966 resultados para Biosynthetic-enzymes
Thionein (T) has not been isolated previously from biological material. However, it is generated transiently in situ by removal of zinc from metallothionein under oxidoreductive conditions, particularly in the presence of selenium compounds. T very rapidly activates a group of enzymes in which zinc is bound at an inhibitory site. The reaction is selective, as is apparent from the fact that T does not remove zinc from the catalytic sites of zinc metalloenzymes. T instantaneously reverses the zinc inhibition with a stoichiometry commensurate with its known capacity to bind seven zinc atoms in the form of clusters in metallothionein. The zinc inhibition is much more pronounced than was previously reported, with dissociation constants in the low nanomolar range. Thus, T is an effective, endogenous chelating agent, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unknown and unrecognized biological regulatory system. T removes the metal from an inhibitory zinc-specific enzymatic site with a resultant marked increase of activity. The potential significance of this system is supported by the demonstration of its operations in enzymes involved in glycolysis and signal transduction.
In this study, we compared the transport of newly synthesized cholesterol with that of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. The arrival of cholesterol on the cell surface was monitored by cyclodextrin removal, and HA transport was monitored by surface trypsinization and endoglycosidase H digestion. We found that disassembly of the Golgi complex by brefeldin A treatment resulted in partial inhibition of cholesterol transport while completely blocking HA transport. Further, microtubule depolymerization by nocodazole inhibited cholesterol and HA transport to a similar extent. When the partitioning of cholesterol into lipid rafts was analyzed, we found that newly synthesized cholesterol began to associate with low-density detergent-resistant membranes rapidly after synthesis, before it was detectable on the cell surface, and its raft association increased further upon chasing. When cholesterol transport was blocked by using 15°C incubation, the association of newly synthesized cholesterol with low-density detergent-insoluble membranes was decreased and cholesterol accumulated in a fraction with intermediate density. Our results provide evidence for the partial contribution of the Golgi complex to the transport of newly synthesized cholesterol to the cell surface and suggest that detergent-resistant membranes are involved in the process.
sqv (squashed vulva) genes comprise a set of eight independent loci in Caenorhabditis elegans required zygotically for the invagination of vulval epithelial cells and maternally for normal oocyte formation and embryogenesis. Sequencing of sqv-3, sqv-7, and sqv-8 suggested a role for the encoded proteins in glycolipid or glycoprotein biosynthesis. Using a combination of in vitro analysis of SQV enzymatic activities, sqv+-mediated rescue of vertebrate cell lines, and biochemical characterization of sqv mutants, we show that sqv-3, -7, and -8 all affect the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans and therefore compromise the function of one specific class of glycoconjugates, proteoglycans. These findings establish the importance of proteoglycans and their associated glycosaminoglycans in epithelial morphogenesis and patterning during C. elegans development.
A general scheme is described for the in vitro evolution of protein catalysts in a biologically amplifiable system. Substrate is covalently and site specifically attached by a flexible tether to the pIII coat protein of a filamentous phage that also displays the catalyst. Intramolecular conversion of substrate to product provides a basis for selecting active catalysts from a library of mutants, either by release from or attachment to a solid support. This methodology has been developed with the enzyme staphylococcal nuclease as a model. An analysis of factors influencing the selection efficiency is presented, and it is shown that phage displaying staphylococcal nuclease can be enriched 100-fold in a single step from a library-like ensemble of phage displaying noncatalytic proteins. Additionally, this approach should allow one to functionally clone natural enzymes, based on their ability to catalyze specific reactions (e.g., glycosyl transfer, sequence-specific proteolysis or phosphorylation, polymerization, etc.) rather than their sequence- or structural homology to known enzymes.
Desaturation of coenzyme-A esters of saturated fatty acids is a common feature of sex pheromone biosynthetic pathways in the Lepidoptera. The enzymes that catalyze this step share several biochemical properties with the ubiquitous acyl-CoA Δ9-desaturases of animals and fungi, suggesting a common ancestral origin. Unlike metabolic acyl-CoA Δ9-desaturases, pheromone desaturases have evolved unusual regio- and stereoselective activities that contribute to the remarkable diversity of chemical structures used as pheromones in this large taxonomic group. In this report, we describe the isolation of a cDNA encoding a pheromone gland desaturase from the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni, a species in which all unsaturated pheromone products are produced via a Δ11Z-desaturation mechanism. The largest ORF of the ≈1,250-bp cDNA encodes a 349-aa apoprotein (PDesat-Tn Δ11Z) with a predicted molecular mass of 40,240 Da. Its hydrophobicity profile is similar overall to those of rat and yeast Δ9-desaturases, suggesting conserved transmembrane topology. A 182-aa core domain delimited by conserved histidine-rich motifs implicated in iron-binding and catalysis has 72 and 58% similarity (including conservative substitutions) to acyl-CoA Δ9Z-desaturases of rat and yeast, respectively. Northern blot analysis revealed an ≈1,250-nt PDesat-Tn Δ11Z mRNA that is consistent with the spatial and temporal distribution of Δ11-desaturase enzyme activity. Genetic transformation of a desaturase-deficient strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with an expression plasmid encoding PDesat-Tn Δ11Z resulted in complementation of the strain’s fatty acid auxotrophy and the production of Δ11Z-unsaturated fatty acids.
We have shown that ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase, a member of the CYP88A subfamily of cytochrome P450 enzymes, catalyzes the three steps of the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway from ent-kaurenoic acid to GA12. A gibberellin-responsive barley mutant, grd5, accumulates ent-kaurenoic acid in developing grains. Three independent grd5 mutants contain mutations in a gene encoding a member of the CYP88A subfamily of cytochrome P450 enzymes, defined by the maize Dwarf3 protein. Mutation of the Dwarf3 gene gives rise to a gibberellin-responsive dwarf phenotype, but the lesion in the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway has not been identified. Arabidopsis thaliana has two CYP88A genes, both of which are expressed. Yeast strains expressing cDNAs encoding each of the two Arabidopsis and the barley CYP88A enzymes catalyze the three steps of the GA biosynthesis pathway from ent-kaurenoic acid to GA12. Sequence comparison suggests that the maize Dwarf3 locus also encodes ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase.
The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UM-BBD, http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/) provides curated information on microbial catabolic enzymes and their organization into metabolic pathways. Currently, it contains information on over 400 enzymes. In the last year the enzyme page was enhanced to contain more internal and external links; it also displays the different metabolic pathways in which each enzyme participates. In collaboration with the Nomenclature Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35 UM-BBD enzymes were assigned complete EC codes during 2000. Bacterial oxygenases are heavily represented in the UM-BBD; they are known to have broad substrate specificity. A compilation of known reactions of naphthalene and toluene dioxygenases were recently added to the UM-BBD; 73 and 108 were listed respectively. In 2000 the UM-BBD is mirrored by two prestigious groups: the European Bioinformatics Institute and KEGG (the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes). Collaborations with other groups are being developed. The increased emphasis on UM-BBD enzymes is important for predicting novel metabolic pathways that might exist in nature or could be engineered. It also is important for current efforts in microbial genome annotation.
REBASE contains comprehensive information about restriction enzymes, DNA methylases and related proteins such as nicking enzymes, specificity subunits and control proteins. It contains published and unpublished references, recognition and cleavage sites, isoschizomers, commercial availability, methylation sensitivity, crystal data and sequence data. Homing endonucleases are also included. Most recently, extensive information about the methylation sensitivity of restriction enzymes has been added and a new feature contains complete analyses of the putative restriction systems in the sequenced bacterial and archaeal genomes. The data is distributed via email, ftp (ftp.neb.com) and the Web (http://rebase.neb.com).
Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) expression is inversely proportional to the serum concentration of testosterone in males after birth and in vitro studies have shown that MIS can lower testosterone production by Leydig cells. Also, mice overexpressing MIS exhibited Leydig cell hypoplasia and lower levels of serum testosterone, but it is not clear whether this is a result of MIS affecting the development of Leydig cells or their capacity to produce testosterone. To examine the hypothesis that MIS treatment will result in decreased testosterone production by mature Leydig cells in vivo, we treated luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated adult male rats and mice with MIS and demonstrated that it can lead to a several-fold reduction in testosterone in serum and in testicular extracts. There was also a slight decrease in 17-OH-progesterone compared to the more significant decrease in testosterone, suggesting that MIS might be regulating the lyase activity of cytochrome P450c17 hydroxylase/lyase (Cyp17), but not its hydroxylase activity. Northern analysis showed that, in both MIS-treated rats and mice, the mRNA for Cyp17, which catalyzes the committed step in androgen synthesis, was down-regulated. In rats, the mRNA for cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (P450scc) was also down-regulated by MIS. This was not observed in mice, indicating that there might be species-specific regulation by MIS of the enzymes involved in the testosterone biosynthetic pathway. Our results show that MIS can be used in vivo to lower testosterone production by mature rodent Leydig cells and suggest that MIS-mediated down-regulation of the expression of Cyp17, and perhaps P450scc, contributes to that effect.
Induction of phase 2 enzymes and elevations of glutathione are major and sufficient strategies for protecting mammals and their cells against the toxic and carcinogenic effects of electrophiles and reactive forms of oxygen. Inducers belong to nine chemical classes and have few common properties except for their ability to modify sulfhydryl groups by oxidation, reduction, or alkylation. Much evidence suggests that the cellular “sensor” molecule that recognizes the inducers and signals the enhanced transcription of phase 2 genes does so by virtue of unique and highly reactive sulfhydryl functions that recognize and covalently react with the inducers. Benzylidene-alkanones and -cycloalkanones are Michael reaction acceptors whose inducer potency is profoundly increased by the presence of ortho- (but not other) hydroxyl substituent(s) on the aromatic ring(s). This enhancement correlates with more rapid reactivity of the ortho-hydroxylated derivatives with model sulfhydryl compounds. Proton NMR spectroscopy provides no evidence for increased electrophilicity of the β-vinyl carbons (the presumed site of nucleophilic attack) on the hydroxylated inducers. Surprisingly, these ortho-hydroxyl groups display a propensity for extensive intermolecular hydrogen bond formation, which may raise the reactivity and facilitate addition of mercaptans, thereby raising inducer potencies.
We investigated the spatial pattern of expression of ipdC, a plant inducible gene involved in indoleacetic acid biosynthesis in Erwinia herbicola, among individual cells on plants to gain a better understanding of the role of this phenotype in the epiphytic ecology of bacteria and the factors involved in the regulation of ipdC. Nonpathogenic E. herbicola strain 299R harboring a transcriptional fusion of ipdC to gfp was inoculated onto bean plants, recovered from individual leaves 48 h after inoculation, and subjected to fluorescence in situ hybridization using a 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe specific to strain 299R. Epifluorescence images captured through a rhodamine filter were used to distinguish the 5carboxytetramethylrhodamine-labeled cells of strain 299R from other leaf microflora. Quantification of the green fluorescence intensity of individual cells by analysis of digital images revealed that about 65% of the 299R cells recovered from bean leaves had higher ipdC expression than in culture. Additionally, 10% of the cells exhibited much higher levels of green fluorescence than the median fluorescence intensity, indicating that they are more heterogeneous with respect to ipdC expression on plants than in culture. Examination of 299R cells in situ on leaf surfaces by confocal laser scanning microscopy after fluorescence in situ hybridization of cells on leaf samples showed that even cells that were in close proximity exhibited dramatically different green fluorescence intensities, and thus, were in a physical or chemical microenvironment that induced differential expression of ipdC.
Two key genes in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis, Tdc and Str, encoding tryptophan decarboxylase and strictosidine synthase, respectively, are coordinately induced by fungal elicitors in suspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells. We have studied the roles of the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway and of protein phosphorylation in signal transduction initiated by a partially purified elicitor from yeast extract. In addition to activating Tdc and Str gene expression, the elicitor also induced the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid. The jasmonate precursor α-linolenic acid or methyl jasmonate (MeJA) itself induced Tdc and Str gene expression when added exogenously . Diethyldithiocarbamic acid, an inhibitor of jasmonate biosynthesis, blocked both the elicitor-induced formation of jasmonic acid and the activation of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic genes. The protein kinase inhibitor K-252a abolished both elicitor-induced jasmonate biosynthesis and MeJA-induced Tdc and Str gene expression. Analysis of the expression of Str promoter/gusA fusions in transgenic C. roseus cells showed that the elicitor and MeJA act at the transcriptional level. These results demonstrate that the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway is an integral part of the elicitor-triggered signal transduction pathway that results in the coordinate expression of the Tdc and Str genes and that protein kinases act both upstream and downstream of jasmonates.
Photosynthetic and metabolic acclimation to low growth temperatures were studied in Arabidopsis (Heynh.). Plants were grown at 23°C and then shifted to 5°C. We compared the leaves shifted to 5°C for 10 d and the new leaves developed at 5°C with the control leaves on plants that had been left at 23°C. Leaf development at 5°C resulted in the recovery of photosynthesis to rates comparable with those achieved by control leaves at 23°C. There was a shift in the partitioning of carbon from starch and toward sucrose (Suc) in leaves that developed at 5°C. The recovery of photosynthetic capacity and the redirection of carbon to Suc in these leaves were associated with coordinated increases in the activity of several Calvin-cycle enzymes, even larger increases in the activity of key enzymes for Suc biosynthesis, and an increase in the phosphate available for metabolism. Development of leaves at 5°C also led to an increase in cytoplasmic volume and a decrease in vacuolar volume, which may provide an important mechanism for increasing the enzymes and metabolites in cold-acclimated leaves. Understanding the mechanisms underlying such structural changes during leaf development in the cold could result in novel approaches to increasing plant yield.
Three different pathways lead to the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) in yeast, one of which is localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane. To study the contribution of each of these pathways, we constructed a series of deletion mutants in which different combinations of the pathways are blocked. Analysis of their growth phenotypes revealed that a minimal level of PtdEtn is essential for growth. On fermentable carbon sources such as glucose, endogenous ethanolaminephosphate provided by sphingolipid catabolism is sufficient to allow synthesis of the essential amount of PtdEtn through the cytidyldiphosphate (CDP)-ethanolamine pathway. On nonfermentable carbon sources, however, a higher level of PtdEtn is required for growth, and the amounts of PtdEtn produced through the CDP-ethanolamine pathway and by extramitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 2 are not sufficient to maintain growth unless the action of the former pathway is enhanced by supplementing the growth medium with ethanolamine. Thus, in the absence of such supplementation, production of PtdEtn by mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 becomes essential. In psd1Δ strains or cho1Δ strains (defective in phosphatidylserine synthesis), which contain decreased amounts of PtdEtn, the growth rate on nonfermentable carbon sources correlates with the content of PtdEtn in mitochondria, suggesting that import of PtdEtn into this organelle becomes growth limiting. Although morphological and biochemical analysis revealed no obvious defects of PtdEtn-depleted mitochondria, the mutants exhibited an enhanced formation of respiration-deficient cells. Synthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins is also impaired in PtdEtn-depleted cells, as demonstrated by delayed maturation of Gas1p. Carboxypeptidase Y and invertase, on the other hand, were processed with wild-type kinetics. Thus, PtdEtn depletion does not affect protein secretion in general, suggesting that high levels of nonbilayer-forming lipids such as PtdEtn are not essential for membrane vesicle fusion processes in vivo.
Betaine lipids are ether-linked, nonphosphorous glycerolipids that resemble the more commonly known phosphatidylcholine in overall structure. Betaine lipids are abundant in many eukaryotes such as nonseed plants, algae, fungi, and amoeba. Some of these organisms are entirely devoid of phosphatidylcholine and, instead, contain a betaine lipid such as diacylglyceryl-O-4′-(N,N,N,-trimethyl)homoserine. Recently, this lipid also was discovered in the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides where it seems to replace phosphatidylcholine under phosphate-limiting growth conditions. This discovery provided the opportunity to study the biosynthesis of betaine lipids in a bacterial model system. Mutants of R. sphaeroides deficient in the biosynthesis of the betaine lipid were isolated, and two genes essential for this process, btaA and btaB, were identified. It is proposed that btaA encodes an S-adenosylmethionine:diacylglycerol 3-amino-3-carboxypropyl transferase and btaB an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent N-methyltransferase. Both enzymatic activities can account for all reactions of betaine lipid head group biosynthesis. Because the equivalent reactions have been proposed for different eukaryotes, it seems likely that orthologs of btaA/btaB may be present in other betaine lipid-containing organisms.