867 resultados para Birth Certificates.
Information obtained from studies of developmental and cellular processes in lower organisms is beginning to make significant contributions to the understanding of the pathogenesis of human birth defects, and it is now becoming possible to treat birth defects as inborn errors of development. Mutations in genes for transcription factors, receptors, cell adhesion molecules, intercellular junctions, molecules involved in signal transduction, growth factors, structural proteins, enzymes, and transporters have been identified in genetically caused human malformations and dysplasias. The identification of these mutations and the analysis of their developmental effects have been greatly facilitated by the existence of natural or engineered models in the mouse and even of related mutations in Drosophila, and in some instances a remarkable conservation of function in development has been observed, even between widely separated species.
As informações de mortalidade são úteis para avaliar a situação de saúde de uma população. Dados de mortalidade confiáveis produzidos por um sistema de informação de saúde nacional constituem uma ferramenta importante para o planejamento de saúde. Em muitos países, sobretudo em desenvolvimento, o sistema de informação de mortalidade continua precário. Apesar dos esforços feitos em Moçambique para melhoria das estatísticas de mortalidade, os desafios ainda prevalecem em termos de tecnologias de informação, capacidade técnica de recursos humanos e em termos de produção estatística. O SIS-ROH é um sistema eletrônico de registro de óbitos hospitalares de nível nacional, implementado em 2008 e tem uma cobertura de apenas 4% de todos os óbitos anuais do país. Apesar de ser um sistema de nível nacional, ele presentemente funciona em algumas Unidades Sanitárias (US), incluindo o Hospital Central da Beira (HCB). Dada a importância deste sistema para monitorar o padrão de mortalidade do HCB e, no geral, da cidade da Beira, este estudo avalia a qualidade do SIS-ROH do HCB. É um estudo descritivo sobre a completitude, cobertura, concordância e consistência dos dados do SIS-ROH. Foram analisados 3.009 óbitos de menores de 5 anos ocorridos entre 2010 e 2013 e regsitrados no SIS-ROH e uma amostra de 822 Certificados de Óbitos (COs) fetais e de menores de 5 anos do HCB. O SIS-ROH apresentou uma cobertura inferior a 50% calculados com os dados de mortalidade estimados pelo Inquérito Nacional de Causas de Morte (INCAM). Verificamos a utilização de dois modelos diferentes de CO (modelo antigo e atual) para o registro de óbitos referentes ao ano de 2013. Observou-se completitude excelente para a maioria das variáveis do SISROH. Das 25 variáveis analisadas dos COs observou-se a seguinte situação: 9 apresentaram completitude muito ruim, sendo elas relativas à identificação do falecido (tipo de óbito e idade), relativas ao bloco V em que dados da mãe devem ser obrigatoriamente preenchidos em caso de óbitos fetais e de menores de 1 ano (escolaridade, ocupação habitual, número de filhos tidos vivos e mortos, duração da gestação) e relativas às condições e às causas de óbito (autópsia e causa intermédiacódigo); 3 variáveis apresentaram completitude ruim relativas à identificação do falecido (NID) e relativas às condições e causas de morte (causa intermédia - descrição e causa básica - código); 9 apresentaram completitude regular relativas à identificação do falecido (data de nascimento e idade), relativas ao bloco V (idade da mãe, tipo de gravidez, tipo de parto, peso do feto/bebé ao nascer, morte do feto/bebé em relação ao parto) e relativas às condições e causa de óbito (causa direta- código, causa básica descrição); 2 apresentaram completitude bom relativas à identificação do falecido (sexo e raça/cor) e, por último, 2 apresentaram completitude excelente relativas ao local de ocorrência de óbito (data de internamento e data de óbito ou desaparecimento do cadáver). Algumas variáveis do SIS-ROH e dos COS apresentaram inconsistências. Observou-se falta de concordância para causa direta entre o SIS-ROH e os COs. Conclusão: Moçambique tem feito esforços para aprimorar as estatísticas de mortalidade, porém há lacunas na qualidade; a análise rotineria dos dados pode identificar essas lacunas e subsidiar seu aprimoramento.
The Relative Age Effect (RAE) has been analyzed in a population of Spanish international handball players (n=161) divided into four different levels: Senior, Junior, Juvenile and Promising Talents. The variables registered were quarter, half year and year of birth using the initial information of their date of birth. The data were collected from the Royal Spanish Handball Federation on-line data base. The statistical method used was the χ2 and the minimum level of significance was set at p<0.05. The total results on distribution by quarter show a significant difference (χ2= 21.68; p<0.01) with a greater frequency of players born in the first quarter (40.37%) compared to those born in the second (22.36%), third (16.15%) and fourth quarter (21.12%). The total results on the distribution of birth date by half year show a significant difference (χ2= 10.44; p<0.01) with a greater frequency of players born in the first half of the year (62.73%). With regard to the rate of births registered in an even numbered or odd numbered year there are significant differences when the rates for an even numbered year (64.60%) and an odd numbered year (35.40%) are compared with those of the general population (χ2= 13.72; p<0.001). Based on the data collected and analyzed it can be concluded that there is a RAE in the basic categories of the Spanish national men’s handball teams according to quarter, half year and year of birth (even or odd numbered), but there exists little knowledge about the causes and consequence which may be produced by, or derive from, this effect.
This folder contains two handwritten certificates authorizing Croswell's voyage from Boston to London.
Printed Commissioner's Office receipt form acknowledging three certificates of funded debt received by Caleb Gannett from Nathaniel Appleton, Commissioner of Loans in the State of Massachusetts. The receipt, No. 712, is signed by Gannett and dated January 28, 1791.
The purpose of this study was to examine the birthplace and relative age effects in National Football League (NFL) players. The place and date of birth of NFL players in the United States were analyzed with Monte Carlo simulations to determine if either factor was predictive of the probability of reaching the elite level in this sport. Consistent with previous findings on professional North American athletes in baseball, ice hockey, basketball, and golf, players born in cities with populations of less than 500,000 were significantly over-represented in the NFL, whereas players born in cities with populations over 500,000 were significantly under-represented. Unlike many other sports, no relative age effects were found for the NFL. Small cities, in particular, appeared to possess characteristics that facilitate the development and/or emergence of athletic talent in American football. Possible psychosocial factors mediating the birthplace effect are discussed as are implications for the development of sporting expertise.
In order to test the hypothesis that caesarean birth has negative consequences upon newly mothers’ satisfaction and perceptions, women delivering by caesarean birth (WCB) were compared with women delivering by vaginal birth (WVB). Subjects: 180 newly mothers; 93 WCB and 87 WVB. Instruments: A Socio-Demographic Questionnaire developed for this research, the Childbirth Perceptions Questionnaire and the Mother and Baby Scales. Results: WCB had significantly lower scores in perceptions of baby as alert/responsive and nearly significant lower scores for baby as alert during feeds. WVB showed a significantly higher level of satisfaction with delivery and conduct during labour, as also had significantly lower scores for perceptions of baby as irritable during feeds and for lack of confidence in feeds. After controlling for the kind of anesthesia received in labour, three conclusions must be taken into account: 1) between WCB with regional anaesthesia and WCB with general anaesthesia there is only one significant difference, with the former having higher scores for perception of baby as alert during feeds; 2) between WVB with regional anaesthesia and WVB with no anaesthesia there are only two significant differences, with the former having higher scores for lack of confidence in feeding and having lower scores for global confidence; 3) between WCB with regional anaesthesia and WVB with regional anaesthesia four significant differences emerge, with the former having a lower level of satisfaction with delivery and conduct in labour and having lower scores for perception of baby as alert responsive, and also having higher scores of perception of baby as irritable in feeds and higher scores for lack of confidence in feeding. Data seem compatible with the hypothesis that caesarean birth has some negative consequences upon mothers’ satisfaction and perceptions and, for this reason, psychological surveys should constitute a routine procedure in maternity hospitals, especially when newly mothers pertain to families affected by risks of psychological or social nature.