991 resultados para Amplatzer prosthesis
Background: Screening for osteoporosis is important in older patients admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. However, DXA measurement is sometimes difficult to perform because of difficulties in positioning the patient and artefacts (osteoarthritis, prosthesis). The objectives were to determine the prevalence of unknown clinical osteoporosis in rehab patients and to determine new strategies for identifying clinical osteoporosis in this population. Method: Over a 9-months period, patients consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation were included in th stdy. Patients with osteoporosis diagnosis, and those with terminal illness or severe physical limitations were excluded. Patients underwent Bone Mineral Density (BMD) by DXA and Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA). Clinical osteoporosis was defined as BMD ≤-2.5 SD at any site (lumbar spine, femoral neck, total hip or distal radius), ≥1 vertebral fracture, ≥1 hip fracture, or another fragility fracture and BMD ≤-2 SD. Results: Overall, 102 (17.0%) of the 600 patients admitted to rehab refused to participate in the study or were unable to consent. Among the 498 remaining patients, 99 (19.9%) were excluded because of already known diagnosis of osteoporosis, 101 (20.3%) were excluded because of terminal illness, severe physical limitations, and 45 (9.0%) because of inability to perform DXA during the stay (death, hospital transfer). Overall, 253 patients were assessed with DXA and VFA (166 women, mean age 83±7 years, mean BMI 27±6 kg/m2, and 87 men, mean age 82±6 yrs, mean BMI 27±5 kg/m2). Of these, 70% had history of fall during the last 6 months and 9.1% had hip fracture history. Prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fracture was 36% in women and 32% in men. Overall, 152 (60.1%) patients had clinical osteoporosis (women: 67%; men: 46%) according to above criteria. Hip fracture history and vertebral fracture assessment identified correctly 105 (69.1%) of these 152 patients. Conclusion: A high prevalence of osteoporosis was observed in this population of rehab patients. Osteoporosis status should be systematically assessed in these patients at high fall risk, at least with careful history of hip fracture and an assessment for vertebral fractures with spine X-ray.
Introduction: Zygomatic implants are a good rehabilitation alternative for upper maxilla with severe bone reabsorption. These implants reduce the need for onlay-type bone grafting in the posterior sectors and for maxillary sinus lift procedures - limiting the use of bone grafts to the anterior zone of the upper jaw in those cases where grafting is considered necessary. Objective: To evaluate the survival of 101 zygomatic implants placed in upper maxilla presenting important bone reabsorption, with a follow-up of 1-72 months. Patients and methods: A retrospective study was made of 101 Zygoma® implants (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) placed in 54 patients with totally edentulous and atrophic upper maxilla, in the period between 1998-2004. There were 35 women and 19 men, subjected to rehabilitation in the form of fixed prostheses and overdentures using 1-2 zygomatic implants and 2-7 implants in the anterior maxillary zone. The principal study variables were smoking, a history of sinusitis, the degree of bone reabsorption, and peri-implant bone loss, among others. Results: The descriptive analysis of the 101 zygomatic implants placed in 54 patients with a mean age of 56 years (range 38-75) yielded a percentage survival of 96.04%, with four failed implants that were removed (two before and two after prosthetic loading). Nine patients were smokers, and none of the 54 subjects reported a history of sinus disorders. Discussion and conclusions: Zygomatic implants are designed for use in compromised upper maxilla. They allow the clinician to shorten the treatment time, affording an interesting alternative for fixed prosthetic rehabilitation. This study confirms that zygomatic bone offers predictable anchorage and acceptable support function for prostheses in atrophic jaws. However, these implants are not without complications. Longer-term evaluations are needed of zygomatic implant survival in order to establish a correct clinical prognosis
Accurate measurement of knee kinematics during functional activities suffers mainly from soft tissue artifact (STA): the combination of local surface deformations and rigid movement of markers relative to the underlying bone (also called rigid STA movement: RSTAM). This study proposes to assess RSTAM on the thigh, shank, and knee joint and to observe possible features between subjects. Nineteen subjects with knee arthroplasty were asked to walk on a treadmill while a biplane fluoroscopic system (X-rays) and a stereophotogrammetric system (skin markers) recorded their knee movement. The RSTAM was defined as the rigid movement of the cluster of skin markers relative to the prosthesis. The results showed that RSTAM amplitude represents approximately 80-100% of the STA. The vertical axis of the anatomical frame of the femur was influenced the most by RSTAM. Combined with tibial error, internal/external rotation angle and distraction-compression were the knee kinematics parameters most affected by RSTAM during the gait cycle, with average rms values of 3.8° and 11.1 mm. This study highlighted higher RSTAM during the swing phase particularly in the thigh segment and suggests new features for RSTAM such as the particular shape of some RSTAM waveforms and the absence of RSTAM in certain kinematics during the gait phases. The comparison of coefficient of multiple correlations showed some similarities of RSTAM between subjects, while some correlations were found with gait speed and BMI. These new insights could potentially allow the development of new methods of compensation to avoid STA.
IMPORTANCE: There are limited prospective, controlled data evaluating survival in patients receiving early surgery vs medical therapy for prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE). OBJECTIVE: To determine the in-hospital and 1-year mortality in patients with PVE who undergo valve replacement during index hospitalization compared with patients who receive medical therapy alone, after controlling for survival and treatment selection bias. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Participants were enrolled between June 2000 and December 2006 in the International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study (ICE-PCS), a prospective, multinational, observational cohort of patients with infective endocarditis. Patients hospitalized with definite right- or left-sided PVE were included in the analysis. We evaluated the effect of treatment assignment on mortality, after adjusting for biases using a Cox proportional hazards model that included inverse probability of treatment weighting and surgery as a time-dependent covariate. The cohort was stratified by probability (propensity) for surgery, and outcomes were compared between the treatment groups within each stratum. INTERVENTIONS: Valve replacement during index hospitalization (early surgery) vs medical therapy. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: In-hospital and 1-year mortality. RESULTS: Of the 1025 patients with PVE, 490 patients (47.8%) underwent early surgery and 535 individuals (52.2%) received medical therapy alone. Compared with medical therapy, early surgery was associated with lower in-hospital mortality in the unadjusted analysis and after controlling for treatment selection bias (in-hospital mortality: hazard ratio [HR], 0.44 [95% CI, 0.38-0.52] and lower 1-year mortality: HR, 0.57 [95% CI, 0.49-0.67]). The lower mortality associated with surgery did not persist after adjustment for survivor bias (in-hospital mortality: HR, 0.90 [95% CI, 0.76-1.07] and 1-year mortality: HR, 1.04 [95% CI, 0.89-1.23]). Subgroup analysis indicated a lower in-hospital mortality with early surgery in the highest surgical propensity quintile (21.2% vs 37.5%; P = .03). At 1-year follow-up, the reduced mortality with surgery was observed in the fourth (24.8% vs 42.9%; P = .007) and fifth (27.9% vs 50.0%; P = .007) quintiles of surgical propensity. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Prosthetic valve endocarditis remains associated with a high 1-year mortality rate. After adjustment for differences in clinical characteristics and survival bias, early valve replacement was not associated with lower mortality compared with medical therapy in the overall cohort. Further studies are needed to define the effect and timing of surgery in patients with PVE who have indications for surgery.
Nous avons fait un examen clinique de 30 cas de contention postorthodontique avec attelle rigide en résine, de canine à canine sur les deux maxillaires. On décrit la fabrication de l'attelle, sa mise en place, les incidents possibles ou les problèmes cliniques apparus (mauvaise adhérence, gingivite ...) et les aspects psychologiques ou subjectifs du patient
PURPOSE: Incisional hernia (IH) is one of the most frequent postoperative complications. Of all patients undergoing IH repair, a vast amount have a hernia which can be defined as a large incisional hernia (LIH). The aim of this study is to identify the preferred technique for LIH repair. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed and studies describing patients with IH with a diameter of 10 cm or a surface of 100 cm2 or more were included. Recurrence hazards per year were calculated for all techniques using a generalized linear model. RESULTS: Fifty-five articles were included, containing 3,945 LIH repairs. Mesh reinforced techniques displayed better recurrence rates and hazards than techniques without mesh reinforcement. Of all the mesh techniques, sublay repair, sandwich technique with sublay mesh and aponeuroplasty with intraperitoneal mesh displayed the best results (recurrence rates of <3.6%, recurrence hazard <0.5% per year). Wound complications were frequent and most often seen after complex LIH repair. CONCLUSIONS: The use of mesh during LIH repair displayed the best recurrence rates and hazards. If possible mesh in sublay position should be used in cases of LIH repair.
Certain situations and pathological processes that arise with temporomandibular joint destruction can only be resolved with surgical reconstructive procedures in order to attempt a functional and anatomical rehabilitation of this joint. Many of these situations can be surgically treated with the patient's own autologous tissues. However, in some patients reconstruction is complex and the use of autologous tissues is unadvisable whereas reconstruction utilizing alloplastic materials may be an appropriate alternative. The following report describes 4 clinical cases in which autologous grafts or Christensen joint prosthesis are employed in temporomandibular joint reconstruction
Implant fracture is an infrequent cause of implant failure. The present study evaluates 21 fractured implants, with an analysis of patient age and sex, the type, length and diameter of the implant, positioning in the dental arch, the type of prosthetic rehabilitation involved, the number of abutments and pontics, the presence or absence of distal extensions or cantilevers, and loading time to fracture. Implant fracture was more common in males than in females (15:4), and the mean patient age was 56.9 years. Most cases (n = 19) corresponded to implant-supported fixed prostheses - 16 with cantilevers of different lengths- while only two fractured implants were supporting overdentures instead of fixed prostheses. The great majority of fractured implants (80.9%) were located in the molar and premolar regions, and most fractured within 3-4 years after loading. It is important to know and apply the measures required to prevent implant fracture, and to seek the best individualized solution for each case - though complete implant removal is usually the treatment of choice
The present study was initiated with the aim to assess the in vivo electrochemical corrosion behaviour of CoCrMo biomedical alloys in human synovial fluids in an attempt to identify possible patient or pathology specific effects. For this, electrochemical measurements (open circuit potential OCP, polarization resistance Rp, potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS) were carried out on fluids extracted from patients with different articular pathologies and prosthesis revisions. Those electrochemical measurements could be carried out with outstanding precision and signal stability. The results show that the corrosion behaviour of CoCrMo alloy in synovial fluids not only depends on material reactivity but also on the specific reactions of synovial fluid components, most likely involving reactive oxygen species. In some patients the latter were found to determine the whole cathodic and anodic electrochemical response. Depending on patients, corrosion rates varied significantly between 50 and 750mgdm(-2)year(-1).
The purpose of this study is to investigate the orthodontic and orthopaedic real effects of the Klammt's Elastic Open Activator (EOA) in 25 Class II Division 1 patients in growing period. We wanted to determine statistically the cephalometrics changes produced in the patients, comparing the lateral cranium teleradiographies we took for the diagnosis with the ones we took at the end of treatment. At the end of this study we confirm that by using the EOA we obtained the desired effects, especially reducing the molar relation 2.53 mm and the overjet 2.56 mm. The EOA corrected the inclination and protrusion of incisors, although we cannot avoid the use of fixed appliances to round off. The reduction of 2.48 mm of facial convexity stands out as the most important skeletal effect; the facial depth angle increases 0.8 degree, and the maxillary depth decreases 1.16 degrees. The length of the mandibular corpus also increases 6.7 mm, although this change is mainly due to the growth of the patient. The changes in the aesthetic profile do not stand out
OBJECTIVES: To learn upon incidence, underlying mechanisms and effectiveness of treatment strategies in patients with central airway and pulmonary parenchymal aorto-bronchial fistulation after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). METHODS: Analysis of an international multicentre registry (European Registry of Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications) between 2001 and 2012 with a total caseload of 4680 TEVAR procedures (14 centres). RESULTS: Twenty-six patients with a median age of 70 years (interquartile range: 60-77) (35% female) were identified. The incidence of either central airway (aorto-bronchial) or pulmonary parenchymal (aorto-pulmonary) fistulation (ABPF) in the entire cohort after TEVAR in the study period was 0.56% (central airway 58%, peripheral parenchymal 42%). Atherosclerotic aneurysm formation was the leading indication for TEVAR in 15 patients (58%). The incidence of primary endoleaks after initial TEVAR was n = 10 (38%), of these 80% were either type I or type III endoleaks. Fourteen patients (54%) developed central left bronchial tree lesions, 11 patients (42%) pulmonary parenchymal lesions and 1 patient (4%) developed a tracheal lesion. The recognized mechanism of ABPF was external compression of the bronchial tree in 13 patients (50%), the majority being due to endoleak formation, further ischaemia due to extensive coverage of bronchial feeding arteries in 3 patients (12%). Inflammation and graft erosion accounted for 4 patients (30%) each. Cumulative survival during the entire study period was 39%. Among deaths, 71% were attributed to ABPF. There was no difference in survival in patients having either central airway or pulmonary parenchymal ABPF (33 vs 45%, log-rank P = 0.55). Survival with a radical surgical approach was significantly better when compared with any other treatment strategy in terms of overall survival (63 vs 32% and 63 vs 21% at 1 and 2 years, respectively), as well as in terms of fistula-related survival (63 vs 43% and 63 vs 43% at 1 and 2 years, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: ABPF is a rare but highly lethal complication after TEVAR. The leading mechanism behind ABPF seems to be a continuing external compression of either the bronchial tree or left upper lobe parenchyma. In this setting, persisting or newly developing endoleak formation seems to play a crucial role. Prognosis does not differ in patients with central airway or pulmonary parenchymal fistulation. Radical bronchial or pulmonary parenchymal repair in combination with stent graft removal and aortic reconstruction seems to be the most durable treatment strategy.
Segment poses and joint kinematics estimated from skin markers are highly affected by soft tissue artifact (STA) and its rigid motion component (STARM). While four marker-clusters could decrease the STA non-rigid motion during gait activity, other data, such as marker location or STARM patterns, would be crucial to compensate for STA in clinical gait analysis. The present study proposed 1) to devise a comprehensive average map illustrating the spatial distribution of STA for the lower limb during treadmill gait and 2) to analyze STARM from four marker-clusters assigned to areas extracted from spatial distribution. All experiments were realized using a stereophotogrammetric system to track the skin markers and a bi-plane fluoroscopic system to track the knee prosthesis. Computation of the spatial distribution of STA was realized on 19 subjects using 80 markers apposed on the lower limb. Three different areas were extracted from the distribution map of the thigh. The marker displacement reached a maximum of 24.9mm and 15.3mm in the proximal areas of thigh and shank, respectively. STARM was larger on thigh than the shank with RMS error in cluster orientations between 1.2° and 8.1°. The translation RMS errors were also large (3.0mm to 16.2mm). No marker-cluster correctly compensated for STARM. However, the coefficient of multiple correlations exhibited excellent scores between skin and bone kinematics, as well as for STARM between subjects. These correlations highlight dependencies between STARM and the kinematic components. This study provides new insights for modeling STARM for gait activity.
Objectives: The growing interest in minimally invasive surgery, together with the possibility of fitting prostheses with immediate function, have led to the development of software capable of planning and manufacturing a surgical guide and prosthesis that can be placed upon conclusion of the implant surgery step. The present study evaluates the surgical and prosthetic complications of implant treatment with the guided surgery technique, together with patient comfort during and after treatment. Patients and methods: A retrospective observational study was made of 19 patients with partially or totally edentulous upper and/or lower maxillae, involving the placement of a total of 122 implants. All cases were planned and operated upon with the guided surgery technique. Results: A total of 122 implants were placed in 14 males and 5 females. The intraoperative surgical complications comprised a lack of primary stability, while the postoperative complications consisted of infections and a lack of implant osteointegration. Ten implants failed. The prosthetic complications in turn comprised loosening of the provisional prosthesis screws, prosthesis tooth fracture, and a lack of passive fit of the immediate prosthesis. The degree of patient satisfaction was evaluated using a verbal scale. Conclusions: Implant restoration with the guided surgery technique and immediate functional loading is a predictable procedure, provided patient selection and the surgical technique are adequate, affording lesser postoperative morbidity and increased patient satisfaction thanks to the immediate restoration of esthetics and function
Different therapeutic options for prosthetic joint infections exist, but surgery remains the key. With a two-stage exchange procedure, a success rate above 90% can be expected. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the optimal duration between explantation and the reimplantation in a two-stage procedure. The aim of this study was to retrospectively compare treatment outcomes between short-interval and long-interval two-stage exchanges. Patients having a two-stage exchange of a hip or knee prosthetic joint infection at Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland) between 1999 and 2013 were included. The satisfaction of the patient, the function of the articulation and the eradication of infection, were compared between patients having a short (2 to 4 weeks) versus a long (4 weeks and more) interval during a two-stage procedure. Patient satisfaction was defined as good if the patient did not have pain and bad if the patient had pain. Functional outcome was defined good if the patient had a prosthesis in place and could walk, medium if the prosthesis was in place but the patient could not walk, and bad if the prosthesis was no longer in place. Infection outcome was considered good if there had been no re-infection and bad if there had been a re-infection of the prosthesis 145 patients (100 hips, 45 knees) were identified with a median age of 68 years (range 19-103). The median hospital stay was 58 days (range 10-402). The median follow-up was 12.9 months (range 0.5-152). 28 % and 72 % of the patients had a short-interval and long-interval exchange of the prosthesis, respectively. Patient satisfaction, functional outcome and infection outcome for patients having a short versus a long interval are reported in the Table. The patient satisfaction was higher when a long interval was performed whereas the functional and infection outcomes were higher when a short interval was performed. According to this study a short-interval exchange appears preferable to a long interval, especially in the view of treatment effectiveness and functional outcome.