544 resultados para Aneurysm dissecting


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Sedimentology, mineralogy, and petrology of the pre-Pliocene sediments drilled at ODP Sites 652 and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Leg 107) have been studied with emphasis on the lower Messinian to pre-Messinian intervals. Messinian at Site 652 is essentially turbiditic and basinal in character; it was deposited during the syn-rift phase in a strongly subsiding half-graben and is correlatable with emerged coeval sequences; in part with the Laga Formation of the foredeep of Apennines, and in part with the filling of grabens dissecting that chain in the Tyrrhenian portion of Tuscany. The sequence found in Site 654 indicates an upper Tortonian to Messinian transgression accompanying crustal stretching in the western Tyrrhenian Sea and is perfectly correlatable with the so-called "Sahelian cycle" and with "postorogenic" cycles recognized in peninsular Italy and in Sicily.


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Endolithic bioerosion is difficult to analyse and to describe, and it usually requires damaging of the sample material. Sponge erosion (Entobia) may be one of the most difficult to evaluate as it is simultaneously macroscopically inhomogeneous and microstructurally intricate. We studied the bioerosion traces of the two Australian sponges Cliona celata Grant, 1826 (sensu Schönberg 2000) and Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900 with a newly available radiographic technology: high resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (MCT). MCT allows non-destructive visualisation of live and dead structures in three dimensions and was compared to traditional microscopic methods. MCT and microscopy showed that C. celata bioerosion was more intense in the centre and branched out in the periphery. In contrast, C. orientalis produced a dense, even trace meshwork and caused an overall more intense erosion pattern than C. celata. Extended pioneering filaments were not usually found at the margins of the studied sponge erosion, but branches ended abruptly or tapered to points. Results obtained with MCT were similar in quality to observations from transparent optical spar under the dissecting microscope. Microstructures could not be resolved as well as with e.g. scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Even though sponge scars and sponge chips were easily recognisable on maximum magnification MCT images, they lacked the detail that is available from SEM. Other drawbacks of MCT involve high costs and presently limited access. Even though MCT cannot presently replace traditional techniques such as corrosion casts viewed by SEM, we obtained valuable information. Especially for the possibility to measure endolithic pore volumes, we regard MCT as a very promising tool that will continue to be optimised. A combination of different methods will produce the best results in the study of Entobia.


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Gravelly clay loamy and clayey soils developed from the derivatives of ultramafic rocks of the dunite-harzburgite complex of the Rai-Iz massif in the Polar Urals have been studied. They are represented by raw-humus pelozems (weakly developed clayey soils) under conditions of perfect drainage on steep slopes and by the gleyzems (Gleysols) with vivid gley color patterns in the eluvial positions on leveled elements of the relief. The magnesium released from the silicates with the high content of this element (mainly from olivine) specifies the neutral-alkaline reaction in these soils. Cryoturbation, the accumulation of raw humus, the impregnation of the soil mass with humic substances, gleyzation, and the ferrugination of the gleyed horizons are also clearly pronounced in the studied soils. Despite the high pH values, the destruction of supergene smectites in the upper horizons and ferrugination (the accumulation of iron hydroxides) in the microfissures dissecting the grains of olivine, pyroxene, and serpentine, and in decomposing plant tissues take place. The development of these processes may be related to the local acidification (neutralization) of the soil medium under the impact of biota and carbonic acids. The specificity of gleyzation in the soils developing from ultra-mafic rocks is shown in the absence of iron depletion from the fine earth material against the background of the greenish blue gley color pattern.


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The prosome length of copepods from each station was measured on board with a dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer. Individuals were placed in pre-weighed tin caps and dried for 48 h at 60°C on board. Dry samples were transferred to the AWI and weighed again. Copepod dry mass was then calculated as the difference between the empty weight and the weight of the tin cap containing one individual. The content of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) then was analysed with a CN-analyser (EuroEA Element Analyser, Hekatech) with acetanilide as standard.


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La Tesis Doctoral nace con una intensa vocación pedagógica. La hipótesis de trabajo se establece en torno a una cuestión de interés personal, un tema sobre el que se vertebran, desde el comienzo del doctorado, los diferentes cursos y trabajos de investigación: LA CASA DOMÍNGUEZ como paradigma de la dialéctica en la obra de Alejandro de la Sota. La clasificación de la realidad en categorías antagónicas determina un orden conceptual polarizado, una red de filiaciones excluyentes sobre las que Sota construye su personal protocolo operativo: la arquitectura intelectual o popular, experimental o tradicional, universal o local, ligera o pesada, elevada o enterrada, etc. Se propone el abordaje de una cuestión latente en el conjunto de la obra ‘sotiana’, desde la disección y el análisis de una de sus obras más pequeñas: la casa Domínguez. Se trata de una organización sin precedentes, que eleva la estrategia dialéctica al paroxismo: la vivienda se separa en dos estratos independientes, la zona de día, elevada, y la zona de noche, enterrada; cada uno de los estratos establece su propio orden geométrico y constructivo, su propio lenguaje y carácter, su propia identidad e incluso su propio presupuesto. Las relaciones entre interior y exterior se especializan en función de la actividad o el reposo, estableciéndose una compleja red de relaciones, algunas evidentes y otras celosamente veladas, entre los diferentes niveles. La estancia destinada a las tareas activas se proyecta como un objeto de armazón ligero y piel fría; la precisa geometría del cubo delimita la estancia vigilante sobre el paisaje conquistado. La ladera habitada se destina al reposo y se configura como una topografía verde bajo la que se desarrollan los dormitorios en torno a patios, grietas y lucernarios, generando un paisaje propio: la construcción del objeto frente a la construcción del lugar La casa Domínguez constituye uno de los proyectos menos estudiados, y por lo tanto menos celebrados, de la obra de Don Alejandro. Las publicaciones sucesivas reproducen la documentación gráfica junto a la memoria (epopeya) que el propio Sota compone para la publicación del proyecto. Apenas un par de breves textos críticos de Miguel Ángel Baldellou y, recientemente de Moisés Puente, abordan la vivienda como tema monográfico. Sin embargo, la producción de proyecto y obra ocupó a De la Sota un periodo no inferior a diez años, con casi cien planos dibujados para dos versiones de proyecto, la primera de ellas, inédita. El empeño por determinar hasta el último detalle de la ‘pequeña’ obra, conduce a Sota a controlar incluso el mobiliario interior, como hiciera en otras obras ‘importantes’ como el Gobierno Civil de Tarragona, el colegio mayor César Carlos o el edificio de Correos y Telecomunicaciones de León. La complicidad del cliente, mantenida durante casi cuarenta años, habilita el despliegue de una importante colección de recursos y herramientas de proyecto. La elección de la casa Domínguez como tema central de la tesis persigue por lo tanto un triple objetivo: en primer lugar, el abordaje del proyecto como paradigma de la dialéctica ‘sotiana’, analizando la coherencia entre el discurso de carácter heroico y la obra finalmente construida; en segundo lugar, la investigación rigurosa, de corte científico, desde la disección y progresivo desmontaje del objeto arquitectónico; y por último, la reflexión sobre los temas y dispositivos de proyecto que codifican la identificación entre la acción de construir y el hecho de habitar, registrando los aciertos y valorando con actitud crítica aquellos elementos poco coherentes con el orden interno de la propuesta. This doctoral thesis is the fruit of a profound pedagogical vocation. The central hypothesis was inspired by a question of great personal interest, and this interest has, since the very beginning of the doctorate, been the driving force behind all subsequent lines of research and investigation. The “Casa Domínguez” represents a paradigm of the dialectics found in the work of Alejandro de la Sota. The perception of reality as antagonistic categories determines a polarized conceptual order, a network of mutually excluding associations upon which Sota builds his own personal operative protocol: intellectual or popular architecture, experimental or traditional, universal or local, heavy or light, above or below ground, etc. Through the analysis and dissection of the “Casa Domínguez”, one of Sota’s smallest projects, an attempt is made to approach the underlying question posed in “Sotian” work as a whole. This is about organization without precedent, raising the strategic dialectics to levels of paroxysm. The house is divided into two separate levels, the day-time level above ground, and the lower night-time level beneath the surface of the ground. Each level has its own geometrical and stuctural order, its own language and character, its own identity and even has its own construction budget. The interaction between the two areas is centered on the two functions of rest and activity, and this in turn establishes a complex relationship network between both, which is sometimes self-evident, but at other times jealously guarded. The living area designed for daily activity is presented as an object of light structure and delicate skin; the precise geometry of the cube delimiting the ever watchful living area’s domain over the land it has conquered. A green topography is created on the slope below which lies an area adapted for rest and relaxation. Two bedrooms, built around patios, skylights and light crevices, generate an entirely independent environment: the construction of an object as opposed to the creation of a landscape. The “Casa Domínguez” project has been subject to much less scrutiny and examination than Don Alejandro’s other works, and is consequently less well-known. A succession of journals have printed the blueprint document together with a poetic description (epopee), composed by Sota himself, to mark the project’s publication. There has, however, scarcely been more than two brief critical appraisals, those by Miguel Ángel Baldellou and more recently by Moisés Puente, that have regarded the project as a monographic work. The project and works nevertheless occupied no less than ten years of De La Sota’s life, with over a hundred draft drawings for two separate versions of the project, the first of which remains unpublished. The sheer determination to design this “small” work in the most meticulous detail, drove Sota to manage and select its interior furniture, as indeed he had previously done with more “important” works like the Tarragona Civil Government, César Carlos College, or the Post Office telecommunications building in León. Client collaboration, maintained over a period of almost forty years, has facilitated an impressive array of the project’s tools and resources. The choice of “Casa Domínguez” as the central subject matter of this thesis, was made in pursuance of a triple objective: firstly, to approach the project as a paradigm of the “Sotian” dialectic, the analysis of the discourse between the heroic character and the finished building; secondly, a rigorous scientific investigation, and progressive disassembling and dissecting of the architectonic object; and finally, a reflection on aspects of the project and its technology which codify the identification between the action of construction and the reality of living, thus marking its achievements, whilst at the same time subjecting incoherent elements of the proposal’s established order to a critical evaluation.


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The mechanical properties of aortic wall, both healthy and pathological, are needed in order to develop and improve diagnostic and interventional criteria, and for the development of mechanical models to assess arterial integrity. This study focuses on the mechanical behaviour and rupture conditions of the human ascending aorta and its relationship with age and pathologies. Fresh ascending aortic specimens harvested from 23 healthy donors, 12 patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and 14 with aneurysm were tensile-tested in vitro under physiological conditions. Tensile strength, stretch at failure and elbow stress were measured. The obtained results showed that age causes a major reduction in the mechanical parameters of healthy ascending aortic tissue, and that no significant differences are found between the mechanical strength of aneurysmal or BAV aortic specimens and the corresponding age-matched control group. The physiological level of the stress in the circumferential direction was also computed to assess the physiological operation range of healthy and diseased ascending aortas. The mean physiological wall stress acting on pathologic aortas was found to be far from rupture, with factors of safety (defined as the ratio of tensile strength to the mean wall stress) larger than six. In contrast, the physiological operation of pathologic vessels lays in the stiff part of the response curve, losing part of its function of damping the pressure waves from the heart.