Describe las operaciones Perú Antar I, II y III que se ejecutaron entre los meses de enero y febrero de 1988, 1989 y 1991, respectivamente, a bordo del BIC Humboldt en el estrecho de Bransfield, ampliandose el área de estudio, en Antar III, a los alrededores de la isla Elefante. Se presenta la distribución horizontal y vertical así como los estimados de biomasa del krill (Euphausia superba) determinados en el área de estudio en tales expediciones. En todos los casos se emplearon los mismos equipos y similares metodologías. Se incluye una revisión de los antecedentes de evaluación acústica del krill tendientes al cálculo de su biomasa en la zona del Estrecho de Bransfield e Isla Elefante. Los estimados de biomasa fueron los siguientes: ANTAR I, 17.0x106 t (±29,41%) con una densidad de 536,05 g/m2; en ANTAR II, 5,67 x 106 t (±16,66%) con una densidad de 176,66 g/m2 ; en ANTAR III, 8,43 x 106 t (±12,0%) con una densidad de 200,93 g/m2 . Las principales zonas de concentración del krill se observaron entre la Isla Rey Jorge e Isla Elefante en ANTAR I; entre las Islas Bravante y Livingstone en ANTAR II; y, entre las Islas Decepción y Trinidad, y al norte de la Isla Elefante, en ANTAR III.
Se ha determinado, mediante un análisis preliminar, que el krill (Euphausia superba) se distribuyó en aguas provenientes del Mar de Wedell y en aquellas procedentes del Paso Drake a lo largo del Estrecho de Bransfield y al sur de la Isla Elefante. En cuanto a sus parámetros preferenciales de distribución se ha determinado que esta especie se distribuyó en aguas con relativamente baja temperatura, pero con altos contenidos de salinidad y oxígeno.
Se realizaron observaciones de aves marinas en 1177 millas en el Estrecho de Bransfield y alrededores de la Isla Elefante en enero de 1998. Durante el recorrido se observó un total de 21.624 aves. Se identificaron 18 especies pertenecientes a 7 familias. Los avistamientos de aves marinas se analizaron en relación a la abundancia y distribución relativa promedio del total de aves (aves/milla) fue 3,4 veces mayor que la observada en millas donde no se registró krill. Para todas las especies en estudio, excepto las especies de Pygoscelis, la probabilidad de encontrar este recurso se incrementó a una mayor abundancia de aves.
Resultados obtenidos del análisis de muestras de zooplancton antártico colectadas en el Estrecho de Bransfield y alrededores de la Isla Elefante en enero de 1998. Los volúmenes totales de zooplancton fluctuaron entre 1,3 y 1147,1 mL/1000 m3. El zooplancton estuvo constituido principalmente por copépodos, salpas, eufáusidos y quetognatos, Los copépodos y las salpas fueron los más frecuentes; los copépodos presentaron la mayor diversidad, mientras que las salpas tuvieron las mayores abundancias. Se determinaron 9 especies de larvas de peces, siendo Notolepis coatsi las más frecuente y Nothotenia gibberifrons, la más abundante. En el análisis de comunidades se estableció biológicamente la presencia de dos conglomerados principales, el primero que corresponde a la zona central del Estrecho de Bransfield y el segundo a la zona oriental hacia el mar de Wedell y la Isla Elefante.
The dynamics and associated stability analysis of tidal inlets situated on the southwest coast of India, namely Andhakaranazhi (90 45 J OO JJN and 760 17 J 29 JJ E) and the other at Cochin harbour inlet (90 58 1 04 J1N and 760 14 1 50 1J E) have beenconducted. A detailed study on the inlet regime of Cochin barmouth (permanent in nature) was attempted so as to elucidate information on: (a) channel characteristics (b) tidal hydraulics and (c) stability of the inlet. In this connection, a naturally occurring seasonal sandbar formation at Andhakaranazhi, near Sherthallay, about 20 km south of Cochin inlet, was also chosen as a site ofstudy brought out conclusively the dynamical study. The aspects of ( 1) tidal influx/out flux (2) channel morphology (3) sedimentation regime and (4) stability and factors related to stability of these locations. The above aspects are supported by suitable mathematical formulations to describe the associated coastal processes, wherever applicable
Rapidly-flowing sectors of an ice sheet (ice streams) can play ail important role in abrupt climate change through tile delivery of icebergs and meltwater and tile Subsequent disruption of ocean thermohaline circulation (e.g., the North Atlantic's Heinrich events). Recently, several cores have been raised from the Arctic Ocean which document the existence of massive ice export events during tile Late Pleistocene and whose provenance has been linked to Source regions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In this paper, satellite imagery is used to map glacial geomorphology in the vicinity of Victoria Island, Banks Island and Prince of Wales Island (Canadian Arctic) in order to reconstruct ice flow patterns in the highly complex glacial landscape. A total of 88 discrete flow-sets are mapped and of these, 13 exhibit the characteristic geomorphology of palaeo-ice streams (i.e., parallel patterns of large, highly elongated mega-scale glacial lineations forming a convergent flow pattern with abrupt lateral margins). Previous studies by other workers and cross-cutting relationships indicate that the majority of these ice streams are relatively young and operated during or immediately prior to deglaciation. Our new mapping, however, documents a large (> 700 km long; 110 km wide) and relatively old ice stream imprint centred in M'Clintock Channel and converging into Viscount Melville Sound. A trough mouth fan located on the continental shelf Suggests that it extended along M'Clure Strait and was grounded at tile shelf edge. The location of the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream exactly matches the Source area of 4 (possibly 5) major ice export events recorded in core PS 1230 raised from Fram Strait, the major ice exit for the Arctic Ocean. These ice export events occur at similar to 12.9, similar to 15.6, similar to 22 and 29.8 ka (C-14 yr BP) and we argue that they record vigorous episodes of activity of the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream. The timing of these events is remarkably similar to the North Atlantic's Heinrich events and we take this as evidence that the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream was also activated around the same time. This may hold important implications for tile cause of the North Atlantic's Heinrich events and hints at tile possibility of a pall-ice sheet response. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Five Gram-negative, motile, aerobic to microaerophilic spirilla were isolated from various depths of the hypersaline, heliothermal and meromictic Ekho Lake (East Antarctica). The strains are oxidase- and catalase-positive, metabolize a variety of sugars and carboxylic acids and have an absolute requirement for sodium ions. The predominant fatty acids of the organisms are C-16: (1)omega7c, C-16:0 and C(18:1)omega7c, with C-10:1 3-OH, C-10:0 3-OH, C-12:0 3-OH, C-14:1 3-OH, C-14:0 3-OH and C-19:1 present in smaller amounts. The main polar lipids are diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylmonomethylamine. The DNA base composition of the strains is 54-55 mol% G + C. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons show that the isolates are related to the genera Oceanospirillum, Pseudospirillum, Marinospirillum, Halomonas and Chromohalobacter in the gamma-Proteobacteria. Morphological, physiological and genotypic differences from these previously described genera support the description of a novel genus and species, Saccharospirillum impatiens gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is EL-105(T) (= DSM 12546(T) = CECT 5721(T)).
A Gram-negative, aerobic to microaerophilic rod was isolated from 10 m depths of the hypersaline, heliothermal and meromictic Ekho Lake (East Antarctica). The strain was oxidase- and catalase-positive, metabolized a variety of carboxylic acids and sugars and produced lipase. Cells had an absolute requirement for artificial sea water, which could not be replaced by NaCl. A large in vivo absorption band at 870 nm indicated production of bacteriochlorophyll a. The predominant fatty acids of this organism were 16:0 and 18:1omega7c, with 3-OH 10:0, 16:1omega7c and 18:0 in lower amounts. The main polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine. Ubiquinone 10 was produced. The DNA G + C content was 67 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons indicated that the isolate represents a member of the Roseobacter clade within the alpha-Proteobacteria. The organism showed no particular relationship to any members of this clade but clustered on the periphery of the genera Jannaschia, Octadecabacter and 'Marinosulfonomonas' and the species Ruegeria gelatinovorans. Distinct morphological, physiological and genotypic differences to these previously described taxa supported the description of a new genus and a novel species, for which the name Roseisalinus antarcticus gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is EL-88(T) (= DSM 11466(T) = CECT 7023(T)).
[1] A two-dimensional plume model is used to study the interaction between Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica and its underlying ocean cavity. Ice Shelf Water (ISW) plumes are initiated by the freshwater released from a melting ice shelf and, if they rise, may become supercooled and deposit marine ice due to the pressure increase in the in situ freezing temperature. The aim of this modeling study is to determine the origin of the thick accretions of marine ice at the base of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf and thus improve our understanding of ISW flow paths. The model domain is defined from measurements of ice shelf draft, and from this ISW the model is able to predict plumes that exit the cavity in the correct locations. The modeled plumes also produce basal freezing rates that account for measured marine ice thicknesses in the western part of Ronne Ice Shelf. We find that the freezing rate and plume properties are significantly influenced by the confluence of plumes from different meltwater sources. We are less successful in matching observations of marine ice under the rest of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, which we attribute primarily to this model’s neglect of circulations in the ocean outside the plume.
The antarctic plateau acts as a strong heat sink for the global climate, cooling the atmosphere and radiating energy to space. A cold dense atmospheric boundary layer is formed. Strong surface winds are formed as the boundary layer drains off the plateau. These drainage winds and the eddy fluxes necessary to maintain them are analysed in a general circulation model (GCM). The drainage flow is well represented in the GCM. The associated mean meridional circulation is analysed in isentropic coordinates. The momentum budget over Antarctica reveals a balance between the Eliassen-Palm flux convergence and the Coriolis torque exerted by the mean meridional mass flux. Both vertical and horizontal components of the Eliassen-Palm flux contribute, the vertical component being the greater.
Virtually no information is available on the response of land-terminating Antarctic Peninsula glaciers to climate change on a centennial timescale. This paper analyses the topography, geomorphology and sedimentology of prominent moraines on James Ross Island, Antarctica, to determine geometric changes and to interpret glacier behaviour. The moraines are very likely due to a late-Holocene phase of advance and featured (1) shearing and thrusting within the snout, (2) shearing and deformation of basal sediment, (3) more supraglacial debris than at present and (4) short distances of sediment transport. Retreat of ∼100 m and thinning of 15–20 m has produced a loss of 0.1 km3 of ice. The pattern of surface lowering is asymmetric. These geometrical changes are suggested most simply to be due to a net negative mass balance caused by a drier climate. Comparisons of the moraines with the current glaciological surface structure of the glaciers permits speculation of a transition from a polythermal to a cold-based thermal regime. Small land-terminating glaciers in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region could be cooling despite a warming climate.