967 resultados para Appropriation, Kopie


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A psicologia histórico-cultural assume que o fator biológico determina a base das reações inatas dos indivíduos. Sobre esta base se constitui todo o sistema de reações adquiridas, sendo estas determinadas mais pela estrutura do meio cultural da criança do que pelas disposições biológicas. Se é por meio do processo de apropriação da cultura que cada homem adquire as capacidades humanas, a compreensão atual acerca dos distúrbios de aprendizagem pode ser reconfigurada, demonstrando que mediações adequadas e consistentes podem ter caráter revolucionário para a aprendizagem, ao tornarem presente o talento cultural quando o talento biológico não se revela como esperado.


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This piece focuses on the issue of media in the contemporary context, taking for its object the sociocultural phenomenon of mediatization‟, understood as the dilution of media culture in the everyday life, according to the perspective from Fausto Neto (2008) e Sodré (2002). This phenomenon is viewed from the angle of reception, that is, one that considers the individuals as pro-actives in this dynamic. The media culture is perceived as a fundamental element in the process of social structuring, and also is taken as a symbolic arm of great importance for the elaboration of the notion of reality as it interferes with the flow of information. Thus, we emphasize the process of symbolic consumption that we do with media content (Canclini, 1999), through a dynamic of appropriation and reframing, given from the interweaving of the meanings proposed with extra-media elements, recaptured from the perspective of mediations, by Barbero (2006), which concerns the articulation of the contents we appropriate from media with interactions from other social practices. We also consider the dimension of memory according to Sarlo (2007) and Halbwachs (2004) in order to, through speeches made in its scope, reach empirically the phenomenon of mediatization‟, and overlapping it, the media consumption on a specific theme, "science". Nevertheless, in terms of field work, we use the technique of in-depth interviews, so that the speech of our interviewers was our corpus. Through their narratives, speeches considered by us as memory-related, we visualize the dynamics of media consumption on given topic. At the level of conclusions, we realize that mediatization‟ as a phenomenon occurred, but its flows and orders showed discontinuities and pluralities not initially conceived; regarding the consumption of science through media, we see hybrid perceptions by our respondents, that is, one that include both elements aligned with the positivist conception of science - which we consider to be the view of science proposed by the media and elements that would contradict this view


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This research aims to identify the process of appropriation of audio visual (in digital video) for collective symbolic production (participatory video practice that expresses popular culture) in a socio-cultural context where the minorities are. Therefore, we based this study on the students‟ experience of the film and video workshops held by Cinema para Todos (Culture Point Cine for All), in Natal, RN. Culture Point is the basis of the project Programa Nacional de Cultura, Educação e Cidadania Cultura Viva (National Program of Culture, Education and Citizenship - Living Culture) of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture. In 2010, the Cine for All developed three film and video workshops in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern of Brazil), in the municipalities of Açu, Lajes and São Gonçalo do Amarante, within a public policy project of socio-cultural inclusion. These three workshops are the focus of this empirical investigation. To support the analysis of this research we consider that the spaces of workshops are sites of the social practices origin, assuming they show the development of the changes of actions that generate new practices. In this socio-cultural context the students as interlocutors process the communicative culture mediation, where come from the logics of action (using digital video) to become a mediatic practice (video auto ethnographic). With the overall goal set and the field of investigative action delimited we considered the methodology of case study suitable for the observation of the object, because it is a phenomenon of modernity, occurring in a context of real life and with little or no control over events. Participant observation and interviews was also applied to this case study. The analytical theoretical support comes from the notion of mediation by Jesús Martín-Barbero and the concept of habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. The research found that a new way of communicating has been developing by this social group, and this reflects the technological change experienced by them. The auto ethnographic videos, short movies, reveal an allegorical trial of the mainstream media, because while they use the mainstream format, they rework the aesthetic, but without revising the history, in fact they proposing to retell the history of themselves full of colorful details and with richness of their forgotten popular culture.


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It is an investigation that seeks to reveal, record and analyze the process of appropriation and use of digital media by university students, aged between 40 and 60 years. Interested in studying how changes are perceived in the educational sphere for students Whois have gone through liberal/traditional school, ie, effected the first contact with technological devices media as adults, in the university. This investigation sought to contribute to the knowledge on the use of new learning strategies imposed by digital media by recording and analyzing the reports surveyed sample. Allowed to know the cultural universe of these women, revealing the context in which receive mediated messages and uses that maré these learning strategies within their daily academic life. Gathered in this work, reflexions guided by studies of media reception and role played by digital media as builders images and facilitators in knowledging acquisitions, it was chosen to work two main theorical notions: communication media and digital inclusion. As the research methodology, it was used the exploratory descriptive technical together with other appropriate tecniques. In ordem to approach the problem can be observed two phases: a quantitative one, which was used an investigative procedure, a survey data with closed questions; and a qualitative phase, which was used to collect data through a diary from situations encountered in the classroom. The main objective of analyzing how digital media are received, appropriated and used by university women has been fulfilled and it is remarkable that they access with dificulty and can not be considered included digitally. The results show that the problem of these agents is not the access, there are was of appropriation of digital media offered at IES, and it was possible to note that they seek to integrate to the technological world, and they even have devices that can insert them on this world. Insertion in cyberculture sets up the ability to find a favorable way to be aware of reality and production of knowledge and liberating and dignifying practices, in this case refers to an appropriation of citizenship through the field of technological devices offered as a perspective that they can interact


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This study discusses about the practice of communication in libraries from the appropriation of the resources of web 2.0, particularly social media, establishing from the aspects of mediatization new communication scenarios in their environments. Aims at understanding how in the contemporary society, the libraries, that symbolize traditional space in the search for information and knowledge, modify their contexts through technological resources involved in your scenario, and specifically checks as the process of mediatization is inserted into the communication practices and interaction of libraries, noting the relevance of the ownership of social media, especially twitter and facebook, by the libraries of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN. Use as methodological procedures, a theoretical approach concerning the conceptual research to investigate issues relating to social media, communication practice, mediatization and network society, and is characterized by being a descriptive exploratory research, of qualitative nature with adoption of the inductive method, using interviews and direct observation, analyzing reconfiguration scenario of university libraries located in UFRN. Thus, with the of the study, expected to be possible to give an overview of how to establish the use of social media in the scenario investigated by checking the new possibilities of communication, outreach services, information dissemination and interaction with user


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This research has the goal to analyze the urban setting of the Planalto neighborhood, in Natal /RN, seeking to unravel the processes, agents and contradictions associated with the production of the space. The choice of neighborhood is justified by the observation that changes in its urban setting have been growing in speedy way. We highlight the performance of the housing market, in partnership with the state, and the construction of condominiums and buildings closed by the housing program Minha Casa, Minha Vida. This has favored the reproduction of a new " urban reality in the neighborhood, setting an urban standard that differs from the original morphology, seen as peripheral within the urban dynamics of the city. The research is a qualitative study, through documents, interviews with stakeholders, and photographic documentation. In this perspective , we seek to understand the current phase (2000s) the production of space in the neighborhood process through the development of the housing market , as an extension of the urban development in central zone of Natal/RN, analyzing the performance of agents and their producers the "new " uses redefining the "old ". Thus, it can be seen that there is in the neighborhood, urban reality in a pluralistic constitution, from the existence of different social classes inhabiting the same space. On this way, the city is produced from the appropriation of space by different social classes, although due to the economic condition of each of them


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La recherche presentée, realisée sur le domaine de la méthaphysique, s´agit de rassembler des pressupositions pour une fondamentation ontologique de la technologie de l´Information, basé sur la philophie de Martin Heidegger; foncièrement, sur l´analytique existentiel du Dasein dans l´ouvrage Être et Temps. À partir de la pensée sur ce qui est aujourd´hui , il s´agit d´investiguer sur quels fondaments la Nouvelle Tecnologie se fut érigée de façon a que nous sommes engajés au projet de numérisation des étants que en même temps que destine l´homme a l´oubli de l´Être, l´offre la possibilité de transformation. Le rapport entre la question de l´Être et la question de la technique est analysé comme des chemins croisés et dans ce carrefour il devient possible penser ce qui est technique, ce qui est information pour Heidegger et de quel façon les modes existentiels du Dasein sont prêtes pour caractériser l ´homme au sein de la tecnologie de l´information. Par cette appropriation, il reste penser comment c´est possible l´ouverture d´une perspective de reconduction de l´homme à la vérité de l´Être. Finalement, la structuration des fondements rends possible la réflexion discursive général: avec qui nous nous ocuppons, comme nous sommes, dans quelle direction nous nous acheminons, les thèmes générales, respectivement, des trois chapitres. Les points d´investigation du premier chapitre son: a) La caractérisation précise du Dasein, appuyé sur des considerations de Benedito Nunes, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jacques Derrida et Rüdiger Safränski; b) Le concept de technique et son essence chez Heidegger; c) la distinction entre technique et technologie, appuyé sur le pensée de J. Ellul, Michel Séris, Otto Pöggeler, Michel Haar, Dominique Janicaud; c) Le concept de cibernetique chez Heidegger et chez Norbert Wiener; d) La caractérisation preliminaire d´information, l´analyse étimologique e philosophique, l´avis de Heidegger te les théories de Rafael Capurro; f) L´Analyse du phénomène de la numérisation des étants, des considérations de Virilio, et l´analyse d´un concept de virtuel avec Henri Bergson et Gilles Deleuze. Dans le deuxième chapitre, l´analyse des existentiels du Dasein vers le sommaire des fondements de base pour la caractérisation de la technologie de l´information comme un problème philosophique. Finalement, aprés avoir presenté les concepts introdutoires que délimitent le questionement, suivi par les indications et pressupositions ontologiques trouvés sur Être et Temps, le troisième chapitre disserte sur le péril, ce qui sauve et la sérénité, les trois mots-clés de la pensée heideggerienne sur la technique que permettent l´approche conclusif de la question


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This thesis aims better understanding the relation between time and evil in Schelling s Freiheitsschrift, having its starting point in approximations from Gnosticism. For that purpose, before approaching that relation, it is reviewed (chapter I) the question of Gnosticism, a strain of thought essentially concerned with the problem of time and permeated by the belief in an evil nature of creation, and which is alleged to have significantly influenced certain ideas of Schelling. An evaluation of approximations between Gnosticism, gnosis and German thought follows (chapter II), as well as an evaluation of Schellingian aproximations to Gnosticism (chapter III). Then, the Freiheitsschrift is analysed as the text where Schelling, having taken hold of a very distinct appropriation of Gnosticism, goes beyond Kantian theodicy (chapter IV). Some interrogations about whether key ideas of Schellingian philosophy (about gnosis, creation, duality, time, and evil) are conceived in a way that is essentially different from that of historic Gnosticism, despite the much that has been said to the contrary, are then addressed (chapter V). The proposal of a Platonic-Plotinian key to the understanding of the relations between time and evil in the Freiheitsschrift comes next (chapter VI), and then gives way to the concluding remarks (chapter VII). We perceive that Gnosticism and Neoplatonism are systems of thought that sometimes converge, and that German thought is one of the places of this convergence. Notwithstanding this perception, it is possible to affirm that Schellingian thought, with its valorization of time and of a certain perception of evil, is essentially anti-gnostic, despite some contrary observations


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Cet article a comme objectif présenter la contribution de la Psychologie Historique-Culturelle pour l'analyse critique de l'évaluation psychoéducationnel traditionnel et postuler les fondements pour la nouvelle modalité évaluative. Cette proposition se justifie à cause de l'actuelle révitalisation de l'usage des testes padronisés pour la mensuration des fonctions psychologiques, dues à la vulgarisation de la neuropsychologie. Historiquement les testes padronisés servent comme instrument pour attester cientifiquement l'idéologie de l'égalité entre les hommes dans la societé capitaliste que se maintient à travers de l'expropriation et de l'exclusion. En outre, il existe une forte tendence à attendre que les résultats expliquent l'intelligence comme inée ou considèrent les prédispositions héréditaires pour apprendre, ce qu'on oppose à la comprehénsion que les fonctions mentales sont formées dans le proccès de développement historique-social à travers l'appropriation de la culture humaine. Il est nécessaire donc une évaluation qui considère les médiations sociales (des instruments et des signes) comme constituants des fonctions psychologiques encourageant le développement de tous les individus et la non légitimation de l'exclusion sociale.


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This research aimed to analyze the forms of ownership and use of urban land in Cidade Nova, third official neighborhood of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte), between 1901 and 1929. During this period, the city and state authorities began an urban renewal, trying to transform the city, represent it as a new, modernized, able to track the progress and the new political condition of the capital of a republican state. It is observed in Cidade Nova construction of a new material and symbolic territory: the area that was once occupied by huts built by refugees of drought and some summer houses, was, from 1901, transformed, scanned through a urban plan. In Natal various municipal resolutions published between 1901-1929, showed the desires of the group leader to build on Cidade Nova neighborhood a delightful, modernized its structures to reflect the new political condition of the capital of a republican state. The analyzes of the edicts of the materials published in the newspapers A Republica and Diário do Natal, and especially the study of letters of aforamento, demonstrated how many laws were not enforced or resignified, highlighting the existing continuities. Thus, throughout the paper aims to examine how this territory was occupied and used by its inhabitants, such as the granting of land in aforamento may exemplify this practice and noncompliance and how the land was used to consolidate relations of influence and power. After all, the values given to a space, turning it into territory, resulting from the social dimension of this space, in other words, the social categories that use it. Cannot be, therefore, analyze the ways of appropriation and use of urban land in the third neighborhood of Natal without studying individuals who appropriated and used this territory. The study of the allocation of extant aforamentos of land located in this neighborhood process demonstrated the formation of a specific type of market that were at stake not only economic exchanges, but also, and above all symbolic exchanges involving political and social capital. The analysis of such personnel developed market with the lands of Cidade Nova may indicate the existing relations of power between state government, Stewardship and tenants, providing a significant example of this modernization Natal early twentieth century process, guided by a more wealthy group and influential and characterized by limited social changes


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The general purpose of the study was the analysis of residents' participation in the program of door-by-door collection of recyclable residuals in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Even though the conception of such program by municipal managers was basically aimed at providing job opportunities and income for the collectors, the main objective of the investigation was to verify whether residents' participation could be attributed to their environmental commitment. Data collection involved three municipal districts and was performed in three stages, with complementary methodological strategies (observation, questionnaire, and interview), and characterized by selfevaluation, by residents, and hetero-evaluation, by collectors. Social, demographic, situational/contextual, and dispositional data were identified to help in the analysis of residents' adherence to the program. Separating and delivering recyclable residuals was the most frequent type of residents' participation, which demonstrates their low level of appropriation of decisions related to the program, taking part on it as passive agents. Two forms of motivation towards participating in the program were found: environmental and social. Despite the first being more frequent, it was associated to lack of environmental awareness related to the process, which may very well imply a mere reproduction of pro-environmental discourse. Motivation towards social issues was strongly connected to philanthropic forms of help. Knowledge was revealed as na important predictor for participation, as well as social networks, formed by neighbors, relatives and friends. Despite the social emphasis in the design of the program, it is possible to conclude that some residents also perceive its environmental benefits, possibly as consequence of a knowledge originated outside the program. Initiatives of environmental education should be promoted in order to minimize the allegation of lack of knowledge as justification for non-participation. Similarly, actions to put together municipal management and population would be welcome, to promote joint decisions towards sustainable styles of life


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The practice of medicine related to the gestational processes tend to be organized according to the context and the place of work, being thus dependent of the conditions both social and economical, and of the physical structure and the functionality of the services. The high mortality rate in this process has diminished, since 1986, the study made by the World Health Organization (WHO) as to the technical aspects and the social inequalities that influence this situation in different geographical contexts. This culminated recommendations that proposed the reorientation of the dynamical practice of medicine, with a focus on the safety of maternities. Brazil adopted, in the year 2000, the suggestions of the OMS, emphasizing the humanization as the main reason for these actions. However, this discussion tends to not consider the problems caused by the social inequalities and the epidemiological and social conditionings that define the actions of the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). In this area, this research seeks to analyze the practices, cares taken, and the universal symbol that promotes and rewards the assistance to the birth of children by the SUS. Besides the analysis of the public documents that deal with this subject, an ethnographic study was developed in a maternity in Natal/RN, considered a model of humanization after receiving the Galba de Araújo prize in 2002. In this stage, the methodological strategies were observed, and the focus of the individual interviews with workers and users of this service. In the analysis of the data, it became evident that the different professional workers and women who gave birth, tend to show concern of the standards the delimit production and reproduction of the practice of medicine, as they favor the absence of a critical posture of the actions destined to the population. Besides this, if became evident that the institutional difficulties associated to the economical, cultural, and political problems also difficult the involvement and the reflection of the workers in favor of assisting changes of the process. There is also a utilization of a perspective prescriptive of humanization in the everyday life of the social workers, without reflection of its meaning. Some workers present, in their statements, a preoccupation with the social and economical aspects that affect the practice of medicine, and with the limitations of the humanization discourse that disarticulates the necessities of those involved in the process of formation, and soon tend to return to the discussion of humanization while a kind practice characterized by the minimization of the interventionist actions. Now the users of the system show themselves before the dynamic of the services, submitting themselves to what is offered while assistance, without questioning and/or reflecting about their usual shortages. Therefore, to think of changes in the know and do of the practice of medicine destined to the birth of children implies reflection on the quotidian production of these practices and of the social contexts that influence the process of assistance in the practice of medicine. Herein it would be possible to predict the appropriation, by different workers concerning their exasperations and necessities, making them active in the pursuit of their rights as citizens


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The accelerated industrialization, coming with the Industrial Revolution, caused profound changes in the working world. These changes led to the households risks from work environment. Trying to assist comprehensively the health of workers, Brazil has a program of Health Care Workers in the Primary Care, and the Family Health Strategy is the main entrance for this system. The study sought to determine if the actions of the health care worker have been developed in primary care through the Family Health Strategy. This is a quantitative study with a methodological evaluation, focusing on normative assessment. The sample was formed by professionals from Team Family Health Strategy, in the municipalities of Pau dos Ferros, Caicó and Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The sample consists of 202 professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Assistant / Technician Nursing and Community Health Workers) in 52 Health Family Units from the 3 municipalities cited. The instrument used consists of a checklist, from Manual of Primary Care 5 - Family Health - Occupational Health, Ministry of Health. The data were analyzed describing the variables by its frequency and doing a classification of cities from the scores obtained by each. It was observed that the Family Health professionals know the program of health care worker, however do not know the Manual of Primary Care 5, which is a guidance tool. As a result of non-appropriation of the FHT professionals with worker health, these activities are not performed, mainly surveillance in occupational health and health education labor


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O texto analisa a Arquivologia e sua relação com a mediação da informação. Defende que a base teórica da Arquivologia proporciona condições fundamentais para que, no âmbito da prática, se desenvolvam operações metodológicas que resultem no tratamento adequado dos documentos. Dessa forma, ressaltando a práxis arquivística, compreende-se a utilização de instrumentos e técnicas como uma mediação de sistemas, na qual as etapas da metodologia arquivística atendem ao objetivo primordial de organização de massas documentais, possibilitando seu tratamento, com o propósito de recuperar e disponibilizar as informações dos respectivos conjuntos documentais. A atuação técnica de profissionais da informação, especificamente do arquivista, nesse contexto, já configura uma mediação, mas uma mediação, sobretudo, que lida com a protoinformação. Dessa forma, argumenta-se que é necessário entender como essa protoinformação torna-se informação. Afirma-se que, nesse sentido, a mediação da informação apresenta-se como objeto que vislumbra tal compreensão, partindo, para tanto, do parâmetro da apropriação da informação dos usuários-pesquisadores do arquivo e sua produção e/ou alteração do conhecimento resultante da relação com esse ambiente, para garantir, de fato, uma mediação da informação arquivística. Advoga que essa perspectiva inovadora da mediação da informação nos arquivos, caracteriza uma abordagem que carece de maiores reflexões na área.