979 resultados para Balanced scorecard (BSC)
Proportionally balanced designs were introduced by Gray and Matters in response to a need for the allocation of markers of the Queensland Core Skills Test to have a certain property. Put simply, markers were allocated to pairs of units in proportions that reflected the relative numbers of markers allocated in total to each unit. In this paper, the first author extends the theoretical results relating to such designs and provides further instances, and two general constructions, in the case that the design comprises blocks of precisely two sizes.
A balanced sampling plan excluding contiguous units (or BSEC for short) was first introduced by Hedayat, Rao and Stufken in 1988. These designs can be used for survey sampling when the units are arranged in one-dimensional ordering and the contiguous units in this ordering provide similar information. In this paper, we generalize the concept of a BSEC to the two-dimensional situation and give constructions of two-dimensional BSECs with block size 3. The existence problem is completely solved in the case where lambda = 1.
Certain glycosidase inhibitors possess potent antiviral, antitumour and antidiabetic properties. Glyconic acid lactones, the earliest glycosidase inhibitors identified, have planar anomeric carbons that mimic the transition state of glycoside hydrolysis. Other classes include lactams, glycals, epoxides, halides and sulfonium ions, the latter based on the natural product salacinol from an antidiabetic herb.
Esse documento trata de: fundamentos do planejamento estrat??gico; o que ?? o Pensamento Estrat??gico; por que planejar; o que ?? planejamento; o que ?? Estrat??gia; a gest??o estrat??gica como princ??pio; o que ?? um plano estrat??gico
Esse documento trata de: Constru????o de Premissas ou Fundamentos; Grandes Escolhas; Elabora????o do Plano Estrat??gico
Esse documento trata de: gest??o do plano; implementa????o do comit?? de gest??o estrat??gica; monitoramento do plano; avalia????o e atualiza????o do plano; material complementar: modifica????es no PPA 2012-2015
To cope with permanent fluctuations in demand, organizations are challenged to organize their manpower capacity in a flexible way. Different strategies of manpower planning are being used for this purpose. Using data from the 2002 Panel Survey of Organisations Flanders, we first verify to what extent temporal, contractual and functional flexibility strategies are applied in Flemish organizations. Subsequently, logistic regression is used to analyse the link between these flexible work strategies and a ‘fitting manpower capacity’. While the results show a negative association between the use of temporal or contractual flexibility measures and a balanced manpower capacity, functional flexibility seems to be positively related. The different logics in which numerical and functional flexibility proceed can be labeled as ‘curative’ versus ‘preventive’ strategies of flexibility. Further analyses discern between various interpretations of functional flexibility and assess whether different team types make a contribution to a fitting manpower capacity.
Stair nesting allows us to work with fewer observations than the most usual form of nesting, the balanced nesting. In the case of stair nesting the amount of information for the different factors is more evenly distributed. This new design leads to greater economy, because we can work with fewer observations. In this work we present the algebraic structure of the cross of balanced nested and stair nested designs, using binary operations on commutative Jordan algebras. This new cross requires fewer observations than the usual cross balanced nested designs and it is easy to carry out inference.
The erosion depth profile of planar targets in balanced and unbalanced magnetron cathodes with cylindrical symmetry is measured along the target radius. The magnetic fields have rotational symmetry. The horizontal and vertical components of the magnetic field B are measured at points above the cathode target with z = 2 x 10(-3) m. The experimental data reveal that the target erosion depth profile is a function of the angle. made by B with a horizontal line defined by z = 2 x 10(-3) m. To explain this dependence a simplified model of the discharge is developed. In the scope of the model, the pathway lengths of the secondary electrons in the pre-sheath region are calculated by analytical integration of the Lorentz differential equations. Weighting these lengths by using the distribution law of the mean free path of the secondary electrons, we estimate the densities of the ionizing events over the cathode and the relative flux of the sputtered atoms. The expression so deduced correlates for the first time the erosion depth profile of the target with the angle theta. The model shows reasonably good fittings to the experimental target erosion depth profiles confirming that ionization occurs mainly in the pre-sheath zone.
Balanced nesting is the most usual form of nesting and originates, when used singly or with crossing of such sub-models, orthogonal models. In balanced nesting we are forced to divide repeatedly the plots and we have few degrees of freedom for the first levels. If we apply stair nesting we will have plots all of the same size rendering the designs easier to apply. The stair nested designs are a valid alternative for the balanced nested designs because we can work with fewer observations, the amount of information for the different factors is more evenly distributed and we obtain good results. The inference for models with balanced nesting is already well studied. For models with stair nesting it is easy to carry out inference because it is very similar to that for balanced nesting. Furthermore stair nested designs being unbalanced have an orthogonal structure. Other alternative to the balanced nesting is the staggered nesting that is the most popular unbalanced nested design which also has the advantage of requiring fewer observations. However staggered nested designs are not orthogonal, unlike the stair nested designs. In this work we start with the algebraic structure of the balanced, the stair and the staggered nested designs and we finish with the structure of the cross between balanced and stair nested designs.
The single-lap joint is the most commonly used, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of using different thickness adherends on the tensile strength of single-lap joints, bonded with a ductile and brittle adhesive, was numerically and experimentally evaluated. The joints were tested under tension for different combinations of adherend thickness. The effect of the adherends thickness mismatch on the stress distributions was also investigated by Finite Elements (FE), which explained the experimental results and the strength prediction of the joints. The numerical study was made by FE and Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM), which allowed characterizing the entire fracture process. For this purpose, a FE analysis was performed in ABAQUS® considering geometric non-linearities. In the end, a detailed comparative evaluation of unbalanced joints, commonly used in engineering applications, is presented to give an understanding on how modifications in the bonded structures thickness can influence the joint performance.
The molecular characterization of balanced chromosomal rearrangements have always been of advantage in identifying disease-causing genes. Here, we describe the breakpoint mapping of a de novo balanced translocation t(7;12)(q11.22;q14.2) in a patient presenting with a failure to thrive associated with moderate mental retardation, facial anomalies, and chronic constipation. The localization of the breakpoints and the co-occurrence of Williams-Beuren syndrome and 12q14 microdeletion syndrome phenotypes suggested that the expression of some of the dosage-sensitive genes of these two segmental aneuploidies were modified in cells of the proposita. However, we were unable to identify chromosomes 7 and/or 12-mapping genes that showed disturbed expression in the lymphoblastoids of the proposita. This case showed that position-effect might operate in some tissues, but not in others. It also illustrates the overlap of phenotypes presented by patients with the recently described 12q14 structural rearrangements.
The Uzawa (1961) theorem applied to finance and growthsuggests that a long-run positive correlation between financial efficiency and depth is only present when variations in the extent of access to financial services are considered. Improvements in financial efficiency can lead to new capital augmenting technologies along the balanced path, but only improvements in financial efficiency directed towards labor can change the rate of growth in the long-run. These findings suggest ways to understand some of the more nuanced relationships between finance and growth observed in the data and point in a number of directions for future research.
This paper investigates the impact of a balanced budget fiscal policy expansion in a regional context within a numerical dynamic general equilibrium model. We take Scotland as an example where, recently, there has been extensive debate on greater fiscal autonomy. In response to a balanced budget fiscal expansion the model suggests that: an increase in current government purchase in goods and services has negative multiplier effects only if the elasticity of substitution between private and public consumption is high enough to move downward the marginal utility of private consumers; public capital expenditure crowds in consumption and investment even with a high level of congestion; but crowding out effects might arise in the short-run if agents are myopic.