985 resultados para Auditoria de informação


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The developed democracies only have results or crystallise, when the exercise of the government policies has two dimensions: the first one, is the dimension of the government decisions making: in which, the governor accomplishes the priorities and orientations submitted to the population by electoral decisions. Then the second dimension, is the functionality of the State: capable to transform policies into convergent actions for accomplishment of the negotiated results. The consolidation of the democracy and the consequent increase of the social demand by decisions and public and government lawsuits, able to generate results that attend collectively the different levels of the society and able to aggregate and articulate additional values to their interests, imposes to the public sector administration, great challenges of public policies. Nowadays, the indispensable condition to guarantee a minimum governmental benchmark, it to overcome these challenges, in the plan of the public administration, demanded for the promotion of the economic development, in the democratic scope, to reach the politician-institutional values of the society. However, It is undeniable, the universality of the challenges of public administration that consequently, are the effects of modern administrative systems. To attempt the best result, the mast satisfy the attributes of speed, flexibility, integration and innovation, amongst others. The diffusion of guided doctrines of public management by results is reflecting in the institutionalization of new types of bureaucratic activities and amongst this context, it is distinguished as a basic importance of what we call Performance Audit. This work intends to describe how the control organs and especially the Accounts Court of the Union, the sensitive demands of the society, and attending to new constitutional order, they are structuring itself to face the new organizational and institutional challenges, in consequence of the gradual redefinition of your task, more and more liable uncertainties, current of the intimate nature of the performance audit, in development, face the traditional audit, which characterizes them in general. Therefore, the main goal of this these, is the analysis of the organizational challenges and consequently ,the lawsuits changes of the organizational structures faced in general by the Brazilian¿s Accounts Courts, which we believe, will help to elaborate paths of propulsive evaluating and restrictive elements to the innovations that are intended to introduce the systems of necessary control in the evaluation of government programs.


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O estudo objetivou verificar até que ponto, a Universidade do Rio de Janeiro está se beneficiando da utilização das novas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação - TIC em suas atividades administrativas. Os resultados mostram que a informatização, com o incremento das TIC, estão em fase de implantação. Onde a rede já é uma realidade, seu uso tem sido pouco explorado. É comum as pessoas usarem a intranet, para navegar na internet e utilizar o correio eletrônico em assuntos pessoais, em vez de aproveitá-la para comunicação administrativa interna ou externa. Este fato confirma que praticamente não houve reflexos efetivos na agilização da comunicação e dos procedimentos administrativos na instituição. Os resultados indicam que as intenções de emprego na administração poderiam ser ainda maiores, caso houvesse maiores facilidades e se fossem incluídas em um planejamento institucional.


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This essay deals with the resistance to computerized information systems at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, an institution that belongs to the Department ofHealth. While developing thoughts of various experts, it tries to gather reasonings about information systems, about organizational changes and resistance. So, it builts a very clear net based on opinions, principIes and goals of information systems and also tries to develop some ideas about organizational change and resistance. A field search is the final result of well designed interviews that rmse important aspects on the relation between users and computerized information systems.


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The purpose of this study is to identify the strategic vision of the Internal Audit Department of Petrel Brasileiro S.A. PETROBRAS, in comparison with the audit function's proposals and practices in competitive organizations and their reality. It also aims at the verification of the possible solutions, within Petrobras itself, so as to constantly add value to the business and to the shareholders. With this in mind, a research was carried out, contemplating the conceptual proposals and market practices related to auditing and to the current diagnosis and the organizational model of Petrobras, so as to choose elements for comparison and analysis of such vision. The results of this research pointed in the direction of questioning the organizational value of the internal audit action, concluding that it will only be possible to continuously attain such value by means of a permanent coordination with the organization's strategic level. This is especially true if the audit action participates effectively in the process of Corporate Governance, in defining the risks, the internal control system and the measurement of corporate performance, as related to the development of the strategic plan. However, any action along these lines is still heavily impacted and limited by several aspects of culture and relationship of the organizational power as well as by the beliefs of the organization and of the body of auditors. The involvement of the auditors as employees was also considered relevant in the auditing process, by means of the participation of the audited entities in self assessment2. This procedure is still not sufficiently guaranteed by successful experiments in major organizations, considering that there is not a clear demonstration of the effective benefits of adopting this practice, as ompared to the central control, seldom shared but strongly monitored by integrated information systems. Finally, this research points to the need to renew the concept of the formation and role of the auditors in modern competitive organizations, in the face of information technology and of automation of the instrument controls of the business. Therefore, one may conclude that the trend will be toward an action aiming at the revision of formal internal control matrixes, as they are established in such systems. On the other hand, the majority of audit human resources will be increasingly deployed to the evaluation of risk and control, as related to relevant events of a more abstract nature, as in the case of those connected with the uncontrollable factors of the external environment.


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This dissertation adds new evidences and explanations to two distinct streams of debate. The first one refers to the globalisation (or dissemination) of technological innovative capabilities in the context of newly industrialised economies. The second one refers to common generalisations about the deterioration of the innovative capabilities in Latin American countries after 1990. This study was motivated by a lack of empirical studies focused on the relationship between the globalisation of innovative capabilities and sources to build them up in emerging organisations, especially R&D institutes. This dissertation is focused on the globalisation of innovative capabilities at the information and communication technology industry in Brazil. The globalisation of innovative capabilities is measured by the technological capabilities types and levels of 18 national R&D institutes related to this industry. Besides, this dissertation examines sources to build up innovative capabilities in the sampled institutes, namely: their intra-organisational learning processes and the linkages established with firms and the technological infra-structure. The study is based on first-hand empirical evidences, collected by different data-gathering sources in an extensive fieldwork. The data were examined with analytical frameworks, organised in the light of the theoretical basis of the study. The study has found the dissemination of innovative capabilities has been occurring in the Brazilian ICT industry with the involvement of the technological infra-structure with innovative activities. Besides that, the variety of the intra-organisational learning processes and the types of linkages established with technological infra-structure and firms have been influencing the development of innovative capabilities. The evidences that emerge from this study contradict common generalizations and arguments about the inexistence of innovative activities and about the technological infra-structure weakness in emerging or newly industrialized economies.


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This research aimed at evaluating the efficiency of a specific model of operational auditing, created to audit municipal health systems, which are part of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the AOSMS. Thus, it attempted to find out whether they represent a valid method of auditing the performance of SUS in the State of Rio de Janeiro based on the isolated or combined utilization of efficiency and efficacy criteria, and to finalize, how the AOSMS may contribute to the improvement of the municipal management of SUS. The study is based on two references axes, as follows: criteria and paradigms of operational auditing according to what International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) understands about this methodology and the evaluation method of health services proposed by Avedis Donabedian, based on the triad structure, process and result. The work consisted initially in verifying compatibility and evaluating potential of the parameters that constitute the AOSMS with the adopted references, in the light of the basic principles that inform the Brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde and afterwards in the submission of these parameters to the analytic categories created in this study with the intent of checking its adequacy and pertinacity to analyze public health systems. In order to reach its objective the research used the case study strategy of the TCE-RJ experience of holding operational audit in 39 municipal health systems in the State of Rio de Janeiro developed between 2000 and 2007. The result confirmed the hypothesis of the study and revealed how the AOSMS, considered as a valid methodology for its finality, may contribute for the improvement of the municipal management of SUS, reaffirming the potential of operational auditing to proceed with the evaluation of the performance of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the angle of external control, considering however that its application in Brazil, because of the external control model constitutionally adopted, must pass through due sociological reduction2.


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Este trabalho propõe inicialmente uma abordagem sobre os conceitos de crédito e de risco de crédito. Posteriormente é realizada uma visão geral da evolução da análise do risco e de sua importância para o mercado, de como as normas bancárias interferem no racionamento do crédito e sua interface com a teoria da informação assimétrica. Tendo em vista que a informação assimétrica analisa os problemas tanto antes que o contrato seja negociado (seleção adversa) como após a contratação da operação (risco moral), conclui-se que o estudo do risco de crédito, comparado com a teoria da informação assimétrica, induz a possibilidade da premiação para clientes que paguem com pontualidade seus compromissos com as instituições financeiras. Esta possibilidade tem como objetivo a redução do atual patamar das taxas de juros. Neste caminho é questionado se o sistema de classificação de risco adotado pelas instituições financeiras pode ser uma boa base para a adoção da sistemática de premiação pelo pagamento pontual das operações dos clientes. Conclui-se que o sistema de classificação de risco não é uma boa base para a adoção da sistemática de premiação pelo pagamento pontual devido a conter numa mesma faixa de risco uma quantidade significativa de operações com diferentes “spreads”, taxas de juros, tipos de operações, garantias, prazos, clientes, financiadores, entre outros. Constata-se, também, que o risco de crédito faz parte de um problema cultural e que os bancos, para oferecerem um prêmio por pontualidade, irão ponderar, caso a caso, o custo do prêmio a ser pago versus o prejuízo causado pela inadimplência, diante da expectativa do retorno pretendido em cada operação.


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In the past, the changes made in organizations were from decisions made by senior administrators and were implemented through authority and power. This sort of change doesn¿t work today because at a time when knowledge is one of the main tools for development, senior administrators need the participation of employees who directly handle strategic information for the company, having the necessary data for the conception, planning and execution of changes. Companies have begun to realize that the use of their own competent staff is the way to implement faster and more efficient strategic maneuvers. Which means, for a successful change, the whole process has to involve their employees. They have to develop efficient methods, such as, techniques for analysis, problem solution, team work, system modeling, change in attitudes and behavior, and management of the organizations culture. These methods define the professional profile of those responsible for the change. Today, each administrator must have the necessary qualifications, knowledge, and competence to identify the need for an organizational change and its introduction. In truth, each administrator is responsible for the structural change in his area and the standardization of his services.


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The great challenge, in terms of human factor, related to the planning of the strategy of an organization is to integrate the sides human and managerial through mechanisms that make possible the appropriate control of the activities, in a such way that the company obtains won developing and being developed by your collaborators. In the last decades the world of the work is suffering several mutations. If in a high level he/she enrolls a pressure for the globalization of the economical activity of new markets; in a low level, the resource is observed to the economical efficiency as guiding criterion of the new employment politics, the alteration of the constitution of the manpower and a growing pressure for the organizational flexibilization as competitive factor. These are some of the changes that have been leading to the appearance of new social inequalities in the world of the work and that have been coming to affect the workers' implication organizational being translated then in the emergency of new values, expectations, and evaluations face to the work and the established relationship between the individuals and the organizations. Before that perspective, the elaboration of the present work had as objective approaches the effects of an audit it interns before the paradigm of the organizational flexibilization. It evaluates if the concepts of the internal audit and your performance, in a bank atmosphere, are just centred in the internal controls or if in some way they contribute inside to the democratization of the social relationships of the organization. We concluded the work exploring the internal auditor's fundamental paper and your potential for use of the instrument democratization of the social relationships in the organizations.


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O objetivo desta tese é analisar a aplicação da Teoria das Opções Reais (TOR) como método para avaliação de projetos de investimentos em prestação de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI), comparando seus conceitos e características, com o método tradicional do cálculo do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL). O estudo apresenta os conceitos básicos, e ilustra através de exemplo numérico, o método de avaliação da TOR aplicado a projetos de prestação de serviços de TI, analisando criticamente suas características, vantagens e limitações. Por meio desta tese, pretende-se mostrar que a Teoria das Opções Reais é uma alternativa mais adequada do que o método do VPL como método de avaliação de projetos de investimentos em serviços de Tecnologia da Informação, integrando estratégia e finanças, ao considerar as opções de flexibilidade operacionais - adiar, expandir, contrair, abandonar, etc. - e o posicionamento estratégico da empresa, ao longo da vida útil do projeto de investimento; opções estas, que não são devidamente tratadas pelo método tradicional do VPL.


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o objetivo deste estudo é verificar como a Marinha do Brasil vem buscando atualizar sua prática de auditoria em face da influência advinda das novas formas de atividades da Auditoria Governamental. Elenca, do mais amplo ao mais específico, conceitos básicos à compreensão do tema e faz uma introdução histórica da situação da Auditoria Governamental até o início da década de 90. Como metodologia, levanta o material escrito existente sobre o assunto, relacionando leis, normas, livros e artigos produzidos nos anos 90 e o compara com aquele em uso pela Marinha do Brasil e com a observação das práticas de auditoria no estudo de caso do Centro de Reparos e Suprimentos Especiais do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais (Cresumar). Conclui com um quadro expondo em que grau as tendências da Auditoria Governamental se refletem na Marinha e apresenta algumas questões a serem estudadas posteriormente.


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The export of information technology software services, also known as ¿offshore outsourcing¿, has raised debates in the media as well as in the academy. A lot has been written about the success of India, Ireland and Israel, the ¿3Is¿, but empirical data about Brazil is still hard to find. This dissertation proposes to identify success factors for Brazil to be chosen as a preferred location for offshore outsourcing based on a case study of an American multinational corporation, with branches in Brazil, that is systematically choosing Brazil as a preferred location for its offshore outsourcing operations. Concepts of economic globalization, internationalization of services and success factors for offshore outsourcing will be presented in the literature review and based on available literature focused on Brazil, a model of eight success factors is proposed. The empirical research was grounded on multiple data sources but the analysis was focused on a database of 219 deals that were conducted from September 2005 to May 2006, out of which Brazil was selected 57 times. The results confirm the proposed model of eight success factors. The final conclusions suggest that the process of identifying a country to perform the offshore activities is complex and that not all factors will be present at the same time, and more than that, in some cases intangible factors, such as relationship networks and emotional links with the country, have a higher weight in the decision. The results can be used in the future for in depth researches that differentiate Brazil from other countries in the offshore outsourcing market.


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o objetivo deste trabalho é clarificar uma situação crítica em relação ao processo de terceirização da função de auditoria interna, que vem sendo propagado pelas consultorias nacionais e internacionais como uma atividade necessária ao meio empresarial, substituindo as formas tradicionais desta atividade. Com base num estudo exploratório e descritivo. apresenta conceitos, experiências e comentários sobre controle interno organizacional e auditoria, bem como modelos de terceirizações desta função praticados no mercado, apresentando as possíveis implicações ao dirigente da alta administração pela adoção ou não à decisão de terceirizar as atividades de auditoria interna. Espera-se que o resultado deste trabalho contribua para minimizar uma lacuna que existe neste conhecimento e auxilie as organizações públicas e privadas, de médio e grande porte, na decisão de implementar ou não este processo, consoante aos fundamentos de terceirização, empregados na gestão administrativa dessas empresas.


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O relatório social, instrumento importante para gestão social, prestação de contas dessa gestão, análise e estudos sobre a RSE, é publicado cada vez com mais freqüência[ABF1] na Internet, levando as questões sociais da empresa para o espaço público, potencializando, com isso, sua divulgação e seu uso. No entanto, a tecnologia da informação oferece recursos para que essas ações possam ir além da divulgação. Diante desta premissa, o estudo se propõe[ABF2] a analisar o aproveitamento desses recursos pela área de responsabilidade social da empresa. A partir de um levantamento realizado nos sites de 139 empresas, são observadas aquelas[ABF3] que divulgaram o relatório social e quais os seus interesses, projetos e ações sócio-ambientais, assim como os recursos tecnológicos que viabilizam a interação e a comunicação com stakeholders. Num segundo momento, busca-se a interação com as empresas via e-mail e realizam-se pesquisas de campo para examinar o uso da tecnologia pela área de responsabilidade social de duas empresas participantes do levantamento. Por um lado, há o desejo de diálogo e de maior proximidade com o público, sobretudo quando estão em pauta temas relacionados com o meio ambiente, a cidadania e ações comunitárias. Por outro, porém, alguns passos -ainda que curtos -são dados em direção à divulgação de informações relevantes para a sociedade (atingindo universos mais remotos).A comunicação, a interação e as práticas que permitem maior participação e integração com stakeholders carecem de maior empenho e aproveitamento dos recursos tecnológicos voltados para esses fins.


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presente trabalho objetiva construir um Modelo Exploratório de desenvolvimento de tecnologia da informação, aplicável no Brasil, tendo como referência as formas de organização do trabalho e da produção das comunidades Linux. O Modelo deve ser aplicado em ambiente Internet, ou em outras redes de telecomunicação. Por essa razão, utiliza métodos e técnicas de aprendizado à distância e e-Iearning. A construção do Modelo apoia-se, como alicerce teórico fundamental, no conceito de convivialidade de Illich (1976), no entendimento de Inose e Pierce (1984) sobre comunidades de interesse e democratização da produção de software, nos estudos de Malone (1997, 1998) referentes a modelos de organização em rede, nos estudos de Weber (2000) sobre comunidades de interesse online, na metodologia de capacitação "Pensamento Digital" de Joia (1999-1, 1999-2) e na estratégia pedagógico-metodológica do Australian National Training Authority (T AFE/SA). No entanto, as pesquisas de Matesco (2000, 2001) tomaram exeqüível a idéia da construção do Modelo, tendo que vista que o Modelo Exploratório proposto aplica-se, preferencialmente, a países, regiões, empresas ou organizações dependentes tecnologicamente de seus parceiros negociais e com escassez de recursos para aplicar em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. O caminho metodológico para a construção do Modelo inicia-se com uma sucinta abordagem sobre o sistema operacional Linux, a descrição das formas de organização das comunidades Linux e a identificação das formas de organização do trabalho e da produção no Fordismo-Taylorismo e no pós-Fordismo. Situa o funcionamento das comunidades Linux em relação a essas formas de organização. Descreve o processo de formação do conhecimento no aprendizado à distância e no elearning. Aborda a experiência de outros países com o Linux e com as comunidades Linux. Principalmente, o sucesso obtido pelos países nórdicos em absorção de tecnologia. A seguir, fundamentando-se em duas pesquisas de Matesco (2000,2001), analisa a dependência tecnológica do Brasil e propõe o Modelo Exploratório, cujo objetivo é, prioritariamente, colaborar para a redução dessa dependência, por meio de um processo de formação de conhecimento, baseado no aprendizado à distância e e-Iearning do Linux e na propagação de comunidades Linux, empregando-se o modelo de organização em rede.