POF) produced by IBGE (The Brazilian Bureau of Statistics) in 1987/88 and 1995/96. We have used panel data to estimate the model, and have calculated income, own-price, and cross-price elasticities for eight groups of goods and services and, in the second stage, for 11 sub groups of staple food products. We estimated those elasticities for the whole sample of consumers and for two income groups.
Gut hormones Ighrelin, peptide YY (PYY) and ghrcagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)] are an important group of hormones that target appetite control. They are released from endocrine L cells of the small bowel in proportion to the volume, components and calories in a meal. In the current study, 20 g of gelatin (flavored and sweetened) were given to obese patients (n=12) and lean subjects (n=10). Subsequently, plasma samples were collected at-30-minute intervals rip to 180 minutes and glucose, insulin, PYY, GLP-1 and ghrelin were assayed using specific and sensitive immunofluorometric and radioimmunoassays. As expected, obese patients had normal serum glucose levels, higher serum insulin, and lower plasma concentration of ghrelin at all times compared to lean subjects. GLP-1 plasma levels were significantly elevated at 60 minutes, peaking at 120 minutes in obese patients and lean subjects. As a consequence, there was a significant rise in serum insulin levels with a significantly higher peak level at 60 min (obese) and 30 min (lean). There were no significant changes in PYY plasma concentrations and no correlation was found between body mass index and concentrations of ghrelin, PYY and GLP-1 in the group of obese patients. In conclusion, a single gelatin meal induces a rise in plasma GLP-1 followed by an increase in serum levels of insulin. These findings may be applied to maximize satiety in obese patients as a means of improving adherence to calorie-controlled diets as well as provide better control of diabetic patients.
Sucrose-fed rats, a model of metabolic syndrome, are characterized by insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, and high plasma levels of triacylglycerols and angiotensin II (Ang II). However, whether tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is altered in metabolic syndrome is unclear. To study this issue, food ad libitum and water (C) or 20% sucrose solution (SC) were given to adult male Wistar rats, for 30 days. Body weight (BW), blood pressure (BP), epididymal adipose tissue (EPI) mass, rate of in vivo fatty acid (FA) synthesis in EPI, circulating glucose, insulin, leptin, angiotensins I and II, triacylglycerols, and plasma renin (PRA) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activities were evaluated. In kidneys and EPI, gene and protein expression of type 1 (AT(1)) and 2 (AT(2)) Ang II receptors, ACE, angiotensinogen (ACT) as well as protein expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) were determined. In both tissues, Ang I, Ang II and Ang-(1-7) contents were also measured by HPLC. In SC rats higher BP, EPI mass, circulating triacylglycerols, insulin, leptin, PRA and, Ang II were found. In EPI, the rate of in vivo FA synthesis was associated with increased Ang-(1-7), protein expression of AT(1) and AT(2) receptors, ACE2, ACT, and gene expression of ACT although a reduction in ACE activity and in adipose Ang I and Ang II contents was observed. In kidneys, AT(1) and AT(2), ACE and ACT gene and protein expression as well as protein expression of ACE2 were unaltered while Ang II, Ang-(1-7) and ACE activity increased. These RAS component changes seem to be tissue specific and possibly are related to enhancement of FA synthesis, EPI mass and hypertension. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigated the effects of dietary trans fatty acids, PUFA, and SEA on body and liver fat content, liver histology, and mRNA of enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism. LDL receptor knockout weaning male mice were fed for 16 wk with diets containing 40% energy as either trans fatty acids (TRANS), PUFA, or SEA. Afterwards, subcutaneous and epididymal fat were weighed and histological markers of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were assessed according to the Histological Scoring System for NAFLD. PPAR alpha, PPAR gamma, microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP), carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT-1), and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) mRNA were measured by quantitative RT-PCR. Food intake was similar in the 3 groups, although mice fed the TRANS diet gained less weight than those receiving the PUFA diet. Compared with the PUFA- and SEA-fed mice, TRANS-fed mice had greater plasma total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) concentrations, less epididymal and subcutaneous fat, larger livers with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)-like lesions, and greater liver TC and TG concentrations. Macrosteatosis in TRANS-fed mice was associated with a higher homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA(IR)) index and upregulated mRNA related to hepatic fatty acid synthesis (SREBP-1 c and PPAR gamma) and to downregulated MTP mRNA. Diet consumption did not alter hepatic mRNA related to fatty acid oxidation (PPAR alpha and CPT-1). In conclusion, compared with PUFA- and SFA-fed mice, TRANS-fed mice had less adiposity, impaired glucose tolerance characterized by greater HOMA(IR) index, and NASH-like lesions due to greater hepatic lipogenesis. These results demonstrate the role of trans fatty acid intake on the development of key features of metabolic syndrome. J. Nutr. 140: 1127-1132, 2010.
Study objective-To investigate the magnitude and consistency of the associations between smoking and body mass index (BMI) in different populations. Design-A cross sectional study. Setting and participants-About 69000 men and women aged 35-64 years from 42 populations participating in the first WHO MONICA survey in the early and mid 1980s. Main restults-Compared to never smokers, regular smokers had significantly (p < 0.05) lower median BMI in 20 (men) and 30 (women) out of 42 populations (range -2.9 to 0.5kg/m(2)). There was no population in which smokers had a significantly higher BMI than never smokers. Among men, the association between leanness and smoking was less apparent in populations with relatively low proportions of regular smokers and high proportions of ex-smokers. Ex-smokers had significantly higher BMI than never smokers in 10 of the male populations but in women no consistent pattern was observed. Adjustment for socioeconomic status did not affect these results. Conclusions-Although in most populations the association between smoking and BMI is similar, the magnitude of this association may be affected by the proportions of smokers and ex-smokers in these populations.