918 resultados para CHRONIC LUNG INFECTION


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Introducción: La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una enfermedad crónica benigna, rara y de etiología desconocida; tiende a confundirse con otras enfermedades debido a síntomas similares. Este estudio pretende identificar y cuantificar las características demográficas, los antecedentes ginecoobstétricos relevantes y las manifestaciones clínicas prediagnósticas de esta enfermedad Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con análisis agrupado de datos tipo meta análisis. Se utilizó una estrategia de búsqueda en PubMed. Todos los estudios relacionados con la definición, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática fueron elegibles. Las variables de interés fueron edad, país, antecedente de contracepción hormonal, tiempo de evolución, tiempo desde el último embarazo, diagnóstico inicial, y manifestaciones clínicas previas a la consulta. No hubo restricción en fechas de publicación. Resultados: Fueron incluidas 641 mujeres con diagnóstico de MGI reportadas en 68 publicaciones que cumplieron los criterios de selección. La edad media fue 35.9 años, 14.1% de ellas estaba embarazada o lactando, el antecedente de consumo de anticonceptivos hormonales fue 21% y el tiempo promedio desde el último parto fue de 3.9 años. La afectación ocurre principalmente en mama izquierda y en cuadrante superoexterno. El cáncer de mama y el absceso mamario son diagnósticos diferenciales en la consulta. Discusión: El diagnóstico de MGI es un reto para el ginecólogo desde la consulta inicial. Debido a que sus manifestaciones clínicas no son específicas, su diagnóstico parece apuntar a la necesidad de un proceso de descarte de otras patologías más frecuentes e incluso de peor pronóstico. Palabras clave mastitis granulomatosa idiopática


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Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de las infecciones en el primer año postrasplante cardiaco y los factores asociados a las infecciones en este periodo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico de casos y controles anidados en una cohorte, con los pacientes trasplantados cardiacos en la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de cardiología desde el año 2005 hasta el 2015. Se realizaron análisis univariados, análisis bivariado entre las variables del estudio y el desenlace para la selección de las variables para el modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: Se presentó una mediana de 54 años de edad en la cohorte, con mayor proporción de hombres (75,8%) y con predominio de la cardiopatía dilatada como indicación de trasplante. La incidencia de infecciones en el primer año postrasplante fue de 45% (30/66). Se encontró mayor riesgo de infección en los primeros tres meses, del 36.3% (IC 95% 23 – 55), mostrando mayor frecuencia de infecciones pulmonares y en piel. Dentro de los organismos aislados más importantes en los primeros tres meses, se encontraron bacilos gram negativos y Aspergillus spp. En el primer año postrasplante la cardiopatía dilatada con un OR 4.7 IC95% (1.3 – 17) y la enfermedad renal crónica con un OR 6.7 IC 95% (1.4 - 32) se asociaron a la presencia de infecciones. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de infecciones en los pacientes trasplantados cardiacos en la Fundación Cardioinfantil IC es similar a la observada en la literatura. La aparición de infecciones en el primer año postrasplante, se asocia a la presencia de cardiopatía dilatada y enfermedad renal crónica.


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Whilst not true in all cases, the microbial communities that chronically infect the airways of patients with CF can vary little over a year despite antibiotic perturbation. The species present tended to vary more between than within subjects, suggesting that each CF airway infection is unique, with relatively stable and resilient bacterial communities. The inverse relationship between community richness and disease severity is similar to findings reported in other mucosal infections.


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Adolescence is a unique period in human development encompassing sexual maturation (puberty) and the physical and psychological transition into adulthood. It is a crucial time for healthy development and any adverse environmental conditions, poor nutrition, or chronic infection can alter the timing of these physical changes; delaying menarche in girls or the age of peak height velocity in boys. This study explores the impact of chronic illness on the tempo of puberty in 607 adolescent skeletons from medieval England (AD 900-1550). A total of 135 (22.2%) adolescents showed some delay in their pubertal development, and this lag increased with age. Of those with a chronic condition, 40.0% (n=24/60) showed delay compared to only 20.3% (n=111/547) of the non-pathology group. This difference was statistically significant. A binary logistic regression model demonstrated a significant association between increasing delay in pubertal stage attainment with age in the pathology group. This is the first time that chronic conditions have been directly associated with a delay in maturation in the osteological record, using a new method to assess stages of puberty in skeletal remains.


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The objective of this paper was to assess sex and socioeconomic inequalities in lung cancer mortality in two major cities of Europe and South America. Official information on mortality and population allowed the estimation of sex- and age-specific death rates for Barcelona, Spain and Sao Paulo, Brazil (1995-2003). Mortality trends and levels were independently assessed for each city and subsequently compared. Rate ratios assessed by Poisson regression analysis addressed hypotheses of association between the outcome and socioeconomic covariates (human development index, unemployment and schooling) at the inner-city area level. Barcelona had a higher mortality in men (76.9/100000 inhabitants) than Sao Paulo (38.2/100 000 inhabitants); although rates were decreasing for the former (-2%/year) and levelled-off for the [after. Mortality in women ranked similarly (9.1 for Barcelona, 11.5 for Sao Paulo); with an increasing trend for women aged 35-64 years (+ 7.7%/year in Barcelona and + 2.4%/year in Sao Paulo). The socioeconomic gradient of mortality in men was negative for Barcelona and positive for Sao Paulo; for women, the socioeconomic gradient was positive in both cities. Negative gradients indicate that deprived areas suffer a higher burden of disease; positive gradients suggest that prosmoking lifestyles may have been more prevalent in more affluent areas during the last decades. Sex and socioeconomic inequalities of lung cancer mortality reinforce the hypothesis that the epidemiologic profile of cancer can be improved by an expanded access to existing technology of healthcare and prevention. The continuous monitoring of inequalities in health may contribute to the concurrent promotion of well-being and social justice.


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The present paper shows, for the first time, the membrane expression of the dendritic cell maturation marker CD83 on tumor cells from lung cancer patients. CD83 was also detected on freshly cultured fibroblast-like cells from these tissues and on several adherent human tumor cell lines (lung adenocarcinomas P9, A459 and A549, melanomas A375 and C81-61, breast adenocarcinomas SKBR-3 and MCF-7 and colon carcinoma AR42-J), but not in the non-adherent MOT leukemia cell line. CD83 may have immunosuppressive properties and its expression by cancer cells could have a role in facilitating tumor growth.


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Background and aims Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis may recur months or years after the primary infection. Rupture of dormant cysts in the retina is the accepted hypothesis to explain recurrence. Here, the authors present evidence supporting the presence of Toxoplasma gondii in the peripheral blood of immunocompetent patients. Methods Direct observation by light microscopy and by immunofluorescence assay was performed, and results were confirmed by PCR amplification of parasite DNA. Results The authors studied 20 patients from Erechim, Brazil, including acute infected patients, patients with recurrent active toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, patients with old toxoplasmic retinal scars, and patients with circulating IgG antibodies against T gondii and absence of ocular lesions. Blood samples were analysed, and T gondii was found in the blood of acutely and chronically infected patients regardless of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Conclusions The results indicate that the parasite may circulate in the blood of immunocompetent individuals and that parasitaemia could be associated with the reactivation of the ocular disease.


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Aspergillus is a frequently observed pathogen in patients with chronic granulomatous disease. We report on a patient with chronic granulomatous disease and severe brain aspergillosis with an unusual presentation and favorable course. We discuss the impact of this infection on morbidity and mortality, adequate therapeutic management, and the need to investigate a possible fungal infection, despite nonspecific signs. (C) 2010 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Toll-like receptors (TLR) comprehend an emerging family of receptors that recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns and promote the activation of leukocytes. Surgical trauma and ischemia-reperfusion injury are likely to provide exposure to endogenous ligands for TLR in virtually all kidney transplant recipients. Methods: Macroarray (GEArray OHS-018.2 Series-Superarray) analyses of 128 genes involved in TLR signaling pathway were performed in nephrectomy samples of patients with chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) and acute rejection (AR, vascular and non vascular). The analysis of each membrane was performed by GEArray Expression Analysis Suite 2.0. Results: Macroarray profile identified a gene expression signature that could discriminate CAN and AR. Three genes were significantly expressed between CAN and vascular AR: Pellino 2; IL 8 and UBE2V1. In relation to vascular and non-vascular AR, there were only two genes with statistical significance: IL-6 and IRAK-3. Conclusion: Vascular and non-vascular AR and CAN showed different expression of a few genes in TLR pathway. The analysis of nephrectomy showed that activation of TLR pathway is present in AR and CAN. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diabetic patients have increased susceptibility to infection, which may be related to impaired inflammatory response observed in experimental models of diabetes, and restored by insulin treatment. The goal of this study was to investigate whether insulin regulates transcription of cytokines and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) via nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) signaling pathway in Escherichia coli LIPS-induced lung inflammation. Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, iv., 10 days) and controls were instilled intratracheally with saline containing LPS (750 mu g/0.4 mL) or saline only. Some diabetic rats were given neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (4 IU, s.c.) 2 h before LIPS. Analyses performed 6 h after LPS included: (a) lung and mesenteric lymph node IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and ICAM-1 messenger RNA (mRNA) were quantified by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; (b) number of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and concentrations of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-10 in the BAL were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; and (c) activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were quantified by Western blot analysis. Relative to controls, diabetic rats exhibited a reduction in lung and mesenteric lymph node IL-1 beta (40%), TNF-alpha (similar to 30%), and IL-10 (similar to 40%) mRNA levels and reduced concentrations of IL-1 beta (52%), TNF-alpha (62%), IL-10 (43%), and neutrophil counts (72%) in the BAL. Activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely restored mRNA and protein levels of these cytokines and potentiated lung ICAM-1 mRNA levels (30%) and number of neutrophils (72%) in the BAL. Activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were partially restored by insulin treatment. In conclusion, data presented suggest that insulin regulates transcription of proinflammatory (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines, and expression of ICAM-1 via the NF-kappa B signaling pathway.


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Background and purpose: The present study reports on the preparation and testing of a sustained delivery system for the immunomodulatory peptide P10 aimed at reducing the in vivo degradation of the peptide and the amount required to elicit a protective immune response against paracoccidioidomycosis. Experimental approach: BALB/c mice were infected with the yeast Paracoccidioides brasiliensis to mimic the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis. The animals were treated daily with sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim alone or combined with peptide P10, either emulsified in Freund`s adjuvant or entrapped in poly(lactic acid-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles at different concentrations (1 mu g, 5 mu g, 10 mu g, 20 mu g or 40 mu g center dot 50 mu L-1). Therapeutic efficacy was assessed as fungal burden in tissues and the immune response by quantitative determination of cytokines. Key results: Animals given combined chemotherapy and P10 nanotherapy presented a marked reduction of fungal load in the lungs, compared with the non-treated animals. After 30 days of treatment, P10 entrapped within PLGA (1 mu g center dot 50 mu L-1) was more effective than `free` P10 emulsified in Freund`s adjuvant (20 mu g center dot 50 mu L-1), as an adjuvant to chemotherapy. After treatment for 90 days, the higher doses of P10 entrapped within PLGA (5 or 10 mu g center dot 50 mu L-1) were most effective. Treatment with P10 emulsified in Freund`s adjuvant (20 mu g center dot 50 mu L-1) or P10 entrapped within PLGA (1 mu g center dot 50 mu L-1) were accompanied by high levels of interferon-gamma in lung. Conclusions and implications: Combination of sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim with the P10 peptide entrapped within PLGA demonstrated increased therapeutic efficacy against paracoccidioidomycosis. P10 incorporation into PLGA nanoparticles dramatically reduced the peptide amount necessary to elicit a protective effect.


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Background. Periodontal diseases (PDs) are infectious diseases in which periodontopathogens trigger chronic inflammatory and immune responses that lead to tissue destruction. Recently, viruses have been implicated in the pathogenesis of PDs. Individuals infected with human T lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) present with abnormal oral health and a marked increased prevalence of periodontal disease. Methods. In this study, we investigated the patterns of periodontopathogen infection and local inflammatory immune markers in HTLV-1-seropositive individuals with chronic periodontitis (CP/HTLV-1 group) compared with HTLV-1 -seronegative individuals with chronic periodontitis (CP group) and periodontally healthy, HTLV-1 -seronegative individuals (control group). Results. Patients in the CP/HTLV-1 group had significantly higher values of bleeding on probing, mean probing depth, and attachment loss than patients in the CP group. The expression of tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin (IL) 4 was found to be similar in the CP and CP/HTLV-1 groups, whereas IL-12 and IL-17 levels trended toward a higher expression in the CP/HTLV-1 group. A significant increase was seen in the levels of IL-1 beta and interferon gamma in the CP/HTLV-1 group compared with the CP group, whereas expression of the regulatory T cell marker FOXp3 and IL-10 was significantly decreased in the lesions from the CP/HTLV-1 group. Interestingly, similar frequency and/or load of periodontopathogens (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans) and frequency of viruses (herpes simplex virus 1, human cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus) characteristically associated with PDs were found in the CP/HTLV and CP groups. Conclusions. HTLV-1 may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease through the deregulation of the local cytokine network, resulting in an exacerbated response against a standard periodontopathogen infection.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic granulomatous disease manifested in the acute/subacute or chronic forms. The anergic cases of the acute/subacute form are most severe, leading to death threatening conditions. Drug treatment is required to control the disease but the response in anergic patients is generally poor. A 15-mer peptide from the major diagnostic antigen gp43, named P10, induces a T-CD4(+) helper-1 immune response in mice of different haplotypes and protects against intratracheal challenge with virulent P. brasiliensis. Presently, P10 immunization and chemotherapy were associated in an attempt to improve antifungal treatment in Balb/c mice made anergic by adding dexamethasone to the drinking water. The combined drug/peptide treatment significantly reduced the lung CFUs in infected anergic mice, largely preserved lung alveolar structure and prevented fungal dissemination to liver and spleen. Results recommend that a P10-based vaccine should be associated to chemotherapy for improved treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis aiming especially at anergic cases. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Patients and methods: Clinical data from all patients admitted with acute respiratory failure due to novel viral H1N1 infection were reviewed. Lung tissue was submitted for viral and bacteriological analyses by real-time RT-PCR, and autopsy was conducted on all patients who died. Results: Eight patients were admitted, with ages ranging from 55 to 65 years old. There were five patients with solid organ tumors (62.5%) and three with hematological malignancies (37.5%). Five patients required mechanical ventilation and all died. Four patients had bacterial bronchopneumonia. All deaths occurred due to multiple organ failure. A milder form of lung disease was present in the three cases who survived. Lung tissue analysis was performed in all patients and showed diffuse alveolar damage in most patients. Other lung findings were necrotizing bronchiolitis or extensive hemorrhage. Conclusions: H1N1 viral infection in patients with cancer can cause severe illness, resulting in acute respiratory distress syndrome and death. More data are needed to identify predictors of unfavorable evolution in these patients.


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Several chronic bioassays have been conducted in multiple strains of mice in which various concentrations of arsenate or arsenite were administered in the drinking water without a tumorigenic effect. However, one study (Ng et al., 1999) reported a significant increase in tumor incidence in C57Bl/6J mice exposed to arsenic in their drinking water throughout their lifetime, with no tumors reported in controls. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for arsenic in the mouse has previously been developed (Gentry et al., 2004) to investigate potential differences in tissue dosimetry of arsenic species across various strains of mice. Initial results indicated no significant differences in blood, liver, or urine dosimetry in B6C3F1 and C57Bl/6 mice for acute or subchronic exposure. The current work was conducted to compare model-predicted estimates of tissue dosimetry to additional kinetic information from the (C57Bl/6 x CBA)F1 and TgAc mouse. The results from the current modeling indicate that the pharmacokinetic parameters derived based on information in the B6C3F1 mouse adequately describe the measured concentrations in the blood/plasma, liver, and urine of both the (C57Bl/6 x CBA)F1 and TgAc mouse, providing further support that the differences in response observed in the chronic bioassays are not related to strain-specific differences in pharmacokinetics. One significant finding was that no increases in skin or lung concentrations of arsenic species in the (C57Bl/6 x CBA)F1 strain were observed following administration of low concentrations (0.2 or 2 mg/L) of arsenate in the drinking water, even though differences in response in the skin were reported. These data suggest that pharmacodynamic changes may be observed following exposure to arsenic compounds without an observable change in tissue dosimetry. These results provided further indirect support for the existence of inducible arsenic efflux in these tissues.