990 resultados para Behavior Monitoring


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A Distribuição Individual Diária em Dose Unitária deve assegurar o maior rigor no Processo de Distribuição de Medicamentos, o que nem sempre se verificou no Hospital Pedro Hispano, dado que as Doses Unitárias devolvidas pelos Serviços de Internamento, nem sempre seguiam os Parâmetros de Qualidade. Assim, desenvolveu-se um estudo quasi-experimental, longitudinal, prospetivo e analítico, entre 1 de Março a 30 de Junho de 2012, no qual se analisaram as Doses Unitárias, devolvidas pelos Serviços de Internamento da Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos a funcionam com Distribuição Individual Diária em Dose Unitária, tendo-se recolhido as não conformes relativamente aos Parâmetros de Qualidade instituídos. Na 1.ª fase do estudo (Recolha de amostras), foram contabilizadas 337 amostras, correspondentes a uma perda de 471 €. Na 2.ª fase do estudo (Implementação de acções correctivas às amostras previamente recolhidas), foram rejeitadas definitivamente 129 amostras, correspondentes a uma perda de 198 €. Na 4.ª fase do estudo (Segunda recolha de amostras), foram contabilizadas 228 amostras, correspondentes a uma perda de 199 €. A 3.ª fase do estudo incluiu a divulgação dos resultados às enfermeiras chefes dos serviços envolvidos no estudo e a 5.ª fase a comparação dos resultados obtidos na 1.ª, 2.ª e 4.ª fase do estudo. As amostras foram recolhidas em 16 serviços de internamento, sendo os valores monetários mais relevantes associados ao Espessante para alimentos líquidos e ao Imipeno + Cilastatina. A prática observada e sujeita a estudo aumenta os riscos associados ao consumo do medicamento e os custos relativos ao Processo, sendo de eliminar. A sua monitorização deve constituir uma rotina, uma vez que houve mudança de comportamentos. A redução/eliminação desta prática não conforme conduz à integração de novas tarefas com valor acrescentado, com aumento da fiabilidade do Processo.


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica elabora da no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Ibuprofen is amongst the most worldwide consumed pharmaceuticals. The present work presents the first data in the occurrence of ibuprofen in Portuguese surface waters, focusing in the north area of the country, which is one of the most densely populated areas of Portugal. Analysis of ibuprofen is based on pre-concentration of the analyte with solid phase extraction and subsequent determination with liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection. A total of 42 water samples, including surface waters, landfill leachates,Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and hospital effluents, were analyzed in order to evaluate the occurrence of ibuprofen in the north of Portugal. In general, the highest concentrations were found in the river mouths and in the estuarine zone. The maximum concentrations found were 48,720 ngL−1 in the landfill leachate, 3,868 ngL−1 in hospital effluent, 616 ngL−1 in WWTP effluent, and 723 ngL−1 in surface waters (Lima river). Environmental risk assessment was evaluated and at the measured concentrations only landfill leachates reveal potential ecotoxicological risk for aquatic organisms. Owing to a high consumption rate of ibuprofen among Portuguese population, as prescribed and nonprescribed medicine, the importance of hospitals, WWTPs, and landfills as sources of entrance of pharmaceuticals in the environment was pointed out. Landfill leachates showed the highest contribution for ibuprofen mass loading into surface waters. On the basis of our findings, more studies are needed as an attempt to assess more vulnerable areas.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC


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Embedded systems are increasingly complex and dynamic, imposing progressively higher developing time and costs. Tuning a particular system for deployment is thus becoming more demanding. Furthermore when considering systems which have to adapt themselves to evolving requirements and changing service requests. In this perspective, run-time monitoring of the system behaviour becomes an important requirement, allowing to dynamically capturing the actual scheduling progress and resource utilization. For this to succeed, operating systems need to expose their internal behaviour and state, making it available to external applications, and a runtime monitoring mechanism must be available. However, such mechanism can impose a burden in the system itself if not wisely used. In this paper we explore this problem and propose a framework, which is intended to provide this run-time mechanism whilst achieving code separation, run-time efficiency and flexibility for the final developer.


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Monitoring is a very important aspect to consider when developing real-time systems. However, it is also important to consider the impact of the monitoring mechanisms in the actual application. The use of Reflection can provide a clear separation between the real-time application and the implemented monitoring mechanisms, which can be introduced (reflected) into the underlying system without changing the actual application part of the code. Nevertheless, controlling the monitoring system itself is still a topic of research. The monitoring mechanisms must contain knowledge about “how to get the information out”. Therefore, this paper presents the ongoing work to define a suitable strategy for monitoring real-time systems through the use of Reflection.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação ente o ISEL e o LNEC


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC


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Sensor/actuator networks promised to extend automated monitoring and control into industrial processes. Avionic system is one of the prominent technologies that can highly gain from dense sensor/actuator deployments. An aircraft with smart sensing skin would fulfill the vision of affordability and environmental friendliness properties by reducing the fuel consumption. Achieving these properties is possible by providing an approximate representation of the air flow across the body of the aircraft and suppressing the detected aerodynamic drags. To the best of our knowledge, getting an accurate representation of the physical entity is one of the most significant challenges that still exists with dense sensor/actuator network. This paper offers an efficient way to acquire sensor readings from very large sensor/actuator network that are located in a small area (dense network). It presents LIA algorithm, a Linear Interpolation Algorithm that provides two important contributions. First, it demonstrates the effectiveness of employing a transformation matrix to mimic the environmental behavior. Second, it renders a smart solution for updating the previously defined matrix through a procedure called learning phase. Simulation results reveal that the average relative error in LIA algorithm can be reduced by as much as 60% by exploiting transformation matrix.


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Despite the steady increase in experimental deployments, most of research work on WSNs has focused only on communication protocols and algorithms, with a clear lack of effective, feasible and usable system architectures, integrated in a modular platform able to address both functional and non–functional requirements. In this paper, we outline EMMON [1], a full WSN-based system architecture for large–scale, dense and real–time embedded monitoring [3] applications. EMMON provides a hierarchical communication architecture together with integrated middleware and command and control software. Then, EM-Set, the EMMON engineering toolset will be presented. EM-Set includes a network deployment planning, worst–case analysis and dimensioning, protocol simulation and automatic remote programming and hardware testing tools. This toolset was crucial for the development of EMMON which was designed to use standard commercially available technologies, while maintaining as much flexibility as possible to meet specific applications requirements. Finally, the EMMON architecture has been validated through extensive simulation and experimental evaluation, including a 300+ nodes testbed.


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The scope of this paper is to adapt the standard mean-variance model of Henry Markowitz theory, creating a simulation tool to find the optimal configuration of the portfolio aggregator, calculate its profitability and risk. Currently, there is a deep discussion going on among the power system society about the structure and architecture of the future electric system. In this environment, policy makers and electric utilities find new approaches to access the electricity market; this configures new challenging positions in order to find innovative strategies and methodologies. Decentralized power generation is gaining relevance in liberalized markets, and small and medium size electricity consumers are also become producers (“prosumers”). In this scenario an electric aggregator is an entity that joins a group of electric clients, customers, producers, “prosumers” together as a single purchasing unit to negotiate the purchase and sale of electricity. The aggregator conducts research on electricity prices, contract terms and conditions in order to promote better energy prices for their clients and allows small and medium customers to benefit improved market prices.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted growing interest in the last decade as an infrastructure to support a diversity of ubiquitous computing and cyber-physical systems. However, most research work has focused on protocols or on specific applications. As a result, there remains a clear lack of effective and usable WSN system architectures that address both functional and non-functional requirements in an integrated fashion. This poster outlines the EMMON system architecture for large-scale, dense, real-time embedded monitoring. It provides a hierarchical communication architecture together with integrated middleware and command and control software. It has been designed to maintain as much as flexibility as possible while meeting specific applications requirements. EMMON has been validated through extensive analytical, simulation and experimental evaluations, including through a 300+ nodes test-bed the largest single-site WSN test-bed in Europe.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted growing interest in the last decade as an infrastructure to support a diversity of ubiquitous computing and cyber-physical systems. However, most research work has focused on protocols or on specific applications. As a result, there remains a clear lack of effective, feasible and usable system architectures that address both functional and non-functional requirements in an integrated fashion. In this paper, we outline the EMMON system architecture for large-scale, dense, real-time embedded monitoring. EMMON provides a hierarchical communication architecture together with integrated middleware and command and control software. It has been designed to use standard commercially-available technologies, while maintaining as much flexibility as possible to meet specific applications requirements. The EMMON architecture has been validated through extensive simulation and experimental evaluation, including a 300+ node test-bed, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest single-site WSN test-bed in Europe to date.


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Operational Modal Analysis is currently applied in structural dynamic monitoring studies using conventional wired based sensors and data acquisition platforms. This approach, however, becomes inadequate in cases where the tests are performed in ancient structures with esthetic concerns or in others, where the use of wires greatly impacts the monitoring system cost and creates difficulties in the maintenance and deployment of data acquisition platforms. In these cases, the use of sensor platforms based on wireless and MEMS would clearly benefit these applications. This work presents a first attempt to apply this wireless technology to the structural monitoring of historical masonry constructions in the context of operational modal analysis. Commercial WSN platforms were used to study one laboratory specimen and one of the structural elements of a XV century building in Portugal. Results showed that in comparison to the conventional wired sensors, wireless platforms have poor performance in respect to the acceleration time series recorded and the detection of modal shapes. However, for frequency detection issues, reliable results were obtained, especially when random excitation was used as noise source.


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Wind energy is considered a hope in future as a clean and sustainable energy, as can be seen by the growing number of wind farms installed all over the world. With the huge proliferation of wind farms, as an alternative to the traditional fossil power generation, the economic issues dictate the necessity of monitoring systems to optimize the availability and profits. The relatively high cost of operation and maintenance associated to wind power is a major issue. Wind turbines are most of the time located in remote areas or offshore and these factors increase the referred operation and maintenance costs. Good maintenance strategies are needed to increase the health management of wind turbines. The objective of this paper is to show the application of neural networks to analyze all the wind turbine information to identify possible future failures, based on previous information of the turbine.