557 resultados para Assignments
Background: The Functional Capacity Index (FCI) was designed to predict physical function 12 months after injury. We report a validation study of the FCI. Methods: This was a consecutive case series registered in the Queensland Trauma Registry who consented to the prospective 12-month telephone-administered follow-up study. FCI scores measured at 12 months were compared with those originally predicted. Results: Complete Abbreviated Injury Scale score information was available for 617 individuals, of whom 587 (95%) could be assigned at least one FCI score (range, 1-17). Agreement between the largest predicted FCI and observed FCI score was poor (kappa = 0.05; 95% confidence interval, 0.00-0.10) and explained only 1% of the variability in observed FCI. Using an encompassing model that included all FCI assignments, agreement remained poor (kappa = 0.05; 95% confidence interval, -0.02-0.12), and the model explained only 9% of the variability in observed FCI. Conclusion: The predicted functional capacity poorly agrees with actual functional outcomes. Further research should consider including other (noninjury) explanatory factors in predicting FCI at 12 months.
Anisotropic magnetic susceptibility tensors chi of paramagnetic metal ions are manifested in pseudocontact shifts, residual dipolar couplings, and other paramagnetic observables that present valuable long-range information for structure determinations of protein-ligand complexes. A program was developed for automatic determination of the chi-tensor anisotropy parameters and amide resonance assignments in proteins labeled with paramagnetic metal ions. The program requires knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the protein, the backbone resonance assignments of the diamagnetic protein, and a pair of 2D N-15-HSQC or 3D HNCO spectra recorded with and without paramagnetic metal ion. It allows the determination of reliable chi-tensor anisotropy parameters from 2D spectra of uniformly N-15-labeled proteins of fairly high molecular weight. Examples are shown for the 185-residue N-terminal domain of the subunit epsilon from E. coli DNA polymerase III in complex with the subunit theta and La3+ in its diamagnetic and Dy3+, Tb3+, and Er3+ in its paramagnetic form.
This second and concluding part of a comprehensive palynological study of the Lower to Middle Ordovician succession of the central-northeastern Canning Basin completes the systematic documentation of the palynomorphs, i.e., chitinozoans, and formulates a palynostratigraphic zonation scheme embracing all three constituent formations of this investigation, viz., the Willara, Goldwyer, and Nita formations. A total of 21 species of chitinozoans (five genera), detailed systematically herein, are identified. Although chitinozoan recovery per sample proved variable, the following species occur fairly persistently in the productive samples: Belonechitina micracantha, Conochitina subcylindrica, C. poumoti, C. langei, Calpichitina windjana, and Rhabdochitina magna. Five, stratigraphically successive acritarch/prasinophyte assemblage zones, ranging in age from early Arenig through late Llanvirn, are proposed as follows (ascending order): Athabascaella rossii Assemblage Zone (corresponding to the lower Willara Formation; and dated as early-mid Arenig); Comasphaeridium setaricum Assemblage Zone (upper Willara and lowermost Goldwyer; late Arenig-earliest Llanvirn); Sacculidium aduncum Assemblage Zone (lower Goldwyer; early Llanvirn); Aremorica-nium solaris Assemblage Zone (middle and lower upper Goldwyer; mid Llanvirn); and Dactylofusa striatogranulata Assemblage Zone (upper Goldwyer and lower Nita; late Llanvirn). Four chitinozoan assemblage zones, stratigraphically coinciding (within the limits of sampling) with the acritarch/prasinophyte zones, comprise (in ascending order): Lagenochitina combazi Assemblage Zone (equivalent to the A. rossii and L. heterorhabda Assemblage Zones); Conochitina langei Assemblage Zone; Conocbitina subcylindrica Assemblage Zone; and Belonecbitina micracantha Assemblage Zone. Chronostratigraphic assignments are based principally on associated conodont and graptolite faunas. Whereas the acritarch/prasinophyte zones bear scant similarities to those established globally elsewhere, the chitinozoan zones show significant affiliations with those known from Laurentia.
It is not surprising that students are unconvinced about the benefits of formal methods if we do not show them how these methods can be integrated with other activities in the software lifecycle. In this paper, we describe an approach to integrating formal specification with more traditional verification and validation techniques in a course that teaches formal specification and specification-based testing. This is accomplished through a series of assignments on a single software component that involves specifying the component in Object-Z, validating that specification using inspection and a specification animation tool, and then testing an implementation of the specification using test cases derived from the formal specification.
Explanations of the difficulty of relative-clause sentences implicate complexity but the measurement of complexity remains controversial. Four experiments investigated how far relational complexity (RC) theory, that has been found valid for cognitive development and human reasoning, accounts for the difficulty of 16 types of English, object- and subject-extracted relative-clause constructions. RC corresponds to the number of nouns assigned to thematic roles in the same decision. Complexity estimates based on RC and those based on maximal integration cost (MIC) were strongly correlated and accounted for similar variance in sentence difficulty (subjective ratings, comprehension accuracy, reading times). Consistent with RC theory, sentences that required more than 4 role assignments in the same decision were extremely difficult for many participants. Performance on nonlinguistic relational tasks predicted comprehension of object-extracted sentences, before and after controlling for subject-extractions. Working memory tasks predicted comprehension of object-extractions before controlling for subjectextractions. The studies extend the RC approach to a linguistic domain.
In this paper, we describe the evaluation of a method for building detection by the Dempster-Shafer fusion of LIDAR data and multispectral images. For that purpose, ground truth was digitised for two test sites with quite different characteristics. Using these data sets, the heuristic model for the probability mass assignments of the method is validated, and rules for the tuning of the parameters of this model are discussed. Further we evaluate the contributions of the individual cues used in the classification process to the quality of the classification results. Our results show the degree to which the overall correctness of the results can be improved by fusing LIDAR data with multispectral images.
A program can be decomposed into a set of possible execution paths. These can be described in terms of primitives such as assignments, assumptions and coercions, and composition operators such as sequential composition and nondeterministic choice as well as finitely or infinitely iterated sequential composition. Some of these paths cannot possibly be followed (they are dead or infeasible), and they may or may not terminate. Decomposing programs into paths provides a foundation for analyzing properties of programs. Our motivation is timing constraint analysis of real-time programs, but the same techniques can be applied in other areas such as program testing. In general the set of execution paths for a program is infinite. For timing analysis we would like to decompose a program into a finite set of subpaths that covers all possible execution paths, in the sense that we only have to analyze the subpaths in order to determine suitable timing constraints that cover all execution paths.
The present study gives a contribution to the knowledge on the Na-feldspar and plagioclases, extending the database of the Raman spectra of plagioclases with different chemical compositions and structural orders. This information may be used for the future planetary explorations by “rovers”, for the investigation of ceramics nanocrystal materials and for the mineralogical phase identification in sediments. Na-feldspar and plagioclase solid solution have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy in order to determine the relationships between the vibrational changes and the plagioclase crystal chemistry and structure. We focused on the Raman micro-spectroscopy technique, being a non-destructive method, suited for contactless analysis with high spatial resolution. Chemical and structural analyses have been performed on natural samples to test the usefulness of Raman spectroscopy as a tool in the study of the pressure-induced structural deformations, the disordering processes due to change in the Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites and, finally, in the determination of the anorthitic content (Anx) in plagioclase minerals. All the predicted 39 Ag Raman active modes have been identified and assigned to specific patterns of atomic vibrational motion. A detailed comparison between experimental and computed Raman spectra has been performed and previous assignments have been revised, solving some discrepancies reported in recent literature. The ab initio calculation at the hybrid HF/DFT level with the WC1LYP Hamiltonian has proven to give excellent agreement between calculated and experimentally measured Raman wavenumbers and intensities in triclinic minerals. A short digression on the 36 infrared active modes of Na-feldspar has been done too. The identification of all 39 computed Raman modes in the experimentally measured spectra of the fully ordered Na-feldspar, known as low albite, along with the detailed description of each vibrational mode, has been essential to extend the comparative analysis to the high pressure and high temperature structural forms of albite, which reflect the physical–chemical conditions of the hosting rocks. The understanding of feldspar structure response to pressure and temperature is crucial in order to constrain crustal behaviour. The compressional behaviour of the Na-feldspar has been investigated for the first time by Raman spectroscopy. The absence of phase transitions and the occurrence of two secondary compression mechanisms acting at different pressures have been confirmed. Moreover, Raman data suggest that the internal structural changes are confined to a small pressure interval, localized around 6 GPa, not spread out from 4 to 8 GPa as suggested by previous X-rays studies on elasticity. The dominant compression mechanisms act via tetrahedral tilting, while the T-O bond lengths remain nearly constant at moderate compressional regimes. At the spectroscopic level, this leads to the strong pressure dependencies of T-O-T bending modes, as found for the four modes at 478, 508, 578 and 815 cm-1. The Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites affects also the Raman spectrum of Na-feldspar. In particular, peak broadening is more sensitive than peak position to changes in the degree of order. Raman spectroscopy is found to be a good probe for local ordering, in particular being sensitive to the first annealing steps, when the macroscopic order parameter is still high. Even though Raman data are scattered and there are outliers in the estimated values of the degree of order, the average peak linewidths of the Na-feldspar characteristic doublet band, labelled here as υa and υb, as a function of the order parameter Qod show interesting trends: both peak linewidths linearly increase until saturation. From Qod values lower than 0.6, peak broadening is no more affected by the Al-Si distribution. Moreover, the disordering process is found to be heterogeneous. SC-XRD and Raman data have suggested an inter-crystalline inhomogeneity of the samples, i.e., the presence of regions with different defect density on the micrometric scale. Finally, the influence of Ca-Na substitution in the plagioclase Raman spectra has been investigated. Raman spectra have been collected on a series of well characterized natural, low structural plagioclases. The variations of the Raman modes as a function of the chemical composition and the structural order have been determined. The number of the observed Raman bands at each composition gives information about the unit-cell symmetry: moving away from the C1 structures, the number of the Raman bands enhances, as the number of formula units in the unit cell increases. The modification from an “albite-like” Raman spectrum to a more “anorthite-like” spectrum occurs from sample An78 onwards, which coincides with the appearance of c reflections in the diffraction patterns of the samples. The evolution of the Raman bands υa and υb displays two changes in slope at ~An45 and ~An75: the first one occurs between e2 and e1 plagioclases, the latter separates e1 and I1 plagioclases with only b reflections in their diffraction patterns from I1 and P1 samples having b and c reflections too. The first variation represents exactly the e2→e1 phase transitions, whereas the second one corresponds in good approximation to the C1→I1 transition, which has been determined at ~An70 by previous works. The I1→P1 phase transition in the anorthite-rich side of the solid solution is not highlighted in the collected Raman spectra. Variations in peak broadening provide insights into the behaviour of the order parameter on a local scale, suggesting an increase in the structural disorder within the solid solution, as the structures have to incorporate more Al atoms to balance the change from monovalent to divalent cations. All the information acquired on these natural plagioclases has been used to produce a protocol able to give a preliminary estimation of the chemical composition of an unknown plagioclase from its Raman spectrum. Two calibration curves, one for albite-rich plagioclases and the other one for the anorthite-rich plagioclases, have been proposed by relating the peak linewidth of the most intense Raman band υa and the An content. It has been pointed out that the dependence of the composition from the linewidth can be obtained only for low structural plagioclases with a degree of order not far away from the references. The proposed tool has been tested on three mineralogical samples, two of meteoric origin and one of volcanic origin. Chemical compositions by Raman spectroscopy compare well, within an error of about 10%, with those obtained by elemental techniques. Further analyses on plagioclases with unknown composition will be necessary to validate the suggested method and introduce it as routine tool for the determination of the chemical composition from Raman data in planetary missions.
A idéia de voltar a estudar, buscando uma escolarização considerada como perdida, ganha sentido quando se apresenta não apenas como uma forma reparadora para aqueles que não tiveram acesso a escola na idade certa, mas também como uma necessidade de inserção ao espaço contemporâneo do trabalho e da sociedade, vinculado a um grau mais elevado de escolarização que estimule o prosseguimento dos estudos na busca de ascensão social e profissional. Essa verificação mostra-se contrária a muitos estudos já apresentados, pois normalmente vemos a Educação de Jovens e Adultos como um bálsamo que suprirá todos os problemas sociais e econômicos de uma clientela desfavorecida e insegura de sua capacidade de aprendizagem e com históricos frustrantes de escolarização. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar uma pesquisa empírica sobre a trajetória escolar de 88 alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) do ensino fundamental II (5ª a 8ª série) e do ensino médio, realizada em uma escola da periferia da cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, no estado de São Paulo, mostrando as relações existentes entre o fracasso e o sucesso que a volta à escola pode propiciar, assim como a análise dos ascendentes e descendentes em relação à escolarização e a escolha profissional. A pesquisa apresenta-se dividida em duas partes, sendo a primeira constituída de informações sobre os alunos, seus pais, filhos e irmãos e a segunda compreendida por duas partes, em que se vêem quantitativamente os motivos do abandono e do retorno à escola e por textos descritivos (redações) dos alunos pesquisados, seus desejos e aspirações, frustrações e sonhos, propondo análises sobre a escolarização e a continuidade de estudos e a necessidade desse retorno à escola. O corpo teórico desta pesquisa foi norteado pelos estudos sobre alfabetização e escolarização de jovens e adultos, sobre as políticas públicas e os movimentos de educação popular, assim como pelas leis que regem essa modalidade de ensino e suas aplicabilidades. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados técnicas de análise das leis vigentes, questionários e redações dos alunos. A apresentação e interpretação dos dados coletados sugerem a viabilidade da trajetória escolar dos alunos.(AU)
This field work study furthers understanding about expatriate management, in particular, the nature of cross-cultural management in Hong Kong involving Anglo-American expatriate and Chinese host national managers, the important features of adjustment for expatriates living and working there, and the type of training which will assist them to adjust and to work successfully in this Asian environment. Qualitative and quantitative data on each issue was gathered during in-depth interviews in Hong Kong, using structured interview schedules, with 39 expatriate and 31 host national managers drawn from a cross-section of functional areas and organizations. Despite the adoption of Western technology and the influence of Western business practices, micro-level management in Hong Kong retains a cultural specificity which is consistent with the norms and values of Chinese culture. There are differences in how expatriates and host nationals define their social roles, and Hong Kong's recent colonial history appears to influence cross-cultural interpersonal interactions. The inability of the spouse and/or family to adapt to Hong Kong is identified as a major reason for expatriate assignments to fail, though the causes have less to do with living away from family and friends, than with Hong Kong's highly urbanized environment and the heavy demands of work. Culture shock is not identified as a major problem, but in Hong Kong micro-level social factors require greater adjustment than macro-level societal factors. The adjustment of expatriate managers is facilitated by a strong orientation towards career development and hard work, possession of technical/professional expertise, and a willingness to engage in a process of continuous 'active learning' with respect to the host national society and culture. A four-part model of manager training suitable for Hong Kong is derived from the study data. It consists of a pre-departure briefing, post-arrival cross-cultural training, language training in basic Cantonese and in how to communicate more effectively in English with non-native speakers, and the assignment of a mentor to newly arrived expatriate managers.
The willingness of host country nationals (HCNs) to provide support to the expatriate has received a lot of attention in the literature on international assignments. Surprisingly, though, the number of empirical studies examining this relationship is extremely limited. This study examines the role of HCNs' collectivistic orientation, interpersonal affect, and guanxi in relation to their willingness to support expatriates. Using data from 212 HCNs in China, it is found that HCNs' perceived relationship quality with the expatriate has a significant impact on their willingness to provide assistance, both role information and social support, to expatriates. Further, it is found that relationship quality is related to perceived cultural similarity. The results reinforce the importance of paying attention to the perceptions and reactions of HCNs towards expatriates. Implications of the findings are discussed, and suggestions are offered for future research.
How to Write Successful Business and Management Essays is a systematic guide to successfully producing written work for business and management degrees. The authors address the all too common pitfalls of essay assignments, as well as providing students with a step-by-step programme to approach essay questions, both in coursework and exam contexts. Starting with the basics this book helps develop skills through the use of examples, exercises and checklists. Helpful features include: - Annotated essay examples, showing both good and bad points - Tips on time management and motivation, note taking and effective reading - Final checklists to use before you hand in - Explanation of what the markers are looking for – and how to give it to them Many students find referencing particularly confusing so the book provides detailed but easy-to-use information on what referencing is and how to do it properly.
Theory suggests that people fear the unknown and no matter how experienced one is, the feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, if not managed well would affect how we view ourselves and how others view us. Hence, it is in human nature to engage in activities to help decipher behaviours that seem contrary to their beliefs and hinder the smooth-flowing of their work and daily activities. Building on these arguments, this research investigates the two types of support that are provided by multinational corporations (MNCs) and host country nationals (HCNs) to the expatriates and their family members whilst on international assignments in Malaysia as antecedents to their adjustment and performance in the host country. To complement the support provided, cultural intelligence (CQ) is investigated to explain the influence of cultural elements in facilitating adjustment and performance of the relocating families, especially to socially integrate into the host country. This research aims to investigate the influence of support and CQ on the adjustment and performance of expatriates in Malaysia. Path analyses are used to test the hypothesised relationships. The findings substantiate the pivotal roles that MNCs and HCNs play in helping the expatriates and their families acclimatise to the host country. This corroborates the norm of reciprocity where assistance or support rendered especially at the times when they were crucially needed would be reciprocated with positive behaviour deemed of equal value. Additionally, CQ is significantly positive in enhancing adjustment to the host country, which highlights the vital role that cultural awareness and knowledge play in enhancing effective intercultural communication and better execution of contextual performance. The research highlights the interdependence of the expatriates? multiple stakeholders (i.e. MNCs, HCNs, family members) in supporting the expatriates whilst on assignments. Finally, the findings reveal that the expatriate families do influence how the locals view the families and would be a great asset in initiating future communication between the expatriates and HCNs. The research contributes to the fields of intercultural adjustment and communication and also has key messages for policy makers.
The idea that relocation can cause detriment in the lives of individuals is now relatively accepted in the management community, however much less attention has been devoted to studying the benefits of relocation. We present a more balanced picture by examining both positive and negative consequences of geographical transience in a sample of frequent movers. In total, 29 employees without families, 33 employees with families, 33 spouses, and 15 children participated in interviews for this research (N = 110). The research outlines 160 relocation consequences, including 53 positive outcomes not previously considered. Our findings confirm that relocation can bring about short- and long-term benefits for individuals including task performance, skill development, learning, growth, job satisfaction, continued development, attractive job assignments, career advancement and increased responsibility. In conclusion, findings suggest that, at least in terms of relocation, a more complete picture is actually also a more positive picture. So, whilst organisations should continue to aim to reduce or eliminate the negative consequences of relocation, they should also seek to maintain or enhance the positive outcomes of transience.
Cellular mobile radio systems will be of increasing importance in the future. This thesis describes research work concerned with the teletraffic capacity and the canputer control requirements of such systems. The work involves theoretical analysis and experimental investigations using digital computer simulation. New formulas are derived for the congestion in single-cell systems in which there are both land-to-mobile and mobile-to-mobile calls and in which mobile-to-mobile calls go via the base station. Two approaches are used, the first yields modified forms of the familiar Erlang and Engset formulas, while the second gives more complicated but more accurate formulas. The results of computer simulations to establish the accuracy of the formulas are described. New teletraffic formulas are also derived for the congestion in multi -cell systems. Fixed, dynamic and hybrid channel assignments are considered. The formulas agree with previously published simulation results. Simulation programs are described for the evaluation of the speech traffic of mobiles and for the investigation of a possible computer network for the control of the speech traffic. The programs were developed according to the structured progranming approach leading to programs of modular construction. Two simulation methods are used for the speech traffic: the roulette method and the time-true method. The first is economical but has some restriction, while the second is expensive but gives comprehensive answers. The proposed control network operates at three hierarchical levels performing various control functions which include: the setting-up and clearing-down of calls, the hand-over of calls between cells and the address-changing of mobiles travelling between cities. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the control netwvork and indicate that small mini -computers inter-connected via voice grade data channels would be capable of providing satisfactory control