810 resultados para CLIMATES


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The color characteristics and the phenolic composition related to color of young red wines elaborated with the hybrid grape cultivar BRS Violeta, developed for its adaptation to sub-tropical climates in Brazil, have been studied. These wines are characterized with a deep red-purplish color, reaching color intensity averaging 24 units. In spite of being young red wines elaborated with short maceration time, their content in total polyphenols was very high (around 3692. mg/L, as gallic acid equivalents), especially when compared to similar Vitis vinifera young red wines. Within polyphenols, anthocyanins predominated (around 2037. mg/L, as malvidin 3,5-diglucoside equivalents) and they were almost exclusively anthocyanidin 3,5-glucosides (ca. 97%), mainly built from B-ring tri-substituted anthocyanidins (delphinidin. >. petunidin. ≈. malvidin) and having high proportion of p-coumaroylated derivatives (ca. 28%) that confer higher stability. The content of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives was also remarkable (ca. 95. mg/L, as caffeic acid equivalents) and unknown glucose derivatives of p-coumaric acid accounted for ca. 42% of total HCAD. Finally, these found flavonols were mainly based on myricetin whereas kaempferol derivatives were missing, their total content being within the ranges usually found for V. vinifera wines, but reaching their top values (ca. 91. mg/L, as quercetin 3-glucoside equivalents). All the aforementioned data suggest that Violeta wine could be considered an important dietary source of healthy polyphenols with a moderate alcoholic content (ca. 11.6%). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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O Município de Paragominas pertence à Mesorregião Sudeste Paraense (03° 00' 00” S e 47° 21' 30" W) onde há toda uma área já alterada por desmatamentos e pastagens apenas à espera de ser incorporada ao processo produtivo agrícola..A cultura da soja tem importância significativa para a economia nacional, sendo um dos principais produtos agrícolas de exportação e geração de divisas,, pertencente à família das leguminosas, se adapta em uma ampla faixa de climas, podendo ser cultivada em todos os tipos de solo. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as condições agrometeorológicas durante o ciclo vegetativo da soja em Paragominas - PA. Nesta área foi construída uma torre meteorológica automática de 4 metros de altura, sendo a fazenda Boi branco localizada a 03°02´15´´S e 47°17´56´´W e instalada uma estação com medidas a cada (5) cinco minutos das seguintes variáveis: temperatura do ar (Tar), umidade específica do ar (q), temperatura do solo (Tsolo), umidade do solo (Usolo), velocidade do vento (W), direção do vento (D), radiação solar incidente (Sin), radiação solar refletida (Sout), saldo de radiação (Rn) e fluxo de calor no solo (G) e precipitação. Variações microclimáticas têm efeitos bastante diretos no desenvolvimento da planta. As coletas realizadas entre fevereiro a início de junho de 2006 mostram que os dias 84, 98 e 126 foram os dias de maior precipitação e os dias 70 e 154 e 161 não houve chuva. De acordo com o desenvolvimento do plantio observamos que nos meses de fevereiro a início de abril a umidade específica máxima do ar se manteve elevada 21,0 g/Kg. A jornada da temperatura do ar máxima se manteve entre 23,5 ºC e 32,5 ºC acompanhando o desenvolvimento da cultura. A temperatura média do solo em três medidas (5, 10 e 20 cm), observou-se que as temperaturas estão entre 25 ºC a 35 ºC. No início do plantio a velocidade do vento estava por volta de 3 m/s decrescendo, e no final do cultivo encontrava-se 2,5 m/s. No período de floração a velocidade se manteve estável o que contribui para a dispersão de pólen e sementes. O vento vem de todas as direções, entretanto, o vento é predominante de nordeste. Quando o solo ainda se encontra completamente nu, o albedo é elevado, pois a radiação que entra no sistema é a mesma que sai. Quando o plantio começa a se desenvolver o albedo tende a diminuir, pois a quantidade de radiação solar que chega ao sistema parte é refletida e outra absorvida pela superfície. A umidade média do solo em três medidas (10, 20 e 30 cm), onde observamos que a umidade está entre 0,2 m⁄m³ a 0,45 m⁄m³. O fluxo de calor no solo a 10 cm apresentou picos em torno de -135 W/m2 e 55 W/m2 (7 as 18 h) e a 20 cm apresentou picos em torno de -25 W/m2 e 45 W/m2 (7 as 18 h). O sinal positivo representa transferência de calor do ar para o solo e o fluxo foi da superfície para as camadas mais internas do solo. Quando analisamos a evapotranspiração estimada notamos que foi inferior do que a evapotranspiração medida, sendo o pico da evapotranspiração estimada 4,0 mm⁄dia e a evapotranspiração medida 8,8 mm⁄dia. Quando analisamos a regressão linear a evapotranspiração estimada foi inferior a evapotranspiração medida.


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Within about 30 years the Brazilian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) herd will reach approximately 50 million head as a result of the great adaptive capacity of these animals to tropical climates, together with the good productive and reproductive potential which make these animals an important animal protein source for poor and developing countries. The myostatin gene (GDF8) is important in the physiology of stock animals because its product produces a direct effect on muscle development and consequently also on meat production. The myostatin sequence is known in several mammalian species and shows a high degree of amino acid sequence conservation, although the presence of non-silent and silent changes in the coding sequences and several alterations in the introns and untranslated regions have been identified. The objective of our work was to characterize the myostatin coding regions of B. bubalis (Murrah breed) and to compare them with the Bos taurus regions looking for variations in nucleotide and protein sequences. In this way, we were able to identify 12 variations at DNA level and five alterations on the presumed myostatin protein sequence as compared to non double-muscled bovine sequences.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Pantanal is a Quaternary sedimentary basin located at the left margin of the Upper Paraguay River, west-central Brazil. Basin infilling was mainly by siliciclastic sediments and the stratigraphic succession exhibits an overall finingupward pattern. The depositional system tract is composed by a large meandering fluvial plain and several marginal alluvial fans, being the Taquari megafan the most striking feature. The present landscape is a complex tropical wetland, with geomorphic features derived from the present conditions and other inherited from successive Pleistocene and Holocene climates. During the Pleistocene, the sedimentary environment was dominated by braided alluvial fans, the original geometry of which is preserved as relict forms, permitting remarkable patterns of distributary paleochannels to be easily recognized in satellite images. Eolian processes were active in some abandoned lobes, contemporaneously with sedimentation in active fan lobes. Closed ponds bordered by lunette sand dunes, originally salt pans produced by eolian deflation, are relict eolian landforms in the Pantanal landscape. Eolian processes were probably more effective at the glacial maximum. Landscape has been changing in the Pantanal area since the end of the Pleistocene in adaptation to a more humid and warmer environment prevailing during Holocene. Initiation of the modern wetland has occurred during the Pleistocene / Holocene transition, with the change to a more humid climate and the individualization of lacustrine systems. The modern Pantanal wetland is a vast expanse of poorly drained lowlands that experiences annual flooding from summer to fall months. Although climatic fluctuations have occurred during all the Holocene, the alluvial fans have remained active depositional systems and lobes were formed by progradation and abandonment. Abandoned lobes were subjected... (Complete abstract click electronic address below)


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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding whole linseed on the laying performance and egg characteristics in laying hens kept at high ambient environmental temperatures (average 34 degrees C; the diurnal temperature range 26 degrees C to 41 degrees C). Two hundred and forty 38-wk-old white Leghorn laying hens were fed diets containing 0, 5, 10 or 15% whole linseed (as a source of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) for a period of 12 weeks. Egg production was recorded daily, while feed intake and egg characteristics were monitored on weekly basis. The results of the study demonstrated that egg production and feed intake decreased, while feed conversion ratio (FCR) per dozen of eggs increased (p <= 0.05) with increasing dietary linseed levels. Egg weight, yolk weight, albumen height, eggshell weight, and eggshell thickness were not influenced (p > 0.05) by linseed levels in the diets offered to the laying hens. The results of the present trial suggest that feeding linseed to the laying hens in hot climates has no detrimental effects on egg characteristics, but has suppressive effects on egg production, feed intake and feed efficiency of laying hens.