954 resultados para Blunt chest trauma


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OBJETIVO: avaliar os fatores preditivos de lesões abdominais graves (LAG) identificáveis na avaliação inicial das vítimas de trauma fechado. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva dos dados das vítimas de trauma fechado com idade superior a 13 anos submetidas à tomografia computadorizada do abdome e/ou laparotomia exploradora. Consideramos como graves as lesões com Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) maior ou igual a três. As variáveis foram comparadas entre os grupos A (LAG) e B (Sem LAG). Realizou-se inicialmente uma análise estatística univariada para identificar as variáveis associadas à presença de LAG. Destas, foram selecionadas para a análise multivariada (regressão logística) as que tivessem p<0,20 e pudessem ser avaliadas na admissão do doente. RESULTADOS: a amostra foi composta por 331 casos, sendo que 140 (42,3%) pacientes apresentaram lesões abdominais. Destes, 101 (30,5%) tinham lesão abdominais com AIS > 3 (Grupo A). Na análise univariada, associaram-se significativamente às LAG (p<0,05): pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) no pré-hospitalar (p=0,019), PAS à admissão (p<0,001), frequência cardíaca à admissão (p=0,047), exame físico do abdome alterado (p<0,001) e presença de fraturas de pelve (p=0,006). As seguintes variáveis se relacionaram significativamente e independentemente com a presença de lesões abdominais graves: PAS à admissão (p=0,034), exame físico abdominal alterado (p<0,001), fratura exposta de membro inferior (p<0,044), "motociclista" como mecanismo de trauma (p=0,017) e FAST positivo (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: das variáveis presentes na avaliação inicial, se associaram significativamente com a presença de LAG: PAS, exame físico abdominal alterado, presença de fratura exposta de membro inferior, "motociclista" como mecanismo de trauma e FAST positivo.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar os aspectos epidemiológicos, conduta, morbidade e resultados do tratamento trauma hepático. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de doentes com mais de 13 anos de idade admitidos em um hospital universitário de 1990 a 2010, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico ou não operatório (TNO). RESULTADOS: foram admitidos 748 pacientes com trauma hepático. O mecanismo de trauma mais frequente foi o trauma penetrante (461 casos; 61,6%). O trauma fechado ocorreu em 287 pacientes (38,4%). De acordo com o grau de lesão hepática (AAST-OIS), no trauma fechado foi observada uma predominância dos graus I e II e no trauma penetrante, uma predominância do grau III. O TNO foi realizado em 25,7% dos pacientes com trauma hepático contuso. Entre os procedimentos cirúrgicos, a sutura foi realizada com maior frequência (41,2%). A morbidade relacionada ao fígado foi 16,7%. A taxa de sobrevida para pacientes com trauma hepático fechado foi 73,5% e no trauma penetrante de 84,2%. A mortalidade no trauma complexo foi 45,9%. CONCLUSÃO: o trauma permanece mais incidente nas populações mais jovens e no sexo masculino. Houve uma redução dos traumas hepáticos penetrantes. O TNO se mostrou seguro e efetivo, e, frequentemente, foi empregado para tratar os pacientes com trauma hepático penetrante. A morbidade foi elevada e a mortalidade foi maior em vítimas de traumas contusos e em lesões hepáticas complexas.


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Um número significativo de mortes no trauma ocorre dias a semanas após a injúria inicial, sendo causado por infecções e insuficiência orgânica, relacionadas a hipercatabolismo e consequente desnutrição proteica aguda. A terapia nutricional deve ser planejada e incluída com as demais condutas de reanimação para pacientes politraumatizados e grandes queimados. A rápida aquisição de uma via para suporte nutricional é importante para inicio da terapia nutricional precoce em até 48 horas do atendimento. A via enteral é a opção preferencial no pós-operatório de pacientes traumatizado mas a via parenteral deve ser prescrita quando a enteral está contraindicada ou insuficiente. Após as medidas iniciais ditadas pelo ATLS, sintetizadas em A (air), B (breath), C (circulation), D (disability) e E (exposure), nós incluímos a letra F (feed) para enfatizar a importância do atendimento nutricional precoce no trauma.


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We reported a case of a twenty-nine-year-old male who presented a penile fracture associated with urethral injury caused by a sexual intercourse. An ideal anamnesis and a special physical examination were determinant to correct diagnostics. Ultrasonography and uretrocistography must be performed for confirmation. The treatment is based on the presence of associated urethral injury. The surgical repair of cavernous body and urethra can produce good results, with a favorable prognosis and minimal rate of complications.


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A reunião de revista "Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE) realizou uma revisão crítica da literatura e selecionou os três artigos mais relevantes e atuais sobre a indicação de tomografia de crânio em pacientes pediátricos com trauma craniencefálico leve (TCE). O primeiro trabalho identificou pacientes vítimas de TCE leve com fatores de alto e baixo risco de apresentarem lesões intracranianas vistas à tomografia computadorizada (TC) de crânio e com necessidade de intervenção neurocirúrgica. O segundo trabalho avaliou o uso das recomendações do "National Institute of Clinical Excellence" em pacientes pediátricos com TCE, e utilizou como variáveis de desfecho a realização de TC ou internação hospitalar. O último artigo analisou e identificou os pacientes onde a TC de crânio seria desnecessária e, portanto, não deve ser feita rotineiramente. Baseado nessa revisão crítica da literatura e a discussão com especialistas, o TBE-CiTE concluiu que é importante evitar a exposição desnecessária de crianças com TCE leve à radiação ionizante da TC de crânio. O grupo favoreceu a utilização do guideline do PECARN onde ECG de 14, alteração do nível de consciência ou fratura do crânio palpável são indicações de TC de crânio, ou quando a experiência do médico, achados múltiplos ou piora dos sintomas ocorrerem.


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I avhandlingen undersöktes hur journalister själva reagerar efter att ha arbetat med en plötslig krissituation, samt vilka faktorer som kan bidra till en förhöjd risk för allvarliga långsiktiga stressymptom. Temat undersöktes (1) genom att se på hur journalisters tidigare erfarenheter av krisuppdrag och traumatiska upplevelser i privatlivet var relaterade till stressymptom (posttraumatiskt stressyndrom, sekundär traumatisk stress, depression och utmattningssyndrom), och (2) genom att studera riskfaktorer i en identifierad typ av kris, de finländska skolskjutningarna 2007-08. Avhandlingens resultat baserades på enkätsvar från finländska nyhetsjournalister (N = 503) och intervjuer med personer som jobbat på plats vid skolskjutningar (N = 28). En klar majoritet av journalisterna hade inte allvarliga långsiktiga stressymptom vid tiden för undersökningen. De som varit på ett tidigare krisuppdrag där man bevittnat många obehagliga detaljer hade fler allvarliga stressymptom. En annan riskfaktor var att ha ett förflutet med fler traumatiska händelser i privatlivet. Bland de som arbetat med skolskjutningar var starka kortsiktiga reaktioner, t.ex. hjälplöshet och chock, relativt vanliga. Reaktionerna hörde ändå oftast till den normala återhämtningsprocessen, och ledde inte till en långsiktig försämring av måendet. Journalister som i hög grad identifierade sig med krisen, t.ex. personer med egna barn, hade större risk för att drabbas av allvarliga symptom på lång sikt. Detsamma gällde de som på plats upplevt journalistiska etiska dilemman, t.ex. att beordras av överordnade till uppdrag som gick emot egna principer. För att förebygga psykisk stress bland journalister är det viktigt att inom branschen sprida kunskap om stressreaktioner och utveckla rekommendationer för etisk krisjournalistik. Därmed kan journalister få bättre verktyg för att minimera risken att via sitt yrkesutövande orsaka ytterligare skada åt krisdrabbade.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the profile of patients served by the air medical rescue system in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, evaluating: triage and mobilization criteria; response time; on-site care and transport time; invasive procedures performed in the Pre-Hospital Care (PHC); severity of patients; morbidity and mortality.METHODS: We conducted a prospective, descriptive study in which we analyzed medical records of patients rescued between July 2010 and December 2012. During this period, 242 victims were taken to the HC-Unicamp. Of the 242 patients, 22 were excluded from the study.RESULTS: of the 220 cases evaluated, 173 (78.6%) were male, with a mean age of 32 years. Blunt trauma was the most prevalent (207 cases - 94.1%), motorcycle accidents being the most common mechanisms of injury (66 cases - 30%), followed by motor vehicle collisions (51 cases - 23.2%). The average response time was 10 ± 4 minutes and the averaged total pre-hospital time was 42 ± 11 minutes. The mean values of the trauma indices were: RTS = 6.2 ± 2.2; ISS = 19.2 ± 12.6; and TRISS = 0.78 ± 0.3. Tracheal intubation in the pre-hospital environment was performed in 77 cases (35%); 43 patients (19.5%) had RTS of 7.84 and ISSd"9, being classified as over-triaged. Of all patients admitted, the mortality was 15.9% (35 cases).CONCLUSION: studies of air medical rescue in Brazil are required due to the investments made in the pre-hospital care in a country without an organized trauma system. The high rate of over-triage found highlights the need to improve the triage and mobilization criteria.


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OBJECTIVE: present the experience of the P.A.R.T.Y. program in Campinas, thereby changing the habits of young people.METHODS: The organizers visited the participating schools talking to the students, who are aged between 14-18 years. These students spent an afternoon at the Clinics Hospital of Unicamp, where, for four hours, they attended lectures of the organizers, partners and municipal sectors, and also visited the hospital, talking with trauma victims. Questionnaires were evaluated between2010-2012, being applied before and after the project.RESULTS:2,450 high school students attended the program. The mean age is 16 ± 0,99 years and 37.6% were male. 3.6% of males already drive while drunk versus 0.8% of women. Before the project 116 (11.3%) thought that drunk driving wasn't a risk, and only 37 (3.6%) knew the alcohol effects. After the project, 441 (43%) began to consider drunk driving a risk and 193 (18.8%) know the alcohol effects when driving. 956 (93.3%) considered that prevention projects have a huge impact on their formation.CONCLUSION: It's expected that the attendees will act as multipliers of information, conveying the message of prevention to their entire social circles resulting in reduction in the number of trauma events involving the young, in the long term.


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OBJECTIVE: Show the steps of a Trauma Registry (TR) implementation in a Brazilian public hospital and evaluate the initial data from the database.METHODS: Descriptive study of the a TR implementation in João XXIII Hospital (Hospital Foundation of the state of Minas Gerais) and analysis of the initial results of the first 1,000 patients.RESULTS: The project was initiated in 2011 and from January 2013 we began collecting data for the TR. In January 2014 the registration of the first 1000 patients was completed. The greatest difficulties in the TR implementation were obtaining funds to finance the project and the lack of information within the medical records. The variables with the lowest completion percentage on the physiological conditions were: pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and Glasgow coma scale. Consequently, the Revised Trauma Score (RTS) could be calculated in only 31% of cases and the TRISS methodology applied to 30.3% of patients. The main epidemiological characteristics showed a predominance of young male victims (84.7%) and the importance of aggression as a cause of injuries in our environment (47.5%), surpassing traffic accidents. The average length of stay was 6 days, and mortality 13.7%.CONCLUSION: Trauma registries are invaluable tools in improving the care of trauma victims. It is necessary to improve the quality of data recorded in medical records. The involvement of public authorities is critical for the successful implementation and maintenance of trauma registries in Brazilian hospitals.


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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a critical analysis of thoracotomies performed in the emergency rooms.METHODS: We analyzed mortality rates and survival as outcome variables, mechanism of injury, site of injury and anatomic injury as clinical variables, and gender and age as demographic variables of patients undergoing thoracotomy in the emergency room after traumatic injury.RESULTS: Of the 105 patients, 89.5% were male. The average age was 29.2 years. Penetrating trauma accounted for 81% of cases. The most common mechanism of trauma was wound by a firearm projectile (gunshot), in 64.7% of cases. Patients with stab wounds (SW) accounted for 16.2% of cases. Overall survival was 4.7%. Survival by gunshot was 1.4%, and by SW, 23.5%. The ERT following blunt trauma showed a 100%mortality.CONCLUSION: The results obtained in the Emergency Hospital of Porto Alegre POA-HPS are similar to those reported in the world literature.


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OBJECTIVE: to compare the knowledge of medical students between those who are members of the Trauma League (TL) and those from a non-Trauma League (NTL) group of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES).METHODS: cross-sectional, analytical and descriptive study. Two knowledge tests, with 30 questions each, were applied to students from 3rd to 12th period, randomly selecting five students per period, with 50 students in the TL group and 50 in NTL. The questionnaire topics were: pre-hospital care, the mnemonic ABCDE trauma sequence, advanced trauma and imaging. The students' performances were evaluated by graduation-period group: basic (3rd-5th period), intermediary/clinical (6th-8th) and internship (9th-12th).RESULTS: in the first test the average accuracy of the TL group was 20.64 ± 3.17, while for the NTL group, it was 14.76 ± 5.28 (p<0.005). In the second test the average accuracy for the TL group was 21.52 ± 3.64, while for the NTL group, the average was 15.36 ± 29.5 (p<0.005). When divided into graduation periods, it was observed that the TL group showed a higher average across all three groups (p<0.05) in both tests.CONCLUSION: the students who attended the academic league activities have greater knowledge of the issues that are considered relevant to patient trauma care. In all periods of undergraduate academic training, the TL group had greater knowledge of the subject than the NTL group.


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Objective:to describe the causes and severities of trauma in patients who met the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence according to Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, and to display the pattern of alcohol consumption and subsequent changes one year after trauma.Methods:a transversal and longitudinal quantitative study carried out between November 2012 and September 2013 in the ED. Medical and nursing students collected blood samples, applied the J section of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and submitted alcohol abusers and dependents to BI. One year after admission, patients were contacted and asked about their patterns of alcohol use and their reasons for any changes.Results:from a sample of 507 patients admitted to the ED for trauma, 348 responded to MINI, 90 (25.9%) being abusers and 36 (10.3%) dependent on alcohol. Among the abusers, the most frequent cause of injury was motorcycle accident (35.6%) and among the dependents it was predominantly interpersonal violence (22.2%). Positive blood samples for alcohol were identified in 31.7% of the abusers and 53.1% of the dependents. One year after trauma, 66 abusers and 31 dependents were contacted, and it was ascertained that 36.4% of the abusers and 19.4% of the dependents had decreased alcohol consumption. The main reported reason for the reduction was the experienced trauma.Conclusion:the motorcycle accident was the most common cause of injury. The detection of problematic alcohol use and implementation of BI are important strategies in the ED, however for alcohol abusers and dependents, BI was not the most reported reason for any changes in patterns of alcohol use.


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ABSTRACTObjective:to assess the impact of the shift inlet trauma patients, who underwent surgery, in-hospital mortality.Methods:a retrospective observational cohort study from November 2011 to March 2012, with data collected through electronic medical records. The following variables were statistically analyzed: age, gender, city of origin, marital status, admission to the risk classification (based on the Manchester Protocol), degree of contamination, time / admission round, admission day and hospital outcome.Results:during the study period, 563 patients injured victims underwent surgery, with a mean age of 35.5 years (± 20.7), 422 (75%) were male, with 276 (49.9%) received in the night shift and 205 (36.4%) on weekends. Patients admitted at night and on weekends had higher mortality [19 (6.9%) vs. 6 (2.2%), p=0.014, and 11 (5.4%) vs. 14 (3.9%), p=0.014, respectively]. In the multivariate analysis, independent predictors of mortality were the night admission (OR 3.15), the red risk classification (OR 4.87), and age (OR 1.17).Conclusion:the admission of night shift and weekend patients was associated with more severe and presented higher mortality rate. Admission to the night shift was an independent factor of surgical mortality in trauma patients, along with the red risk classification and age.


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ABSTRACTObjective:the study has the intention of evaluate the accuracy of computed tomography for the diagnosis of cervical lesions on penetrating neck trauma and also identify the most frequent mechanisms of trauma. Most injured structures, determine the age range and the most prevalent sex.Methods: observational descriptive retrospective study executed by the systematic retrospective review of medical records of all patients victims of penetrating neck trauma that went through surgery and CT scans, admitted into Hospital do Trabalhador, between January 2009 and December 2013.Results:the final sample was of 30 patients, 96.7% of the male sex, the median age was of 28 years old. Most patients suffered injuries by gun (56.7%) and 33,3% suffered stab wounds. The most stricken area of the neck was Zone II (77.8%) and the left side (55.2%). Regarding the structures injured, the CT showed 6.7% lesions on airways but the surgery showed 40% of damaged, with a value of p=0.002. As to damages of the esophagus and pharynx the CT detected 10% of lesions, while surgery found 30% of lesions, therefore with a significant value of p=0.013. As for the analysis the CT showed reliable. As for the analysis of vascular damage, the CT showed to be, in most cases, reliable to the findings during the surgical act.Conclusion:besides the great use of CT for the diagnosis of penetrating neck injuries we can say that this is an exam with low accuracy for the diagnosis of lesions of aerodigestive tract, therefore it is important a clinical correlation for a good diagnosis.as for the vascular lesions and of other structures, the CT had high sensibility and specificity, thus a good exam to be used in overall.