929 resultados para Age, T-fit, Berger et al., 1987


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Holes 603C and 604 of DSDP Leg 93 were drilled on the western Atlantic continental rise at water depths of 4633 m and 2364 m, respectively. In Hole 603C, a nearly continuous, undisturbed, and complete section of Pliocene and lower Pleistocene sediments was recovered by hydraulic piston coring; in Hole 604, a section of uppermost Miocene to Pleistocene sediments was incompletely recovered by rotary coring. In order to reconstruct the Pliocene and Pleistocene history of isotopic variations, 139 oxygen and carbon isotope values were determined for planktonic and monospecific benthic foraminifer samples from these holes. Large parts of the Pleistocene history could not, however, be documented because sample intervals were large and sediments at Site 604 were redeposited. Time correlation is based on magnetostratigraphic (Hole 603C) and micropaleontologic (Hole 603C, Site 604) interpretation. Stable isotope analyses were carried out on the planktonic foraminiferal species Globigerinoides ruber, G. obliquus, and Globorotalia inflata from Hole 603C (48 analyses) and from Site 604 (48 analyses); at Site 604, the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina peregrina (43 analyses) was also studied through the section. Age calibration for Hole 603C is based on the magnetostratigraphy of Canninga et al. (1987; doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.93.130.1987), which uses the time scale of Lowrie and Alvarez (1981).


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We produced a preliminary record for shallow-dwelling planktonic foraminifer d18O at Site 807 for the late Pleistocene, early Pliocene, and early Miocene. Site 807 d18O values between 4 and 5 Ma average 0.75 per mil more than Holocene values and show an average variation of 0.5 per mil. For the early Pliocene, peak maximum d18O at Site 807 attain values equivalent with the last glacial maximum whereas peak minimum d18O were never less than Holocene d18O. Shallow-dwelling planktonic d18O at Site 807 between 16 and 24 Ma average more than 1.0 per mil more positive than Holocene d18O and exhibit 0.5 per mil average amplitude. Assuming that the global ice budget for the early Pliocene and early Miocene was restricted to Antarctica, it is difficult to attribute the very positive Site 807 d18O for these intervals to ice on Antarctica. Site 807 d18O for these intervals more likely reflect sea-surface temperatures cooler than at present, sea-surface salinity greater than at present, increased dissolution, or some combination of these changes.


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To reconstruct paleoceanographic changes in the eastern Mediterranean during the last 330,000 years, we studied benthic foraminifera in a piston core from the Ionian Sea. The fauna exhibits large fluctuations in foraminiferal number, diversity, and species composition. Interglacials are characterized by low foraminiferal number and diversity indicating oligotrophic conditions. Directly below or above interglacial sapropels, increased numbers of low-oxygen-tolerant species indicate a strong reduction of deep water circulation. Glacials are characterized by increased foraminiferal number and diversity and faunas that are dominated by shallow infaunal species indicating mesotrophic conditions. Around glacial sapropel S6 very high foraminiferal numbers and the dominance of shallow and deep infaunal species suggest enhanced organic matter fluxes. These faunal results provide information about changes in the African and North Atlantic climate systems (monsoon and westerlies) controlling the humidity and wind stress in the Mediterranean region.


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Estimates of summer sea surface temperatures (SSSTs) derived from planktic foraminiferal associations using the Modern Analog Technique and combined with isotopic analyses and determination of ice-rafted debris, mirror the Pleistocene evolution of the planktic Subantarctic surface waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The SSSTs indicate that the isotherms that define the modern polar front zone and Subantarctic front, were located at more northerly latitudes (up to 7°) during most of the investigated period, which covers the past 550 kyr. Exceptions are during climatic optima in the early Holocene, at marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.5, 7.1, 7.5, 9.3, and presumably during MIS 11.3 when SSSTs exceeded modern values by 1 -5°C. The close similarity between the SSST and the Vostok temperature indicates strong regional temperature correlation. Both records show that MIS 9.3 was the warmest period during the last 420 kyr whereas SSSTs obtained for MIS 11.3 are overestimated due to strong carbonate dissolution. Spectral analysis corroborates that the initiation of warming in southern high latitudes heralds the start of deglaciation on the Northern Hemisphere.


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The deep-sea cores M 16415-2 and M 16416-2 at about 9°N off Sierra Leone were analysed palynologically for the time interval 140,000-70,000 yr B.P. Results were presented in absolute (pollen concentration and pollen influx) and relative diagrams (pollen percentage). In a previous study it was evidenced that in northwest Africa pollen is mainly transported to the Atlantic by wind, so that the efficiency of aeolian pollen transport (pollen flux) could be used to evaluate changes in the intensity of the northeast trade winds. The glacial episodes (represented by the oxygen isotope stages 6 and 4) are characterized by strong northeast trade winds, whereas the last interglacial (stage 5) is characterized by weak trade winds. The pollen influx diagram shows that the intensity of the trade winds increased slightly during the relatively cool intervals of stage 5 (viz. 5.4 and 5.2). Tropical forest had maximally expanded around 124,000 yr B.P. (stage 5.5), around 98,000 yr B.P. (transition of stage 5.3 to 5.2), and around 70,000 yr B.P. (first part of stage 4): an increasing delay of the response of tropical forest to global intervals with maximum temperature is apparent during the last interglacial. As tropical forests need continuous humidity, the record of tropical forest monitors changes in climatic humidity south of the Sahara. During the last interglacial, the southern boundary of the Sahara shifted only little: expansions and contractions of the tropical forest area are correlated with contra-oscillations of the grass-dominated savanna zone. Great latitudinal shifts of the desert savanna boundary, on the contrary, occurred during the penultimate glacial interglacial transition (around 128,000 yr B.P.) to the north, and during the last interglacial-glacial transition (around 65,000 yr B.P.) to the south.


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The high-productive upwelling area off Morocco is part of one of the four major trade-wind driven continental margin upwelling zones in the world oceans. While coastal upwelling occurs mostly on the shelf, biogenic particles derived from upwelling are deposited mostly at the upper continental slope. Nutrient-rich coastal water is transported within the Cape Ghir filament region at 30°N up to several hundreds of kilometers offshore. Both upwelling intensity and filament activity are dependent on the strength of the summer Trades. This study is aimed to reconstruct changes in trade wind intensity over the last 250,000 years by the analysis of the productivity signal contained in the sedimentary biogenic particles of the continental slope and beneath the Cape Ghir filament. Detailed geochemical and geophysical analyses (TOC, carbonate, C/N, delta13Corg, delta15N, delta13C of benthic foraminifera, delta18O of benthic and planktic foraminifera, magnetic susceptibility) have been carried out at two sites on the upper continental slope and one site located further offshore influenced by the Cape Ghir filament. A second offshore site south of the filament was analyzed (TOC, magnetic susceptibility) to distinguish the productivity signal related to the filament signal from the general offshore variability. Higher productivity during glacial times was observed at all four sites. However, the variability of productivity during glacial times was remarkably different at the filament-influenced site compared to the upwelling-influenced continental slope sites. In addition to climate-related changes in upwelling intensity, zonal shifts of the upwelling area due to sea-level changes have impacted the sedimentary productivity record, especially at the continental slope sites. By comparison with other proxies related to the strength and direction of the prevailing winds (Si/Al ratio as grain-size indicator, pollen) the productivity record at the filament-influenced site reflects mainly changes in trade-wind intensity. Our reconstruction reveals that especially during glacial times trade-wind intensity was increased and showed a strong variability with frequencies related to precession.


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Planktonic foraminiferal test fragmentation in three cores along a depth transect from the western equatorial Pacific (ERDC-93P, 1619 m; RC17-177, 2600 m; V28-238, 3120 m [Thompson, 1976]) were examined for the last 500 kyr at sample intervals from 2.5 to 5 kyr to study the fluctuations of dissolution in the western equatorial Pacific. The age models were constructed by correlating the delta18O records with the SPECMAP stack [Imbrie et al., 1984]. Results showed that intermediate and deep waters experienced the same patterns of dissolution through climatic cycles. Fragmentation varied with a greater amplitude, and the carbonate ion concentration changed less, in the deep than in the intermediate water. Dissolution has significant variance distributions and coherencies with delta18O over the 100, 41, and 23 kyr periods of orbital variations; dissolution maxima lag ice volume minima by 6 to 20 kyr. The dissolution variability was consistent with recent geochemical models which seek to explain the reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentration at the last glacial maximum [Broecker, 1982; Boyle, 1988].