964 resultados para Algebric number theory
Vertices are of central importance for constructing QCD bound states out of the individual constituents of the theory, i.e. quarks and gluons. In particular, the determination of three-point vertices is crucial in nonperturbative investigations of QCD. We use numerical simulations of lattice gauge theory to obtain results for the 3-point vertices in Landau-gauge SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in three and four space-time dimensions for various kinematic configurations. In all cases considered, the ghost-gluon vertex is found to be essentially tree-level-like, while the three-gluon vertex is suppressed at intermediate momenta. For the smallest physical momenta, reachable only in three dimensions, we find that some of the three-gluon-vertex tensor structures change sign.
The contribution of the detector dynamics to the weak measurement is analyzed. According to the usual theory [Y. Aharonov, D. Z. Albert, and L. Vaidman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1351 (1988)] the outcome of a weak measurement with preselection and postselection can be expressed as the real part of a complex number: the weak value. By accounting for the Hamiltonian evolution of the detector, here we find that there is a contribution proportional to the imaginary part of the weak value to the outcome of the weak measurement. This is due to the coherence of the probe being essential for the concept of complex weak value to be meaningful. As a particular example, we consider the measurement of a spin component and find that the contribution of the imaginary part of the weak value is sizable.
In this paper, we present an analog of Bell's inequalities violation test for N qubits to be performed in a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer. This can be used to simulate or predict the results for different Bell's inequality tests, with distinct configurations and a larger number of qubits. To demonstrate our scheme, we implemented a simulation of the violation of the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt (CHSH) inequality using a two-qubit NMR system and compared the results to those of a photon experiment. The experimental results are well described by the quantum mechanics theory and a local realistic hidden variables model (LRHVM) that was specifically developed for NMR. That is why we refer to this experiment as a simulation of Bell's inequality violation. Our result shows explicitly how the two theories can be compatible with each other due to the detection loophole. In the last part of this work, we discuss the possibility of testing some fundamental features of quantum mechanics using NMR with highly polarized spins, where a strong discrepancy between quantum mechanics and hidden variables models can be expected.
In this work, we report a systematic investigation of upconversion losses and their effects on fluorescence quantum efficiency and fractional thermal loading in Nd(3+)-doped fluoride glasses. The energy transfer upconversion (gamma(up)) parameter, which describes upconversion losses, was experimentally determined using different methods: thermal lens (TL) technique and steady state luminescence (SSL) measurements. Additionally, the upconversion parameter was also obtained from energy transfer models and excited state absorption measurements. The results reveal that the microscopic treatment provided by the energy transfer models is similar to the macroscopic ones achieved from the TL and SSL measurements because similar gamma(up) parameters were obtained. Besides, the achieved results also point out the migration-assisted energy transfer according to diffusion-limited regime rather than hopping regime as responsible for the upconversion losses in Nd-doped glasses. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Energy gaps are crucial aspects of the electronic structure of finite and extended systems. Whereas much is known about how to define and calculate charge gaps in density-functional theory (DFT), and about the relation between these gaps and derivative discontinuities of the exchange-correlation functional, much less is known about spin gaps. In this paper we give density-functional definitions of spin-conserving gaps, spin-flip gaps and the spin stiffness in terms of many-body energies and in terms of single-particle (Kohn-Sham) energies. Our definitions are as analogous as possible to those commonly made in the charge case, but important differences between spin and charge gaps emerge already on the single-particle level because unlike the fundamental charge gap spin gaps involve excited-state energies. Kohn-Sham and many-body spin gaps are predicted to differ, and the difference is related to derivative discontinuities that are similar to, but distinct from, those usually considered in the case of charge gaps. Both ensemble DFT and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) can be used to calculate these spin discontinuities from a suitable functional. We illustrate our findings by evaluating our definitions for the Lithium atom, for which we calculate spin gaps and spin discontinuities by making use of near-exact Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and, independently, from the single-pole approximation to TDDFT. The many-body corrections to the Kohn-Sham spin gaps are found to be negative, i.e., single-particle calculations tend to overestimate spin gaps while they underestimate charge gaps.
The exact exchange-correlation (XC) potential in time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) is known to develop steps and discontinuities upon change of the particle number in spatially confined regions or isolated subsystems. We demonstrate that the self-interaction corrected adiabatic local-density approximation for the XC potential has this property, using the example of electron loss of a model quantum well system. We then study the influence of the XC potential discontinuity in a real-time simulation of a dissociation process of an asymmetric double quantum well system, and show that it dramatically affects the population of the resulting isolated single quantum wells. This indicates the importance of a proper account of the discontinuities in TDDFT descriptions of ionization, dissociation or charge transfer processes.
The origin of the unique geometry for nitric oxide (NO) adsorption on Pd(111) and Pt(111) surfaces as well as the effect of temperature were studied by density functional theory calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics at finite temperature. We found that at low coverage, the adsorption geometry is determined by electronic interactions, depending sensitively on the adsorption sites and coverages, and the effect of temperature on geometries is significant. At coverage of 0.25 monolayer (ML), adsorbed NO at hollow sites prefer an upright configuration, while NO adsorbed at top sites prefer a tilting configuration. With increase in the coverage up to 0.50 ML, the enhanced steric repulsion lead to the tilting of hollow NO. We found that the tilting was enhanced by the thermal effects. At coverage of 0.75 ML with p(2 x 2)-3NO(fcc+hcp+top) structure, we found that there was no preferential orientation for tilted top NO. The interplay of the orbital hybridization, thermal effects, steric repulsion, and their effects on the adsorption geometries were highlighted at the end.
Background: The inference of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from large-scale expression profiles is one of the most challenging problems of Systems Biology nowadays. Many techniques and models have been proposed for this task. However, it is not generally possible to recover the original topology with great accuracy, mainly due to the short time series data in face of the high complexity of the networks and the intrinsic noise of the expression measurements. In order to improve the accuracy of GRNs inference methods based on entropy (mutual information), a new criterion function is here proposed. Results: In this paper we introduce the use of generalized entropy proposed by Tsallis, for the inference of GRNs from time series expression profiles. The inference process is based on a feature selection approach and the conditional entropy is applied as criterion function. In order to assess the proposed methodology, the algorithm is applied to recover the network topology from temporal expressions generated by an artificial gene network (AGN) model as well as from the DREAM challenge. The adopted AGN is based on theoretical models of complex networks and its gene transference function is obtained from random drawing on the set of possible Boolean functions, thus creating its dynamics. On the other hand, DREAM time series data presents variation of network size and its topologies are based on real networks. The dynamics are generated by continuous differential equations with noise and perturbation. By adopting both data sources, it is possible to estimate the average quality of the inference with respect to different network topologies, transfer functions and network sizes. Conclusions: A remarkable improvement of accuracy was observed in the experimental results by reducing the number of false connections in the inferred topology by the non-Shannon entropy. The obtained best free parameter of the Tsallis entropy was on average in the range 2.5 <= q <= 3.5 (hence, subextensive entropy), which opens new perspectives for GRNs inference methods based on information theory and for investigation of the nonextensivity of such networks. The inference algorithm and criterion function proposed here were implemented and included in the DimReduction software, which is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dimreduction and http://code.google.com/p/dimreduction/.
Let f be a C(r)-diffeomorphism of the closed annulus A that preserves the orientation, the boundary components and the Lebesgue measure. Suppose that f has a lift (f) over tilde to the infinite strip (A) over tilde which has zero Lebesgue measure rotation number. If the rotation number of f restricted to both boundary components of (f) over tilde is positive, then for such a generic f (r >= 16), zero is an interior point of its rotation set. This is a partial solution to a conjecture of P. Boyland.
We simplify the known formula for the asymptotic estimate of the number of deterministic and accessible automata with n states over a k-letter alphabet. The proof relies on the theory of Lagrange inversion applied in the context of generalized binomial series.
We have investigated the stability, electronic properties, Rayleigh (elastic), and Raman (inelastic) depolarization ratios, infrared and Raman absorption vibrational spectra of fullerenols [C(60)(OH)(n)] with different degrees of hydroxylation by using all-electron density-functional-theory (DFT) methods. Stable arrangements of these molecules were found by means of full geometry optimizations using Becke's three-parameter exchange functional with the Lee, Yang, and Parr correlation functional. This DFT level has been combined with the 6-31G(d,p) Gaussian-type basis set, as a compromise between accuracy and capability to treat highly hydroxylated fullerenes, e.g., C(60)(OH)(36). Thus, the molecular properties of fullerenols were systematically analyzed for structures with n=1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 16, 18, 24, 32, and 36. From the electronic structure analysis of these molecules, we have evidenced an important effect related to the weak chemical reactivity of a possible C(60)(OH)(24) isomer. To investigate Raman scattering and the vibrational spectra of the different fullerenols, frequency calculations are carried out within the harmonic approximation. In this case a systematic study is only performed for n=1-4, 8, 10, 16, 18, and 24. Our results give good agreements with the expected changes in the spectral absorptions due to the hydroxylation of fullerenes.
The AdS/CFT duality has established a mapping between quantities in the bulk AdS black-hole physics and observables in a boundary finite-temperature field theory. Such a relationship appears to be valid for an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions, extrapolating the original formulations of Maldacena`s correspondence. In the same sense properties like the hydrodynamic behavior of AdS black-hole fluctuations have been proved to be universal. We investigate in this work the complete quasinormal spectra of gravitational perturbations of d-dimensional plane-symmetric AdS black holes (black branes). Holographically the frequencies of the quasinormal modes correspond to the poles of two-point correlation functions of the field-theory stress-energy tensor. The important issue of the correct boundary condition to be imposed on the gauge-invariant perturbation fields at the AdS boundary is studied and elucidated in a fully d-dimensional context. We obtain the dispersion relations of the first few modes in the low-, intermediate- and high-wavenumber regimes. The sound-wave (shear-mode) behavior of scalar (vector)-type low- frequency quasinormal mode is analytically and numerically confirmed. These results are found employing both a power series method and a direct numerical integration scheme.
Objective. - The objective of this work was to verify if there was a difference in throwing speed performance between heavier and lighter weight categories in judo. Methods and subjects. - Sixteen (16) judoists 18 +/- 3 years old, eight considered in the lightweight category (< 66 kg) and eight considered in the heavyweight (> 73 kg) category, participated in the study after signing a term of informed consent. A force-velocity test was used to determine the anaerobic power, strength, and pedal speed for each subject. In addition, three trials of Nage-komi exercise, each comprised of a set of Osoto-gari (15s), Uchi-mata (15s) and Seoi-nage (15s) throws were performed by each subject to ascertain throwing speed. Throws within the sets were intersected by one period of three minutes passive rest, while the trials were separated by one period of 10 minutes passive rest. Heart rate and the greatest number of throws within each set were measured for three trials. One-way analysis of variance (Anova) was used to compare the number of throws between the two weight categories and a ""Student"" test when the difference was significant. A correlation was used to examine the link between the different parameters. Results. - The force-velocity test did not show a significant difference in pedal speed between the two categories. However, there was a significant difference between the two categories when throwing speed was measured by the number of throws (p < 0.05) executed during the Seoi-nage (p < 0.01) and Uchi-mata (p <0.05) techniques. There was however, no significant difference between the two categories in Osoto-gari technique. Conclusion. - The throwing speed of judoists represented by the number of throws is significantly different between the two categories. The lighter category has more speed than the heavier category using the arm technique (Seoi-nage), while the heavier category has more speed using the leg technique with half turn of the attacker`s body (Uchi-mata). As a result, throwing speed is related to the type of technique used and not weight category. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Self controlling practice implies a process of decision making which suggests that the options in a self controlled practice condition could affect learners The number of task components with no fixed position in a movement sequence may affect the (Nay learners self control their practice A 200 cm coincident timing track with 90 light emitting diodes (LEDs)-the first and the last LEDs being the warning and the target lights respectively was set so that the apparent speed of the light along the track was 1 33 m/sec Participants were required to touch six sensors sequentially the last one coincidently with the lighting of the tar get light (timing task) Group 1 (n=55) had only one constraint and were instructed to touch the sensors in any order except for the last sensor which had to be the one positioned close to the target light Group 2 (n=53) had three constraints the first two and the last sensor to be touched Both groups practiced the task until timing error was less than 30 msec on three consecutive trials There were no statistically significant differences between groups in the number of trials needed to reach the performance criterion but (a) participants in Group 2 created fewer sequences corn pared to Group 1 and (b) were more likely to use the same sequence throughout the learning process The number of options for a movement sequence affected the way learners self-controlled their practice but had no effect on the amount of practice to reach criterion performance.
This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.