642 resultados para BIODIVERSIDAD


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Seven wild and cultivated Salvia species and two Phlomis species, used traditionally in Valencian medicine to treat a variety of external and internal ailments, were studied. New ethnobotanical data are provided, obtained from semistructured interviews with 34 people in the Valencian area. A seasonal characterization of the essential oil of a wild sage, Salvia blancoana Webb & Heldr. subsp. mariolensis Figuerola, by GC-FID and GC-MS was carried out as a means to ensure quality control of endemic traditional species such as this one, which has been commercialized by local industries. A comparison with the essential oil of Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl subsp.lavandulifolia allowed inclusion of the wild sage within the commercial 'Spanish sage' oil.


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Light traps have been used widely to sample insect abundance and diversity, but their performance for sampling scarab beetles in tropical forests based on light source type and sampling hours throughout the night has not been evaluated. The efficiency of mercury-vapour lamps, cool white light and ultraviolet light sources in attracting Dynastinae, Melolonthinae and Rutelinae scarab beetles, and the most adequate period of the night to carry out the sampling was tested in different forest areas of Costa Rica. Our results showed that light source wavelengths and hours of sampling influenced scarab beetle catches. No significant differences were observed in trap performance between the ultraviolet light and mercury-vapour traps, whereas these two methods caught significantly more species richness and abundance than cool white light traps. Species composition also varied between methods. Large differences appear between catches in the sampling period, with the first five hours of the night being more effective than the last five hours. Because of their high efficiency and logistic advantages, we recommend ultraviolet light traps deployed during the first hours of the night as the best sampling method for biodiversity studies of those scarab beetles in tropical forests.


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The valid name for the largest European species of Cetoniinae is Protaetia speciosissima (Scopoli, 1786), with Protaetia aeruginosa (Medvedev, 1964) as a junior synonym. The specimen illustrated by Scopoli in the original description is designated as the lectotype of Scarabaeus speciosissimus Scopoli, 1786. Since the lectotype is lost, a neotype from Piedmont, Italy, is designated and deposited in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Carmagnola, Italy. The name Scarabaeus aeruginosus Drury, 1773 is unavailable since Drury did not describe a new species but misidentified Scarabaeus aeruginosus Linné, 1767. A specimen figured by Gronovius in 1764 and cited by Linné is designated as the lectotype of Scarabaeus aeruginosus Linné, 1767. This species remains dubious, but it can be assigned to the ruteline subtribe Anticheirina.


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Unlike other dung beetles, the Iberian geotrupid Thorectes lusitanicus exhibits polyphagous behavior; for example, it is able to eat acorns, fungi, fruits, and carrion in addition to the dung of different mammals. This adaptation to digest a wider diet has physiological and developmental advantages and requires key changes in the composition and diversity of the beetle's gut microbiota. In this study, we isolated aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and aerotolerant microbiota amenable to grow in culture from the gut contents of T. lusitanicus and resolved isolate identity to the species level by sequencing 16S rRNA gene fragments. Using BLAST similarity searches and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses, we were able to reveal that the analyzed fraction (culturable, aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and aerotolerant) of beetle gut microbiota is dominated by the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Among Proteobacteria, members of the order Enterobacteriales (Gammaproteobacteria) were the most abundant. The main functions associated with the bacteria found in the gut of T. lusitanicus would likely include nitrogen fixation, denitrification, detoxification, and diverse defensive roles against pathogens.


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La costra biológica del suelo (CBS) es un componente complejo del ecosistema que engloba diferentes organismos (líquenes, musgos, hepáticas, cianobacterias, hongos, algas) presentes en las primeras capas de suelo. La CBS se encuentra en una amplia variedad de ecosistemas, aunque generalmente es más abundante en ecosistemas donde la cobertura de plantas vasculares es escasa, como los ecosistemas áridos. En estos ecosistemas, la CBS contribuye considerablemente a su biodiversidad y funcionamiento. Debido a la gran dificultad para la identificación de especies de estas comunidades, la mayoría de la investigación sobre la CBS se ha desarrollado a escala de comunidad y grupo morfológico. A este nivel, se ha podido observar el gran potencial de estas comunidades de contribuir a la estructura y dinámica del ecosistema: interaccionan con las primeras capas del suelo y con otros organismos, participan en la fijación de carbono y nitrógeno, así como en procesos hidrológicos y en el ciclo de nutrientes. Sin embargo, avances recientes en el conocimiento de la CBS arrojan interesantes y marcadas diferencias en la ecología y el papel funcional de las distintas especies que la componen, con las consecuentes implicaciones en la gestión y conservación de estas comunidades y de los ecosistemas que habitan. En particular, se han observado respuestas específicas en términos de presencia, abundancia y frecuencia ante diversos factores ambientales (variables climáticas, tipo de sustrato, presencia de plantas vasculares y perturbación por pastoreo – recuperación natural), así como un efecto a nivel de especie sobre las propiedades del suelo.


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En la tercera edición del curso “Investigando la biodiversidad: presente y futuro” organizado por el CIBIO (Universidad de Alicante), se ha querido dar un enfoque aún más práctico a través de diferentes talleres en los que los alumnos han podido aprender y participar de manera activa mediante actividades como: la edición digital de fotografía de la naturaleza, la historia y elaboración de herberos y la utilización de los insectos en la gastronomía. Sobre este último taller versa este artículo que resume las actividades realizadas durante el mismo después de que en la primera parte del taller se impartieran conocimientos de distinta índole sobre esta actividad.


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In occidental Europe, Spain is one of countries the most severely affected by desertification (Arnalds & Arsher 2000). Particularly, South-eastern Spain is considered as one of the most threatened areas by desertification in Mediterranean Europe (Vallejo 1997). In 2003, the Valencia Regional Forest Service implemented a restoration demonstration project in this area. The project site is a small catchment (25 ha) located in the Albatera municipality. The catchment is highly heterogeneous, with terraced slopes, south-facing slopes and north-facing slopes. The restoration strategy was based on planting evergreen trees and shrubs which can grow quickly after disturbances, and on field treatments aimed at maximizing water collection (micro-catchments, planting furrows), organic amendment (compost), and conservation (tree shelters, mulching). On south landscape unit, the whole category of restoration treatments was applied: water micro-catchment + Tubex tree shelters + mulching & compost, while on north landscape unit: netting tree shelters + mulching & compost only were applied, while in terrace landscape unit: furrows + netting tree shelters + mulching & compost were applied. Survival and growth of the planted seedlings were used as metrics of restoration success. To assess the effects of the treatments applied for soil conservation, soil loss rates (from 2005 to 2009) were evaluated using the erosion pin method. We conclude that, despite the limiting conditions prevailing on the south unit, this landscape unit showed the highest survival and growth plant rates in the area. The best seedling performances on the south landscape unit were probably due to the highest technical efforts applied, consisting in the water micro-catchment installation and the Tubex plant shelters addition. In addition, soil loss rates followed decreasing trends throughout the assessment period. Soil loss rates were highest on south landscape unit in comparison with the other landscape units, due to the more accentuated relief. North landscape unit and terrace unit showed a net soil mass gain, probably reflecting the trapping of sediments produced by plantation works.


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A woman stung by the box jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) at a Spanish Mediterranean beach, showed systemic manifestations over several months (pain far from the inoculation point, arthralgia, paresthesia, hyperesthesia, increase of eosinophils and IgE) in addition to the skin condition.


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Hoy en día es común estudiar los patrones globales de biodiversidad a partir de las predicciones generadas por diferentes modelos de nicho ecológico. Habitualmente, estos modelos se calibran con datos procedentes de bases de datos de libre acceso (e.g. GBIF). Sin embargo, a pesar de la facilidad de descarga y de la accesibilidad de los datos, la información almacenada sobre las localidades donde están presentes las especies suele tener sesgos y errores. Estos problemas en los datos de calibración pueden modificar drásticamente las predicciones de los modelos y con ello pueden enmascarar los patrones macroecológicos reales. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar qué métodos producen resultados más precisos cuando los datos de calibración incluyen sesgos y cuáles producen mejores resultados cuando los datos de calibración tienen, además de sesgos, errores. Para ello creado una especie virtual, hemos proyectado su distribución en la península ibérica, hemos muestreado su distribución de manera sesgada y hemos calibrado dos tipos de modelos de distribución (Bioclim y Maxent) con muestras de distintos tamaños. Nuestros resultados indican que cuando los datos sólo están sesgados, los resultados de Bioclim son mejores que los de Maxent. Sin embargo, Bioclim es extremadamente sensible a la presencia de errores en los datos de calibración. En estas situaciones, el comportamiento de Maxent es mucho más robusto y las predicciones que proporciona son más ajustadas.


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Conceptual frameworks of dryland degradation commonly include ecohydrological feedbacks between landscape spatial organization and resource loss, so that decreasing cover and size of vegetation patches result in higher water and soil losses, which lead to further vegetation loss. However, the impacts of these feedbacks on dryland dynamics in response to external stress have barely been tested. Using a spatially-explicit model, we represented feedbacks between vegetation pattern and landscape resource loss by establishing a negative dependence of plant establishment on the connectivity of runoff-source areas (e.g., bare soils). We assessed the impact of various feedback strengths on the response of dryland ecosystems to changing external conditions. In general, for a given external pressure, these connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease vegetation cover at equilibrium, which indicates a decrease in ecosystem resistance. Along a gradient of gradual increase of environmental pressure (e.g., aridity), the connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease the amount of pressure required to cause a critical shift to a degraded state (ecosystem resilience). If environmental conditions improve, these feedbacks increase the pressure release needed to achieve the ecosystem recovery (restoration potential). The impact of these feedbacks on dryland response to external stress is markedly non-linear, which relies on the non-linear negative relationship between bare-soil connectivity and vegetation cover. Modelling studies on dryland vegetation dynamics not accounting for the connectivity-mediated feedbacks studied here may overestimate the resistance, resilience and restoration potential of drylands in response to environmental and human pressures. Our results also suggest that changes in vegetation pattern and associated hydrological connectivity may be more informative early-warning indicators of dryland degradation than changes in vegetation cover.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the alkaloid patterns of Lapiedra martinezii and their relation to biogeography and phenology focused in a phylogenetic comparison. Plants from 14 populations of L. martinezii, covering almost its entire distribution area, were subjected to morphological, ecological, and phytochemical analysis. Experiments for different alkaloid-type content are proposed as a new tool for analysis of plant distribution. Several plants were transplanted for weekly observation of their phenological changes, and alkaloids from different plant organs were extracted, listed, and compared. The alkaloid pattern of L. martinezii comprises 49 compounds of homolycorine, lycorine, tazettine, haemantamine, and narciclasine types. The populations located in the north and south margins of the distribution area displayed alkaloid patterns different from those of the central area. Changes in these patterns during their phenological cycle may be related to a better defence for plant reproduction. L. martinezii is an old relict plant, and it has maintained some of the more primitive morphological features and alkaloid profiles of the Mediterranean Amaryllidaceae. The variations in alkaloid content observed could be interpreted in a phylogenetic sense, and those found in their phenological changes, in an adaptive one.


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In an attempt to reveal the relationships between alkaloid biosynthesis and phylogeny, we investigated by GC–MS the alkaloid patterns of 22 species and 3 hybrids (from 45 locations) from seven main sections of the genus Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae). The results indicate that the first alkaloids to evolve in the genus Narcissus were of the lycorine- and homolycorine-type. The alkaloid pattern of the Nevadensis section supports its recent separation from the Pseudonarcissus section. The plants of Narcissus pallidulus (Ganymedes section) show a predominance of Sceletium-type compounds, which are quite rare in the Amaryllidaceae family. Two successful evolutionary strategies involving alkaloid biosynthesis and leading to an expansion in taxa and occupied area were determined. Firstly, a diversification of alkaloid patterns and a high alkaloid concentration in the organs of the large Narcissus species (in the Pseudonarcissus section) resulted in an improved chemical defence in diverse habitats. Secondly, both plant size and alkaloid biosynthesis were reduced (in the Bulbocodium and Apodanthi sections) relegated to dry pastures and rocky places.


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Saproxylic beetle diversity is high at the Cabañeros National Park (central Spain), where woodland habitats exhibit remarkable heterogeneity. Our aim was to explain the diversity of saproxylic beetles, focusing on species turnover among mature woodland types. We surveyed five woodland types that represented the heterogeneity of the park’s woodland habitats. Beetles were collected using window traps over a period of 20 months. The Jaccard Similarity Index was used as indirect value of beta diversity among woodlands and to test the relation between species turnover and geographical distance. We also identified the contribution of species turnover to landscape diversity by using a partitioning model. Moreover, the presence of mixed woodlands (more than one tree species) allowed us to attempt to valorise the effect of tree species (coupled with their historical management) on species turnover among woodlands. Finally, we looked for different saproxylic beetle preferences for habitat and tree species using an indicator value method. We found that saproxylic beetle species composition varied significantly among the studied woodlands. The variation in species turnover was independent from the distance among woodlands, which suggested that beetle dispersal abilities could not explain this high turnover. Tree species within woodlands were a key factor that increased diversity turnover in woodlands and, consequently, the diversity of the park. Moreover, we found saproxylic beetle species that had different habitat and tree species preferences. We conclude that woodland heterogeneity (highly affected by woodland composition) seems to be the driving force for saproxylic beetle diversity in this protected area.


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Using information from two recently published atlases of threatened invertebrate species in peninsular Spain, we examined the climatic, land use and geographic characteristics of the 100 km2 UTM cells with most likelihood of suffering extinctions (extinction cells), as well as the attributes of the species prone to population extinctions. Extinction cells have had significantly (1) lower precipitation values, (2) higher temperatures, (3) higher percentages of anthropic land uses or (4) higher rates of anthropization during the last 20 years than the remaining cells. Nevertheless, probable extinctions may occur under a wide range of climatic and anthropization change rates and these variables can only explain a low proportion (~5 %) of variability in the occurrence or number of extinction cells. Aquatic species seem to suffer higher local extinction rates than terrestrial species. Interestingly, many invertebrate species with approximately 25 or less occurrence cells are on a clear trajectory towards extinction. These results outline the difficulties and uncertainties in relating probable population extinctions with climatic and land use changes in the case of invertebrate data. However, they also suggest that a third of the considered Spanish threatened species could have lost some of their populations, and that current conservation efforts are insufficient to reverse this tendency.