959 resultados para Adenosine Triphosphatases


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Progesterone-receptor complex from freshly prepared hen oviduct cytosol acquired the ability to bind to isolated nuclei, DNA-cellulose and ATP-Sepharose when incubated with 5-10 mM ATP at 4°C. The extent of this ATP-dependent activation was higher when compared with heat-activation achieved by warming the progesterone- receptor complex at 23 °C. The transformation of progesterone-receptor complex which occurred in a time-dependent manner was only partially dependent on hormone presence. The ATP effect was selective in causing this transformation whereas ADP, AMP and cAMP failed to show any such effect. The non-hydrolizable analogs of ATP, adenosine 5'-[a,/3-methylene]triphosphate and adenosine 5-[/l,y-imido]triphosphate were also found to be ineffective. Presence of 10 mM sodium molybdate blocked both the ATP and the heat-activation of progesterone-receptor complex. Mn" or Mg` had no detectable effect on the receptor activation but the presence of Ca" increased the extent of ATP-activation slightly. EDTA presence (> 5 mM) decreased the extent of receptor activation by about 40 % and was, therefore, not included in the buffers used for activation studies. Divalent cations were also ineffective when tested in the presence of 1- 5 mM EDTA. The properties of progesterone-receptor complex remained intact under the above conditions when analyzed for steroid-binding specificity and Scatchard analysis. However, the ATP-activated progesterone-receptor complex lost the ability to aggregate when tested on low-salt sucrose gradients. ATP was equally effective in activating the rat-uterine estradiol-receptor complex at 4 "C and influenced the transformation of 4-S receptor form into a 5-S form when analyzed on sucrose gradients containing 0.3 M KCI. The presence of ATP also increased the rate of activation of progesterone-receptor complex at 23 °C. These findings suggest a role for ATP in receptor function and offer a convenient method of studying the process of receptor activation at low temperature and mild assay conditions.


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Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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In the present work, the role of oxygen, epinephrine and glucose supplementation in regulating neurotransmitter contents, adrenergic and glutamate receptor binding parameters in the cerebral cortex of experimental groups of neonatal rats were investigated. The study of neurotransmitters and their receptors in the cerebral cortex and the EEG pattern in the brain regions of neonatal rats were taken as index for brain damage due to hypoxia, oxygen and epinephrine. Real-Time PCR work was done to confirm the binding parameters. Second messenger, cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) was assayed to find the functional correlation of the receptors. Behavioural studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies. The efficient and timely supplementation of glucose plays a crucial role in correcting the molecular changes due to hypoxia, oxygen and epinephrine. The addictive neuronal damage effect due to oxygen and epinephrine treatment is another important observation. The corrective measures from the molecular study brought to practice will lead to maintain healthy intellectual capacity during the later developmental stages, which has immense clinical significance in neonatal care.


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Zusammenfassung - Der sekundäre Botenstoff zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) reguliert viele fundamentale zelluläre Prozesse wie Zellproliferation, Differenzierung, Energiemetabolismus und Genexpression. In eukaryotischen Zellen vermittelt die cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase (PKA) die meisten biologischen Funktionen von cAMP. Die PKA besteht aus jeweils zwei regulatorischen (R) und katalytischen (C) Untereinheiten, die zusammen einen inaktiven Holoenzymkomplex bilden, der durch cAMP aktiviert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Bindung von cAMP und cAMP-Analoga an die R Untereinheit der PKA unter funktionellen und mechanistischen Aspekten untersucht. Eine neue, auf Fluoreszenzpolarisation basierende Methode wurde entwickelt, um die Affinität von cAMP-Analoga in einem homogenen Ansatz schnell, reproduzierbar und nicht radioaktiv zu quantifizieren. Zur detaillierten Untersuchung des Bindungsmechanismus von cAMP und cAMP Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden thermodynamische Studien im direkten Vergleich mittels isothermaler Titrationskalorimetrie und kinetischen Analysen (Oberflächenplasmonresonanz, SPR) durchgeführt, wodurch thermodynamische Signaturen für das Bindungsverhalten der Nukleotide an die R Untereinheit der PKA erhalten werden konnten. Durch Interaktionsstudien an mutagenisierten R Untereinheiten wurde der intramolekulare Aktivierungsmechanismus der PKA in Bezug auf cAMP-Bindung, Holoenzymkomplex-Formierung und -Aktivierung untersucht. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden mit zwei Modellen der cAMP-induzierten Konformationsänderung verglichen, und ein Aktivierungsmechanismus postuliert, der auf konservierten hydrophoben Aminosäuren basiert. Für in vivo Untersuchungen wurden zusammen mit Kooperationspartnern membranpermeable, fluoreszierende cAMP Analoga entwickelt, die Einblicke in die Dynamik der cAMP-Verteilung in Zellen erlauben. Neu entwickelte, Festphasen gebundene cAMP-Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden in einem (sub)proteomischen Ansatz dazu genutzt, natürliche Komplexe der R Untereinheit und des PKA-Holoenzyms aus Zelllysaten zu isolieren und zu identifizieren. Diese Untersuchungen fließen letztlich in einem systembiologischen Ansatz zusammen, der neue Einblicke in die vielschichtigen cAMP gesteuerten Netzwerke und Regulationsprozesse erlaubt.


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Der täglich Wechsel von Hell- und Dunkelphasen führte während der Evolution zur Entwicklung innerer Uhren in nahezu allen Organismen. In der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae lokalisierten Läsions- und Transplantationsexperimente die innere Uhr in der akzessorischen Medulla (AME). Dieses kleine birnenförmige Neuropil am ventromedianen Rand der Medulla ist mit etwa 240 Neuronen assoziiert, die eine hohe Anzahl an zum Teil kolokalisierten Neuropeptiden und Neurotransmittern exprimieren. Diese Signalstoffe scheinen essentiell zu sein für die Synchronisation der inneren Uhr mit der Umwelt, der Kopplung der beiden bilateralen AME, der Aufrechterhaltung des circadianen Rhythmus sowie der zeitlichen Steuerung bestimmter Verhaltensweisen. Während die Funktion einiger dieser neuronalen Botenstoffe bereits gut untersucht ist, fehlt sie für andere. Zudem ist noch ungeklärt, wann einzelne Botenstoffe im circadianen Netzwerk agieren. Im Fokus dieser Studie lag daher die Erforschung der Funktion von SIFamide und Corazonin im circadianen Netzwerk sowie die weitere Untersuchung der Funktionen der Neuropeptide MIP und PDF. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass SIFamide auch in R. maderae in vier großen neurosekretorischen Zellen in der pars intercerebralis exprimiert wird. Varikosenreiche SIFamide-immureaktive (-ir) Fasern innervieren eine Vielzahl an Neuropilen und finden sich auch in der Hüllregion der AME. Injektionsexperimente resultierten in einer monophasischen Phasen-Antwort-Kurve (PRC) mit einer Verzögerung zur frühen subjektiven Nacht. SIFamide ist also ein Eingangssignal für das circadiane Netzwerk und könnte in der Kontrolle der Schalf/Wach-Homöostase involviert sein. Auch Corazonin fungiert als Eingangssignal. Da die Injektionsexperimente in einer monophasischen PRC mit einem Phasenvorschub zur späten subjektiven Nacht resultierten, ist davon auszugehen, dass die Corazonin-ir AME-Zelle Bestandteil des Morning-Oszillator-Netzwerkes in R. maderae ist. Darüber hinaus zeigten Backfill-Experimente, dass MIP an der Kopplung beider AMAE beteiligt ist. ELISA-Quantifizierungen der PDF-Level im Tagesverlauf ergaben Schwankungen in der Konzentration, die auf eine Ausschüttung des Peptids während des Tages hindeuten – ähnlich wie es in Drosophila melanogaster der Fall ist. Dies spiegelt sich in der vervollständigten bimodalen PDF-PRC wieder. Hier führen Injektionen zu einem Phasenvorschub, bevor maximale Peptidlevel erreicht werden, sowie zu einer Phasenverzögerung, sobald die Peptidlevel wieder zu sinken beginnen. Die PRCs erlauben somit Rückschlüsse auf den Zeitpunkt der maximalen Peptidfreisetzung. PDF-ir Neuriten findet sich zudem in sämtlichen Ganglien des ventralen Strickleiternervensystems, was eine Funktion in der Kontrolle der Prozesse impliziert, die durch die Mustergeneratoren in Thorakal- und Abdominalganglien gesteuert werden.


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Objetivó: Caracterizar los pacientes con heridas cardiacas penetrantes grado II a VI, describir las características del trauma, tratamiento quirúrgico, evolución clínica e identificar los factores asociados a un desenlace. Metodología: Se diseñó un estudio de asociación en 308 pacientes que ingresaron a cirugía con diagnóstico de herida penetrante de corazón entre enero de 1999 y octubre de 2009. Se excluyeron 68 casos. La serie analizada incluyó 240 pacientes con heridas cardiacas. Se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, quirúrgicas y de evolución, tabulados en EXCEL® y analizados en SPSS 20®. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 27.8 años, principalmente hombres (96%), lesiones por arma cortopunzante 93% y un 7% por proyectil arma de fuego. El estado hemodinámico al ingreso (según Ivatury) fue normal 44%; Shock profundo 34%; Agónicos 18% y 3% fatales. El 67% (n=161) presentaron taponamiento cardiaco. Los grados de lesión cardiaca según la clasificación OIS-AAST fueron: grado II 33%, grado III 13%, grado IV 29%, grado V 22% y grado VI 3%. La ventana pericárdica fue el método diagnóstico confirmatorio de lesión en 63% y las incisiones de abordaje quirúrgico fueron la esternotomía 63% y la toracotomía anterolateral 35%. La mortalidad fue 15% (n=36). Las diferencias en mortalidad entre el estado hemodinámico al inicio de cirugía, mecanismo de lesión y grado de herida, demostraron ser estadísticamente significativas (valor de p<0.001). Conclusiones: El estado hemodinámico y las heridas por arma de fuego son factores asociados a mortalidad. La ventana pericárdica subxifoidea favorece la preferencia y buenos resultados de la esternotomía como vía de abordaje quirúrgico.


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Introducción: La disminución de flujo en los vasos coronarios sin presencia de oclusión, es conocido como fenómeno de no reflujo, se observa después de la reperfusión, su presentación oscila entre el 5% y el 50% dependiendo de la población y de los criterios diagnósticos, dicho suceso es de mal pronóstico, aumenta el riesgo de morir en los primeros 30 días posterior a la angioplastia (RR 2,1 p 0,038), y se relaciona con falla cardiaca y arritmias, por eso al identificar los factores a los cuales se asocia, se podrán implementar terapias preventivas. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles pareado por médico que valoró el evento, para garantizar que no existieron variaciones inter observador, con una razón 1:4 (18:72), realizado para identificar factores asociados a la presencia de no reflujo en pacientes llevados a angioplastia, entre noviembre de 2010 y mayo de 2014, en la Clínica San Rafael de Bogotá, D.C. Resultados: La frecuencia del no reflujo fue del 2.89%. El Infarto Agudo de Miocardio con elevación del ST (IAMCEST) fue la única variable que mostró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con este suceso, valor de p 0,002, OR 8,7, IC 95% (2,0 – 36,7). Discusión: El fenómeno de no reflujo en esta población se comportó de manera similar a lo descrito en la literatura, siendo el IAMCEST un factor fuertemente asociado.


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We have compared properties of roots from different lines (genotypes) of tobacco raised either in tissue culture or grown from seed. The different lines included unmodified plants and plants modified to express reduced activity of the enzyme cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, which has a pivotal role in lignin biosynthesis. The size and structure of the rhizosphere microbial community, characterized by adenosine triphosphate and phospholipid fatty acid analyses, were related to root chemistry (specifically the soluble carbohydrate concentration) and decomposition rate of the roots. The root material from unmodified plants decomposed faster following tissue culture compared with seed culture, and the faster decomposing material had significantly higher soluble carbohydrate concentrations. These observations are linked to the larger microbial biomass and greater diversity of the rhizosphere communities of tissue culture propagated plants.


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We have compared properties of roots from different lines (genotypes) of tobacco raised either in tissue culture or grown from seed. The different lines included unmodified plants and plants modified to express reduced activity of the enzyme cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, which has a pivotal role in lignin biosynthesis. The size and structure of the rhizosphere microbial community, characterized by adenosine triphosphate and phospholipid fatty acid analyses, were related to root chemistry (specifically the soluble carbohydrate concentration) and decomposition rate of the roots. The root material from unmodified plants decomposed faster following tissue culture compared with seed culture, and the faster decomposing material had significantly higher soluble carbohydrate concentrations. These observations are linked to the larger microbial biomass and greater diversity of the rhizosphere communities of tissue culture propagated plants.


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Platelet response to activation varies widely between individuals but shows interindividual consistency and strong heritability. The genetic basis of this variation has not been properly explored. We therefore systematically measured the effect on function of sequence variation in 97 candidate genes in the collagen and adenosine-diphosphate (ADP) signaling pathways. Resequencing of the genes in 48 European DNA samples nearly doubled the number of known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and informed the selection of 1327 SNPs for genotyping in 500 healthy Northern European subjects with known platelet responses to collagen-related peptide (CRP-XL) and ADP. This identified 17 novel associations with platelet function (P < .005) accounting for approximately 46% of the variation in response. Further investigations with platelets of known genotype explored the mechanisms behind some of the associations. SNPs in PEAR1 associated with increased platelet response to CRP-XL and increased PEAR1 protein expression after platelet degranulation. The minor allele of a 3' untranslated region (UTR) SNP (rs2769668) in VAV3 was associated with higher protein expression (P = .03) and increased P-selectin exposure after ADP activation (P = .004). Furthermore the minor allele of the intronic SNP rs17786144 in ITPR1 modified Ca2+ levels after activation with ADP (P < .004). These data provide novel insights into key hubs within platelet signaling networks.


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Objectives The administration of unfractionated heparin (UFH) prior to carotid clamping during carotid endarterectomy (CEA) transiently increases the platelet aggregation response to arachidonic acid (AA) despite the use of aspirin. We hypothesized that this phenomenon might be reduced by using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) resulting in fewer emboli in the early post-operative period. Methods 183 aspirinated patients undergoing CEA were randomised to 5000 IU UFH (n = 91) or 2500 IU LMWH (dalteparin, n = 92) prior to carotid clamping. End-points were: transcranial Doppler (TCD) measurement of embolisation, effect on bleeding and platelet aggregation to AA and adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP). Results Patients randomised to UFH had twice the odds of experiencing a higher number of emboli in the first 3 h after CEA, than those randomised to LMWH (p = 0.04). This was not associated with increased bleeding (mean time from flow restoration to operation end: 23 min (UFH) vs. 24 min (LMWH), p = 0.18). Platelet aggregation to AA increased significantly following heparinisation, but was unaffected by heparin type (p = 0.90). The platelets of patients randomised to LMWH exhibited significantly lower aggregation to ADP compared to UFH (p < 0.0001). Conclusions Intravenous LMWH is associated with a significant reduction in post-operative embolisation without increased bleeding. The higher rate of embolisation seen with UFH may be mediated by increased platelet aggregation to ADP, rather than to AA.


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A difference in taste characteristics between the outer flesh and the inner pulp of tomatoes has been observed; in particular the pulp, which contains the seeds, had more umami taste. Analysis of the free amino acids and 5 '-ribonucleotides in the different parts of 13 varieties of tomatoes showed that in all cases the pulp contained higher levels of glutamic acid, 5 '-adenosine monophosphate (AMP), 5 '-guanosine monophosphate, 5 '-uridine monophosphate, and 5 '-cytidine monophosphate. The mean concentration of glutamic acid in the flesh was 1.26 g/kg and that in the pulp 4.56 g/kg but in some varieties the difference between pulp and flesh was more than 6-fold. For AMP, the mean concentration in the flesh was 80 mg/kg and that in the pulp was 295 mg/kg with one variety showing an 11-fold difference between pulp and flesh. These differences in concentration of these compounds, which are known to possess umami characteristics, provide an explanation for the perceived difference in umami taste between the flesh and pulp of tomatoes.


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Background: Cannabinoids from cannabis (Cannabis sativa) are anti-inflammatory and have inhibitory effects on the proliferation of a number of tumorigenic cell lines, some of which are mediated via cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid (CB) receptors are present in human skin and anandamide, an endogenous CB receptor ligand, inhibits epidermal keratinocyte differentiation. Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease also characterised in part by epidermal keratinocyte hyper-proliferation. Objective: We investigated the plant cannabinoids Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabinol and cannabigerol for their ability to inhibit the proliferation of a hyper-proliferating human keratinocyte cell line and for any involvement of cannabinoid receptors. Methods: A keratinocyte proliferation assay was used to assess the effect of treatment with cannabinoids. Cell integrity and metabolic competence confirmed using lactate-dehydrogenase and adenosine tri-phosphate assays. To determine the involvement of the receptors, specific agonist and antagonist were used in conjunction with some phytocannabinoids. Western blot and RT-PCR analysis confirmed presence of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Results: The cannabinoids tested all inhibited keratinocyte proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. The selective CB2 receptor agonists JWH015 and BML190 elicited only partial inhibition, the non-selective CB agonist HU210 produced a concentration-dependent response, the activity of theses agonists were not blocked by either C81 /C82 antagonists. Conclusion: The results indicate that while CB receptors may have a circumstantial role in keratinocyte proliferation, they do not contribute significantly to this process. Our results show that cannabinoids inhibit keratinocyte proliferation, and therefore support a potential role for cannabinoids in the treatment of psoriasis. (c) 2006 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chemokine receptor, CCR5, responds to several chemokines leading to changes in activity in several signalling pathways. Here, we investigated the ability of different chemokines to provide differential activation of pathways. The effects of five CC chemokines acting at CCR5 were investigated for their ability to inhibit forskolin- stimulated 3'-5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) accumulation and to stimulate Ca2+ mobilisation. in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing CCR5. Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (D26A) (MIP-1 alpha (D26A), CCL3 (D26A)), regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES, CCLS), MIP-1 beta (CCL4) and monocyte chemoattractant protein 2 (MCP-2, CCL8) were able to inhibit forskolin -stimulated CAMP accumulation, whilst MCP-4 (CCL13) could not elicit a response. CCL3 (D26A), CCL4, CCLS, CCL8 and CCL13 were able to stimulate Ca2+ mobilisation. through CCRS, although CCL3 (D26A) and CCL5 exhibited biphasic concentration-response curves. The Ca2+ responses induced by CCL4, CCL5, CCL8 and CCL13 were abolished by pertussis toxin, whereas the response to CCL3 (D26A) was only partially inhibited by pertussis toxin, indicating G(i/o)-independent signalling induced by this chemokine. Although the rank order of potency of chemokines was similar between the two assays, certain chemokines displayed different pharmacological profiles in cAMP inhibition and Ca2+ mobilisation assays. For instance, whilst CCL13 could not inhibit forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation, this chemokine was able to induce Ca2+ mobilisation via CCR5. It is concluded that different chemokines acting at CCR5 can induce different pharmacological responses, which may account for the broad spectrum of chemokines that can act at CCRS. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Single-cell analysis is essential for understanding the processes of cell differentiation and metabolic specialisation in rare cell types. The amount of single proteins in single cells can be as low as one copy per cell and is for most proteins in the attomole range or below; usually considered as insufficient for proteomic analysis. The development of modern mass spectrometers possessing increased sensitivity and mass accuracy in combination with nano-LC-MS/MS now enables the analysis of single-cell contents. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we have successfully identified nine unique proteins in a single-cell sample and 56 proteins from a pool of 15 single-cell samples from glucosinolate-rich S-cells by nanoLC-MS/MS proteomic analysis, thus establishing the proof-of-concept for true single-cell proteomic analysis. Dehydrin (ERD14_ARATH), two myrosinases (BGL37_ARATH and BGL38_ARATH), annexin (ANXD1_ARATH), vegetative storage proteins (VSP1_ARATH and VSP2_ARATH) and four proteins belonging to the S-adenosyl-l-methionine cycle (METE_ARATH, SAHH1_ARATH, METK4_ARATH and METK1/3_ARATH) with associated adenosine kinase (ADK1_ARATH), were amongst the proteins identified in these single-S-cell samples. Comparison of the functional groups of proteins identified in S-cells with epidermal/cortical cells and whole tissue provided a unique insight into the metabolism of S-cells. We conclude that S-cells are metabolically active and contain the machinery for de novo biosynthesis of methionine, a precursor for the most abundant glucosinolate glucoraphanine in these cells. Moreover, since abundant TGG2 and TGG1 peptides were consistently found in single-S-cell samples, previously shown to have high amounts of glucosinolates, we suggest that both myrosinases and glucosinolates can be localised in the same cells, but in separate subcellular compartments. The complex membrane structure of S-cells was reflected by the presence of a number of proteins involved in membrane maintenance and cellular organisation.