888 resultados para Assurance de dommages
Suspensions of testicular germ cells from six species of mammals were prepared and stained for the DNA content with a fluorochrome (ethidium bromide) adopting a common technique and subjected to DNA flow cytometry. While uniform staining of the germ cells of the mouse, hamster, rat and monkey could be obtained by treating with 0.5% pepsin for 60 min followed by staining with ethidium bromide for 30 min, that of the guinea pig and rabbit required for optimal staining pepsinization for 90 min and treatment with ethidium bromide for 60 min. The procedure adopted here provided a uniform recovery of over 80% of germ cells with each one of the species tested and the cell population distributed itself according to the DNA content (expressed as C values) into 5 major classes-spermatogonia (2C), cells in S-phase, primary spermatocytes (4C), round spermatids (1C), and elongating/elongated spermatids (HC). Comparison of the DNA distribution pattern of the germ cell populations between species revealed little variation in the relative quantities of cells with 2C (8-11%), S-phase (6-9%), and 4C (6-9%) amount of DNA. Though the spermatid cell populations exhibited variations (1C:31-46%, HCI:7-20% and and HC2:11-25%) they represented the bulk of germ cells (70-80%). The overall conversion of 2C to 1C (1C:2C ratio) and meiotic transformation of 4C cells to IC (1C:4C ratio) kinetics were relatively constant between the species studied. The present study clearly demonstrates that DNA flow cytometry can be adopted with ease and assurance to quantify germ cell transformation and as such spermatogenesis by analysing a large number of samples with consistency both within and across the species barrier. Any variation from the norms in germ cell proportions observed following treatment, for e.g. hormonal stimulation or deprivation can then be ascribed due to a specific effect of the hormone/drug on single/multiple steps in germ cell transformation
Current standard security practices do not provide substantial assurance about information flow security: the end-to-end behavior of a computing system. Noninterference is the basic semantical condition used to account for information flow security. In the literature, there are many definitions of noninterference: Non-inference, Separability and so on. Mantel presented a framework of Basic Security Predicates (BSPs) for characterizing the definitions of noninterference in the literature. Model-checking these BSPs for finite state systems was shown to be decidable in [8]. In this paper, we show that verifying these BSPs for the more expressive system model of pushdown systems is undecidable. We also give an example of a simple security property which is undecidable even for finite-state systems: the property is a weak form of non-inference called WNI, which is not expressible in Mantel’s BSP framework.
Moore's Law has driven the semiconductor revolution enabling over four decades of scaling in frequency, size, complexity, and power. However, the limits of physics are preventing further scaling of speed, forcing a paradigm shift towards multicore computing and parallelization. In effect, the system is taking over the role that the single CPU was playing: high-speed signals running through chips but also packages and boards connect ever more complex systems. High-speed signals making their way through the entire system cause new challenges in the design of computing hardware. Inductance, phase shifts and velocity of light effects, material resonances, and wave behavior become not only prevalent but need to be calculated accurately and rapidly to enable short design cycle times. In essence, to continue scaling with Moore's Law requires the incorporation of Maxwell's equations in the design process. Incorporating Maxwell's equations into the design flow is only possible through the combined power that new algorithms, parallelization and high-speed computing provide. At the same time, incorporation of Maxwell-based models into circuit and system-level simulation presents a massive accuracy, passivity, and scalability challenge. In this tutorial, we navigate through the often confusing terminology and concepts behind field solvers, show how advances in field solvers enable integration into EDA flows, present novel methods for model generation and passivity assurance in large systems, and demonstrate the power of cloud computing in enabling the next generation of scalable Maxwell solvers and the next generation of Moore's Law scaling of systems. We intend to show the truly symbiotic growing relationship between Maxwell and Moore!
Increasingly, scientific collaborations and contracts cross country borders. The need for assurance that the quality of animal welfare and the caliber of animal research conducted are equivalent among research partners around the globe is of concern to the scientific and laboratory animal medicine communities, the general public, and other key stakeholders. Therefore, global harmonization of animal care and use standards and practices, with the welfare of the animals as a cornerstone, is essential. In the evolving global landscape of enhanced attention to animal welfare, a widely accepted path to achieving this goal is the successful integration of the 3Rs in animal care and use programs. Currently, awareness of the 3Rs, their implementation, and the resulting animal care and use standards and practices vary across countries. This variability has direct effects on the animals used in research and potentially the data generated and may also have secondary effects on the country's ability to be viewed as a global research partner. Here we review the status of implementation of the 3Rs worldwide and focus on 3 countries-Brazil, China and India-with increasing economic influence and an increasing footprint in the biomedical research enterprise.
CHAP 1 - Introduction to the Guide CHAP 2 - Solution chemistry of carbon dioxide in sea water CHAP 3 - Quality assurance CHAP 4 - Recommended standard operating procedures (SOPs) SOP 1 - Water sampling for the parameters of the oceanic carbon dioxide system SOP 2 - Determination of total dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water SOP 3a - Determination of total alkalinity in sea water using a closed-cell titration SOP 3b - Determination of total alkalinity in sea water using an open-cell titration SOP 4 - Determination of p(CO2) in air that is in equilibrium with a discrete sample of sea water SOP 5 - Determination of p(CO2) in air that is in equilibrium with a continuous stream of sea water SOP 6a - Determination of the pH of sea water using a glass/reference electrode cell SOP 6b - Determination of the pH of sea water using the indicator dye m-cresol purple SOP 7 - Determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in sea water SOP 7 en Español - Determinacion de carbono organico disuelto y nitrogeno total disuelto en agua de mar SOP 11 - Gravimetric calibration of the volume of a gas loop using water SOP 12 - Gravimetric calibration of volume delivered using water SOP 13 - Gravimetric calibration of volume contained using water SOP 14 - Procedure for preparing sodium carbonate solutions for the calibration of coulometric CT measurements SOP 21 - Applying air buoyancy corrections SOP 22 - Preparation of control charts SOP 23 - Statistical techniques used in quality assessment SOP 24 - Calculation of the fugacity of carbon dioxide in the pure gas or in air CHAP 5 - Physical and thermodynamic data Errata - to the hard copy of the Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements
[ES] El proceso de Bolonia ha remarcado una perspectiva institucional en la preocupación por la gestión de la calidad del servicio prestado en las universidades y otras instituciones de enseñanza superior. La calidad del servicio en la educación superior no se centra exclusivamente en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje y en la relación entre docente y discente, sino que debe estar también garantizada en el servicio prestado por las bibliotecas universitarias, los servicios de acción social, los servicios académicos y las secretarías departamentales.
Infestations of the marine macrophytic alga Caulerpa taxifolia were discovered in Agua Hedionda Lagoon, California in 2000. Rapid response actions included containment under pvc tarps coupled with injection of liquid sodium hypochlorite. To assess the efficacy of these treatments, replicated sediment cores were removed from representative treated sites and transferred to grow-out facilities. Similar cores from uninfested (control) sediments were removed, inoculated with viable explants of C. taxifolia and placed in grow-out facilities. Results from two sampling periods (1 year, 2 years post-treatment) showed that no viable C. taxifolia emerged in cores, and that inoculated “control” sediments supported normal growth. Eelgrass ( Zostera marina L.) seedlings emerged from native seed-banks in “treated” cores, which also supported growth of some invertebrates (annelid worms and hydroids). This study provided essential verification of C. taxifolia eradication efforts, and demonstrates the feasibility of incorporating quality control/quality assurance components in rapid response actions. Results of this study also suggest that seeds of eelgrass are viable for at least two years. (PDF has 9 pages.)
X,429 p.
On 23-24 September 2009 an international discussion workshop on “Main Drivers for Successful Re-Use of Research Data” was held in Berlin, prepared and organised by the Knowledge Exchange working group on Primary Research Data. The main focus of the workshop was on the benefits, challenges and obstacles of re-using data from a researcher’s perspective. The use cases presented by researchers from a variety of disciplines were supplemented by two key notes and selected presentations by specialists from infrastructure institutions, publishers, and funding bodies on national and European level. Researchers' perspectives The workshop provided a critical evaluation of what lessons have been learned on sharing and re-using research data from a researcher’s perspective and what actions might be taken on to still improve the successful re-use. Despite the individual differences characterising the diverse disciplines it became clear that important issues are comparable. Combine forces to support re-use and sharing of data Apart from several technical challenges such as metadata exchange standards and quality assurance it was obvious that the most important obstacles to re-using research data more efficiently are socially determined. It was agreed that in order to overcome this problem more efforts should be made to rise awareness and combine forces to support re-using and sharing of research data on all levels (researchers, institutions, publishers, funders, governments).
The use of self-contained, low-maintenance sensor systems installed on commercial vessels is becoming an important monitoring and scientific tool in many regions around the world. These systems integrate data from meteorological and water quality sensors with GPS data into a data stream that is automatically transferred from ship to shore. To begin linking some of this developing expertise, the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) and the European Coastal and Ocean Observing Technology (ECOOT) organized a workshop on this topic in Southampton, United Kingdom, October 10-12, 2006. The participants included technology users, technology developers, and shipping representatives. They collaborated to identify sensors currently employed on integrated systems, users of this data, limitations associated with these systems, and ways to overcome these limitations. The group also identified additional technologies that could be employed on future systems and examined whether standard architectures and data protocols for integrated systems should be established. Participants at the workshop defined 17 different parameters currently being measured by integrated systems. They identified that diverse user groups utilize information from these systems from resource management agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to local tourism groups and educational organizations. Among the limitations identified were instrument compatibility and interoperability, data quality control and quality assurance, and sensor calibration andlor maintenance frequency. Standardization of these integrated systems was viewed to be both advantageous and disadvantageous; while participants believed that standardization could be beneficial on many levels, they also felt that users may be hesitant to purchase a suite of instruments from a single manufacturer; and that a "plug and play" system including sensors from multiple manufactures may be difficult to achieve. A priority recommendation and conclusion for the general integrated sensor system community was to provide vessel operators with real-time access to relevant data (e.g., ambient temperature and salinity to increase efficiency of water treatment systems and meteorological data for increased vessel safety and operating efficiency) for broader system value. Simplified data displays are also required for education and public outreach/awareness. Other key recommendations were to encourage the use of integrated sensor packages within observing systems such as 100s and EuroGOOS, identify additional customers of sensor system data, and publish results of previous work in peer-reviewed journals to increase agency and scientific awareness and confidence in the technology. Priority recommendations and conclusions for ACT entailed highlighting the value of integrated sensor systems for vessels of opportunity through articles in the popular press, and marine science. [PDF contains 28 pages]
The determination of the energy levels and the probabilities of transition between them, by the formal analysis of observed electronic, vibrational, and rotational band structures, forms the direct goal of all investigations of molecular spectra, but the significance of such data lies in the possibility of relating them theoretically to more concrete properties of molecules and the radiation field. From the well developed electronic spectra of diatomic molecules, it has been possible, with the aid of the non-relativistic quantum mechanics, to obtain accurate moments of inertia, molecular potential functions, electronic structures, and detailed information concerning the coupling of spin and orbital angular monenta with the angular momentum of nuclear rotation. The silicon fluori1e molecule has been investigated in this laboratory, and is found to emit bands whose vibrational and rotational structures can be analyzed in this detailed fashion.
Like silicon fluoride, however, the great majority of diatomic molecules are formed only under the unusual conditions of electrical discharge, or in high temperature furnaces, so that although their spectra are of great theoretical interest, the chemist is eager to proceed to a study of polyatomic molecules, in the hope that their more practically interesting structures might also be determined with the accuracy and assurance which characterize the spectroscopic determinations of the constants of diatomic molecules. Some progress has been made in the determination of molecule potential functions from the vibrational term values deduced from Raman and infrared spectra, but in no case can the calculations be carried out with great generality, since the number of known term values is always small compared with the total number of potential constants in even so restricted a potential function as the simple quadratic type. For the determination of nuclear configurations and bond distances, however, a knowledge of the rotational terms is required. The spectra of about twelve of the simpler polyatomic molecules have been subjected to rotational analyses, and a number of bond distances are known with considerable accuracy, yet the number of molecules whose rotational fine structure has been resolved even with the most powerful instruments is small. Consequently, it was felt desirable to investigate the spectra of a number of other promising polyatomic molecules, with the purpose of carrying out complete rotational analyses of all resolvable bands, and ascertaining the value of the unresolved band envelopes in determining the structures of such molecules, in the cases in which resolution is no longer possible. Although many of the compounds investigated absorbed too feebly to be photographed under high dispersion with the present infrared sensitizations, the location and relative intensities of their bands, determined by low dispersion measurements, will be reported in the hope that these compounds may be reinvestigated in the future with improved techniques.
The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.