866 resultados para Artery Disease


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze, in people with intermittent claudication, the frequency of individuals who are in each of stages of health behavior change to practice physical activity, and analyze the association of these stages with the walking capacity. METHODS: We recruited 150 patients with intermittent claudication treated at a tertiary center, being included those >30-year-old-individuals and who had ankle-arm index <0.90. We obtained socio-demographic information, presence of comorbidities and cardiovascular risk factors and stages of health behavior change to practice physical activity through a questionnaire, they being pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Moreover, the walking capacity was measured in a treadmill test (Gardner protocol). RESULTS: Most individuals were in the maintenance stage (42.7%), however, when the stages of health behavior change were categorized into active (action and maintenance) and inactive (pre-contemplation, contemplation and preparation),51.3% of the individuals were classified as inactive behavior. There was no association between stages of health behavior change, sociodemographic factors and cardiovascular risk factors. However, patients with intermittent claudication who had lower total walking distance were three times more likely to have inactive behavior. CONCLUSION: Most patients with intermittent claudication showed an inactive behavior and, in this population, lower walking capacity was associated with this behavior.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os estudos com stents farmacológicos têm avaliado predominantemente populações masculinas de descendência europeia. O estudo de braço único SPIRIT Women avalia o stent eluidor de everolimus XIENCE TM V em lesões de novo complexas em uma população feminina do mundo real, incluindo pacientes latino-americanas. Esta análise permite compreender como essa população responde ao implante de stent, comparativamente a pacientes não-latino-americanas. MÉTODOS: Das 1.572 pacientes matriculadas em 73 locais fora dos Estados Unidos, 138 (9%) foram recrutadas na Argentina, no Brasil e na Venezuela. RESULTADOS: As lesões-alvo tinham diâmetro de referência do vaso entre 2,25 mm e 4 mm e extensão da lesão ≤ 28 mm. As características basais foram semelhantes entre os grupos, com exceção de maior prevalência de hipertensão arterial, infarto do miocárdio (IM) de parede anterior e história familiar de doença arterial coronária na coorte latino-americana. As lesões tendiam a ser mais complexas em mulheres latino-americanas, com menor diâmetro de referência do vaso-alvo, maior extensão da lesão, maior excentricidade e angulação e mais lesões tipo B2/C. Os eventos foram adjudicados de acordo com as definições do Academic Research Consortium. Em um ano, o desfecho combinado de morte por todas as causas, IM e revascularização do vaso-alvo (RVA) foi de 12,1% na população não-latino-americana e de 10,1% na população latino-americana (P = 0,58). CONCLUSÕES: Em um ano, os baixos índices de eventos cardíacos adversos, incluindo trombose do stent, falha da lesão-alvo, morte cardíaca, IM e RVA nas mulheres latino-americanas foram comparáveis aos das mulheres não-latino-americanas, apesar da maior complexidade das lesões. Esses resultados demonstram a segurança e a eficácia do stent XIENCE TM V nessa pequena coorte de pacientes latino-americanas, à semelhança do que é observado com populações maiores e mais variadas.


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Objectives In diabetic and non diabetic patients with peripheral artery obstructive disease (PAOD), we sought to establish whether the vascular wall damage, the mature circulating endothelium and the "in situ" neoangiogenesis are related with each other. Design In the peripheral blood of diabetic patients suffering critical ischaemia associated with peripheral artery disease, low levels and poor function of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were observed. Moreover, circulating endothelial cells (CECs) have been described in different conditions of vascular injury. In this type of disorders, which are all characterized by endothelial damage, neoangiogenesis plays a key role. Materials In the study we recruited 22 diabetic and 16 non diabetic patients, all of them suffering PAOD and critical ischaemia; healthy subjects and multiorgan donors have also been considered like controls. Methods Histopathologic characterization was performed on arterial tissue samples under a light microscope. Flow cytofluorimetric analysis was used to quantify CECs in peripheral blood samples. "In situ" expression of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) transcripts was quantified in a Real Time-PCR analysis. Circulating VEGF concentration was determined by an ELISA assay. Results Arterial wall from diabetic patients, compared with non diabetic subjects, revealed a higher incidence of serious lesions (60% vs 47%) and a lower number of capillaries (65% vs 87%). Mean number of CECs/ml was significantly increased in all patients, compared to healthy controls (p=0.001). Compared to healthy subjects, VEGF transcripts expression resulted significantly higher in diabetic patients and in all patients (p<0.05) and a similar result was obtained in the MMP-9 transcripts expression. Serum VEGF concentration was significantly increased in PAOD patients correlated with controls (p=0.0431). Conclusions Our study demonstrates that in all patients considered, probably, regressive phenomenons prevail on reparative ones, causing an inesorable and progressive degeneration of the vascular wall, worse by diabetes. The vascular damage can be monitored by determining CECs number and its severity and development are emphasized by the MMP-9 transcripts expression. The "in situ" VEGF increased expression seems to be the evidence of a parietal cells bid to induce local angiogenesis. This reparing mechanism could induce the EPCs mobilitation by means the release of VEGF from the arterial wall. The mechanism, however, is ineffective like demonstrated by the EPCs reduced number and activities observed in patients suffering PAOD and critical ischaemia.


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Aims: We aimed to quantify the release of bio-markers of myocardial damage in relation to direct intramyocardial injections of genes and stem cells in patients with severe coronary artery disease. Methods and Results: We studied 71 patients with “no-option” coronary artery disease. Patients had, via the percutaneous transluminal route, a total of 11±1 (mean ± SD) intramyocardial injections of vascular endothelial growth factor genes (n=56) or mesenchymal stromal cells (n=15). Injections were guided to an ischemic area by electromechanical mapping, using the NOGA™/Myostar™ catheter system. ECG was monitored continuously until discharge. Plasma CKMB (upper normal laboratory limit=5 μg/l) was 2 μg/l (2-3) at baseline; increased to 6 (5-9) after 8 hours (p < 0.0001) and normalized to 4 (3-5) after 24 hours. A total of 8 patients (17%), receiving a volume of 0.3 ml per injection, had CKMB rises exceeding 3 times the upper limit, whereas no patient in the group receiving 0.2 ml had a more than two fold CKMB increase. No patient developed new ECG changes. There were no clinically important ventricular arrhythmias and no death. Conclusion: Direct Intramyocardial injections of stem cells or genes lead to measurable release of cardiac bio-markers, which was related to the injected volume.


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In dieser Dissertation wurden die Daten von Patienten ausgewertet, die im Zeitraum vom 01. April 2004 bis zum 31. Mai 2005 an der Universitätsklinik Mainz eine Koronarintervention am Hauptstamm erhielten. Insgesamt wurde in dieser Zeit bei 73 Patienten (53 Männer und 20 Frauen) eine Hauptstammintervention durchgeführt. Das sind 6 % aller in diesem Zeitraum durchgeführten Interventionen. Es wurden sowohl Akutinterventionen als auch elektive Interventionen untersucht. Das Altersspektrum der Patienten reichte von 39- 87 Jahren. Die linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion betrug im Mittel 55%. Es lag bei zwei Patienten eine 1- Gefäß-, bei 16 Patienten eine 2-Gefäß- und bei 55 Patienten eine 3-Gefäßerkrankung vor. Zehn Patienten hatten einen geschützten Hauptstamm. Bei 38 Patienten (52%) lag eine Hauptstammbifurkationsstenose vor. In der Regel bekamen alle Patienten ASS und Clopidogrel zu Weiterführung der Antikoagulation nach dem Krankenhausaufenthalt verordnet. Nur bei drei Patienten wurde von diesem Schema abgewichen, da sie aufgrund von mechanischen Herzklappenprothesen Marcumar erhielten. Bei 72 von 73 behandelten Patienten konnte die LCA-Stenose mittels der Hauptstammintervention auf einen Stenosegrad unter 30% reduziert werden. Die Intervention war also in 99% der Patienten primär erfolgreich. Ein Follow-up liegt von 69 der 73 Patienten vor. Bei 52 Patienten liegt eine Kontrollangiographie vor und bei 21 Patienten liegt keine vor (zehn verstorbene Patienten, sieben Patienten mit nicht invasiver Kontrolle, vier Patienten ohne Follow-up). Im Kontrollzeitraum wurde bei 38 Patienten (52% des Gesamtkollektivs) keine erneute Intervention notwendig, sie erlitten keine Komplikationen und zeigten ein gutes Langzeitergebnis. Bei 29 der 66 Patienten, die das Krankenhaus lebend verließen, traten Spätkomplikationen auf und/oder es wurde eine Reintervention am Zielgefäß oder Nichtzielgefäß notwendig. Der durchschnittliche Restenosegrad des Zielgefäßes bei den Patienten, die eine invasive Kontrolle hatten, belief sich auf 24%. Eine Rezidivstenose, definitionsgemäß eine Restenose >50%, lag bei elf Patienten vor. Zu den frühen Komplikationen, die während der Intervention oder des Krankenhausaufenthaltes auftraten, zählten sieben Todesfälle, eine SAT und zehn Blutungsereignisse. Zu den Komplikationen, die während der Langzeitbeobachtung auftraten, gehörten fünf weitere Todesfälle (vier nicht kardial bedingt, einer kardial bedingt), ein Apoplex, eine SAT, vier Bypass-Operationen, drei NSTEMI und vier instabile AP. Insgesamt traten an Komplikationen Tod (12 Patienten), Apoplex (1 Patient), SAT (2 Patienten), Bypass-Operationen (4 Patienten), NSTEMI (3 Patienten), Blutungen (10 Patienten) und instabile Angina pectoris (4 Patienten) auf. Eine Reintervention des Zielgefäßes wurde bei 19 % und eine des Nichtzielgefäßes bei 18 % der Patienten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Primärerfolg der Hauptstammstentimplantation insbesondere bei elektiven Patienten, die eine gute Intermediärprognose haben, groß ist und die Intervention mit geringen Komplikationen verbunden ist.


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ZusammenfassungrnDie häufigsten Todesfälle weltweit sind auf Herzerkrankungen zurückzuführen. Bei der koronaren Herzkrankheit (KHK) sammeln sich über Jahre arteriosklerotische Ablagerungen in den Herzkranzgefäßen an und führen so zu einer verminderten Durchblutung und Versorgung des Herzmuskelgewebes mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen. Zur nuklearmedizinischen Bildgebung finden am häufigsten das SPECT-Nuklid 201Tl sowie die beiden 99mTc-Radiopharmaka Sestamibi und Tetrofosmin Anwendung. Die PET-Technik ist der SPECT-Technik in Bezug auf absolute Quantifizierung sowie Auflösung überlegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein mögliches PET-Radiopharmakon zur Diagnostik der KHK zu entwickeln. Um eine dem 99mTc-Nuklid vergleichbare Verfügbarkeit im klinischen Alltag zu erreichen, sollte als Basis des neuen Radiopharmakons das mittels Radionuklid-Generator verfügbare 68Ga dienen. Schiff’sche Basen-Verbindungen zeigten nach Komplexierung mit 67/68Ga eine deutliche Aufnahme in die Herzmuskelzellen. Auf dieser Grundlage wurden verschiedene Schiff’sche Basen-Strukturen synthetisiert. Diese unterscheiden sich einerseits durch das Substitutionsmuster der verwendeten Aldehyde und andererseits durch das verwendete Rückgrat. Alle synthetisierten Chelatoren wurden erfolgreich mit 68Ga radioaktiv markiert und konnten anschließend aufgereinigt werden. Die Evaluierung dieser Substanzen in vitro zeigte, dass sie in unterschiedlichen Medien stabil ist. Die Lipophilie der 68Ga-Verbindungen (log D) lag zwischen 0,87±0,24 und 2,72±0,14. Die Ladung der Verbindungen wurde mittels Papierelektrophorese bei pH= 7 als kationisch bestimmt. Zusätzlich fanden in vitro-Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Aufnahme der Komplexe in HL-1 Herzzellen statt. Um den Einfluss des Zellmembranpotentials bzw. des Mitochondrienmembranpotentials zu untersuchen, wurde ein Teil der Zellen dafür mit Valinomycin (Ionophor, zerstört das Potential) behandelt. Mittels ex vivo-Biodistributionen wurde die Organverteilung von zwei Schiff’schen Basen (68Ga-BADED-2 und 68Ga-BAPDMEN-2) mit dem routinemäßig in der Klinik eingesetzten Derivat 99mTc-Sestamibi sowie dem 18F-Flurpiridaz in Ratten verglichen. Alle Verbindungen zeigten dabei eine deutliche Herzaufnahme von mehr als 2 % der injizierten Dosis pro Gramm Gewebe. Durch in vivo-PET-Aufnahmen wurden die Zeit-Aktivitätskurven der 68Ga-Verbindungen sowie zum Vergleich des 18F-Flurpiridaz bestimmt. Die Aufnahmen lagen im Bereich von 0,63±0,15 für 68Ga-BAPEN-3 bis 2,72±0,86 für 68Ga-BADED-8.In dem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden die Vorteile des hochaffinen Herztracers Flurpiridaz mit dem lipophilen, positiv-geladenen Ga-Schiff’sche Base-Chelator kombiniert. Hierzu wurde zunächst das Insektizid Flurpiridaz synthetisiert und mit dem BAPEN-Rückgrat gekoppelt. Die entstandene Verbindung wurde erstmals mit 68Ga radioaktiv markiert und muss in weiterführenden Arbeiten evaluiert werden.


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Acute type A aortic dissection is a serious emergency with a mortality rate of up to 40% within the first 24 h when left untreated. Surgical therapy needs to be initiated promptly. Due to this urgent situation, preoperative evaluation of the coronary arteries is not routinely performed in these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of 64-slice computed tomography angiography (CTA) for postoperative coronary artery assessment in these patients. Ten consecutive patients with two or more cardiovascular risk factors were prospectively enrolled. Patients had type A aortic dissection treated surgically with a supracoronary graft of the ascending aorta. Performance of CTA to exclude significant stenosis (>50% lumen narrowing) and/or coronary artery dissection was compared with quantitative coronary angiography. A total of 147 segments were evaluated. Three segments (2%) were excluded from analysis. CTA correctly assessed one of three significant stenoses in three patients and correctly excluded coronary artery disease (CAD) in six of ten patients. One patient was rated false positive. Overall accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of CT for identifying coronary artery disease by segment was 98%, 33%, 99%, 50%, and 99%, respectively (P<0.05). By patient, it was 70%, 33%, 86%, 50%, and 75%, respectively. No coronary artery dissection was found. Noninvasive CTA may be a viable alternative to conventional angiography for postoperative coronary artery evaluation in patients with surgically treated type A aortic dissection and cardiovascular risk factors. An NPV of 99% should allow for reliable exclusion of CAD. Further studies with higher patient numbers are warranted.


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The instantaneous response of the collateral circulation to isometric physical exercise in patients with non-occlusive coronary artery disease (CAD) is not known.


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Two thirds of patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) have relevant coronary artery disease (CAD). AAAs are prevalent in up to 16% of smokers with CAD. General screening of AAA is controversial. Aim was to assess the potential of finding AAA prior to rupture among patients with known CAD. Main endpoint was whether AAA could have been found during follow-up by sonography or at other time of cardiovascular evaluation.


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Drug-drug interaction between statins metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4 and clopidogrel have been claimed to attenuate the inhibitory effect of clopidogrel. However, published data regarding this drug-drug interaction are controversial. We aimed to determine the effect of fluvastatin and atorvastatin on the inhibitory effect of dual antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and clopidogrel. One hundred one patients with symptomatic stable coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and drug-eluting stent implantation were enrolled in this prospective randomised study. After an interval of two weeks under dual antiplatelet therapy with ASA and clopidogrel, without any lipid-lowering drug, 87 patients were randomised to receive a treatment with either fluvastatin 80 mg daily or atorvastatin 40 mg daily in addition to the dual antiplatelet therapy for one month. Platelet aggregation was assessed using light transmission aggregometry and whole blood impedance platelet aggregometry prior to randomisation and after one month of receiving assigned statin and dual antiplatelet treatment. Platelet function assessment after one month of statin and dual antiplatelet therapy did not show a significant change in platelet aggregation from 1st to 2nd assessment for either statin group. There was also no difference between atorvastatin and fluvastatin treatment arms. In conclusion, neither atorvastatin 40 mg daily nor fluvastatin 80 mg daily administered in combination with standard dual antiplatelet therapy following coronary drug-eluting stent implantation significantly interfere with the antiaggregatory effect of ASA and clopidogrel.


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Increasing awareness of the importance of cardiovascular prevention is not yet matched by the resources and actions within health care systems. Recent publication of the European Commission's European Heart Health Charter in 2008 prompts a review of the role of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) to cardiovascular health outcomes. Secondary prevention through exercise-based CR is the intervention with the best scientific evidence to contribute to decrease morbidity and mortality in coronary artery disease, in particular after myocardial infarction but also incorporating cardiac interventions and chronic stable heart failure. The present position paper aims to provide the practical recommendations on the core components and goals of CR intervention in different cardiovascular conditions, to assist in the design and development of the programmes, and to support healthcare providers, insurers, policy makers and consumers in the recognition of the comprehensive nature of CR. Those charged with responsibility for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, whether at European, national or individual centre level, need to consider where and how structured programmes of CR can be delivered to all patients eligible. Thus a novel, disease-oriented document has been generated, where all components of CR for cardiovascular conditions have been revised, presenting both well-established and controversial aspects. A general table applicable to all cardiovascular conditions and specific tables for each clinical disease have been created and commented.


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In patients with coronary artery disease, the size of myocardial infarction mainly determines the subsequent clinical outcome. Accordingly, it is the primary strategy to decrease cardiovascular mortality by minimizing infarct size. Promotion of collateral artery growth (arteriogenesis) is an appealing option of reducing infarct size. It has been demonstrated in experimental models that tangential fluid shear stress is the major trigger of arterial remodeling and, thus, of collateral growth. Lower-leg, high-pressure external counterpulsation triggered to occur during diastole induces a flow velocity signal and thus tangential endothelial shear stress in addition to the flow signal caused by cardiac stroke volume. We here present two cases of cardiac transplant recipients as human "models" of physical coronary arteriogenesis, providing an example of progressing and regressing clinical arteriogenesis, and review available evidence from clinical studies on other feasible forms of physical arteriogenesis.


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Coronary collaterals are an alternative source of blood supply to myocardium jeopardized by ischaemia. Well-developed coronary collateral arteries in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) mitigate myocardial infarcts and improve survival.


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Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is the most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease (PAD), is associated with high rates of myocardial infarction, stroke, and amputation, and has a high health economic cost. The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence of lower limb amputation, the most serious consequence of CLI, and to create a surveillance methodology for the incidence of ischemic amputation in Minnesota.


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Critical limb ischaemia (CLI) is a particularly severe manifestation of lower limb atherosclerosis posing a major threat to both limb and life of affected patients. Besides arterial revascularisation, risk-factor modification and administration of antiplatelet therapy is a major goal in the treatment of CLI patients. Key elements of cardiovascular risk management are smoking cessation and treatment of hyperlipidaemia with dietary modification or statins. Moreover, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus should be adequately treated. In CLI patients not suitable for arterial revascularisation or subsequent to unsuccessful revascularisation, parenteral prostanoids may be considered. CLI patients undergoing surgical revascularisation should be treated with beta blockers. At present, neither gene nor stem-cell therapy can be recommended outside clinical trials. Of note, walking exercise is contraindicated in CLI patients due to the risk of worsening pre-existing or causing new ischaemic wounds. CLI patients are oftentimes medically frail and exhibit significant comorbidities. Co-existing coronary heart and carotid as well as renal artery disease should be managed according to current guidelines. Considering the above-mentioned treatment goals, interdisciplinary treatment approaches for CLI patients are warranted. Aim of the present manuscript is to discuss currently existing evidence for both the management of cardiovascular risk factors and treatment of co-existing disease and to deduct specific treatment recommendations.