885 resultados para CAGE MATE


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Abstract Animal behaviours or structures are used by senders as signals to try to increase their fitness by altering the behaviour of receivers. A large fraction of studies on sexual selection have focussed on male ornaments and have demonstrated that these ornaments signal the quality of their owner and are used by female for mate choice. Although females can also exhibit conspicuous traits, studies on female ornaments are markedly lacking. In chapter 1, we show that female starlings are showier on chest whiteness than males and that females' whiteness may potentially indicate female condition at the start of breeding and provide fitness advantages to breeding birds. Furthermore we point out that feather density and abrasion are important factors shaping the expression of chest whiteness. This suggests that further understanding of the evolution of chest whiteness in Starlings requires to examine the environmental and physiological factors that shape feather condition. Plumage may suffer from damage through abrasion and bacterial activity. In chapter 2, we focus on factors that influence feather-degrading bacterial communities. Within the hypothesis that parental care can be trade-off against the demands of self-maintenance, we show that a brood size manipulation modifies the structure of feather-degrading bacterial communities and the density of free- living bacteria. Thus we have pointed out a potentially poorly known cost of reproduction. In the same context of a trade-off between reproductive activities and individual self-maintenance, chapter 3 shows that at a proximate level in females but not in males, the individual variation in time and/or energy allocated in reproductive activities is associated with prolactin hormone levels. Our study provides evidence for the existence of a sex related difference in the relationship between brood size and prolactin levels. Birds have evolved sanitation behaviours and preen gland secretions to preserve the condition of their plumage. In chapter 4, we describe a method that allows to measure preen gland in situ. Then we use this method to characterize a number of phenotypic and ecological factors that explain variation in preen gland size in free-living individuals. In parent-offspring interactions, parents use offspring signals to provision their brood. In chapter 5, we demonstrate that nestling flanges and body skin reflect in the ultra-violet (UV) wavelengths ant that parents use this UV reflectance in food allocation decisions. Résumé Certains comportements et structures chez les animaux agissent, pour ceux qui les émettent, comme des signaux permettant d'augmenter leur fitness en altérant les comportements de ceux qui les perçoivent. Une grande partie des études sur la sélection sexuelle s'est focalisée sur les ornements mâles. Ces études ont démontré que ces ornements pouvaient signaler la qualité de celui qui les porte et influencer le choix des femelles. Bien que les femelles puissent aussi présenter des traits voyants, les études sur leurs ornements font défaut. Dans le chapitre 1 de ce travail, nous montrons que les étourneaux femelles sont plus voyantes que les mâles sur la base de la blancheur de la poitrine. De plus la blancheur des femelles peut signaler leur condition au début de la saison de reproduction et ainsi être corrélée avec leur fitness. Nous mettons aussi en évidence que la densité et l'abrasion des plumes sont des facteurs importants, contrôlant l'expression de la blancheur de la poitrine. Ceci suggère que des études futures pourraient examiner le rôle des facteurs environnementaux et physiologiques qui influencent la condition des plumes pour mieux comprendre l'évolution de la blancheur chez les étourneaux. Le plumage subit des dommages à travers l'abrasion et probablement aussi par l'activité de dégradation de bactéries. Dans le chapitre 2 de ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux facteurs qui influencent les communautés de bactéries dégradant les plumes. Nous basant sur l'hypothèse selon laquelle il existe un compromis entre les soins parentaux et la maintenance corporelle, nous montrons qu'une manipulation de la taille de nichée modifie la structure des communautés de bactéries dégradant les plumes ainsi que les densités de bactéries libres présentes sur le plumage. Ainsi nous mettons en évidence un coût encore peu connu des activités de reproduction. Dans le même contexte, nous montrons, dans le chapitre 3, que des variations individuelles dans l'énergie et/ou le temps alloué dans les activités de reproduction sont associés, chez les femelles, à un niveau proximal à l'hormone prolactine. Cette relation n'est pas présente chez les mâles. Cette étude montre que la relation entre la taille de nichée et les niveaux de prolactine diffère avec le sexe des individus. Les oiseaux utilisent des comportements de nettoyage associés aux sécrétions de la glande uropygiale afin de préserver la condition de leurs plumes. Dans le chapitre 4 de ce travail, nous décrivons une méthode qui permet de mesurer la taille de la glande in situ. Puis nous caractérisons certains facteurs écologiques et physiologiques qui expliquent les variations de la taille de la glande chez des individus capturés dans leur environnement. Les parents nourrissent leur progéniture en réponse à des signaux émis par ceux-ci. Dans le chapitre 5 de ce travail, nous démontrons que les commissures et la peau sur le corps des oisillons reflètent la lumière dans l'ultraviolet. Nous montrons que les parents utilisent cette réflexion dans l'ultraviolet lors de l'allocation de nourriture pour leurs jeunes.


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Sexual selection theory has primarily focussed on the role of mating preferences for the best individuals in the evolution of condition-dependent ornaments, traits that signal absolute quality. Because the most suitable mate for one individual is not always the best for others, however, we argue that non-directional mate choice can promote the evolution of alternative morphs that are not condition-dependent in their expression (i.e. genetic polymorphism). We list the different mate-choice rules (i.e. all individuals have the same preference; preference depends on the chooser's morph; individuals mate preferentially with conspecifics displaying an uncommon or the most frequent morph) and review experimental studies that investigated mate choice in natural populations of colour-polymorphic animals. Our review emphasises that although the experimental data support the idea that sexual selection plays an important role in the evolution of genetic colour polymorphism in many different ways, little is known about the adaptive value of each mate-choice strategy and about their implication in the evolutionary stability of colour polymorphism. One way of solving this problem is to determine the adaptive function of colour morphs, a worthwhile objective, because better understanding of mate-choice rules in polymorphic species should provide important insights into sexual-selection processes and, in turn, into the maintenance of genetic variation.


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Glucocorticoids affect physiology and behaviour, reproduction and potentially sexual selection as well. Shortterm and moderate glucocorticoid elevations are suggested to be adaptive, and prolonged and high elevations may be extremely harmful. This suggests that optimal reproductive strategies, and thus sexual selection, may be dose dependent. Here, we investigate effects of moderate and high elevations of blood corticosterone levels on intra- and intersexual behaviour and mating success of male common lizards Lacerta vivipara. Females showed less interest and more aggressive behaviour towards high corticosterone males and blood corticosterone levels affected male reproductive strategy. Males of moderate and high corticosterone elevations, compared with Control males, showed increased interest (i.e., higher number of chases, tongue extrusions, and approaches) towards females and high corticosterone males initiated more copulation attempts. However, neither increased male interest nor increased copulation attempts resulted in more copulations. This provides evidence for a best-of-a-bad-job strategy, where males with higher corticosterone levels compensated for reduced female interest and increased aggressive female behaviour directed towards them, by showing higher interest and by conducting more copulation attempts. Blood corticosterone levels affected intrasexual selection as well since moderate corticosterone levels positively affected male dominance, but dominance did not affect mating success. These findings underline the importance of female mate choice and are in line with adaptive compensatory behaviours of males. They further show that glucocorticoid effects on behaviour are dose dependent and that they have important implications for sexual selection and social interactions, and might potentially affect Darwinian fitness.


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The impact of pig slurry and poultry litter fertilization on soils depends on the conditions of use and the amounts applied. This study evaluated the effect of organic fertilizers after different application periods in different areas on the physical properties and organic carbon contents of a Rhodic Kandiudox, in Concordia, Santa Catarina, in Southern Brazil. The treatments consisted of different land uses and periods of pig and poultry litter fertilization: silage maize (M7 years), silage maize (M20 years), annual ryegrass pasture (P3 years), annual ryegrass pasture (P15 years), perennial pasture (PP20 years), yerba mate tea (Mt20 years), native forest (NF), and native pasture without manure application (P0). The 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers were sampled and analyzed for total organic carbon, total nitrogen and soil physical properties such as density, porosity, aggregation, degree of flocculation, and penetration resistance. The organic carbon levels in the cultivated areas treated with organic fertilizer were even lower than in native forest soil. The organic fertilizers and studied management systems reduced the flocculation degree of the clay particles, and low macroporosity was observed in some areas. Despite these changes, a good soil physical structure was maintained, e.g., soil density and resistance to penetration were below the critical limits, whereas aggregate stability was high, which is important to reduce water erosion in these areas with rugged terrain in western Santa Catarina, used for pig and poultry farming.


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Some populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants comprise genetically differentiated pairs of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce pure-lineage offspring which develop into queens and inter-lineage offspring which develop into workers. Here we tested whether such genetic caste determination is associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. During the stage of colony founding, when only workers are produced, queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given mating flight produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent selection on pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding, which may be an important force maintaining the coexistence of pairs of lineages within populations.


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Sexual selection is responsible for the evolution of male ornaments and armaments, but its role in the evolution of cognition--the ability to process, retain and use information--is largely unexplored. Because successful courtship is likely to involve processing information in complex, competitive sexual environments, we hypothesized that sexual selection contributes to the evolution and maintenance of cognitive abilities in males. To test this, we removed mate choice and mate competition from experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster by enforcing monogamy for over 100 generations. Males evolved under monogamy became less proficient than polygamous control males at relatively complex cognitive tasks. When faced with one receptive and several unreceptive females, polygamous males quickly focused on receptive females, whereas monogamous males continued to direct substantial courtship effort towards unreceptive females. As a result, monogamous males were less successful in this complex setting, despite being as quick to mate as their polygamous counterparts with only one receptive female. This diminished ability to use past information was not limited to the courtship context: monogamous males (but not females) also showed reduced aversive olfactory learning ability. Our results provide direct experimental evidence that the intensity of sexual selection is an important factor in the evolution of male cognitive ability.


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The MHC (major histocompatibility complex) is a group of genes that play a crucial role in immune recognition and in tolerance of tissue grafting. The MHC has also been found to influence body odors, body odor preferences, and mate choice in mice and humans. Here we test whether verbal descriptions of human body odors can be linked to the MHC. We asked 45 male students to live as odor neutral as possible for two consecutive days and to wear a T-shirt during the nights. The odors of these T-shirts were then described by five evaluators: two professional perfumers and three laymen. One of the perfumers was able to describe the T-shirt odors in such a way that some of the allelic specificity of the MHC was significantly revealed (after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing). This shows that, although difficult, some people are able to describe MHCcorrelated body odor components.


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A linkage disequilibrium between sexually selected and life history traits can be explained by three mutually non-exclusive mechanisms. Genes coding for two traits may be located close on the same chromosome, genes responsible for variation in one of the trait may pleiotropically alter the other, and non-random pairing with respect to two traits may generate a non-physical linkage disequilibrium between their genes. Knowledge of which of these three mechanisms is responsible for a covariation between two traits is of interest to understand why differently ornamented individuals differ in several phenotypic aspects. In Switzerland, barn owls Tyto alba mate randomly with respect to a colour polymorphism generating a large range of variants between reddish-brown and white, males being lighter coloured than females. Several studies have shown that plumage coloration is not neutral with respect to some life history components. To test whether coloration is genetically associated with body size, partial cross-fostering experiments were performed by exchanging some hatchlings between nests. These experiments showed that darker biological fathers produce longer-tailed offspring. This sex-specific pattern is consistent with the hypothesis of non-physical linkage disequilibrium. In line with this hypothesis, darker coloured males were mated with longer-tailed females, whereas female coloration was not associated with tail length of their mate. The finding that dark nestlings had a longer tail than their pale siblings also supports the physical linkage and pleiotropy hypotheses. Therefore, non-random pairing can generate or strengthen a genetic covariation between a secondary sexual character and a morphological trait.


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In alcohol epidemiology surveys, there is a tradition of measuring alcohol-related consequences using respondents' attribution of alcohol as the cause. The authors aimed to compare the prevalence and frequency of self-attributed consequences to consequences without self-attribution using alcohol-attributable fractions (AAF). In 2007, a total of 7,174 Swiss school students aged 13-16 years reported the numbers of 6 alcohol-related adverse consequences (e.g., fights, injuries) they had incurred in the past 12 months. Consequences were measured with and without attribution of alcohol as the cause. The alcohol-use measures were frequency and volume of drinking in the past 12 months and number of risky single-occasion (> or =5 drinks) drinking episodes in the past 30 days. Attributable fractions were derived from logistic (> or =1 incident) and Poisson (number of incidents) regression analyses. Although relative risk estimates were higher when alcohol-attributed consequences were compared with nonattributed consequences, the use of AAFs resulted in more alcohol-related consequences (10,422 self-attributed consequences vs. 24,520 nonattributed consequences determined by means of AAFs). The likelihood of underreporting was higher among drinkers with intermediate frequencies than among either rare drinkers or frequent drinkers. Therefore, the extent of alcohol-related adverse consequences among adolescents may be underestimated when using self-attributed consequences, because of differential attribution processes, especially among infrequent drinkers.


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Mating is crucial for females that reproduce exclusively sexually and should influence their investment into reproduction. Although reproductive adjustments in response to mate quality have been tested in a wide range of species, the effect of exposure to males and mating per se has seldom been studied. Compensatory mechanisms against the absence of mating may evolve more frequently in viviparous females, which pay higher direct costs of reproduction, due to gestation, than oviparous females. To test the existence of such mechanisms in a viviparous species, we experimentally manipulated the mating opportunity of viviparous female lizard, Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. We assessed the effect of mating on ovulation, postpartum body condition and parturition date, as well as on changes in locomotor performances and body temperatures during the breeding cycle. Female lizards ovulated spontaneously and mating had no influence on litter size, locomotor impairment or on selected body temperature. However, offspring production induced a more pronounced locomotor impairment and physical burden than the production of undeveloped eggs. Postpartum body condition and parturition dates were not different among females. This result suggests that gestation length is not determined by an embryonic signal. In the common lizard, viviparity is not associated with facultative ovulation and a control of litter size after ovulation, in response to the absence of mating.


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In social Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps), the number of males that mate with the same queen affects social and genetic organization of the colony. However, the selective forces leading to single mating in certain conditions and multiple mating in others remain enigmatic. In this study, I investigated whether queens of the wood ant Formica paralugubris adopting different dispersal strategies varied in their mating frequency (the number of males with whom they mated). The frequency of multiple mating was determined by using microsatellite markers to genotype the sperm stored in the spermatheca of queens, and the validity of this method was confirmed by analysing mother-offspring combinations obtained from experimental single-queen colonies. Dispersing queens, which may found new colonies, did not mate with more males than queens that stayed within polygynous colonies, where the presence of numerous reproductive individuals ensured a high level of genetic diversity. Hence, this study provides no support to the hypotheses that multiple mating is beneficial because it increases genetic variability within colonies. Most of the F. paralugubris queens mated with a single male, whatever their dispersal strategy and life history. Moreover, multiple mating had little effect on colony genetic structure: the effective mating frequency was 1.11 when calculated from within-brood relatedness, and 1.13 when calculated from the number of mates detected in the sperm. Hence, occasional multiple mating by F. paralugubris queens may have no adaptive significance.


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Abstract: The Altaids consist in a huge accretionary-type belt extending from Siberia through Mon-golia, northern China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. They were formed from the Vendian through the Jurassic by the accretion of numerous displaced and exotic terranes (e.g. island arc, ribbon microcontinent, seamount, basaltic plateau, back-arc basin). The number, nature and origin of the terranes differ according to the palaeotectonic models of the different authors. Thanks to a geo- dynamic study (i.e. definition of tectonic settings and elaboration of geodynamic scenarios) and plate tectonics modelling, this work aims to present an alternative model explaining the Palaeozoic palaeotectonic evolution of the Altaids. Based on a large set of compiled geological data related to palaeogeography and geodyna¬mic (e.g. sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography, palaeomagnetism, magmatism, me- tamorphism, tectonic...), a partly new classification of the terranes and sutures implicated in the formation of the Altaids is proposed. In the aim to elaborate plate tectonics reconstructions, it is necessary to fragment the present arrangement of continents into consistent geological units. To avoid confusion with existing terminology (e.g. tectonic units, tectono-stratigraphic units, micro- continents, terranes, blocks...), the new concept of "Geodynamic Units (GDU)" was introduced. A terrane may be formed by a set of GDUs. It consists of a continental and/or oceanic fragment which has its own kinematic and geodynamic evolution for a given period. With the same ap-proach, the life span and type of the disappeared oceans is inferred thanks to the study of the mate-rial contained in suture zones. The interpretation of the tectonic settings within the GDUs comple-ted by the restoration of oceans leads to the elaboration of geodynamic scenarios. Since the Wilson cycle was presented in 1967, numerous works demonstrated that the continental growth is more complex and results from diverse geodynamic scenarios. The identification of these scenarios and their exploitation enable to elaborate plate tectonics models. The models are self-constraining (i.e. space and time constraints) and contest or confirm in turn the geodynamic scenarios which were initially proposed. The Altaids can be divided into three domains: (1) the Peri-Siberian, (2) the Kazakhstan, and (3) the Tarim-North China domains. The Peri-Siberian Domain consists of displaced (i.e. Sayan Terrane Tuva-Mongolian, Lake-Khamsara Terrane) and exotic terranes (i.e. Altai-Mongolian and Khangai-Argunsky Terrane) accreted to Siberia from the Vendian through the Ordovician. Fol-lowing the accretion of these terranes, the newly formed Siberia active margin remained active un-til its part collision with the Kazakhstan Superterrane in the Carboniferous. The eastern part of the active margin (i.e. East Mongolia) continued to act until the Permian when the North-China Tarim Superterrane collided with it. The geodynamic evolution of the eastern part of the Peri-Siberian Domain (i.e. Eastern Mongolia and Siberia) is complicated by the opening of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean in the Silurian. The Kazakhstan Domain is composed of several continental terranes of East Gondwana origin amalgamated together during the Ordovician-Silurian time. After these different orogenic events, the Kazakhstan Superterrane evolved as a single superterrane until its collision with a Tarim-North China related-terrane (i.e. Tianshan-Hanshan Terrane) and Siberian Continent during the Devonian. This new organisation of the continents imply a continued active margin from Siberia, to North China through the Kazakhstan Superterrane and the closure of the Junggar- Balkash Ocean which implied the oroclinal bending of the Kazakhstan Superterrane during the entire Carboniferous. The formation history of the Tarim-North China Domain is less complex. The Cambrian northern passive margin became active in the Ordovician. In the Silurian, the South Tianshan back-arc Ocean was open and led to the formation of the Tianshan-Hanshan Terrane which collided with the Kazakhstan Superterrane during the Devonian. The collision between Siberia and the eastern part of the Tarim-North China continents (i.e. Inner Mongolia), implied by the closure of the Solonker Ocean, took place in the Permian. Since this time, the major part of the Altaids was formed, the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean only was still open and closed during the Jurassic. Résumé: La chaîne des Altaïdes est une importante chaîne d'accrétion qui s'étend en Sibérie, Mon-golie, Chine du Nord, Kirghizstan et Kazakhstan. Elle s'est formée durant la période du Vendian au Jurassique par l'accrétion de nombreux terranes déplacés ou exotiques (par exemple arc océa-nique, microcontinent, guyot, plateau basaltique, basin d'arrière-arc...). Le nombre, la nature ou encore l'origine diffèrent selon les modèles paléo-tectoniques proposés par les différents auteurs. Grâce à une étude géodynamique (c'est-à-dire définition des environnements tectoniques et éla-boration de scénarios géodynamiques) et à la modélisation de la tectonique des plaques, ce travail propose un modèle alternatif expliquant l'évolution paléo-tectonique des Altaïdes. Basé sur une large compilation de données géologiques pertinentes en termes de paléo-géographie et de géodynamique (par exemple sédimentologie, stratigraphie, paléo-biogéographie, paléomagnétisme, magmatisme, métamorphisme, tectonique...), une nouvelle classification des terranes et des sutures impliqués dans la formation des Altaïdes est proposée. Dans le but d'élabo¬rer des reconstructions de plaques tectoniques, il est nécessaire de fragmenter l'arrangement actuel des continents en unités tectoniques cohérentes. Afin d'éviter les confusions avec la terminolo¬gie existante (par exemple unité tectonique, unité tectono-stratigraphique, microcontinent, block, terrane...), le nouveau concept d' "Unité Géodynamique (UGD)" a été introduit. Un terrane est formé d'une ou plusieurs UGD et représente un fragment océanique ou continental défini pas sa propre cinétique et évolution géodynamique pour une période donnée. Parallèlement, la durée de vie et le type des océans disparus (c'est-à-dire principal ou secondaire) est déduite grâce à l'étude du matériel contenu dans les zones de sutures. L'interprétation des environnements tectoniques des UGD associés à la restauration des océans mène à l'élaboration de scénarios géodynamiques. Depuis que le Cycle de Wilson a été présenté en 1967, de nombreux travaux ont démontré que la croissance continentale peut résulter de divers scénarios géodynamiques. L'identification et l'ex-ploitation de ces scénarios permet finalement l'élaboration de modèles de tectonique des plaques. Les modèles sont auto-contraignants (c'est-à-dire contraintes spatiales et temporelles) et peuvent soit contester ou confirmer les scénarios géodynamiques initialement proposés. Les Altaïdes peuvent être divisées en trois domaines : (1) le Domaine Péri-Sibérien, (2) le Domaine Kazakh, et (3) le Domaine Tarim-Nord Chinois. Le Domaine Péri-Sibérien est composé de terranes déplacés (c'est-à-dire Terrane du Sayan, Tuva-Mongol et Lake-Khamsara) et exotiques (c'est-à-dire Terrane Altai-Mongol et Khangai-Argunsky) qui ont été accrétés au craton Sibérien durant la période du Vendien à l'Ordovicien. Suite à l'accrétion de ces terranes, la marge sud-est de la Sibérie nouvellement formée reste active jusqu'à sa collision partielle avec le Superterrane Ka-zakh au Carbonifère. La partie est de la marge active (c'est-à-dire Mongolie de l'est) continue son activité jusqu'au Permien lors de sa collision avec le Superterrane Tarim-Nord Chinois. L'évolu¬tion géodynamique de la partie est du Domaine Sibérien est compliquée par l'ouverture Silurienne de l'Océan Mongol-Okhotsk qui disparaîtra seulement au Jurassique. Le Domaine Kazakh est composé de plusieurs terranes d'origine est-Gondwanienne accrétés les uns avec les autres avant ou pendant le Silurien inférieur et leurs evolution successive sous la forme d'un seul superterrane. Le Superterrane Kazakh collisione avec un terrane Tarim-Nord Chinois (c'est-à-dire Terrane du Tianshan-Hanshan) durant le Dévonien et le continent Sibérien au Dévonien supérieur. Ce nouvel agencement des plaques induit une marge active continue le long des continents Sibérien, Kazakh et Nord Chinois et la fermeture de l'Océan Junggar-Balkash qui provoque le plissement oroclinal du Superterrane Kazakh durant le Carbonifère. L'histoire de la formation du Domaine Tarim-Nord Chinois est moins complexe. La marge passive nord Cambrienne devient active à l'Ordovicien et l'ouverture Silurienne du bassin d'arrière-arc du Tianshan sud mène à la formation du terrane du Tianshan-Hanshan. La collision Dévonienne entre ce dernier et le Superterrane Kazakh provoque la fermerture de l'Océan Tianshan sud. Finalement, la collision entre la Sibérie et la partie est du continent Tarim-Nord Chinois (c'est-à-dire Mongolie Intérieure) prend place durant le Permien suite à la fermeture de l'Océan Solonker. La majeure partie des Altaïdes est alors formée, seul l'Océan Mongol-Okhotsk est encore ouvert. Ce dernier se fermera seulement au Jurassique.


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Propionibacterium acnes is an important cause of orthopedic-implant-associated infections, for which the optimal treatment has not yet been determined. We investigated the activity of rifampin, alone and in combination, against planktonic and biofilm P. acnes in vitro and in a foreign-body infection model. The MIC and the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) were 0.007 and 4 μg/ml for rifampin, 1 and 4 μg/ml for daptomycin, 1 and 8 μg/ml for vancomycin, 1 and 2 μg/ml for levofloxacin, 0.03 and 16 μg/ml for penicillin G, 0.125 and 512 μg/ml for clindamycin, and 0.25 and 32 μg/ml for ceftriaxone. The P. acnes minimal biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) was 16 μg/ml for rifampin; 32 μg/ml for penicillin G; 64 μg/ml for daptomycin and ceftriaxone; and ≥128 μg/ml for levofloxacin, vancomycin, and clindamycin. In the animal model, implants were infected by injection of 10⁹ CFU P. acnes in cages. Antimicrobial activity on P. acnes was investigated in the cage fluid (planktonic form) and on explanted cages (biofilm form). The cure rates were 4% for daptomycin, 17% for vancomycin, 0% for levofloxacin, and 36% for rifampin. Rifampin cured 63% of the infected cages in combination with daptomycin, 46% with vancomycin, and 25% with levofloxacin. While all tested antimicrobials showed good activity against planktonic P. acnes, for eradication of biofilms, rifampin was needed. In combination with rifampin, daptomycin showed higher cure rates than with vancomycin in this foreign-body infection model.


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AIM: To determine the extent drinking patterns (at the individual and country level) are associated with alcohol-related consequences over and above the total alcohol the person consumes. METHODS: Hierarchical linear models were estimated based on general population surveys conducted in 18 countries participating in the GENACIS project. RESULTS: In general, the positive association between drinking pattern scores and alcohol-related consequences was found at both the individual and country levels, independent of volume of drinking. In addition, a significant interaction effect indicated that the more detrimental the country's drinking pattern, the less steep the association between the volume of drinking and its consequences. CONCLUSION: Drinking patterns have an independent impact on consequences over and above the relationship between volume and consequences.


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Summary Among ants, wood ants are probably the most fascinating and studied species in temperate European forests. Unfortunately, due to several threats they are nowadays registered in red lists. Recent studies made in the Swiss Jura Mountains ended up in the description of a new sympatric sibling species of Formica lugubris (i.e. Formica paralugubris Seifert 1996). Because of this confusion the biology of F. lugubris is incomplete. Due to the extreme difficulties to distinguish morphologically F. lugubris from F. paralugubris we studied their cuticular hydrocarbons profiles. Irrespective of their geographic origin, we observed quantitative discrimination between species within each caste (workers, males and gynes =young alate female). Moreover, using a behavioural taxonomic approach (i.e. the pupa-carrying test) we showed that ants preferred conspecific worker pupae to those of the sibling species. These first results allowed us to consider the two species as two separate taxonomic units. To understand their coexistence, habitat distribution models were fitted with GIS predictors and factors known to influence wood ant distribution. In the Jura Mountains, although the two species share very similar habitats, they are spatially segregated. F. lugubris occurs more frequently at woodland borders than in forest interiors. We demonstrated with genetic and field data that Formica lugubris displays two different social forms in close proximity in alpine zone (e.g. unmanaged forests of the Swiss National Park). We discovered populations mostly monogynous to weakly polygynous (i.e. one to a few egg laying queens per colony) and monodomous (i.e. one nest per colony), and polygynous/polydomous populations (new nests being founded by colony budding). It is generally admitted that monogyne species disperse well in order to find suitable habitat to found new colonies whereas polygyne species have restricted dispersal and local mating within the nest. In order to compare reproductive strategies of F. lugubris and F. paralugubris (i.e. matings and dealation process) we conducted experiments with sexuals. F, lugubris gynes from monogynous/monodomous populations do not show a local strategy like the obligately polygynous F. paralugubris (i.e. early dealation even without mating, insemination without flight activity and low fat reserve). They always keep their wings, do not mate when not able to fly and have high amount of fat content revealing high survival capacities. On the other side, F, lugubris gynes from polygynous/polydomous populations have lower lipid reserves and displayed a reproductive behaviour close to the F. para lugubris one. After dispersal, wood ant gynes can either start new societies by temporary social parasitism of another species (i.e. subgenus Serviformica) or be adopted intraspecifically in an existing nest. In F. lugubris, we demonstrated that gynes from monogynous/monodomous colonies showed a high success for temporary social parasitism compare to the lower success of gynes from polygynous/polydomous colonies. However, physiological analyses suggested that only gynes from monogynous/ monodomous populations can efficiently disperse and found new nest by temporary social parasitism. Intraspecifically, gynes were accepted to a high degree in polygynous nest and in monogynous nests as long as these nests contained sexuals. In conclusion, Formica lugubris displays a social and dispersal polymorphism (mixed mating and founding system) representing a behavioural plasticity in relation to environmental and ecological conditions. Therefore, conservation measures directed toward this species should try to maintain a maximum of diversity at the habitat level. Résumé Les fourmis des bois sont probablement parmi les espèces de fourmis les plus fascinantes et les plus étudiées des forêts tempérées Européennes. Actuellement, du fait de différentes menaces, elles figurent malheureusement sur listes rouges. Plusieurs études menées au sein du Jura Suisse ont abouti à la description d'une nouvelle espèce jumelle et sympatrique de Formica lugubris (F. para- lugubris Seifert 1996). A cause de cette confusion la biologie de F lugubris est lacunaire. La distinction morphologique de F. lugubris et de F. para lugubris est si difficile que nous avons étudié leurs hydrocarbures cuticulaires. Indépendamment de l'origine géographique, nous avons observé une discrimination quantitative entre les espèces au sein de chaque caste (ouvrières, mâles et jeunes femelles ailées). De plus, à l'aide d'une approche taxonomique comportementale (le test de transport de cocons) nous avons montré que les fourmis préfèrent des cocons d'ouvrières conspécifiques à ceux de l'espèce jumelle. Ces premiers résultats nous permettent de considérer ces deux espèces comme deux unités taxonomiques distinctes et valables. Afin de comprendre leur coexistence, des modèles mathématiques ont été développés avec des données SIG et des facteurs écologiques influençant la répartition des fournis des bois. Dans le Jura, même si elles partagent des habitats fortement similaires, les deux espèces n'occupent pas les mêmes secteurs. F. lugubris est plus fréquente en lisière forestière plutôt qu'en pleine forêt. Nous avons démontré grâce à des données génétiques et de terrain que F. lugubris présente deux formes sociales au sein de la zone alpine (forêts protégées du Parc National Suisse). D'autre part, nous avons découvert des populations monogynes à faiblement polygynes (une à quelques reines pondeuses par colonie) et monodomes (colonies composées d'une seule fourmilière), et des populations polygynes/polydomes (les nouveaux nids étant produit par bourgeonnement). Généralement, les espèces monogynes dispersent sur de grandes distances et peuvent coloniser des habitats favorables à la fondation de nouvelles colonies alors que les espèces polygynes possèdent une dispersion limitée avec des accouplements à l'intérieur des nids. Afin de comparer les stratégies de reproduction de F. lugubris et de F. paralugubris (accouplements et perte des ailes) nous avons mené des expériences avec les sexués. Les jeunes femelles ailées de F. lugubris issues de populations monogynes/monodomes ne présentent pas de stratégie locale comparée à l'espèce obligatoirement polygyne F paralugubris (perte des ailes précoce même si il n'y a pas eu accouplement, insémination possible sans avoir volé activement et faibles réserves de graisse). Elles conservent toujours leurs ailes, ne s'accouplent pas lorsqu'elles sont empêchées de voler et possèdent de grandes quantités de graisse révélant de fortes capacités de survie. D'autre part, les jeunes femelles ailées de F. lugubris provenant de populations polygynes/polydomes ont peu de réserves lipidiques et ont un comportement de reproduction proche de celles de F. paralugubris. Après leur dispersion, les jeunes sexués femelles de fourmis des bois peuvent soit fonder une nouvelle société par parasitisme social temporaire d'un nid d'une autre espèce (sous-genre Serviformica) soit être adoptées dans un nid déjà existant de leur propre espèce. Chez F. lugubris, nous avons pu démontrer que les jeunes sexués femelles de colonies monogynes/monodomes présentent un succès élevé au parasitisme sociale temporaire en comparaison au plus faible succès obtenu avec des sexués provenant de colonies polygynes/polydomes. Cependant, les données physiologiques suggèrent que seules les jeunes sexués femelles de populations mono-gynes/monodomes peuvent disperser efficacement et fonder un nouveau nid par parasitisme social temporaire. Au niveau intraspécifique, les jeunes femelles sont acceptées à un taux élevé dans les nids polygynes mais aussi dans les nids monogynes tant que ces nids possèdent encore de jeunes sexués. En conclusion, F. lugubris est caractérisée par un polymorphisme dans ses structures sociales et ses stratégies de dispersion (système mixte d'accouplement et de fondation) ce qui représente une forte plasticité comportementale en relation avec les conditions environnementales et écologiques. Par conséquent, les mesures de conservation de cette espèce devraient s'attacher à maintenir un maximum de diversité au niveau des habitats.