973 resultados para CRF1 and CRF2 receptors


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The γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is the predominant Cl− channel protein mediating inhibition in the olfactory bulb and elsewhere in the mammalian brain. The olfactory bulb is rich in neurons containing both GABA and dopamine. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors are also highly expressed in this brain region with a distinct and complementary distribution pattern. This distribution suggests that dopamine may control the GABAergic inhibitory processing of odor signals, possibly via different signal-transduction mechanisms. We have observed that GABAA receptors in the rat olfactory bulb are differentially modulated by dopamine in a cell-specific manner. Dopamine reduced the currents through GABA-gated Cl- channels in the interneurons, presumably granule cells. This action was mediated via D1 receptors and involved phosphorylation of GABAA receptors by protein kinase A. Enhancement of GABA responses via activation of D2 dopamine receptors and phosphorylation of GABAA receptors by protein kinase C was observed in mitral/tufted cells. Decreasing or increasing the binding affinity for GABA appears to underlie the modulatory effects of dopamine via distinct receptor subtypes. This dual action of dopamine on inhibitory GABAA receptor function in the rat olfactory bulb could be instrumental in odor detection and discrimination, olfactory learning, and ultimately odotopic memory formation.


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Loss of neurotransmitter receptors, especially glutamate and dopamine receptors, is one of the pathologic hallmarks of brains of patients with Huntington disease (HD). Transgenic mice that express exon 1 of an abnormal human HD gene (line R6/2) develop neurologic symptoms at 9–11 weeks of age through an unknown mechanism. Analysis of glutamate receptors (GluRs) in symptomatic 12-week-old R6/2 mice revealed decreases compared with age-matched littermate controls in the type 1 metabotropic GluR (mGluR1), mGluR2, mGluR3, but not the mGluR5 subtype of G protein-linked mGluR, as determined by [3H]glutamate receptor binding, protein immunoblotting, and in situ hybridization. Ionotropic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid and kainate receptors were also decreased, while N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptors were not different compared with controls. Other neurotransmitter receptors known to be affected in HD were also decreased in R6/2 mice, including dopamine and muscarinic cholinergic, but not γ-aminobutyric acid receptors. D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptor binding was drastically reduced to one-third of control in the brains of 8- and 12-week-old R6/2 mice. In situ hybridization indicated that mGluR and D1 dopamine receptor mRNA were altered as early as 4 weeks of age, long prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, altered expression of neurotransmitter receptors precedes clinical symptoms in R6/2 mice and may contribute to subsequent pathology.


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In adult forebrain, nerve growth factor (NGF) influences neuronal maintenance and axon sprouting and is neuroprotective in several injury models through mechanisms that are incompletely understood. Most NGF signaling is thought to occur after internalization and retrograde transport of trkA receptor and be mediated through the nucleus. However, NGF expression in hippocampus is rapidly and sensitively regulated by synaptic activity, suggesting that NGF exerts local effects more dynamically than possible through signaling requiring retrograde transport to distant afferent neurons. Interactions have been reported between NGF and nitric oxide (NO). Because NO affects both neural plasticity and degeneration, and trk receptors can mediate signaling within minutes, we hypothesized that NGF might rapidly modulate NO production. Using in vivo microdialysis we measured conversion of l-[14C]arginine to l-[14C]citrulline as an accurate reflection of NO synthase (NOS) activity in adult rat hippocampus. NGF significantly reduced NOS activity to 61% of basal levels within 20 min of onset of delivery and maintained NOS activity at less than 50% of baseline throughout 3 hr of delivery. This effect did not occur with control protein (cytochrome c) and was not mediated by an effect of NGF on glutamate levels. In addition, simultaneous delivery of NGF prevented significant increases in NOS activity triggered by the glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA). Rapid suppression by NGF of basal and glutamate-stimulated NOS activity may regulate neuromodulatory functions of NO or protect neurons from NO toxicity and suggests a novel mechanism for rapidly mediating functions of NGF and other neurotrophins.


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In cardiac myocytes Ca2+ cross-signaling between Ca2+ channels and ryanodine receptors takes place by exchange of Ca2+ signals in microdomains surrounding dyadic junctions, allowing first the activation and then the inactivation of the two Ca2+-transporting proteins. To explore the details of Ca2+ signaling between the two sets of receptors we measured the two-dimensional cellular distribution of Ca2+ at 240 Hz by using a novel confocal imaging technique. Ca2+ channel-triggered Ca2+ transients could be resolved into dynamic “Ca2+ stripes” composed of hundreds of discrete focal Ca2+ releases, appearing as bright fluorescence spots (radius ≅ 0.5 μm) at reproducible sites, which often coincided with t-tubules as visualized with fluorescent staining of the cell membrane. Focal Ca2+ releases triggered stochastically by Ca2+ current (ICa) changed little in duration (≅7 ms) and size (≅100,000 Ca ions) between −40 and +60 mV, but their frequency of activation and first latency mirrored the kinetics and voltage dependence of ICa. The resolution of 0.95 ± 0.13 reproducible focal Ca2+ release sites per μm3 in highly Ca2+-buffered cells, where diffusion of Ca2+ is limited to 50 nm, suggests the presence of about one independent, functional Ca2+ release site per half sarcomere. The density and distribution of Ca2+ release sites suggest they correspond to dyadic junctions. The abrupt onset and termination of focal Ca2+ releases indicate that the cluster of ryanodine receptors in individual dyadic junctions may operate in a coordinated fashion.


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Insulin-like growth factors-I and -II (IGF-I and -II) are structurally related mitogenic polypeptides with potent growth promoting effects. These peptides and their corresponding IGF-I and -II receptors are selectively localized in the brain. To date, most of the effects of IGFs are believed to be mediated by IGF-I receptors whereas the significance of IGF-II receptor in mediating biological responses remains unclear. In the present study, we characterized the distribution of IGF-I and IGF-II receptor sites and investigated the effects of both factors on endogenous acetylcholine (ACh) release in adult rat hippocampus. [125I]IGF-I receptor binding sites are recognized by IGF-I> IGF-II> insulin, whereas [125I]IGF-II binding was competed potently by IGF-II> IGF-I but not by insulin. At the cellular level, IGF-I receptor sites were primarily noted in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus and the CA2-CA3 subfields of the Ammon’s horn whereas IGF-II sites were localized predominantly in the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1-CA3 subfields and in the granular cell layer of the dentate gyrus. IGF-I (10−14–10−8 M) and des(1–3) IGF-I (10−10–10−8 M) were found to inhibit whereas IGF-II (10−14–10−8 M) potentiated K+-evoked ACh release from hippocampal slices. Tetrodotoxin altered the effects of IGF-I but not those of IGF-II suggesting that IGF-I acts indirectly via the release of other modulators whereas IGF-II acts directly on or in close proximity to the cholinergic terminals. The inhibitory effects of IGF-I were also observed in the frontal cortex but not in the striatum. In contrast, the stimulatory effects of IGF-II were evident both in the frontal cortex and striatum. Taken together, these results reveal the differential localization of IGF-I and IGF-II receptor sites in the hippocampal formation and the opposite role for these growth factors in the acute regulation of ACh release likely via two distinct mechanisms. Additionally, these data provide the first evidence for a direct role for IGF-II and its receptors in the regulation of transmitter release in the central nervous system.


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Insulin potentiates N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in neurons and Xenopus oocytes expressing recombinant NMDARs. The present study shows that insulin induced (i) an increase in channel number times open probability (nPo) in outside-out patches excised from Xenopus oocytes, with no change in mean open time, unitary conductance, or reversal potential, indicating an increase in n and/or Po; (ii) an increase in charge transfer during block of NMDA-elicited currents by the open channel blocker MK-801, indicating increased number of functional NMDARs in the cell membrane with no change in Po; and (iii) increased NR1 surface expression, as indicated by Western blot analysis of surface proteins. Botulinum neurotoxin A greatly reduced insulin potentiation, indicating that insertion of new receptors occurs via SNARE-dependent exocytosis. Thus, insulin potentiation occurs via delivery of new channels to the plasma membrane. NMDARs assembled from mutant subunits lacking all known sites of tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation in their carboxyl-terminal tails exhibited robust insulin potentiation, suggesting that insulin potentiation does not require direct phosphorylation of NMDAR subunits. Because insulin and insulin receptors are localized to glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus, insulin-regulated trafficking of NMDARs may play a role in synaptic transmission and plasticity, including long-term potentiation.


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Transforming growth factor-βs (TGF-β) are multifunctional proteins capable of either stimulating or inhibiting mitosis, depending on the cell type. These diverse cellular responses are caused by stimulating a single receptor complex composed of type I and type II receptors. Using a chimeric receptor model where the granulocyte/monocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor ligand binding domains are fused to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic signaling domains of the TGF-β type I and II receptors, we wished to describe the role(s) of specific amino acid residues in regulating ligand-mediated endocytosis and signaling in fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Specific point mutations were introduced at Y182, T200, and Y249 of the type I receptor and K277 and P525 of the type II receptor. Mutation of either Y182 or Y249, residues within two putative consensus tyrosine-based internalization motifs, had no effect on endocytosis or signaling. This is in contrast to mutation of T200 to valine, which resulted in ablation of signaling in both cell types, while only abolishing receptor down-regulation in fibroblasts. Moreover, in the absence of ligand, both fibroblasts and epithelial cells constitutively internalize and recycle the TGF-β receptor complex back to the plasma membrane. The data indicate fundamental differences between mesenchymal and epithelial cells in endocytic sorting and suggest that ligand binding diverts heteromeric receptors from the default recycling pool to a pathway mediating receptor down-regulation and signaling.


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In optimal foraging theory, search time is a key variable defining the value of a prey type. But the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for food have rarely been considered. Here we evaluate the flight behavior of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) searching for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors. When flowers were large, search times correlated well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bees' UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets that made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, took longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background was pronounced. When searching for small targets, bees changed their strategy in several ways. They flew significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition, they used a different neuronal channel for flower detection. Instead of color contrast, they used only the green receptor signal for detection. We relate these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Thus, foraging speed may not be limited only by factors such as prey density, flight energetics, and scramble competition. Our results show that understanding the behavioral ecology of foraging can substantially gain from knowledge about mechanisms of visual information processing.


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The balance between cell survival and cell death is critical for normal lymphoid development. This balance is maintained by signals through lymphocyte antigen receptors and death receptors such as CD95/Fas. In some cells, ligating the B cell antigen receptor can protect the cell from apoptosis induced by CD95. Here we report that ligation of CD95 inhibits antigen receptor-mediated signaling. Pretreating CD40-stimulated tonsillar B cells with anti-CD95 abolished B cell antigen receptor-mediated calcium mobilization. Furthermore, CD95 ligation led to the caspase-dependent inhibition of antigen receptor-induced calcium mobilization and to the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in B and T cell lines. A target of CD95-mediated caspase 3-like activity early in the apoptotic process is the adaptor protein GrpL/Gads. GrpL constitutively interacts with SLP-76 via its C-terminal SH3 domain to regulate transcription factors such as NF-AT. Cleavage of GrpL removes the C-terminal SH3 domain so that it is no longer capable of recruiting SLP-76 to the membrane. Transfection of a truncated form of GrpL into Jurkat T cells blocked T cell antigen receptor-induced activation of NF-AT. These results suggest that CD95 signaling can desensitize antigen receptors, in part via cleavage of the GrpL adaptor.


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Rearrangements of the high mobility group protein I-C (HMGI-C) gene, consisting in the loss of the carboxyl-terminal tail, have been frequently detected in benign human tumors of mesenchymal origin. We have previously demonstrated that transgenic (TG) mice carrying a truncated HMGI-C construct (HMGI-C/T) exhibit a giant phenotype together with a predominantly abdominal/pelvic lipomatosis. Here, we report that HMGI-C/T TG mice develop natural killer (NK)-T/NK cell lymphomas starting from 12 months of age. We found an increased expression of IL-2 and IL-15 proteins and their receptors in these lymphomas, and we demonstrate that HMGI-C/T protein positively regulates their expression in vitro. Therefore, the HMGI-C/T-mediated chronic stimulation of the IL-2/IL-15 pathway could be responsible for the onset of NK-T/NK cell lymphomas in HMGI-C/T TG mice.


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Many peptide hormone and neurotransmitter receptors belonging to the seven membrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptor family have been shown to transmit ligand-dependent mitogenic signals in vitro. However, the physiological roles of the mitogenic activity through G protein-coupled receptors in vivo remain to be elucidated. Here we have generated G protein-coupled cholecystokinin (CCK)-B/gastrin receptor deficient-mice by gene targeting. The homozygous mice showed a remarkable atrophy of the gastric mucosa macroscopically, even in the presence of severe hypergastrinemia. The atrophy was due to a decrease in parietal cells and chromogranin A-positive enterochromaffin-like cells expressing the H+,K(+)-ATPase and histidine decarboxylase genes, respectively. Oral administration of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, which induced hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa with hypergastrinemia in wild-type littermates, did not eliminate the gastric atrophy of the homozygotes. These results clearly demonstrated that the G protein-coupled CCK-B/gastrin receptor is essential for the physiological as well as pathological proliferation of gastric mucosal cells in vivo.


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The yeast two-hybrid system was used to isolate a clone from a 17-day-old mouse embryo cDNA library that codes for a novel 812-aa long protein fragment, glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1), that can interact with the hormone binding domain (HBD) of the glucocorticoid receptor. In the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro, GRIP1 interacted with the HBDs of the glucocorticoid, estrogen, and androgen receptors in a hormone-regulated manner. When fused to the DNA binding domain of a heterologous protein, the GRIP1 fragment activated a reporter gene containing a suitable enhancer site in yeast cells and in mammalian cells, indicating that GRIP1 contains a transcriptional activation domain. Overexpression of the GRIP1 fragment in mammalian cells interfered with hormone-regulated expression of mouse mammary tumor virus-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene and constitutive expression of cytomegalovirus-beta-galactosidase reporter gene, but not constitutive expression from a tRNA gene promoter. This selective squelching activity suggests that GRIM can interact with an essential component of the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Finally, while a steroid receptor HBD fused with a GAL4 DNA binding domain did not, by itself, activate transcription of a reporter gene in yeast, coexpression of this fusion protein with GRIP1 strongly activated the reporter gene. Thus, in yeast, GRIP1 can serve as a coactivator, potentiating the transactivation functions in steroid receptor HBDs, possibly by acting as a bridge between HBDs of the receptors and the basal transcription machinery.


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The inhibition of alpha i2-/- mouse cardiac isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC; EC activity by carbachol and that of alpha i2-/- adipocyte AC by phenylisopropyladenosine (PIA), prostaglandin E2, and nicotinic acid were partially, but not completely, inhibited. While the inhibition of cardiac AC was affected in all alpha i2-/- animals tested, only 50% of the alpha i2-/- animals showed an impaired inhibition of adipocyte AC, indicative of a partial penetrance of this phenotype. In agreement with previous results, the data show that Gi2 mediates hormonal inhibition of AC and that Gi3 and/or Gi1 is capable of doing the same but with a lower efficacy. Disruption of the alpha i2 gene affected about equally the actions of all the receptors studied, indicating that none of them exhibits a striking specificity for one type of Gi over another and that receptors are likely to he selective rather than specific in their interaction with functionally homologous G proteins (e.g., Gi1, Gi2, Gi3). Western analysis of G protein subunit levels in simian virus 40-transformed primary embryonic fibroblasts from alpha i2+/+ and alpha i2-/- animals showed that alpha i2 accounts for about 50% of the immunopositive G protein alpha subunits and that loss of the alpha i2 is accompanied by a parallel reduction in G beta 35 and G beta 36 subunits and by a 30-50% increase in alpha i3. This suggests that G beta-gamma levels may be regulated passively through differential rates of turnover in their free vs. trimeric states. The existence of compensatory increase(s) in alpha i subunit expression raises the possibility that the lack of effect of a missing alpha i2 on AC inhibition in adipocytes of some alpha i2-/- animals may be the reflection of a more pronounced compensatory expression of alpha i3 and/or alpha i1.


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The mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors (MR and GR, respectively) are members of the intracellular receptor superfamily that bind as homodimers to the same hormone response elements (HREs). Physiological evidence suggests that MR and GR interact with each other in cells that express both receptors, implying that they might directly interact in the regulation of transcription initiation. Indeed, we have found that coexpressed MR and GR interact functionally at the transcriptional level and furthermore that they interact physically through heterodimer formation at a shared HRE in vitro and in vivo. We suggest from these findings that heterodimerization may play an important role in steroid receptor transcriptional regulation.


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In search of proteins which interact with activated steroid hormone receptors, we screened a human liver lambda gt11 expression library with the glucocorticoid receptor. We identified and cloned a cDNA sequence of 1322 bp that encodes a protein of 274 aa. This protein consists predominantly of hydrophilic amino acids and contains a putative bipartite nuclear localization signal. The in vitro translated receptor-associating protein runs in SDS/polyacrylamide gels with an apparent molecular mass of 46 kDa. By use of the bacterially expressed fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase we have found that interaction is not limited to the glucocorticoid receptor but included other nuclear receptors--most notably, the estrogen and thyroid receptors. Binding also occurs with the glucocorticoid receptor complexed with the antiglucocorticoid RU 38486, with the estrogen receptor complexed with the antiestrogen 4-hydroxytamoxifen or ICI 164,384, and even with receptors not complexed with ligand. Association with steroid hormone receptors depends on prior receptor activation--i.e., release from heat shock proteins. The sequence identified here appears to be a general partner protein for nuclear hormone receptors, with the gene being expressed in a variety of mammalian tissues.