947 resultados para Arabic literature--Africa, North


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A statistical analysis ol 15 deep sea cores in the eastern North Atlantic off NW Africa revealed the typical fluctuation pattern of distinct species proups as has been described from various parts of the world ocean. Only the "WBF-group" appears to be correlated with global climatic changes, i.e. warmer periods as the Eemian and the Atlanticum. A partly antagonistic "High Productivity group" (HPR-group) is in general not linked with global changes but times of increased fertility in the surface water and the resulting flux of organic matter reaching the bottom. The groups were extracted from cluster analysis of more than 150 surface samples (HPR-group) and a factor analysis of selected cores (WBF-group). In contrast to previous studies the observed fluctuations can not be explained by drastic changes in bottom water masses, but by the pulsation of a distinct "High Productivity Patch" in space and time. At present, this patch is located below the well known upwelling area between 22° and 12° northern latitude. It shifted to the north (up to 27 °N) during the latest glacial period ( 18 ky), indicating an equivalent shift of upwelling productivity caused by advection of nutrient rich upwelling SACW-waters, probably during most of isotopic stages 2 and 3.


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Surface sediments from the continental slope and rise of North-West Africa between the Canary lslands and the Cape Verde Islands are mainly composed of silt-sized material (2-63 µm). A number of sampling profiles were run normal to the coast and the composition of the silt fraction was determined quantitatively by scanning electron microscope analysis. The carbonate portion of the sediment was found to be nearly exclusively of biogenic origin. The most important contributors are planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths with minor contributions derived from pteropods. Plankton-produced biogenic opal such as diatoms and radiolarians play a very minor role. The high production rates of opal-silica plankton which exists in the surface waters of the NW-African upwelling system does not give rise to corresponding increases of opal accumulation in the bottom sediment. Benthic producers consist mainly of foraminifers and molluscs but the entire input from benthic producers is extremely small. An exception to this occurs in the prodelta sediments of the Senegal river. Downslope particle transport is indicated by the occurrence of shallow-water coralline algae, ascidian sclerites and cliona boring chips and can be traced as far down as the continental rise. The non-carbonate silt fraction mostly consists of quartz which is derived as eolian dust from the Sahara desert by the Harmattan and the NE-Trade-wind system. The percentage of carbonate in the surface sediments directly indicates the relative proportions of autochthonous biogenic components and terrigenous allochthonous quartz particles.


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Two gravity cores retrieved off NW Africa at the border of arid and subtropical environments (GeoB 13602-1 and GeoB 13601-4) were analyzed to extract records of Late Quaternary climate change and sediment export. We apply End Member (EM) unmixing to 350 acquisition curves of isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM). Our approach enables to discriminate rock magnetic signatures of aeolian and fluvial material, to determine biomineralization and reductive diagenesis. Based on the occurrence of pedogenically formed magnetic minerals in the fluvial and aeolian EMs, we can infer that goethite formed in favor to hematite in more humid climate zones. The diagenetic EM dominates in the lower parts of the cores and within a thin near-surface layer probably representing the modern Fe**2+/Fe**3+ redox boundary. Up to 60% of the IRM signal is allocated to a biogenic EM underlining the importance of bacterial magnetite even in siliciclastic sediments. Magnetosomes are found well preserved over most of the record, indicating suboxic conditions. Temporal variations of the aeolian and fluvial EMs appear to faithfully reproduce and support trends of dry and humid conditions on the continent. The proportion of aeolian to fluvial material was dramatically higher during Heinrich Stadials, especially during Heinrich Stadial 1. Dust export from the Arabian-Asian corridor appears to vary contemporaneous to increased dust fluxes on the continental margin of NW Africa emphasizing that melt-water discharge in the North Atlantic had an enormous impact on atmospheric dynamics.


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The pollen record of three marine late Quaternary cores off Senegal shows a juxtaposition of Mediterranean, Northern Saharan, Central Saharan elements, which are considered transported by the trade winds from a winter-rainfall area, and Sahelian, Soudanese, Soudano-Guinean elements, considered transported both by winds and mostly by the Senegal River, and coming from the monsoonal, summer tropical rainfall area of southern West Africa. Littoral vegetation is either the edaphically dry and saline Chenopodiaceae from sebkhas at the time of the main regression, or the warm tropical humid mangrove with Rhizophora during the humid optimum period. Four stratigraphic zones reflect, from basis to top: Zone 4. A semi-arid period with a balanced pollen input. Zone 3. A very arid period with the disappearance of monsoonal pollen, probably from the disappearance of the Senegal River, a very saline littoral plain with Chenopodiaceae, a larger input of northern Saharan pollen from intensified trade winds. Zone 2. A quite humid period, much more so than today, very suddenly established, with a northward extension of the monsoonal areas, a rich littoral mangrove, and weakening of the trade winds. Zone l. A slow and steady evolution toward the present semi-humid conditions with regression of the mangrove, and of the monsoonal areas toward the south. Tentative datations and correlations with the Tchad area suggested: zone 4: 22,500 to 19,000 years BP; zone 3: 19,000 to 12,500 years BP; zone 2: 12,500 to 5,500 years BP; zone 1: 5,500 years BP to top of core. Dinoflagellate cysts display a tropical assemblage with mostly estuarine neritic elements and also a weak oceanic component, mostly in the lower slope core 47. Cosmopolitan taxa dominate the assemblage and only a few species point to more specialized environments. Quantitative variations of the assemblage are the basis of stratigraphy which is not similar to the pollen stratigraphy, and an inshore-outshore gradient has to be taken into account to correlate the three cores.


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Water depth zonation of fifty nine benthonic foraminiferal species in marine sediment surfaces has been described. Some species are combined to groups which mark particular depth zones: an upper and lower shelf-fauna, an upper and lower slope fauna, and a shelf-slope fauna. Dependence on latitude could be ascertained for Textularia panamensis, and submergence effects for Hyalinea balthica.


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The areas of marine pollen deposition are related to the pollen source areas by aeolian and fluvial transport regimes, whereas wind transport is much more important than river transport. Pollen distribution patterns of Pinus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and Asteraceae Tubuliflorae trace atmospheric transport by the northeast trades. Pollen transport by the African Easterly Jet is reflected in the pollen distribution patterns of Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae Tubuliflorae, and Mitracarpus. Grass pollen distribution registers the latitudinal extension of Sahel, savannas and dry open forests. Marine pollen distribution patterns of Combretaceae-Melastomataceae, Alchornea, and Elaeis reflect the extension of wooded grasslands and transitional forests. Pollen from the Guinean-Congolian/Zambezian forest and from the Sudanian/Guinean vegetation zones mark the northernmost extension of the tropical rain forest. Rhizophora pollen in marine sediments traces the distribution of mangrove swamps. Only near the continent, pollen of Rhizophora, Mitracarpus, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and pollen from the Sudanian and Guinean vegetation zones are transported by the Upwelling Under Current and the Equatorial Under Current, where those currents act as bottom currents. The distribution of pollen in marine sediments, reflecting the position of major climatic zones (desert, dry tropics, humid tropics), can be used in tracing climatic changes in the past.


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Vertical carbon fluxes between the surface and 2500 m depth were estimated from in situ profiles of particle size distributions and abundances me/asured off Cape Blanc (Mauritania) related to deep ocean sediment traps. Vertical mass fluxes off Cape Blanc were significantly higher than recent global estimates in the open ocean. The aggregates off Cape Blanc contained high amounts of ballast material due to the presence of coccoliths and fine-grained dust from the Sahara desert, leading to a dominance of small and fast-settling aggregates. The largest changes in vertical fluxes were observed in the surface waters (<250 m), and, thus, showing this site to be the most important zone for aggregate formation and degradation. The degradation length scale (L), i.e. the fractional degradation of aggregates per meter settled, was estimated from vertical fluxes derived from the particle size distribution through the water column. This was compared with fractional remineralization rate of aggregates per meter settled derived from direct ship-board measurements of sinking velocity and small-scale O2 fluxes to aggregates measured by micro-sensors. Microbial respiration by attached bacteria alone could not explain the degradation of organic matter in the upper ocean. Instead, flux feeding from zooplankton organisms was indicated as the dominant degradation process of aggregated carbon in the surface ocean. Below the surface ocean, microbes became more important for the degradation as zooplankton was rare at these depths.


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The 60 km wide shelf off Mauritania is cut by several submarine canyons. Its water-circulation is controlled by the cool Canary current and upwelling. Its Recent sediments show faunal associations remarkably related to the grain size distribution which in water depths between 40 and 80 m is strongly influenced by reworking of older coarse sand or sandstone. In this depth range a mixed biofacies originating from Pleistocene and Recent material is encountered. The present lateral faunistic and sedimentological facies change, including horizons of mixed provenance, can be recognized in vertical sequences taken by vibro-coring. This correlation combined with 14C-datations on molluscs enable the reconstruction of the history of the last glacial regression and transgression. Due to the arid climate, the emerging calcareous shelf sediments are indurated and, therefore, protected from subaerial and submarine erosion. During low sea level eolian sand migrates over the shelf, but only about 1/10 of this material remains there and is later incorporated into the sandy shelf sediments. The calculated average rate of total sedimentation during Holocene is 15 cm, and the production rate of carbonate is 5 cm/1000 years.


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We analysed long-chain alkenones in sinking particles and surface sediments from the filamentous upwelling region off Cape Blanc, NW Africa, to evaluate the transfer of surface water signals into the geological record. Our study is based on time-series sediment trap records from 730 m (1990-1991) to 2195-3562 m depth (1988-1991). Alkenone fluxes showed considerable interannual variations and no consistent seasonality. The average flux of C37 and C38 alkenones to the deep traps was 1.9 µg/m**2/d from March 1988 to October 1990 and sevenfold higher in the subsequent year. Alkenone fluxes to the shallower traps were on average twice as high and showed similar temporal variations. The alkenone unsaturation indices UK'37, UK38Me and UK38Et closely mirrored the seasonal variations in sea-surface temperature (weekly Reynolds SST). Time lags of 10-48 days between the SST and unsaturation maxima suggest particle sinking rates of about 80 and 280 m/d for the periods of low and high alkenone fluxes, respectively. The average flux-weighted UK'37 temperature for the 4-year time series of the deeper traps was 22.1°C, in perfect agreement with the mean weekly SST for the same period. This and the comparison with seasonal temperature variations in the upper 100 m of the water column suggests that UK'37 records principally the yearly average of the mixed-layer temperature in this region. A comparison between the average annual alkenone fluxes to the lower traps (2400 µg/m**2/yr) and into the underlying sediments (4 µg/m**2/yr) suggests that only about 0.2% of the alkenones reaching the deep ocean became preserved in the sediments. The flux-weighted alkenone concentrations also decreased considerably, from 2466 µg/gC in the water column to 62 µg/gC in the surface sediments. Such a low degree of alkenone preservation is typical for slowly accumulating oxygenated sediments. Despite these dramatic diagenetic alkenone losses, the UK'37 ratio was not affected. The average UK'37 value of the sediments (0.796±0.010 or 22.3±0.3°C) was identical within error limits to the 4-year average of the lower traps. The unsaturation indices for C38 alkenones and the ratio between C37 and C38 alkenones also revealed a high degree of stability. Our results do not support the hypothesis that UK'37 is biased towards higher values during oxic diagenesis.


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The deep-sea cores M 16415-2 and M 16416-2 at about 9°N off Sierra Leone were analysed palynologically for the time interval 140,000-70,000 yr B.P. Results were presented in absolute (pollen concentration and pollen influx) and relative diagrams (pollen percentage). In a previous study it was evidenced that in northwest Africa pollen is mainly transported to the Atlantic by wind, so that the efficiency of aeolian pollen transport (pollen flux) could be used to evaluate changes in the intensity of the northeast trade winds. The glacial episodes (represented by the oxygen isotope stages 6 and 4) are characterized by strong northeast trade winds, whereas the last interglacial (stage 5) is characterized by weak trade winds. The pollen influx diagram shows that the intensity of the trade winds increased slightly during the relatively cool intervals of stage 5 (viz. 5.4 and 5.2). Tropical forest had maximally expanded around 124,000 yr B.P. (stage 5.5), around 98,000 yr B.P. (transition of stage 5.3 to 5.2), and around 70,000 yr B.P. (first part of stage 4): an increasing delay of the response of tropical forest to global intervals with maximum temperature is apparent during the last interglacial. As tropical forests need continuous humidity, the record of tropical forest monitors changes in climatic humidity south of the Sahara. During the last interglacial, the southern boundary of the Sahara shifted only little: expansions and contractions of the tropical forest area are correlated with contra-oscillations of the grass-dominated savanna zone. Great latitudinal shifts of the desert savanna boundary, on the contrary, occurred during the penultimate glacial interglacial transition (around 128,000 yr B.P.) to the north, and during the last interglacial-glacial transition (around 65,000 yr B.P.) to the south.


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Two hundred and seventy five mollusc species from the continental shelf off Southern Spanish Sahara (depth: 32-60 m) were identified. Their distribution pattern is strongly influenced by the nature of the bottom (firm substrate, shelter, stability of sediment) rather than other factors at that depth interval. This faunal assemblage shows great affinity to the Mediterranean and Lusitanian faunas, and comprises only few (22 %) exclusively Senegalese and species living south of Senegal.


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Samples from sutface sediments of the shell, continental slope, and adjacent deep sea regions off West Africa between 27° N and 15° N were investigated with respect to grain size distribution of the total samples, sand contents of the acid insoluble residues, carbonate content of the total samples, and the separate grain size fractions, specific surfaces, colours and mineralogical composition of the clay fractions. The grain size distributions of the total samples of the sediments of the shelf and the continental slope off Spanish-Sahara are controlled mainly by biogenic components. The supply of terrigeneous material in this area is very low. At deeper parts of the continental slope and in the deep sea areas, the relative amounts of carbonate minerals in the sediments are considerably reduced. The prevailing sand contents of the upper slope changes into clay dominance. On the shelf of Mauritania - represented by profiles extending down to 200 m water depth - the grain size is also controlled mainly by biogenic carbonates. Nevertheless, the admixture of fossil silicate components is important, too. The southern parts of the area is investigated are located in a region influenced by sediments of the Senegal River, which especially control the contents of silt and clay. The silicate sands, predominately of quartz, are fossil and form a mixed sediment with younger deposits. The carbonate contents of the different grain size fractions are formed either by sedimentation of carbonate and silicate particles of the respective grain size or by autochtonous disintegration of coarser sediment particles, as shown by the occurence of Mg-rich calcite and especially aragonite in the clay sized fraction. In the northern parts of the area investigated, which have very minute terrigeneous supply, the latter mechanism is the dominant factor, controlling the carbonate contents of the fine grain sized fractions. In the vicinity of the mouth of the Senegal the carbonate contents are influenced by extremely high dilution with terrigencous silicates. Mg-rich calcite and aragonite are produced preferentially in shallow slope and shelf areas up to 500 m of water depth. The specific surfaces of the carbonate-free clay fractions indicate that the clay fractions of the shelfareas with little terrigenous supply consits of relatively coarser particles. Very fine particles are removed and transported towards the deep sea. Lateral differentiation of this kind was not observed in the area off Senegal. The high surface areas, characterizing the clay fractions of this region, are thought to be due to high montmorillonite contents as was found for deep seas sediments. The mineralogical composition of the clay fraction from the southern parts of the area is characterized by high kaolinite and montmorillonite contents, while in the northern illite is predominating. At least two types of montmorillionites are present: in areas influenced by the Senegal mostly one type was found, which could swell to 17; on the shelves and slopes of the other regions the montmorillonite-group is represented by a montmorillonite-mica-type mixed-layer mineral. A "glauconite", found in the sand fraction, which had very similar properties to those of the montmorillonite-mica mixed-layer, is believed to be the source of this mixed-layer-type mineral. Palygorskite is present in all samples out of range of the Senegal supply. It may be an indicator of eolian transported material. The occurence of rich palygorskit deposits in the arid hinterlands emphasizes the terrestrial origin.


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The molecular stratigraphy of Biogeochemical Oceanic Flux Study core 31K (19°N, 20°10'W) and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 658C (20°45'N, 18°35'W) has been studied for C37 alkenone abundances over the past 80 ka at high resolution (~circa 200-500 years). The derived Uk 37' sea surface temperature record for both cores shows a range of temperatures from about 18°C during the last glacial to 21.5°C during the early Holocene. Both records also reveal changes in sea surface temperature as much as 2°-4°C over a few hundred years, which correlate well with similar abrupt climatic changes observed in cores from elsewhere in the NE Atlantic, associated with 'Heinrich events'. Our results indicate that meltwater produced by these ice-rafting events was transmitted southward by the Canary Current, where it had considerable impact on sea surface temperatures in the subtropical eastern Atlantic.


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Recent benthic foraminifera (> 125 µm) were investigated from multicorer samples on a latitudinal transect of 20 stations between 1°N and 32°S along the upper slope off West Africa. Samples were selected from a narrow water depth interval, between 1200 and 1500 m, so that changes in water masses are minimized, but changes in surface productivity are important and the only significant environmental variable. Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were counted from the surface sediment down to a maximum of 12 cm. Dead foraminifera were investigated in the top 5 cm of the sediment only. Five live and five dead benthic foraminiferal assemblages were identified using Q-mode principal component analysis, matching distinct primary productivity provinces, characterized by different systems of seasonal and permanent upwelling. Differences in seasonality, quantity, and quality of food supply are the main controlling parameters on species composition and distribution of the benthic foraminiferal faunas. To test the sensitivity of foraminiferal studies based on the uppermost centimeter of sediment only, a comparative Q-mode principal component analysis was conducted on live and dead foraminiferal data from the top 1 cm of sediment. It has been demonstrated that, on the upper slope off West Africa, most of the environmental signals as recorded by species composition and distribution of the 'total' live and dead assemblages, i.e., including live and dead foraminifera from the surface sediment down to 12 cm and 5 cm, respectively, can be extracted from the assemblages in the top centimeter of sediment only. On the contrary, subsurface abundance maxima of live foraminifera and dissolution of empty tests strongly bias quantitative approaches based on the calculation of standing stocks and foraminiferal numbers in the topmost centimeter.