997 resultados para Biology, Genetics|Biology, Animal Physiology|Health Sciences, Pathology|Health Sciences, Immunology
Similarity measure is one of the main factors that affect the accuracy of intensity-based 2D/3D registration of X-ray fluoroscopy to CT images. Information theory has been used to derive similarity measure for image registration leading to the introduction of mutual information, an accurate similarity measure for multi-modal and mono-modal image registration tasks. However, it is known that the standard mutual information measure only takes intensity values into account without considering spatial information and its robustness is questionable. Previous attempt to incorporate spatial information into mutual information either requires computing the entropy of higher dimensional probability distributions, or is not robust to outliers. In this paper, we show how to incorporate spatial information into mutual information without suffering from these problems. Using a variational approximation derived from the Kullback-Leibler bound, spatial information can be effectively incorporated into mutual information via energy minimization. The resulting similarity measure has a least-squares form and can be effectively minimized by a multi-resolution Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. Experimental results are presented on datasets of two applications: (a) intra-operative patient pose estimation from a few (e.g. 2) calibrated fluoroscopic images, and (b) post-operative cup alignment estimation from single X-ray radiograph with gonadal shielding.
This paper presents a novel variable decomposition approach for pose recovery of the distal locking holes using single calibrated fluoroscopic image. The problem is formulated as a model-based optimal fitting process, where the control variables are decomposed into two sets: (a) the angle between the nail axis and its projection on the imaging plane, and (b) the translation and rotation of the geometrical model of the distal locking hole around the nail axis. By using an iterative algorithm to find the optimal values of the latter set of variables for any given value of the former variable, we reduce the multiple-dimensional model-based optimal fitting problem to a one-dimensional search along a finite interval. We report the results of our in vitro experiments, which demonstrate that the accuracy of our approach is adequate for successful distal locking of intramedullary nails.
BACKGROUND: Excitotoxic neuronal injury by action of the glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype have been implicated in the pathogenesis of brain damage as a consequence of bacterial meningitis. The most potent and selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit is (R,S)-alpha-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-beta-methyl-4-(phenylmethyl)-1-piperid inepropanol (RO 25-6981). Here we evaluated the effect of RO 25-6981 on hippocampal neuronal apoptosis in an infant rat model of meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Animals were randomized for treatment with RO 25-6981 at a dosage of either 0.375 mg (15 mg/kg; n = 28) or 3.75 mg (150 mg/kg; n = 15) every 3 h or an equal volume of sterile saline (250 microl; n = 40) starting at 12 h after infection. Eighteen hours after infection, animals were assessed clinically and seizures were observed for a period of 2 h. At 24 h after infection animals were sacrificed and brains were examined for apoptotic injury to the dentate granule cell layer of the hippocampus. RESULTS: Treatment with RO 25-6981 had no effect on clinical scores, but the incidence of seizures was reduced (P < 0.05 for all RO 25-6981 treated animals combined). The extent of apoptosis was not affected by low or high doses of RO 25-6981. Number of apoptotic cells (median [range]) was 12.76 [3.16-25.3] in animals treated with low dose RO 25-6981 (control animals 13.8 [2.60-31.8]; (P = NS) and 9.8 [1.7-27.3] (controls: 10.5 [2.4-21.75]) in animals treated with high dose RO 25-6981 (P = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with a highly selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit failed to protect hippocampal neurons from injury in this model of pneumococcal meningitis, while it had some beneficial effect on the incidence of seizures.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) converting enzyme (TACE) contribute synergistically to the pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis. TACE proteolytically releases several cell-surface proteins, including the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha and its receptors. TNF-alpha in turn stimulates cells to produce active MMPs, which facilitate leucocyte extravasation and brain oedema by degradation of extracellular matrix components. In the present time-course studies of pneumococcal meningitis in infant rats, MMP-8 and -9 were 100- to 1000-fold transcriptionally upregulated, both in CSF cells and in brain tissue. Concentrations of TNF-alpha and MMP-9 in CSF peaked 12 h after infection and were closely correlated. Treatment with BB-1101 (15 mg/kg subcutaneously, twice daily), a hydroxamic acid-based inhibitor of MMP and TACE, downregulated the CSF concentration of TNF-alpha and decreased the incidences of seizures and mortality. Therapy with BB-1101, together with antibiotics, attenuated neuronal necrosis in the cortex and apoptosis in the hippocampus when given as a pretreatment at the time of infection and also when administration was started 18 h after infection. Functionally, the neuroprotective effect of BB-1101 preserved learning performance of rats assessed 3 weeks after the disease had been cured. Thus, combined inhibition of MMP and TACE offers a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent brain injury and neurological sequelae in bacterial meningitis.
The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes causes meningoencephalitis in humans. In rodents, listeriosis is associated with granulomatous lesions in the liver and the spleen, but not with meningoencephalitis. Here, infant rats were infected intracisternally to generate experimental listeric meningoencephalitis. Dose-dependent effects of intracisternal inoculation with L. monocytogenes on survival and activity were noted; 10(4) L. monocytogenes organisms induced a self-limiting brain infection. Bacteria invaded the basal meninges, chorioid plexus and ependyme, spread to subependymal tissue and hippocampus, and disappeared by day 7. This was paralleled by recruitment and subsequent disappearance of macrophages expressing inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitrotyrosine accumulation, an indication of nitric oxide (NO.) production. Treatment with the spin-trapping agent alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) dramatically increased mortality and led to bacterial numbers in the brain 2 orders of magnitude higher than in control animals. Treatment with the selective iNOS inhibitor L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)-lysine (L-NIL) increased mortality to a similar extent and led to 1 order of magnitude higher bacterial counts in the brain, compared with controls. The numbers of bacteria that spread to the spleen and liver did not significantly differ among L-NIL-treated, PBN-treated, and control animals. Thus, the infant rat brain is able to mobilize powerful antilisterial mechanisms, and both reactive oxygen and NO. contribute to Listeria growth control.
The effect of adjuvant therapy with the radical scavenger alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN; 100 mg/kg given intraperitoneally every 8 h for 5 days) on brain injury and learning function was evaluated in an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Meningitis led to cortical necrotic injury (median, 3.97% [range, 0%-38.9%] of the cortex), which was reduced to a median of 0% (range, 0%-30.9%) of the cortex (P<.001) by PBN. However, neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was increased by PBN, compared with that by saline (median score, 1.15 [range, 0.04-1.73] vs. 0.31 [range, 0-0.92]; P<.001). Learning function 3 weeks after cured infection, as assessed by the Morris water maze, was decreased, compared with that in uninfected control animals (P<.001). Parallel to the increase in hippocampal apoptosis, PBN further impaired learning in infected animals, compared with that in saline-treated animals (P<.02). These results contrast with those of an earlier study, in which PBN reduced cortical and hippocampal neuronal injury in group B streptococcal meningitis. Thus, in pneumococcal meningitis, antioxidant therapy with PBN aggravates hippocampal injury and learning deficits.
Multiplication of bacteria within the central nervous system compartment triggers a host response with an overshooting inflammatory reaction which leads to brain parenchyma damage. Some of the inflammatory and neurotoxic mediators involved in the processes leading to neuronal injury during bacterial meningitis have been identified in recent years. As a result, the therapeutic approach to the disease has widened from eradication of the bacterial pathogen with antibiotics to attenuation of the detrimental effects of host defences. Corticosteroids represent an example of the adjuvant therapeutic strategies aimed at downmodulating excessive inflammation in the infected central nervous system. Pathophysiological concepts derived from an experimental rat model of bacterial meningitis revealed possible therapeutic strategies for prevention of brain damage. The insights gained led to the evaluation of new therapeutic modalities such as anticytokine agents, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, antioxidants, and antagonists of endothelin and glutamate. Bacterial meningitis is still associated with persistent neurological sequelae in approximately one third of surviving patients. Future research in the model will evaluate whether the neuroprotective agents identified so far have the potential to attenuate learning disabilities as a long-term consequence of bacterial meningitis.
Reactive oxygen intermediates mediate brain injury in bacterial meningitis. Several antioxidant drugs are clinically available, including N-acetylcysteine (NAC), deferoxamine (DFO), and trylizad-mesylate (TLM). The present study evaluated whether these antioxidants are beneficial in a model of pneumococcal meningitis. Eleven-day-old rats were infected intracisternally with Streptococcus pneumoniae and randomized to intraperitoneal treatment every 8 h with NAC (200 mg/kg), DFO (100 mg/kg), TLM (10 mg/kg), or saline (250 microL). TLM-treated animals showed a significantly reduced mortality compared with controls (P<.03). Meningitis led to extensive cortical injury at 22+/-2.2 h after infection (median, 14. 6% of cortex; range, 0-61.1%). Injury was significantly (P<.01) reduced to 1.1% (range, 0-34.6%) by NAC, to 2.3% (range, 0-19.6%) by DFO, and to 0.2% (range, 0-36.9%) by TLM (the difference was not significant among the 3 groups). None of the drugs reduced hippocampal injury. Thus, several clinically used antioxidants reduced cortical injury in experimental pneumococcal meningitis.
The present study was performed to evaluate the role of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory reaction and the development of neuronal injury in a rat model of bacterial meningitis. mRNA encoding specific MMPs (MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-8, and MMP-9) and the inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were significantly (P < 0.04) upregulated, compared to the beta-actin housekeeping gene, in cortical homogenates at 20 h after infection. In parallel, concentrations of MMP-9 and TNF-alpha in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were significantly increased in rats with bacterial meningitis compared to uninfected animals (P = 0.002) and showed a close correlation (r = 0.76; P < 0. 001). Treatment with a hydroxamic acid-type MMP inhibitor (GM6001; 65 mg/kg intraperitoneally every 12 h) beginning at the time of infection significantly lowered the MMP-9 (P < 0.02) and TNF-alpha (P < 0.02) levels in CSF. Histopathology at 25.5 +/- 5.7 h after infection showed neuronal injury (median [range], 3.5% [0 to 17.5%] of the cortex), which was significantly (P < 0.01) reduced to 0% (0 to 10.8%) by GM6001. This is the first report to demonstrate that MMPs contribute to the development of neuronal injury in bacterial meningitis and that inhibition of MMPs may be an effective approach to prevent brain damage as a consequence of the disease.
Acute meningitis is a medical emergency, particularly in patients with rapidly progressing disease, mental status changes or neurological deficits. The majority of cases of bacterial meningitis are caused by a limited number of species, i.e. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitis, Listeria monocytogenes, group B Streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae), Haemophilus influenzae and Enterobacteriaceae. Many other pathogens can occasionally cause bacterial meningitis, often under special clinical circumstances. Treatment of meningitis includes two main goals: Eradication of the infecting organism, and management of CNS and systemic complications. Empiric therapy should be initiated without delay, as the prognosis of the disease depends on the time when therapy is started. One or two blood cultures should be obtained before administering the first antibiotic. Empiric therapy is primarily based on the age of the patient, with modifications if there are positive findings on CSF gram stain or if the patient presents with special risk factors. It is safer to choose regimens with broad coverage, as they can usually be modified within 24-48 hours, when antibiotic sensitivities of the infecting organism become available. Adjunctive therapy with dexamethasone is also administered in severely ill patients concomitantly with the first antibiotic dose. In patients who are clinically stable and are unlikely to be adversely affected if antibiotics are not administered immediately, including those with suspected viral or chronic meningitis, a lumbar puncture represents the first step, unless there is clinical suspicion of an intracerebral mass lesion. Findings in the CSF and on CT scan, if performed, will guide the further diagnostic work-up and therapy in all patients.
The antibacterial activities of amoxicillin-gentamicin, trovafloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) and the combination of trovafloxacin with TMP-SMX were compared in a model of meningoencephalitis due to Listeria monocytogenes in infant rats. At 22 h after intracisternal infection, the cerebrospinal fluid was cultured to document meningitis, and the treatment was started. Treatment was instituted for 48 h, and efficacy was evaluated 24 h after administration of the last dose. All tested treatment regimens exhibited significant activities in brain, liver, and blood compared to infected rats receiving saline (P < 0.001). In the brain, amoxicillin plus gentamicin was more active than all of the other regimens, and trovafloxacin was more active than TMP-SMX (bacterial titers of 4.1 +/- 0.5 log10 CFU/ml for amoxicillin-gentamicin, 5.0 +/- 0.4 log10 CFU/ml for trovafloxacin, and 5.8 +/- 0.5 log10 CFU/ml for TMP-SMX; P < 0.05). In liver, amoxicillin-gentamicin and trovafloxacin were similarly active (2.8 +/- 0.8 and 2.7 +/- 0.8 log10 CFU/ml, respectively) but more active than TMP-SMX (4.4 +/- 0. 6 log10 CFU/ml; P < 0.05). The combination of trovafloxacin with TMP-SMX did not alter the antibacterial effect in the brain, but it did reduce the effect of trovafloxacin in the liver. Amoxicillin-gentamicin was the most active therapy in this study, but the activity of trovafloxacin suggests that further studies with this drug for the treatment of Listeria infections may be warranted.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase and the effect of aminoguanidine in experimental neonatal meningitis
This study explored the role of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS) in an infant rat model of group B streptococcal meningitis. Brain iNOS activity increased during meningitis (P < .001), and iNOS was detected by immunocytochemistry in the walls of meningeal vessels and cells of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammation. Animals treated with iNOS inhibitor aminoguanidine (AG; 130 mg/kg every 8 h) had reduced NO production (P < .05), higher CSF bacterial titers (P < .05), and increased incidence of seizures (P < .01) compared with untreated infected animals. AG also increased areas of severe hypoperfusion in the cortex (31% +/- 14% in controls vs. 56% +/- 16% in AG; P < .01) and the extent of cortical neuronal injury, both when administered at the time of infection (P < .05) and in established meningitis (P < .02). Thus, NO produced by iNOS may be beneficial in this model of experimental meningitis by reducing cerebral ischemia.
To evaluate the role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in neuronal injury in experimental group B streptococcal meningitis, infected neonatal rats were treated with a monoclonal antibody against TNF-alpha (20 mg/kg intraperitoneally) or saline given at the time of infection. Histopathology after 24 h showed necrosis in the cortex and apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Treated animals had significantly less hippocampal injury than did controls (P < .001) but had similar cortical injury and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammation. The antibody was then administered directly intracisternally (170 microg) to test whether higher CSF concentrations reduced inflammation or cortical injury. Again, hippocampal apoptosis was significantly reduced (P < .01), while cortical injury and inflammation were not. Thus, TNF-alpha played a critical role in neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampus, while it was not essential for the development of inflammation and cortical injury in this model.