1000 resultados para Andral, Gr
Esta guía ha sido elaborada y editada como parte de las actividades del proyecto de investigación “Como mejorar la recuperación de costes derivados de la asistencia sanitaria a ciudadanos de la Unión Europea en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía”. Inés García-Sánchez, editora
The publication of a draft of the human genome and of large collections of transcribed sequences has made it possible to study the complex relationship between the transcriptome and the genome. In the work presented here, we have focused on mapping mRNA 3' ends onto the genome by use of the raw data generated by the expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing projects. We find that at least half of the human genes encode multiple transcripts whose polyadenylation is driven by multiple signals. The corresponding transcript 3' ends are spread over distances in the kilobase range. This finding has profound implications for our understanding of gene expression regulation and of the diversity of human transcripts, for the design of cDNA microarray probes, and for the interpretation of gene expression profiling experiments.
Benzodiazepines and hypnotic Z-drugs are indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia and anxiety (4 weeks maximum) at the lowest dose possible. Despite the recommendations for short-term use and its unfavourable effects, the level of consumption of benzodiazepines in our context is high and it is continually rising. Prolonged medication usage is associated with adverse effects and significant risks, particularly in the elderly, and should, therefore, be avoided when approaching new treatment. If a previous treatment assessed is found to be inappropriate, its possible withdrawal must be considered. Benzodiazepines withdrawal is based on a gradual dose reduction and should be managed by establishing a doctor-patient relationship of trust to encourage and accomplish discontinuation.
Pharmacological treatment of patients with stable COPD should be individualised. Inhaled bronchodilators are the mainstay of pharmacological treatment for COPD. Long-acting medications (LABA or LAMA) are recommended over short-acting agents (SABA or SAMA). Short-acting bronchodilators are used on demand to rapidly control symptoms regardless of level of severity. Long-acting bronchodilators are used as maintenance therapy and are the mainstay of treatment in patients with permanent symptoms. Initial treatment for COPD is monotherapy with a long-acting bronchodilator. Clinical practice guidelines do not specify the best bronchodilator to use. The choice should be made on an individual basis, taking into account the patient’s preferences, response to treatment, its potential side effects and cost. When monotherapy fails to control symptoms, the first recommended step is to check medication adherence, inhaler technique and adequacy of inhalation device, and if these are correct but monotherapy is still insufficient, treatment should be intensified with combined inhaled therapies. Most clinical practice guidelines recommend the use of long-term therapy with LABA+inhaled corticosteroids in patients who experience frequent exacerbations and with FEV1 <50%. Long-term monotherapy with inhaled corticosteroids or oral corticosteroids is not recommended, and neither is the regular use of mucolytics nor the use of roflumilast.
Gairebé 182 milions d'ciutadans de la Unió Europea (= 37,5% de la població total) viuen en aproximadament 130 regions frontereres i transfrontereres. Aquestes regions contribueixen significativament al procés d'integració europea. Aquesta importància es documenta pel paquet dels Fons Estructurals 2007-2013, que ha estat presentat per la Comissió Europea i que va ser aprovat recentment pel Parlament Europeu. Considerant que la UE ha gastat uns 4875 € milions per a la cooperació transfronterera, transnacional i interregional en el marc de la iniciativa Interreg per al període 2000-2006, la cooperació territorial europea es convertirà en un dels tres objectius dels fons estructurals i rebrà € 7750000000 (5,57 milions d'euros per a la cooperació transfronterera només) per al període 2007-2013 (Comissió Europea, 2006a, 2006b). A part d'això, un nou conjunt de normes per a l'establiment d'una "agrupació europea de cooperació territorial" (AECT) ha estat adoptat i que facilitarà la cooperació transboundray, transnacional i interregional a la UE. Aquest treball s'ocuparà de les estructures de la institucionalització, la presa de decisions i l'execució i les polítiques de la "Gran Regió" / "Großregion" (d'ara endavant: GR o Gran Regió).