802 resultados para Bergeron, Bob
Shared decision-making (SDM) is a high priority in healthcare policy and is complementary to the recovery philosophy in mental health care. This agenda has been operationalised within the Values-Based Practice (VBP) framework, which offers a theoretical and practical model to promote democratic interprofessional approaches to decision-making. However, these are limited by a lack of recognition of the implications of power implicit within the mental health system. This study considers issues of power within the context of decision-making and examines to what extent decisions about patients? care on acute in-patient wards are perceived to be shared. Focus groups were conducted with 46 mental health professionals, service users, and carers. The data were analysed using the framework of critical narrative analysis (CNA). The findings of the study suggested each group constructed different identity positions, which placed them as inside or outside of the decision-making process. This reflected their view of themselves as best placed to influence a decision on behalf of the service user. In conclusion, the discourse of VBP and SDM needs to take account of how differentials of power and the positioning of speakers affect the context in which decisions take place.
Au Québec, le programme d'éthique et culture religieuse a influencé les pratiques éducatives des enseignants. (Conseil supérieur de l'éducation, 2003, 2009; Deniger, 2004; Gouvernement du Québec, 1999, 2005). Les réactions lors de son implantation ont stimulé cette analyse sous l'aspect politique, idéologique, organisationnel et pédagogique. Nous cherchions à connaître et comprendre comment les titulaires du primaire se représentent le processus d'implantation du programme ÉCR. Notre méthodologie exploratoire qualitative se fonde sur quatorze entrevues semidirigées dans 4 régions du Québec. Sans être en mesure de généraliser, nos travaux font tout de même ressortir le processus d'implantation d'une innovation scolaire. (Bonami et ai, 1996 ; Cros, 2001). De plus, notre recherche fournit une réflexion sur les facteurs facilitant ou non l'implantation d'un programme scolaire. En effet, la théorie de l'ingénierie de formation, facilite l'analyse des conditions les plus pertinentes à la mise en place d'un changement d'envergure au sein d'une organisation.
Purpose. To present the results of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis used as part of a process aimed at reorganising services provided within a pediatric rehabilitation programme (PRP) in Quebec, Canada and to report the perceptions of the planning committee members regarding the usefulness of the SWOT in this process. Method. Thirty-six service providers working in the PRP completed a SWOT questionnaire and reported what they felt worked and what did not work in the existing model of care. Their responses were used by a planning committee over a 12- month period to assist in the development of a new service delivery model. Committee members shared their thoughts about the usefulness of the SWOT. Results. Current programme strengths included favourable organisational climate and interdisciplinary work whereas weaknesses included lack of psychosocial support to families and long waiting times for children. Opportunities included working with community partners, whereas fear of losing professional autonomy with the new service model was a threat. The SWOT results helped the planning committee redefine the programme goals and make decisions to improve service coordination. SWOT analysis was deemed as a very useful tool to help guide service reorganisation. Conclusions. SWOT analysis appears to be an interesting evaluation tool to promote awareness among service providers regarding the current functioning of a rehabilitation programme. It fosters their active participation in the reorganisation of a new service delivery model for pediatric rehabilitation.
This article presents the experience of a rehabilitation program that un- dertook the challenge to reorganize its services to address accessibility issues and im- prove service quality. The context in which the reorganization process occurred, along with the relevant literature justifying the need for a new service delivery model, and an historical perspective on the planning; implementation; and evaluation phases of the process are described. In the planning phase, the constitution of the working committee, the data collected, and the information found in the literature are presented. Apollo, the new service delivery model, is then described along with each of its components (e.g., community, group, and individual interventions). Actions and lessons learnt during the implementation of each component are presented. We hope by sharing our experiences that we can help others make informed decisions about service reorganization to im- prove the quality of services provided to children with disabilities, their families, and their communities.
Remerciements -- Introduction générale: sortie du colonialisme et enjeux de l’édification des sociétés postcoloniales / Patrick Dramé, Pascal Scallon-Chouinard et Françoise Nozati.-- I. Le crépuscule du colonialisme: Les missionnaires catholiques à l’assaut des colonisés africains : un bilan historiographique / Benoît Chartier -- Gandhi, l’Inde coloniale et la philosophie de la non-violence / Julie-Anne Gaudreau -- L’Indonésie en quête d’indépendance : une étude historiographique / Jean-Philippe Martel. II. Les enjeux de l’affirmation d’une identité politique et culturelle : Les nouvelles constitutions africaines : influences et objectifs. Étude de cas du Bénin, du Ghana et du Sénégal / Victor Bilodeau -- La politique culturelle : porte-étendard de l’État et de la nation malienne / Pauline Fougère.—III Quand le Québec s’émancipe : Nègres blancs d’Amérique : entre critiques et dénonciations / Michael Bergeron -- Socialisme et décolonisation dans le Québec de la Révolution tranquille à travers La Revue socialiste et Parti Pris / Stéphanie Jodoin-- La dernière année de la guerre d’Algérie vue par Le Devoir / Myriam Alarie.-- IV. Mémoire traumatique et construction nationale : Les mémoires du génocide de 1904 dans le Sud-Ouest africain allemand / Estelle Bourbeau -- Une équipe, un pays : la réconciliation raciale post apartheid autour du rugby sud-africain / Marie-Claude Beauregard --Biographies des auteurs.
Concert program for Duo Geminiani and the Bach Ensemble, January 7, 1979
The paper looks into the dynamics of information society policy and its implementation in the Greek context. It argues that information society development is a contested process, influenced by pre-existing state, economy and society relations. Based on this, it looks into the different aspects of the idiosyncratic path which the evolution of the Greek information society has followed, particularly after 2000. Using Bob Jessop's strategic-relational approach (SRA) to the state as an analytical framework and drawing on a number of in-depth interviews with relevant political actors, it provides insights into policy implementation by examining: the public management of information technology projects, how such projects were received in bureaucratic structures and practices, as well as the relationship between the state and the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in public procurement processes. The emphasis is on the period 2000–2008, during which a major operational programme on the information society in Greece was put into effect. The paper also touches upon the post-2008 experience, suggesting that information society developments might include dynamics operating independently and even in contradiction to the state agenda.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60119
1981-1982 Men's Basketball Team Front - Doug Fast. John Radaslav, Jim Zareski, Kelly Baker, Jim Baldin, Doug Johnson, Tim Mcalpine Back - Manager Britt Fischer, ??, Bob Blasko, David Hodges, Mark Green, Bob Yuhasz, Paul Treitz, Mike Creighton, Trainer Joe Kenney, Coach Garney Henley