978 resultados para Ammonium, dissolved
The nutritional management of seedlings in the nursery is one of the most important practices that influence seedling quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the development of Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings grown in 250 cm containers with a commercial substrate in the North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications, each replication being represented by 24 seedlings. The treatments were: control (only commercial substrate); nitrogen fertilization (150 g m-3 N using ammonium sulfate + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage); phosphorus fertilization (300 g P2O 5 m-3 using simple superphosphate); potassium fertilization (100 g m-3 K2O using potassium chloride + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage) and; complete (a mixture of the three nutrients, 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride). The commercial substrate was composted milled pine bark plus vermiculite. Evaluations of the seedlings were performed at 90 days after sowing. The complete treatment (NPK) gave the highest values for biometric and best plant indices, which express the quality. When analyzing nutrients in isolation; potassium had the lowest effect. Based on these results it can be recommended to fertilize Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings in nurseries with 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, plus 1.0 kg of sulfate ammonium and 0.3 kg of potassium chloride applied in coverage.
After harvest, sugarcane residues left on the soil surface can alter nitrogen (N) dynamics in the plant-soil system. In Oxisols, the nitrogen fertilizer applied had its effects on the levels of ammonium and nitrate in the soil, N concentration in the plant leaves, and on the growth and productivity of second ratoon plants. The N rates tested were of 0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 kg ha-1. Each treatment was replicated four times. Four months after the experiment was started, ammonium and nitrate concentration in the soil, N levels in plant leaves, and plant growth were evaluated. Productivity was evaluated 11 months after the experiment was set. By increasing the content of mineral N in soil, plant growth variables reflected differences in the production of stems; however, it did not affect foliar N. The use of leaf analysis was not important to assess the nutritional status of nitrogen in the ratoon sugarcane. Nitrogen concentration in soil was affected by nitrogen fertilization, but not the N content in leaves. The rate of 138 kg N ha-1enabled greater production of sugarcane stalks (140 t ha-1). © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
This work presents the first study and development of an electronic tongue analysis system for the monitoring of nitrogen stable species: nitrate, nitrite and ammonium in water. The electronic tongue was composed of an array of 15 potentiometric poly(vinyl chloride) membrane sensors sensitive to cations and anions plus an artificial neural network (ANN) response model. The building of the ANN model was performed in a medium containing sodium, potassium, and chloride as interfering ions, thus simulating real environmental samples. The correlation coefficient in the cross-validation of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium was satisfactory in the three cases with values higher than 0.92. Finally, the utility of the proposed system is shown in the monitoring of the photoelectrocatalytic treatment of nitrate. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources and doses of copper (Cu) applied to leaves on growth and nutrition of coffee seedlings. The treatments consisted of combinations of two Cu sources (Cupric Sulfate Ammonium - CSA and Copper Sulfate - CS) and four Cu doses (0, 250, 500 and 1000 g ha-1). The sources of Cu in different doses were dissolved in water, calculated for the application volume of 400 L ha-1. The doses were divided in 3 applications at 20 days. The Cu content and concentration in the leaf, stem, and root in were measured. The dry matter of the leaf, stem, root and total and the utilization, absorption and translocation efficiency, in coffee seedlings were evaluated. In general the Cu content and concentration were obtained for the CS at doses of 250, 500 and 1000 g ha-1 Cu. The maximum increase of total dry matter was 48 and 51 g to CSA and CS, when applied 534 and 668 g ha-1, respectively. The highest utilization and absorption efficiency was found to CSA and CS, respectively. The translocation efficiency was similar for both sources.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os sistemas estuarinos funcionam como importante habitat para várias especies de peixes, atraves das redes de canais de mare. Sob o ponto de vista ecologico, a comunidade ictiofaunística desempenham importante funcao no balanco energetico dos varios niveis tróficos dos ecossistemas estuarinos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou: determinar as distribuições espaco-temporais da ictiofauna; explicar suas características comportamentais e ecologicas; comparar a composicao da biomassa relativa, guildas ecologicas e funcionais em diferentes sistemas estuarinos da costa Norte; investigar a influencia das variaveis bioticas e abioticas e sua correlacao com os padroes biologicos da ictiofauna e identificar alteracoes na integridade biotica dos canais de mare estudados, utilizando a ictiofauna. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de amostragens bimestrais nos canais de mare Iguaiba, Grande e Cristovao, no periodo de janeiro/2006 a setembro/2007, utilizando redes de emalhar e tapagem. Paralelamente, foram tomadas amostras na camada superficial da agua para determinacao das variaveis fisico-quimicos e dos nutrientes inorganicos dissolvidos. Na caracterizacao ecologica das especies, foram empregados indices que estimam a diversidade, equitabilidade e riqueza. O Indice de Integridade Biotica foi aplicado para avaliar os efeitos das possiveis alteracoes ambientais na ictiofauna. Tecnicas univariadas (ANOVA, Kruskall-Wallis) e multivariadas (Cluster, nMDS, SIMPER, COIA e curvas ABC) foram usadas para comparar as especies e os locais de capturas. No total foram capturados 12.219 peixes distribuídos em 55 especies e 27 familias. As familias Sciaenidae, Ariidae, Carangidae, Engraulidae e Mugilidae apresentaram maior riqueza de especies. Ariopsis bonillai e Cetengraulis edentulus, apresentaram maior contribuicao para a formacao de grupos mais similares; Stellifer naso e Cynoscion acoupa foram responsaveis pela dissimilaridade entre os grupos formados. Cerca de 66% dos peixes capturados foram representados por individuos jovens, confirmando a condicao de bercario dos sistemas estuarinos. Os registros ictiofaunisticos entre o Golfao Marajoara e Maranhense apontam a ocorrência de 140 especies. Especies marinhas visitantes ocasionais e de agua doce ocorreram ocasionalmente. Marinhas estuarino-oportunistas e estuarino dependentes apresentaram maior contribuicao no Golfao Maranhense, ja as estuarino residentes apresentaram biomassa elevada em todos os sistemas estuarinos investigados. Detritivoros ocorreram principalmente no Pará e zoobentivoros no Maranhao. A ocorrencia de piscivoros foi inversamente proporcional a abundancia de juvenis. A co-estrutura formada entre variaveis ambientais-peixes foi significativa. As variaveis salinidade, pH, silicato, amonio, fosfato e nitrato influenciaram na estrutura da ictiofauna. Nenhuma especie se associou a ambientes com elevadas concentracoes de nutrientes inorganicos. As curvas ABC demonstraram que o ambiente estuarino encontra-se moderadamente perturbado, enquanto o indice de integridade caracterizou a qualidade ambiental dos canais de mare entre muito pobre a regular. O estudo mostrou que os canais de mare são importantes areas de criacao devido a dominancia de juvenis; a ictiofauna apresenta sazonalidade em relacao aos periodos hidrologicos; a comunidade peixes presente nos canais de mare pode atuar como indicadora da qualidade de ecossistemas submetidos a pulsos de mares. Considera-se, portanto, a protecao dos canais entre-mares dos manguezais uma ação essencial para o manejo dos recursos pesqueiros, uma vez que existe uma forte relacao entre abundancia da ictiofauna e a composição estrutural do habitat.
O estuário do rio Amazonas é notável na Plataforma Continental do Amazonas, onde a presença das águas fluviais foi detectada, mesmo durante o período da diminuição da descarga desse rio, pelos baixos valores de salinidade e altos valores de nutrientes. Contudo, a presença das águas oceânicas também foi marcante. Em relação às fases do ciclo do nitrogênio, o nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido foi a forma predominante, seguido do nitrogênio total particulado, nitrato, amônia e nitrito. Os dados de clorofila a indicaram uma área eutrófica onde há nitrogênio embora os valores da anomalia do nitrogênio inorgânico dissolvido tenham mostrado que ocorre maior remoção do que adição dessa forma nitrogenada na área em estudo. Os resultados das simulações com o modelo bidimensional MAAC-2D confirmaram que as águas ricas em nutrientes são deslocadas para noroeste (dois núcleos em 2,5°N-50°W e 4°N-51°W), pela ação de uma CNB mais forte durante o período de decaimento da vazão dos rios. No período de vazão máxima, estas lentes de águas ricas de nutrientes distribuem-se próximo de 0,5°N-48,5°W, bem como ao longo da plataforma Amazônica rasa (20m-50m profundidade, 1°N-3,5°N), como resultado do espalhamento da água doce de origem continental.
No nordeste do Estado do Pará predomina a agricultura familiar, a qual tem como principais produtos a mandioca e a malva. No processamento desses produtos, os agricultores costumam submergir fardos de mandioca e de malva em águas de igarapés, com a finalidade de amolecer a casca e remover as substâncias tóxicas, no caso da mandioca, ou proporcionar o desfibramento, no caso da malva. Os efeitos dessa prática sobre a qualidade da água fluvial são pouco conhecidos. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa objetivou avaliar os possíveis impactos dessas práticas sobre a hidrobiogeoquímica fluvial em igarapés dessa região. Adotou-se como estratégia coletar amostras de águas fluviais a montante do ponto de lavagem dos produtos, no local de lavagem e a jusante deste local. A fim de conhecer, com maior clareza, as possíveis alterações na química das águas, provocadas pelas lavagens de mandioca e de malva, somou-se à estratégia de campo a realização de experimentos em tanque com vazões de entrada e saída controladas. Em ambas abordagens foram monitoradas as seguintes variáveis hidrobiogeoquímicas no material dissolvido: pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, cálcio, magnésio, potássio, sódio, cloreto, sulfato, fosfato, nitrato, amônio, além de nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico e inorgânico dissolvidos. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o processo de lavagem de raízes de mandioca e de plantas de malva contribuiu para alterar a hidrobiogeoquímica fluvial de pequenos igarapés apenas pontualmente. Porém, algumas das alterações observadas localmente permaneceram por até dez metros a jusante do local de lavagem dos produtos. Nos experimentos em tanque, as alterações foram mais evidentes e uma análise de cluster confirmou a hipótese de que o processamento dos produtos agrícolas enfocados colaborou para alterar a hidrobiogeoquímica fluvial nos igarapés monitorados. O estudo recomenda algumas precauções no tocante às práticas de processamento dos produtos em foco e também a adoção de alguns parâmetros para o monitoramento desses impactos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dioctadecyl-dimethyl-ammonium bromide (DODAB) vesicles can be characterized by their differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms comprised of two endotherms at T (s) a parts per thousand 36 A degrees C and T (m) a parts per thousand 45 A degrees C in the heating, ascribed respectively to the subgel-to-gel and gel-to-liquid crystalline transitions, and two exotherms at T'(m) a parts per thousand 40 A degrees C and T'(s) a parts per thousand 16 A degrees C in the cooling, ascribed respectively to the liquid crystalline-to-gel and gel-to-subgel transitions. It has been reported but not proved that the T (m)-transitions, the T'(m)-transitions, the T (s)-transitions, and the T'(s)-transitions are reverse to each other, displaying hystheresis Delta T (m) a parts per thousand 5 A degrees C and Delta T (s) a parts per thousand 20-25 A degrees C, respectively. By investigating the effects of the initial scanning temperature (T (i)) on the transition enthalpies (Delta H (m), Delta H (s), Delta H'(m) and Delta H'(s)), we have seen that these transitions are the reverse to each other and display different kinetics.
Although many studies have shown that soil solution chemistry can be a reliable indicator of biogeochemical cycling in forest ecosystems, the effects of litter manipulations on the fluxes of dissolved elements in gravitational soil solutions have rarely been investigated. We estimated the fluxes of NH4-N, NO3-N, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) over the first two years after re-planting Eucalyptus trees in the coastal area of Congo. Two treatments were replicated in two blocks after clear-cutting 7-year-old stands: in treatment R, all the litter above the mineral soil was removed before planting, and in a double slash (DS) treatment, the amount of harvest residues was doubled. The soil solutions were sampled down to a depth of 4 m and the water fluxes were estimated using the Hydrus 1D model parameterized from soil moisture measurements in 4 plots. Isotopic and spectroscopic analytical techniques were used to assess the changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) properties throughout the transfer in the soil. The first year after planting, the fluxes of NH4-N, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and DOC in the topsoil of the DS treatment were 2-5 times higher than in R, which showed that litter was a major source of dissolved nutrients. Nutrient fluxes in gravitational solutions decreased sharply in the second year after planting, irrespective of the soil depth, as a result of intense nutrient uptake by Eucalyptus trees. Losses of dissolved nutrients were noticeably low in these Eucalyptus plantations despite a low cation exchange capacity, a coarse soil texture and large amounts of harvest residues left on-site at the clear cut in the DS treatment. All together, these results clarified the strong effect of litter manipulation observed on eucalypt growth in Congolese sandy soils. DOM fluxes, as well as changes in delta C-13, C:N and aromaticity of DOM throughout the soil profile showed that the organic compounds produced in the litter layer were mainly consumed by microorganisms or retained in the topsoil. Below a depth of 15 cm, most of the DOC and the DON originated from the first 2 cm of the soil and the exchanges between soil solutions and soil organic matter were low. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Natural, dissolved U-238-series radionuclides (U, Ra-226, Rn-222) and activity ratios (A.R.s: U-234/U-238; Ra-228/Ra-226) in Continental Intercalaire (Cl) groundwaters and limited samples from the overlying Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifers of Algeria and Tunisia are discussed alongside core measurements for U/Th (and K) in the contexts of radiological water quality, geochemical controls in the aquifer, and water residence times. A redox barrier is characterised downgradient in the Algerian Cl for which a trend of increasing U-234/U-238 A.R.s with decreasing U-contents due to recoil-dominated U-234 solution under reducing conditions allows residence time modelling similar to 500 ka for the highest enhanced A.R. = 3.17. Geochemical modelling therefore identifies waters towards the centre of the Grand Erg Oriental basin as palaeowaters in line with reported C-14 and Cl-36 ages. A similar U-234/U-238 trend is evidenced in a few of the Tunisian CI waters. The paleoage status of these waters is affirmed by both noble gas recharge temperatures and simple modelling of dissolved, radiogenic He-4-contents both for sampled Algerian and Tunisian CI and CT waters. For the regions studied these waters therefore should be regarded as "fossil" waters and treated effectively as a non-renewable resource. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.