821 resultados para Academic achievement


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The effectiveness of VISIR is compared to other experimentation activities under the point of view presented by the professor Soysal in 2000. Advantages and limitations are discussed in terms of equipment availability, infrastructure cost, and contribution to various elements of experimental learning.


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Proceedings of the 4th international conference Hands - on Science - Development, Diversity and Inclusion in Science Education, 109-115


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O primeiro objetivo deste relatrio, que adiante se desenvolve, apresentar o trabalho realizado para a obteno de conhecimentos que justifiquem a atribuio do grau de mestre em engenharia, no ramo das construes. O estgio, que a este trabalho d sustentao, foi feito na empresa Metaloviana, onde foi possvel acompanhar as vrias fases de conceo, fabrico e montagem de um teto falso, designadamente na sala de comando da central Venda Nova III, de aproveitamento hidroeltrico. Tendo Portugal objetivos cada vez mais ambiciosos na utilizao de energias renovveis, aproveitando, entre outros, os recursos hdricos para a produo de eletricidade, a EDP Produo fez estudos onde verificou que a realizao de reforos de potncia em aproveitamento j existentes, seria uma forma economicamente bastante atrativa e ao mesmo tempo responderia s crescentes solicitaes energticas. neste mbito que se insere o Reforo de Potncia em Venda Nova III. A empresa Metaloviana, com instalaes fabris em Viana do Castelo, tem todo um historial e capacidade, reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente. Este, confere a certeza de ter acompanhado um trabalho de ponta, devidamente creditado e fundamentado numa qualidade e mrito, por demais reconhecido.


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Identity achievement is related to personality, as well as cognitive and interpersonal development. In tandem with the deep structural changes that have taken place in society, education must also shift towards a teaching approach focused on learning and the overall development of the student. The integration of technology may be the drive to foster the needed changes. We draw on the literature of multiple subject areas as basis for our work, namely: identity construction and self-representation, within a psychological and social standpoint; Higher Education (HE) in Portugal after Bologna, college student development and other intrinsic relationships, namely the role of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the learning process; the technological evolution of storytelling towards Digital Storytelling (DS) the Californian model and its connections to identity and education. Ultimately we propose DS as the aggregator capable of humanizing HE while developing essential skills and competences. Grounded on an interpretative/constructivist paradigm, we implemented a qualitative case study to explore DS in HE. In three attempts to collect student data, we gathered detailed observation notes from two Story Circles; twelve student written reflections; fourteen Digital Stories and detailed observation notes from one Story Show. We carried out three focus groups with teachers where we discussed their perceptions of each student prior to and after watching the Digital Stories, in addition to their opinion on DS in HE as a teaching and learning method and its influence on interpersonal relationships. We sought understandings of the integration of DS to analyze student selfperception and self-representation in HE contexts and intersected our findings with teachers perceptions of their students. We compared teachers and students perspectives, through the analysis of data collected throughout the DS process Story Circle, Story Creation and Story Show and triangulated that information with the students personal reflections and teacher perceptions. Finally we questioned if and how DS may influence teachers perceptions of students. We found participants to be the ultimate gatekeepers in our study. Very few students and teachers voluntarily came forth to take part in the study, confirming the challenge remains in getting participants to see the value and understand the academic rigor of DS. Despite this reluctance, DS proved to be an asset for teachers and students directly and indirectly involved in the study. DS challenges HE contexts, namely teacher established perception of students; students own expectations regarding learning in HE; the emotional realm, the private vs. public dichotomy and the shift in educational roles.


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O estudo que aqui apresentamos tem como objetivos estudar: o impacto do acompanhamento dos pais ou Encarregados de Educao no Estudo Autnomo e na realizao dos Trabalhos de Casa, nos resultados escolares e na motivao para a escola e aprendizagens; ainda as necessidades sentidas pelos pais ou Encarregados de Educao ao fazerem este acompanhamento Neste estudo elaboramos seis propostas que planificamos, analisamos e, do seu desenvolvimento, tiramos as respetivas concluses. As propostas foram dinamizadas pelo professor de turma e investigador em pequenas sesses/reunies de esclarecimento com os pais ou Encarregados de Educao sendo quatro delas aplicadas num 2. ano de escolaridade e as outras duas a um 3. ano. Nas propostas do 2. ano foram trabalhadas as fraes e as estratgias de clculo mental bem como foi dinamizado o projeto Clube de Pais Leitores e o Concurso de Espantalhos tambm aberto comunidade educativa. Nas propostas do 3. ano de escolaridade abordamos as propriedades da multiplicao, sua utilizao no clculo mental, a consolidao da operao diviso atravs do jogo do 24 e orientaes para o Estudo Acompanhado e Trabalhos de Casa para auxiliar os pais ou Encarregados de Educao. Com a implementao destas tarefas, apresentamos os tipos de envolvimento parental solicitado por cada atividade, os benefcios para a famlia, aluno e professor, os sistemas envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento da criana e os fatores que influenciaram negativamente na realizao destas atividades. A implementao destas atividades foi feita seguindo uma metodologia qualitativa, inserida num contexto de um estudo de caso. Os participantes no estudo foram entrevistados com o objetivo de completar o estudo realizado atravs do seu feedback. Neste estudo fizemos uma reviso bibliogrfica e abordmos o envolvimento dos pais ou Encarregados de Educao e famlias na escola numa perspetiva cronolgica, a tipologia de envolvimento parental na escola, os sistemas que influenciam o desenvolvimento da criana e ainda uma referncia aos benefcios para a comunidade educativa do envolvimento parental e familiar na escola. Atravs dos dados obtidos, pudemos verificar que o acompanhamento dos pais ou Encarregados de Educao no Estudo Autnomo e Trabalhos de Casa e nos projetos de turma traz bastantes benefcios para todos os elementos da comunidade educativa, sendo o aluno o mais beneficiado, e influenciado primariamente pela famlia em articulao com a escola e comunidade. Tambm verificamos que os pais ou Encarregados de Educao tm necessidades de estarem informados sobre contedos escolares e serem conhecedores das estratgias utilizadas na sala de aulas pelo que, sem isto, apresentam dificuldades em acompanharem os seus educados em casa. A realizao deste estudo visa contribuir para a compreenso das necessidades sentidas pelos pais ou Encarregados de Educao no acompanhamento do Estudo Autnomo e Trabalho de Casa e as formas de dinamizar a cooperao entre o professor da turma e a famlia, promovendo o sucesso e a motivao escolar. Palavras-chave: Cooperao; Envolvimento; Famlia; Alunos; Escola.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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RESUMO: Enquadramento: O sono cada vez mais reconhecido como um fator determinante na Sade Infantil porque, quando desadequado, pode ter consequncias na regulao emocional e do comportamento, nas funes cognitivas, no rendimento acadmico, na regulao do peso e no risco de leses acidentais. Os hbitos e problemas do sono das crianas portuguesas no se encontram ainda bem caracterizados. Este conhecimento importante para o desenvolvimento da investigao e para a promoo da sade nesta rea. Objetivos: Adaptar e validar o Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) para a cultura portuguesa; Caracterizar os hbitos de sono de uma amostra de crianas dos 2 aos 10 anos tendo em vista a obteno de dados de referncia; Estimar a prevalncia dos problemas do sono na perspetiva dos pais; Avaliar se existem diferenas nos hbitos e problemas do sono entre as regies de mdia-alta e baixa densidade populacional; Identificar potenciais consequncias dos problemas do sono. Mtodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A verso portuguesa do questionrio (CSHQ-PT) foi desenvolvida de acordo com as orientaes previamente publicadas e validada numa amostra de 315 crianas dos 2 aos 10 anos. Para o estudo dos hbitos e problemas do sono, o CSHQ-PT foi distribudo aos pais de 2257 crianas recrutadas em 17 zonas de agrupamentos escolares (15 escolhidos de forma aleatria) das reas da Grande Lisboa, Pennsula de Setbal e Alentejo, compreendendo zonas litorais e do interior, e de alta, mdia e baixa densidade populacional. Foram obtidos 1450 (64%) questionrios vlidos. Resultados: O CSHQ-PT mostrou propriedades psicomtricas semelhantes s das verses de outros pases e adequadas para a investigao. A avaliao dos hbitos de sono nos dias de semana mostrou que as crianas se deitam, em mdia, pelas 21h 44m (DP 38 min.). A necessidade da companhia dos pais para adormecer diminui com a idade, ocorrendo em 49% das crianas aos 2-3 anos e 10% aos 9-10 anos. O hbito de adormecer a ver televiso foi descrito em 15,8% das crianas. O tempo total de sono dirio diminui com a idade, com uma diferena mais marcada dos 2 para os 3 anos e dos 3 para os 4 anos, quando a sesta se torna menos frequente. No fim de semana, 25% das crianas dormia pelo menos mais uma hora. As diferenas nos hbitos de sono entre regies de mdia-alta e de baixa densidade populacional foram reduzidas, sem reflexo na durao mdia do sono. Considerando valores de referncia de outros pases, verificou-se que 10% das crianas estudadas tinha uma durao do sono dois desvios-padro abaixo da mdia esperada para a idade. A prevalncia dos problemas do sono na perspetiva dos pais foi de 10,4%, sem diferenas significativas entre classes etrias, subgrupos de nvel educacional dos pais, nem entre zonas de mdia-alta e baixa densidade populacional. Estes problemas do sono mostraram-se associados, sobretudo, durao do sono insuficiente, resistncia em ir para a cama, dificuldade em adormecer sozinho, despertares noturnos frequentes e ocorrncia de parassnias. A baixa prevalncia de problemas do sono identificados pelos pais contrasta com cotaes elevadas no CSHQ-PT que traduzem comportamentos-problema mais frequentes, que so bem aceites por alguns pais. O ndice de Perturbao do Sono foi mais elevado nas famlias com menor nvel educacional. Em anlise multivariada mostraram valor preditivo para a sonolncia diurna: o tempo total de sono dirio, a diferena da durao do sono noturno durante a semana e no fim de semana, a frequncia de algumas parassnias e o hbito de adormecer a ver televiso. O rendimento escolar mostrou associao com os problemas do sono, que so mais frequentes nas crianas com dificuldades escolares e hiperatividade/problemas de ateno. A relao entre estas variveis complexa. Concluses: Este estudo mostrou que os problemas comportamentais do sono e a privao de sono so frequentes na populao estudada. Estes problemas tm consequncias, uma vez que correspondem a uma frequncia mais elevada de sintomas de sonolncia diurna, por comparao com outros pases. Perante este cenrio, muito importante reforar a promoo de hbitos de sono saudveis e continuar a estudar as consequncias do sono desadequado nas crianas portuguesas. -----------ABSTRACT:Framework: Sleep is increasingly being recognized as important to Child Health, for inadequate sleep may impact behavioral and emotional regulation, cognitive functions, academic performance, weight regulation and the risk of accidental injuries. The sleep habits and sleep problems of Portuguese children are not well characterized. This knowledge is important to support further studies and health promotion actions. Objectives: Develop and validate a Portuguese version of the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ-PT); Characterize the sleep habits and problems in a sample of Portuguese children from the ages of 2 to 10 for future reference; Estimate the prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems; Assess whether there are differences in sleep habits and problems between regions of medium-high and low population densities; Identify potential consequences of sleep problems. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study. The Portuguese version of the questionnaire (CSHQ-PT) was developed according to published guidelines and validated in a sample of 315 children from 2 to 10 years old (y.o.). In order to study sleep habits and problems we delivered the CSHQ-PT to 2257 children recruited from 17 school districts (15 were chosen randomly) in areas with low, medium and high population densities, including coastline and inland regions. 1450 (64%) valid questionnaires were obtained. Results: The CSHQ-PT demonstrated psychometric properties that were similar to the versions from other countries and adequate for research. The evaluation of sleep habits showed that on schooldays children go to bed, on average, at 21h 44m (SD 38 min.). The need of having the parent in the room at bedtime decreases with the age of the child, occurring in 49% of children with 2-3 y.o. and 10% of children between 9 and 10 y.o. The habit of going asleep while watching TV was reported in 15,8% of the children. Total sleep time diminishes with the age of the child, having a major decrease from 2 to 3 y.o. and from 3 to 4 y.o., along with less frequent naps. During the weekend, 25% of the children sleep at least one extra hour. Considering reference values from other series, we found that 10% of the children had a sleep duration two standard deviations below the mean for the age. The differences in sleep habits between regions of medium-high and low population densities are few, and there are no differences in average sleep durations. The prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems was 10.4%. There were no significant differences between age classes, parent education subgroups or between regions of medium-high and low population densities. These sleep problems were associated with insufficient sleep duration, bedtime resistance, difficulty in falling asleep alone, frequent night awakenings and the occurrence of parasomnias. The low prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems contrasts with high CSHQ scores meaning that problematic behaviors are more frequent, but acceptable to some parents. The Sleep Disturbance Score was higher in families with a lower educational level. In multivariate analysis, the following factors predicted the daytime somnolence score: total sleep time, the difference in night sleep duration between the weekend and school days, the frequency of some parasomnias and the habit of falling asleep while watching TV. School achievement showed a negative correlation with the sleep problems, which are more frequent in children with school difficulties and hyperactivity/attention problems. The relationship between these variables is complex. Conclusions: This study evidenced that behavioral sleep problems and sleep deprivation are common in our population. These sleep problems have consequences as they correspond to more symptoms of excessive daytime somnolence comparing to other countries. Therefore, we reinforce the importance of promoting healthy sleep habits and further study the consequences of inadequate sleep in Portuguese children.


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This paper examines academic reading difficulties Angolan second year ELT students have at ISCED (Instituto Superior de Cincias da Educao) in Benguela and focuses on a variety of reading strategies and techniques as well as models for reading materials to help improve academic reading skills. Finally, it recommends the use of appropriate reading strategies and techniques, materials, and the adoption of a more student-centred approach in teaching reading to encourage the development of a reading culture for academic purposes.


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Applied Policy Analysis major


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Relatrio de estgio de mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico


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Relatrio de estgio de mestrado em Ensino de Educao Fsica nos Ensinos Bsico e Secundrio


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Creativity and its promotion are widespread concerns in education. However, few efforts have been made to implement intervention programs designed to promote creativity and other related aspects (e.g., academic motivation). The Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI), aimed for training creativity representations and creative problem solving skills in young people, has been one of the most implemented programs. This interventions materials and activities were adapted for Portuguese students, and a longitudinal study was conducted. The program was implemented during four months, in weekly sessions, by thirteen teachers. Teachers received previous training for the program and during the programs implementation. Intervention participants included 77 Basic and Secondary Education students, and control participants included 78 equivalent students. Pretest-posttest measures of academic motivation and creativity representations were collected. Results suggest a significant increase, in the intervention group, in motivation and the appropriate representations of creativity. Practical implications and future research perspectives are presented.


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Within a research project on academic excellence in the state school, this paper is a contribution to the sociological reflection on the cultural and organisational characteristics of the school and its relationship with the academic success of students. The data we present stem from a case study underway at a secondary school in the north of Portugal, referring to the universe of students that since 2003 have distinguished themselves for achieving grades equal to or greater than 18 (on a scale of 0 to 20) and have thus been included in the schools Framework of Excellence. From a contextual approach to this educational practice, we focused on the cultural characteristics of the school/subject as analytical support for the study of school and non-school dimensions in their mutual connections. To this end, we used the information from document analysis and data collected from a questionnaire survey administered to more than two-thirds of the students included in the above-mentioned Framework of Excellence. Subsequently, we will use the data from this survey to understand the extent to which academic excellence is perceived as an indivisible social construction of the schools political and organisational matrix, particularly in terms of the educational and teaching guidelines adopted by the management body. We will conclude by questioning the meaning of the schools management policies regarding the emphasis on educational outcomes, with particular focus on the representations of excellent students in the processes of school leadership, teaching organisation, school merit and justice.