945 resultados para Audiência - Importância


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Bordas são áreas de transição entre dois ecossistemas e podem ter origem natural ou antrópica. A influência de borda inclui tanto os efeitos diretos, relacionados às alterações microambientais, como os efeitos indiretos que afetam as interações entre espécies. Adicionalmente, estudos sugerem que a orientação cardinal pode modificar os efeitos microambientais da borda. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de borda sobre os fatores microambientais, as condições edáficas locais, a densidade e a riqueza de espécies em um Cerrado sensu stricto em Itirapina, SP, Brasil. Especificamente, nós investigamos se as características microambientais (umidade relativa do ar (%), radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR), temperatura e porcentagem de abertura de dossel), as condições edáficas e a composição da vegetação diferem entre parcelas (36 parcelas de 25 × 2 m distanciadas 50 m entre si) distribuídas na borda e no interior, orientadas a leste e a sul do Cerrado estudado. Todos os indivíduos lenhosos com circunferência a 30 cm da base do caule ≥ 3 cm foram amostrados e marcados. As variáveis microambientais e as amostras de solo para análises químicas e granulométricas (0-20 cm de profundidade) foram coletadas em três pontos de cada parcela. Foi registrado um total de 120 espécies distribuídas em 40 famílias. Dentre os parâmetros estruturais da vegetação, somente a densidade absoluta foi significativamente maior no interior sul do fragmento. As variáveis microambientais diferiram significativamente entre as faces leste e sul, mas não entre borda e interior. Os parâmetros microambientais e estruturais não caracterizaram uma influência da borda. Entretanto, a orientação cardinal leste e sul e fatores microambientais associados, e a presença de determinados nutrientes no solo como o Mn, influenciaram a estrutura da vegetação de Cerrado e a sua composição em espécies. Nossos resultados ressaltam a importância de considerar a orientação cardinal, além da composição de nutrientes no solo, e dos fatores microambientais, para compreender as variações da vegetação em escala local.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Aging is part of the natural human way. Aging is also synonymous with continuous gain experience. Aging, especially in our culture, unfortunately, can also be synonymous with exclusion, but not in relation to the UNATI Marília SP Open University of the Third Age, which has as main objective the integration through social interaction in academia, transforming experience and knowledge in quality of life in a constant learning. Objective: This article aims to report an investigation into the reasons attributed to the importance of an elderly attending the Open University of the Third Age in the vision of the elderly who attend. Material and Method: Bring a profile of the elderly by gender, age, marital status, education level, profession, financial aspects. The sample consisted of 52 elderly and the sampling method was convenience. Results: The results showed that the greater importance attached to participation was to gain more knowledge and be updated followed by meeting new people and making new friends, exercising the memory, healthy and interestingly filling free time and to improve quality of life. The participation of the elderly caused possibilities of making new friends, improvement in depression and motivation to acquire new knowledge. Conclusion: We conclude that the Open University of the Third Age can contribute to improvement of quality of life especially with regard to social interaction and cognitive aspect.


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This article discusses the access to geographic information and its importance for the public policies formulation, reflecting on the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure. The data view and the maps construction are useful for identifying needs and sponsoring public managers in decision making. The public policies implementation stages are optimized when the quantitative and qualitative information are integrated to the spatial phenomena relations. The improvement in the use of geographic information for decision making will be achieved when spatial data are efficiently generated in spatial data infrastructures.


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What does it mean to say that Hegel is an idealist philosopher? Such determination is appropriate? If appeals Hegel to speculative approach, then how to understand their idealism? These questions guide the role of art in Hegel's philosophical system identifying a philosophy deeply committed and involved in its determination that takes place in the history or thought. If art is the moment of sensible intuition that Hegel considers carefully, then it is possible to conclude that the idealist perspective attributed to Hegel must be taken with reservations or its own idealism needs to be seen beyond all subjective levy.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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O Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso na área de Arte e Educação terá por objetivo refletir sobre a temática da “Arte-educação” tendo como problemática central “A importância da arte-educação na educação infantil”. A importância arte no desenvolvimento infantil é indiscutível, pois a experiência artística é um fator humanizador, cultural, que cria inúmeras significações e produz em cada um a percepção da própria capacidade de transformação, além de proporcionar a oportunidade de desenvolvimentos de potenciais, comunicação e interação. Portanto, a arte-educação, uma abordagem, influenciada pelo pósmodernismo, que tem como objetivo fundamental o desenvolvimento da habilidade crítica de interpretação das obras de arte, assim como dos elementos visuais que compõem a vida contemporânea, levando em conta o contexto social e cultural, faz com que as crianças tenham, além do encorajamento de sua originalidade, liberdade e espontaneidade, um ensino que se sustenta na inter-relação entre história da arte, leitura da obra e o fazer artístico. Para tal estudo será tratada a história da arte no Brasil, a arte na escola brasileira desde os seus primórdios, a importância desta para a formação do ser social infantil. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração e desenvolvimento deste trabalho se realizará através da abordagem qualitativa, feita por pesquisa bibliográfica para justificar a problemática em questão.


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The present work is to analyze the importance of exchanging knowledge and technological innovation in Business Condominium Square Capital installed in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (SP). The condominium corporate Capital Square is the new result of the productive rearrangements that allow the reproduction of capital. This new production space, endowed with infrastructure and sophisticated logistics is able to enable the development of companies installed there in addition to promoting the advancement of technological innovation in the region because of its relations with laboratories, universities and research centers. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of this new form of organization of space activities corresponding to the logic of exchange of knowledge and technological innovation. The logical location of innovation services have similar aspects to economic activities in general, which is distinguished due to the intangible nature of services of high added value through the strategic role of information, the nature of services and because there are services whose logic operation is beyond the economic, but also scientific. The project includes the study in an integrated environment, which allows to evaluate, under various aspects, the importance of established companies and infrastructure available that enable the advancement of skills and knowledge exchange in Capital Square Condo


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Snakes from Bothrops genus are responsible for more than 90% of the ophidian accidents in Brazil. One of the main complications from this kind of accident is muscular necrosis, which is related to the action of phospholipases A2 and metalloproteases, two groups of enzymes found in the venom of these animals. Although this complication cannot be solved by serum therapy administration, a great number of studies have been performed with the attempt to know the pharmacological sites of these toxins aiming, in the future, the development of complementary treatments to serum therapy. This work proposes structural studies of bothropic phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) in the presence of ions relevant to their activity, using the X-ray crystallography technique. Recently, it was demonstrated ions, as manganese, calcium and others, interfere in the biological activity of the PLA2s. Particularly, Lys49-PLA2s in the presence of manganese ions have miotoxicity reduced. Asp49-PLA2s show catalytic activity dependent of calcium, although structural studies with a miotoxic Asp49-PLA2, BthTX-II, suggest a possible catalytic mechanism independent of calcium. Therefore, co-crystallization of BthTX-II in the presence of calcium ions and of PrTX-I in the presence of manganese ions were performed. Comparative structural studies among obtained results and others already published in the literature were performed aiming a better understanding of the structure-function relationship of these toxins. The BthTX-II with the presence of calcium do not show this ion in the loop of coordination of calcium, presence necessary to develop the catalyses. After comparison of this model with the native one, only one distortion was found, but no apparent relationship with the residues responsible for its activity. In the PrTX-I structure, regions candidates of manganese ions were also found... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)