999 resultados para Arquitetura crustal
We present the first image of the Madeira upper crustal structure, using ambient seismic noise tomography. 16 months of ambient noise, recorded in a dense network of 26 seismometers deployed across Madeira, allowed reconstructing Rayleigh wave Green's functions between receivers. Dispersion analysis was performed in the short period band from 1.0 to 4.0 s. Group velocity measurements were regionalized to obtain 2D tomographic images, with a lateral resolution of 2.0 km in central Madeira. Afterwards, the dispersion curves, extracted from each cell of the 2D group velocity maps, were inverted as a function of depth to obtain a 3D shear wave velocity model of the upper crust, from the surface to a depth of 2.0 km. The obtained 3D velocity model reveals features throughout the island that correlates well with surface geology and island evolution.
SANTOS, Raimunda Fernanda dos; SILVA, Eliane Ferreira da. A importância da Arquitetura da Informação no planejamento de ambientes digitais inclusivos.In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS,17.,2012,Natal/RN. Anais... Natal/RN: Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, 2012. Trabalho oral.
Trabalho apresentado no Colóquio Internacional "Arquitectura Popular", Arcos de Valdevez (Casa das Artes), 3 a 6 de Abril de 2013.
This work presents a low cost architecture for development of synchronized phasor measurement units (PMU). The device is intended to be connected in the low voltage grid, which allows the monitoring of transmission and distribution networks. Developments of this project include a complete PMU, with instrumentation module for use in low voltage network, GPS module to provide the sync signal and time stamp for the measures, processing unit with the acquisition system, phasor estimation and formatting data according to the standard and finally, communication module for data transmission. For the development and evaluation of the performance of this PMU, it was developed a set of applications in LabVIEW environment with specific features that let analyze the behavior of the measures and identify the sources of error of the PMU, as well as to apply all the tests proposed by the standard. The first application, useful for the development of instrumentation, consists of a function generator integrated with an oscilloscope, which allows the generation and acquisition of signals synchronously, in addition to the handling of samples. The second and main, is the test platform, with capabality of generating all tests provided by the synchronized phasor measurement standard IEEE C37.118.1, allowing store data or make the analysis of the measurements in real time. Finally, a third application was developed to evaluate the results of the tests and generate calibration curves to adjust the PMU. The results include all the tests proposed by synchrophasors standard and an additional test that evaluates the impact of noise. Moreover, through two prototypes connected to the electrical installation of consumers in same distribution circuit, it was obtained monitoring records that allowed the identification of loads in consumer and power quality analysis, beyond the event detection at the distribution and transmission levels.
Diante das preocupações da Ciência da Informação (CI) com os processos de tratamento da informação, constatou-se a importância da condução de estudos que auxiliem o desenvolvimento de processos e metodologias em ambientes informacionais híbridos. A partir deste pensamento, considera-se que a Arquitetura Informacional pervasiva proposta por Resmini e Rosati é um desses recursos. Assim, esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar, através da aplicação das heurísticas propostas por esses autores, os ambientes informacionais físicos e digitais do Programa de Incubação de Empresas (PROINE) da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), analisando de que forma esse instrumento contribui para a construção de espaços informacionais híbridos que maximizem a experiência do usuário (UX). Aplicou-se metodologias de desenvolvimento e avaliação de ambientes digitais e realizou-se a aplicação das heurísticas propostas por Resmini e Rosati possibilitando avaliar ambos ambientes através de diferentes canais informacionais. Destaca-se que a avaliação dos ambientes informacionais físico e digital, com a utilização de metodologias de apoio, permitiu que se realizasse as conexões com as heurísticas, justamente pelo grau de complexidade apresentado por estes princípios. Este é o ponto chave e principal objetivo alcançado, possibilitando apontar as falhas e realizar inferências para maximizar a UX na utilização dos canais informacionais avaliados.
Arquitetura híbrida com DSP e FPGA para implementação de controladores de filtros ativos de potência
The presence of non-linear loads at a point in the distribution system may deform voltage waveform due to the consumption of non-sinusoidal currents. The use of active power filters allows significant reduction of the harmonic content in the supply current. However, the processing of digital control structures for these filters may require high performance hardware, particularly for reference currents calculation. This work describes the development of hardware structures with high processing capability for application in active power filters. In this sense, it considers an architecture that allows parallel processing using programmable logic devices. The developed structure uses a hybrid model using a DSP and an FPGA. The DSP is used for the acquisition of current and voltage signals, calculation of fundamental current related controllers and PWM generation. The FPGA is used for intensive signal processing, such as the harmonic compensators. In this way, from the experimental analysis, significant reductions of the processing time are achieved when compared to traditional approaches using only DSP. The experimental results validate the designed structure and these results are compared with other ones from architectures reported in the literature.
O presente relatório de estágio reflete o trabalho realizado e a experiência adquirida ao longo de seis meses na Câmara Municipal de Loures. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos correspondem, sobretudo, ao que era pretendido por parte da Câmara Municipal tendo sido aplicados, em parte, os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da licenciatura e do mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista na Universidade de Évora. Este relatório incide sobre a regulamentação do mobiliário urbano em todo o Município de Loures, na caracterização e proposta de intervenção para alguns espaços abertos pertencentes ao concelho e na importância da Arquitetura Paisagista no sector público; ABSTRACT: City Council of Loures: An Experience in Landscape Architecture in the Public Sector This internship report reflects the work done and experience gained over six months at the City Council of Loures. The work developed are primarily to what was intended by the City Council having been applied in part the knowledge acquired throughout the undergraduate and master's degree in Landscape Architecture at the University of Évora. This report focuses on the regulation of street furniture throughout the Loures Municipality, characterization and proposal of intervention for some open spaces belonging to the municipality and the importance of Landscape Architecture in the public sector.
Although slow spreading ridges characterized by a deep axial valley and fast spreading ridges characterized by an axial bathymetric high have been extensively studied, the transition between these two modes of axial morphology is not well understood. We conducted a geophysical-survey of the intermediate spreading rate Southeast Indian Ridge between 88 degrees E and 118 degrees E, a 2300-km-long section of the ridge located between the Amsterdam hot spot and the Australian-Antarctic Discordance where satellite gravity data suggest that the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) undergoes a change from an axial high in the west to an axial valley in the east. A basic change in axial morphology is found near 103 degrees 30'E in the shipboard data; the axis to the west is marked by an axial high, while a valley is found to the east. Although a well-developed axial high, characteristic of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), is occasionally present, the more common observation is a rifted high that is lower and pervasively faulted, sometimes with significant (> 50 m throw) faults within a kilometer of the axis. A shallow axial valley (< 700 m deep) is observed from 104 degrees E to 114 degrees E with a sudden change to a deep (>1200 m deep) valley across a transform at 114 degrees E. The changes in axial morphology along the SEIR are accompanied by a 500 m increase in near-axis ridge flank depth from 2800 m near 88 degrees E to 3300 m near 114 degrees E and by a 50 mGal increase in the regional level of mantle Bouguer gravity anomalies over the same distance, The regional changes in depth and mantle Bouguer anomaly (MBA) gravity can be both explained by a 1.7-2.4 km change in crustal thickness or by a mantle temperature change of 50 degrees C-90 degrees C. In reality, melt supply (crustal thickness) and mantle temperature are linked, so that changes in both may occur simultaneously and these estimates serve as upper bounds. The along-axis MBA gradient is not uniform. Pronounced steps in the regional level of the MBA gravity occur at 103 degrees 30'E-104 degrees E and at 114 degrees E-116 degrees E and correspond to the changes in the nature of the axial morphology and in the amplitude of abyssal hill morphology suggesting that the different forms of morphology do not grade into each other but rather represent distinctly different forms of axial (s)tructure and tectonics with a sharp transition between them. The change from an axial high to an axial valley requires a threshold effect in which the strength of the lithosphere changes quickly. The presence or absence of a quasi-steady state magma chamber may provide such a mechanism. The different forms of axial morphology are also associated with different intrasegment MBA gravity patterns. Segments with an axial high have an MBA low located at a depth minimum near the center of the segment, At EPR-like segments, the MBA low is about 10 mGal with along-axis gradients of 0.15-0.25 mGal/km, similar to those observed at the EPR, Rifted highs have a shallower low and lower gradients suggesting an attenuated composite magma chamber and a reduced and perhaps episodic melt supply. Segments with a shallow axial valley have very flat along-axis MBA profiles with little correspondence between axial depth and axial MBA gravity.
The temperature of the mantle and the rate of melt production are parameters which play important roles in controlling the style of crustal accretion along mid-ocean ridges. To investigate the variability in crustal accretion that develops in response to variations in mantle temperature, we have conducted a geophysical investigation of the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) between the Amsterdam hotspot and the Australian-Antarctic Discordance (88 degrees E-118 degrees E). The spreading center deepens by 2100 m from west to east within the study area. Despite a uniform, intermediate spreading rate (69-75 mm yr-l), the SEIR exhibits the range in axial morphology displayed by the East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and usually associated with variations in spreading rate. The spreading center is characterized by an axial high west of 102 degrees 45'E, whereas an axial valley is prevalent east of this longitude. Both the deepening of the ridge axis and the general evolution of axial morphology from an axial high to a rift valley are not uniform. A region of intermediate morphology separates axial highs and MAR-like rift valleys. Local transitions in axial morphology occur in three areas along the ridge axis. The increase in axial depth toward the Australian-Antarctic Discordance may be explained by the thinning of the oceanic crust by similar to 4 km and the change in axial topography. The long-wavelength changes observed along the SEIR can be attributed to a gradient in mantle temperature between regions influenced by the Amsterdam and Kerguelen hot spots and the Australian-Antarctic Discordance. However, local processes, perhaps associated with an heterogeneous mantle or along-axis asthenospheric flow, may give rise to local transitions in axial topography and depth anomalies.
A presente investigação se insere na linha de pesquisa História, pesquisa e vivências de ensino aprendizagem. Buscamos defender a ideia de que o estudo da Educação Patrimonial através da arquitetura se constitui como campo de possibilidades para a (re) significação do ensino de História e da compreensão da história local e, por conseguinte da história de cada indivíduo. A pesquisa justifica-se em virtude da relevância que os bens arquitetônicos têm a contribuir no ensino de História, no entendimento dos processos de mudanças e transformações pelos quais passa o local que esta se encontra. Suas modificações estruturais, usos e desusos são como páginas escritas e expostas a céu aberto, para todo aquele que queira observar e investigar o possa e o faça. Ressaltamos a utilização da abordagem de cunho qualitativo, com foco nos processos apresentados na metodologia da Educação Patrimonial, difundida no Brasil por Horta, sendo a presente investigação uma possibilidade que se integra aos já conhecidos caminhos que percorrem as atividades de Educação Patrimonial nas escolas. A partir da pesquisa histórica acerca da Igreja do Carmo, bem arquitetônico do Rio Grande, desenvolveram-se oficinas patrimonias com 35 alunos do Ensino Fundamental II, a fim de que os objetivos propostos através da educação patrimonial fossem alcançados e por fim disponibilizar a educadores e pesquisadores da área, os resultados, a pesquisa e o material paradidático elaborado a partir das ações da pesquisa.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2015.
O presente relatório de estágio ambiciona dar a conhecer todos os trabalhos realizados ao longo do estágio no Gabinete Técnico da Unidade Municipal de Obras e Serviços Urbanos (UMOSU) na Câmara Municipal de Alvito. No decorrer do estágio desenvolveram-se vários trabalhos a nível da Arquitetura Paisagista sendo estes solicitados pela Câmara Municipal. Tendo como base todos os conhecimentos académicos adquiridos ao longo da licenciatura e mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista ambos doutrinados na Universidade de Évora. Em suma o presente relatório incide sobre o estudo, caracterização e avaliação da paisagem do concelho de Alvito, bem como a análise e proposta de intervenção sobre diversos espaços abertos das freguesias de Alvito. Pretende ainda dar a conhecer à Câmara Municipal as funções de um Arquiteto Paisagista; ABSTRACT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ALVITO The Present internship Report aims to raise awareness of all the Work Accomplished Along Stage not Technical Office of the Municipal Unit of Works and Urban Services ( UMOSU ) in the Municipal council of Alvito. During intership developed various works at the level of Landscape Architecture being these requested for the City Council. Having bases in how knowledge all academic bought along the undergraduate and master's degree in Landscape Architecture, both indoctrinated in University of Évora. In short the present report covers the study characterization and evaluation of the county of Alvito landscape , as well as the analysis and proposal of on intervention Several Open Spaces of the parishes of Alvito . Also responsible to inform the City Council the functions of a Landscape Architect.