985 resultados para Caldas
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The complex human behavior related to exercise involves cognitive, physical and emotional processing. The recent theories about exercise s intensity regulation have highlighted the role played by psychophysics aspects in controlling exercise s intensity. In this regard, recent evidences have shown that there is variability in human capacity in perceiving interoceptives clues. Thus, subjects more sensitive show higher physiological arousal to physical and/or emotional stress, and sensations with higher intensity. In fact, studies have evidenced that interoceptive feedback modifies behavior in exercise with free load. However, exercise recommendations are based in a constant load standard. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the influence of interoceptive sensibility on psychophysics responses during dynamic exercise performed with constant load. Twenty-four adult males were allocated into two groups accordingly with their interoceptive sensibility: high sensibility (n=11) and low sensibility (13). They underwent to an incremental test (IT) and then randomly to two sections of moderate and severe exercise intensity for 20 minutes. Heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), affective feelings (AF), alert state (AS), and percentage of associative thoughts were collect during exercise. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to assess differences between psychophysics responses. There were differences between group in RPE, AF, and AS in moderate intensity. There was no difference in any measure in severe intensity. We conclude that subjects with high interoceptive sensibility feel dynamic moderate exercise more intense than the subjecs with low interoceptive sensibility
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o desempenho germinativo de sementes de palmeira-australiana em diferentes substratos e estabelecer a granulometria e intensidade de umedecimento adequado. A semeadura foi realizada com quatro repetições de 25 sementes em solo, areia, rolo de papel e em vermiculita de diferentes granulometrias: mícron (0,15-0,20 mm), superfina (0,21-0,30 mm), fina (0,30-0,50 mm) e média (1,19-0,50 mm), umedecidas com 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; e 2,0 vezes o seu peso em água. O teste de germinação foi conduzido a 20-30 °C, avaliando-se a primeira contagem do teste aos sete dias após a semeadura e, semanalmente, a germinação (plântulas normais) até os 35 dias, quando foram contabilizadas, também, as plântulas anormais e as sementes mortas. Calcularam-se o tempo médio e frequência relativa de germinação. A vermiculita mícron umedecida com uma vez o seu peso em água apresentou o melhor desempenho como substrato para o teste de germinação de sementes de palmeira-real-australiana, por possibilitar a máxima germinação das sementes (90%) e velocidade de germinação, demandando tempo médio de 15,3 dias nesse processo.
Foram ajustadas 7239 curvas de lactação de vacas Caracu, controladas semanalmente entre os anos de 1978 a 1988, pertencentes à Fazenda Chiqueirão, Poços de Caldas, MG. As funções utilizadas foram a linear hiperbólica (FLH), a quadrática logarítmica (FQL), a gama incompleta (FGI) e a polinomial inversa (FPI). Os parâmetros foram estimados por meio de regressões não lineares, usando-se processos iterativos. A verificação da qualidade do ajuste baseou-se no coeficiente de determinação ajustado (R²A), no teste de Durbin-Watson (DW) e nas médias e desvios-padrão estimados para os parâmetros e funções dos parâmetros dos modelos. Para a curva média, os R²A foram superiores a 0,90 para todas as funções. Bons ajustes, baseados nos R²A>0,80 foram obtidos, respectivamente, por 25,2%, 39,1%, 31,1% e 28,4% das lactações ajustadas pelas funções FLH, FQL, FGI e FPI. de acordo com o teste de DW, bons ajustes foram proporcionados para 29,4% das lactações ajustadas pela FLH, 54,9% pela FQL, 34,9% pela FGI e 29,6% pela FPI. Para ambos os critérios, a FQL foi superior às demais funções, indicando grande variação nas formas das curvas de lactação geradas pelos ajustes individuais. Curvas atípicas foram estimadas pelas funções, com picos ocorrendo antes do parto e algumas vezes após o término da lactação. Todas as funções apresentaram problemas quando ajustaram dados individuais.
This thesis aims at analyzing the perspective of graduates perceived quality of an undergraduate course in order to contribute to continuous improvement. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, we performed a literature search, seeking together the work surrounding this issue, with the intent to update the concepts discussed today on the subject studied, they are: quality management, quality in higher education institutions and the system national assessment of higher education - Sinaes. The methodology is characterized as a case study, quantitative, and the object of study is composed of students who graduated from Production Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which includes students who graduated from 2002 to 2010; data collection was done through the survey instrument, questionnaire, available online through SurveyMonkey interface, data analysis was done by means of descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis, including factor analysis. The proposed survey instrument consists of questions nineteen and twenty statements that address the central theme of this dissertation. The results show the identification of four latent factors (obtained by exploratory factor analysis), through two perspectives, the analysis of perception and importance, the results were similar in terms of the variable factors. The first factor was related to the support given to students, a factor known to support two extra class, the third factor related aspects of the library, and finalizing the evaluation and approached a factor of 4 facilities. Through research it was concluded that this study presents several points to be improved by the management team, and recommended to continue to evaluate the perceptions of graduates, seeking continuous improvement in service delivery by the university
This work was carried out in the city of Maringa, located in the Northwest region of Parana, with the aim of analyzing economically the yellow passion fruit crop (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Deg.), comparing organic and conventional production systems. To estimate technical coefficients, planting and production costs, and profitability indicators of culture, the data were surveyed from technicians of the region and based in experimental work, carried out at the Experimental Farm of lguaterm from the Maringa State University, in the period of june/2002 to july/2004. The total production costs of the culture in two agricultural years reached a value 12.94% higher for the conventional system, and in this same period the medium index of profitability was 21.39% higher for the organic system. The organic production system was economically feasible and provided a larger index of profitability.
The utilization of synthetic fibers for plastic reinforcement is more and more frequent and this growing interest requires that their mechanic behavior under the most variable conditions of structural applications be known. The use of such materials in the open and exposed to the elements is one of them. In this case, it becomes extremely necessary to study their mechanical properties (strength, stiffness) and the mechanism of fracture by which the environment aging them out. In order to do that, the material must be submitted to hot steam and ultraviolet radiation exposure cycles, according to periods of time determined by the norms. This study proposal deals with the investigation of accelerated environmental aging in two laminated polymeric composites reinforced by hybrid woven made up of synthetic fibers. The configurations of the laminated composites are defined as: one laminate reinforced with hybrid woven of glass fibers/E and Kevlar fibers/49 (LHVK) and the other laminate is reinforced with hybrid tissue of glass fibers/E and of carbon fibers AS4 (LHVC). The woven are plane and bidirectional. Both laminates are impregnated with a thermofix resin called Derakane 470-300 Epoxy Vinyl-Ester and they form a total of four layers. The laminates were industrially manufactured and were made through the process of hand-lay-up. Comparative analyses were carried out between their mechanical properties by submitting specimen to uniaxial loading tractions and three-point flexion. The specimen were tested both from their original state, that is, without being environmentally aging out, and after environmental aging. This last state was reached by using the environmental aging chamber
O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o desempenho de pontas de pulverização na deposição da calda inseticida para o controle de ninfas de cigarrinhas das pastagens em Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG-4. Doze tratamentos foram estudados em esquema fatorial 6x2, constituídos pelo contraste de seis pontas de pulverização e pressões de 196 e 392 kPa: TF-VP2 (336 L ha-1 e 467 L ha-1); AI11002-VS (184 L ha-1 e 200 L ha-1); XR11002-VS (200 L ha-1 e 280 L ha-1); TT11002-VP (200 L ha-1 e 280 L ha-1); TJ60-11002VS (208 L ha-1 e 280 L ha-1) e TX-VK4 (72 L ha-1 e 97 L ha-1). Para monitorar a deposição das caldas de pulverização, utilizaram-se os traçadores Azul Brilhante FD&C-1 (0,3% p/v) e Amarelo de Tartrasina FD&C-5 (0,6% p/v). Alvos artificiais, constituídos de lâminas de vidro, foram posicionados na base das plantas, próximos à superfície do solo, e os depósitos por unidade de área das soluções pulverizadas foram quantificados por espectrofotometria. As pontas TF-VP2, XR11002-VS e AI11002-VS, nas pressões de 196 e 392 kPa, proporcionam as maiores deposições da calda de pulverização na região das espumas das cigarrinhas das pastagens, apesar de apresentarem menor uniformidade na distribuição dos depósitos em relação a TX-VK4, XR110.02-VS e TJ110.02-VS. O aumento da pressão de 196 para 392 kPa promoveu aumento na deposição da calda de pulverização sobre a Brachiaria brizantha e na região onde se encontram as espumas das cigarrinhas para todos os tipos de pontas estudadas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de surfatantes e pontas de pulverização na deposição da calda de pulverização em plantas de Cynodon dactylon. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em um esquema fatorial 2 x 5, sendo duas pontas de pulverização (XR 11002 e TX-VK 8) e cinco caldas de pulverização (sem surfatante e com os surfatantes Aterbane e Silwet a 0,05% e 0,1%). As caldas foram preparadas utilizando-se o corante FDC-1 a 1.500 ppm como traçador. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 10 repetições. As aplicações foram realizadas através de um pulverizador estacionário a pressão constante e com consumo de calda de 150 L ha-1. A ponta de pulverização do tipo jato cônico vazio proporcionou maior deposição nas folhas de grama-seda, quando comparada com a ponta do tipo jato plano, independentemente do adjuvante utilizado. As maiores deposições ocorreram nas doses de 0,1%, para ambos os surfatantes, quando utilizada a ponta de jato plano e para o Silwet a 0,05% pulverizado com a ponta de jato cônico. A deposição de calda nas folhas foi menor quando da não-adição de surfatante, independentemente da ponta de pulverização utilizada.
Efeito de diferentes concentrações de aterbane na deposição de calda em plantas de Pistia stratiotes
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do adjuvante Aterbane na deposição de calda de pulverização, aplicada sobre plantas de Pistia stratiotes. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por três concentrações do adjuvante Aterbane (0, 0,25 e 0,5%), usado na elaboração da calda de pulverização. As caldas foram preparadas utilizando-se o corante FDC-1 a 1.500 ppm como traçante. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 30 repetições, sendo cada repetição constituída por uma planta com seis folhas. A aplicação foi feita com um pulverizador estacionário, à pressão constante de 2 bars, com consumo de calda de 200 L ha-1. Foram utilizadas pontas de jato plano Teejet 11002vs. Os resultados demonstraram que, quantitativamente, o Aterbane não promoveu nenhum efeito na deposição da calda, entretanto, qualitativamente, quanto maior a concentração utilizada maior foi a uniformidade de deposição de calda.
In vivo production of viral biopesticides is the major source of viral insecticides currently in the marketplace. However, this system presents limitations during production scale-up. For the Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV), the insect used for replication has cannibalistic characteristics, thus production is even more difficult. Insect cells are commonly used for in vitro baculovirus production. Most of these cell lines are derived from Lepidoptera species. The Sf21 cell line is derived from Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillar ovarian tissue, and its clonal isolate Sf9 has been used for biopesticide production due to its ease of growth in suspension cultures. In this work, the in vitro production capabilities of a Brazilian SfMNPV isolate obtained from cornfields was evaluated. Comparison of polyhedra production was carried out using both Sf21 and Sf9 cells, based on volumetric and specific yields. Both cell lines were cultivated in Hyclone medium supplemented with different fetal bovine serum concentrations (2,5 and 5%). The best results were obtained using Sf9 cells supplemented with 5% serum. These results were further confirmed quantitively through kinetic parameter estimation for both cells lines and different serum concentrations. After seven successive passages, this system still presented high specific polyhedra production
The analysis of this work seeks to investigate the meaning of the laughter in the paraibano writer Ariano Suassuna s armorial theater. The study departs, firstly, from an argumentation which centers its content in the theory of the many theoreticians of the question: Henri Bergson, Vladimir Propp, Jolles, Freud, Bakhtin. The essence of the laughter in Suassuna and its esthetic relations are commented, because those elements are responsible for the strength of the literary text. On the condition of scholar about Esthetic and Art History, Suassuna always puts the methods of the estheticism in favor of the loud laughter bearing in mind that it is a source of improvisation, i.e., it may have many senses depending on what it is pretended to transmit to the reader/viewer. The laughter is a mask which is changed to each new situation, representing that way own human condition. Because the theater is an art subjected to recreation, the laughter also is. And because it is a great party where other arts (the dance, the music, mamulengo e the bumba-meu-boi) are present, united to compose a confluent and hybrid language, the meaning of hilarity during the popular celebrations is studied mainly those that happened in Medieval Europe. Thus, in the second part, the basis of the research is the Russian Mikhail Bakhtin s theory that helps to link Suassuna s laughter to the popular party, showing the language used in them and the jokes that give life to the joy of the folk. Soon after, the importance of Suassuna s laughter to the Brazilian Culture, is examined making a reflection about its function at the sociocultural context of the country
One of the high tuberculosis (TB) incidence countries in the world, Brazil is characterized by considerable differences in TB incidence on regional and state level. In the present study, we describe Brazilian spoligotypes of 1991 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) clinical isolates from patients residents of 11 states from different regions of the country, diagnosed between 1996 and 2005. By performing spoligotyping on a large number of M. tuberculosis clinical isolates, one of the main objectives of this study was to determine the major genotype families causing TB in Brazil and to verify the region-associated genotype distribution. We observed a total of 577 distinct spoligopatterns, 12.6% of these corresponded to orphan patterns while 87.4% belonged to 326 shared-types (SITs). Among the latter, 86 SITs (isolated from 178 patients) had been observed for the first time in this study, the most frequent being SIT2517 which belonged to the T3-ETH lineage and was exclusively found among patients residents of Belem, the capital of the state of Para (n = 8 isolates). Irrespective of shared-type labeling, a total of 19.5% strains were unique (unclustered) in our study as opposed to 80.5% clustered isolates (189 clusters, size range from 2 to 205 isolates). The three largest clusters were SIT42 of the Latin-America & Mediterranean (LAM) 9 clade (10.3%), SIT53 of the T clade (7.6%), and SIT50 of the Haarlem clade (5.4%). The predominant MTC lineages in Brazil in decreasing order belonged to the LAM (46%); the ill-defined T (18.6%); the Haarlem (12.2%), the X (4.7%), the S (1.9%), and the East African Indian (EAI) (0.85%) families. The rest of clades grouped together as Mycobacterium africanum, Mycobacterium bovis, Beijing, Central Asian (CAS), and the Manu types, represented less than 1% of the strains. Finally, about 15% of the isolates showed spoligotype signatures that were not yet classified among well-defined lineages. In conclusion, we provide hereby a first insight into the population structure of MTC isolates in Brazil, showing the predominance of both LAM and T family and the existence of region-associated genotypes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introdução: The scales of cognitive screening are important tools for early detection of dementia, creating the possibility of developing measures to slow this process and assist in the management of the disease. Objective: To validate the Leganés Cognitive Test (Prueba Cognitive de Leganés) (PCL) for cognitive screening in low educated elderly Brazilians. Methods: The study sample was composed of 59 elderly residents from the city of Santa Cruz, Brazil with low schooling levels. Reliability was analyzed with a 2-day interval between assessments, and concurrent validity was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Results: According to the PCL, the prevalence of dementia was 11.8%. The scale items showed a moderate to strong correlation between domains (p <0.01), and inter-rater reliability exhibited ICC = 0.81, 95% CI (0.72-0.88). Factor analysis resulted in two factors: memory and orientation. Interscale agreement was considered poor (k = - 0.02), supporting the hypothesis of an educational impact on final MMSE scores. Conclusion: The results suggest that PCL has acceptable levels of reliability for use in low educated elderly Brazilians