985 resultados para Abramson, Allen
This study evaluated the biomechanical and microscopic response of previously grafted bone to titanium implants. The lower incisors of 16 rabbits were surgically extracted, and bilateral perforations communicating with the remaining sockets were created distally. A socket/perforation defect on each mandible was chosen at random to be immediately filled with a xenogenic graft, whereas the contralateral perforation was left to heal naturally and served as a paired control. After 60 days, titanium implants were installed in the previously operated areas. After periods of 2 and 6 months, the animals were killed, and the force necessary to retrieve implants as well as the bone-implant contact (BIC) and bone mass (BM) were quantified and statistically compared by 2-way analysis of variance and Tukey`s test (alpha = .05). No significant differences in removal torque were observed, either by time or by treatment condition. Differences in BIC and BM between experimental and control groups were not statistically significant through the intervals studied (P < .05). The presence of a xenogenic graft did not influence the microscopic tissue response to titanium implants or fixation into newly formed or mature bone.
T-cell cytokine profiles, anti Porphyromonas gingivalis antibodies and Western blot analysis of antibody responses were examined in BALB/c, CBA/CaH, C57BL6 and DBA/2J mice immunized intraperitoneally with different doses of P. gingivalis outer membrane antigens, Splenic CD4 and CD8 cells were examined for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma and IL-LD by FAGS analysis and levels of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies in the serum samples determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Western blot analysis was performed on the sera from mice immunized with 100 mug of P. gingivalis antigens. The four strains of mice demonstrated varying degrees of T-cell immunity although the T-cell cytokine profiles exhibited by each strain were not affected by different immunizing doses. While BALB/c and DBA/2J mice exhibited responses that peaked at immunizing doses of 100-200 mug of P. gingivalis antigens, CBA/CaH and C57BL6 demonstrated weak T-cell responsiveness compared with control mice. Like the T-cell responses, serum antibody levels were not dose dependent. DBA/23 exhibited the lowest levels of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies followed by BALB/c with CBA/CaH and C57BL6 mice demonstrating the highest levels. Western blot analysis showed that there were differences in reactivity between the strains to a group of 13 antigens ranging in molecular weight from 15 to 43 kDa. Antibody responses to a number of these bands in BALB/c mice were of low density, whereas CBA/CaH and C57BL6 mice demonstrated high-density bands and DBA/2J mice showed medium to high responses. In conclusion, different immunizing doses of P. gingivalis outer membrane antigens had little effect on the T-cell cytokine responses and serum anti-P. gingivalis antibody levels. Western blot analysis, however, indicated that the four strains of mice exhibited different reactivity to some lower-molecular-weight antigens. Future studies are required to determine the significance of these differences, which may affect the outcome of P. gingivalis infection.
Objective: To describe the clinical, speech, hearing, and imaging findings in three members of a Brazilian family with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (SCS) who presented some unusual characteristics within the spectrum of the syndrome. Design: Clinical evaluation was performed by a multidisciplinary team. Direct sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction amplified coding region of the TWIST1 gene, routine and electrophysiological hearing evaluation, speech evaluation, and imaging studies through computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed. Results: TWIST1 gene analysis revealed a Pro136His mutation in all patients. Hearing evaluation showed peripherial and mixed hearing loss in two of the patients, one of them with severe unilateral microtia. Computed tomography scan showed structural middle ear anomalies, and MRI showed distortion of the skull contour as well as some of the brain structures. Conclusions: We report a previously undescribed TWIST1 gene mutation in patients with SCS. There is evidence that indicates hearing loss (conductive and mixed) can be related both with middle ear (microtia, high jugular bulb, and enlarged vestibules) as well as with brain stem anomalies. Here we discuss the relationship between the gene mutation and the clinical, imaging, speech, and hearing findings.
Objective: To evaluate soft tissue characteristics in individuals with cleft lip and palate and the degree of satisfaction of these individuals after rehabilitation. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, Brazil. Patients: Forty-five individuals with repaired complete unilateral cleft lip and palate, aged 15 to 30 years. Interventions: One hundred thirty-five frontal facial photographs were obtained at rest and in natural and forced smile. Specialists in periodontics evaluated the soft tissue characteristics. Both patients and specialists evaluated the smiles and scored them as esthetically unpleasant, acceptable, or pleasant. Main Outcome Measures: Comparison of the cleft area with the contralateral region was performed for evaluation of soft tissue. The results of the degree of satisfaction with smile were expressed as percentages and means. The findings between patients and periodontists experienced or inexperienced with cleft care were compared. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed for alveolar process deficiency and absence of papilla in the esthetic area between groups (p < .05). Results show 84.4% of individuals considered their smile as esthetically pleasant. Specialists in periodontics of both groups scored the natural smile and forced smile as esthetically acceptable. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean of patients compared with both groups of specialists in periodontics (p < .05). Conclusions: Evaluation and knowledge of the soft tissue characteristics is extremely important for successful rehabilitation. The esthetic values and degree of patient satisfaction are essential for treatment success, since smile reconstruction should be esthetically pleasant to the patient.
Objective: To evaluate whether teeth close to the cleft area present higher prevalence and severity of periodontal disease than teeth in other regions. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo. Patients: There were 400 Individuals with complete unilateral or bilateral cleft lip and palate, aged 15 to 49 years, without any previous periodontal treatment. Main Outcome Measures: All clinical parameters were evaluated in six sites for each tooth. The arithmetic means were calculated for each sextant. Results: Of the sextants, 86.75% presented means of probing depth smaller than or equal to 3 mm. No sextant exhibited means of probing depth greater than or equal to 6 mm. There was a statistically significant difference (p < .001) in probing depth according to age, types of cleft, and sextant; 95.87% of sextants presented mean attachment levels smaller than or equal to 3 mm, The sextant with cleft did not present higher means of probing depth, clinical attachment level, plaque index, and gingival index. There was gingival bleeding in 99.08% of the sample and plaque In 97.40%. The type of cleft was not an Important factor Influencing the prevalence of periodontal disease. Age seems to be an Important factor influencing the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease for all aspects Investigated. Conclusions: Periodontal disease In individuals with clefts occurred in a similar manner as observed in other populations. The presence of the cleft does not seem to Increase the prevalence of the disease.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the papilla level adjacent to single-tooth implants in the maxillary anterior region in individuals with cleft lip, alveolus, and palate to verify whether there is correlation among the vertical distance, horizontal distance, dental/prosthetic crown shape, and periodontal/peri-implant biotype with the presence of interproximal papilla. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo (HRAC/USP). Patients: 77 papillae in 40 patients. Interventions: The periodontal/peri-implant biotype was clinically evaluated and characterized as thin or thick. Intraoral photographs were used to evaluate the presence or absence of papilla. Main Outcome Measures: Classification in scores (0 to 3) and determination of length (CL) and width (CW) of crowns adjacent to papillae. The CW/CL ratio was calculated for each crown in order to characterize it as square-shaped or triangular-shaped. The vertical and horizontal distances were obtained by radiographic evaluation. Results: The correlations between vertical distance and papilla score and horizontal distance and papilla score were statistically significant (p= .02 and p = .01). There was no significant difference between crown shape and periodontal/peri-implant biotype in distinct correlations with the papilla score (p = .41 and p = .07). Conclusion: The results suggest that the vertical and horizontal distances may have independent or combined relationship with the existence of interproximal papilla; the periodontal/peri-implant biotype (phenotype) was not correlated with the presence or absence of papilla, as well as the shape of the dental/prosthetic crown.
Objective To evaluate the survival rate of dental implants placed in the cleft area Design Retrospective study Setting Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, Brazil Institutional Tertiary Healthcare Center Patients 120 patients who received dental implants in the grafted cleft area in the years 1999 to 2005 Interventions Clinical data were evaluated from the records of 120 patients according to the following criteria placement grafted, cleft area, and age at surgery, age at placement of dental implants, site and dimension of implants, interval between placement of implants and the last clinical follow-up, and interval between placement and removal or indication for removal of implants Main Outcome Measures Percentage of survival rate of implants Results Mean age at placement of the bone graft was 17 6 years and 21 years at placement of implants A total of 123 cleft areas received secondary bone graft and bone graft to install implants (regraft) The mean survival rate was 34 months since placement of the implant to the last clinical follow-up and 26 months since placement of the prosthesis Seven dental implants were removed The survival rate since placement to the last clinical follow-up was 94 3% Conclusion Rehabilitation of the cleft area with dental implants is a viable and secure alternative, with good prognosis
A 41-year-old man with cleft palate presented with a wide dehiscence and missing teeth. Six implants had been placed for fabrication of an overdenture, which was unsatisfactory. A bar was waxed and cast for connection to the implants; precision attachments were placed laterally for retention. A fixed partial denture was fabricated, and milled crowns were fabricated at the molar region to provide a guiding plane for insertion of a removable palatal obturator. Good swallowing and speech outcomes were achieved. This technique provided functional and esthetic benefits, enhanced oral hygiene, and improved the psychological condition of the patient.
We investigated the phylogeography of two closely related Australian frog species from open forest habitats, Limnodynastes tasmaniensis and L. peronii, using mitochondrial ND4 sequence data. Comparison of our results with previous work on Litoria fallax allowed us to test the generality of phylogeographic patterns among non-rainforest anurans along the east coast of Australia. In general, there was no strong evidence for congruence between overall patterns of genetic structure in the three species. However, phylogenetic breaks congruent with the position of the Burdekin Gap were detected at some level in all species. As previously noted for closed forest taxa, this area of dry habitat appears to have been an important influence on the evolution of several open forest taxa. There were broad geographic similarities in the phylogenetic structuring of southern populations of L. peronii and L. tasmaniensis. Contrarily, although the McPherson Range has previously been noted to coincide geographically with a major mtDNA phylogenetic break in Litoria fallax this pattern is not apparent in L. peronii or L. tasmaniensis. It appears that major phylogeographic splits within L. peronii and L. tasmaniensis may predate the Quaternary. We conclude that phylogeographies of open forest frogs are complex and more difficult to predict than for rainforest taxa, mainly due to an absence of palaeomodels for historical distributions of non-rainforest habitats. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.
Type I diabetes is thought to occur as a result of the loss of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells by an environmentally triggered autoimmune reaction. In rodent models of diabetes, streptozotocin (STZ), a genotoxic methylating agent that is targeted to the beta cells, is used to trigger the initial cell death. High single doses of STZ cause extensive beta -cell necrosis, while multiple low doses induce limited apoptosis, which elicits an autoimmune reaction that eliminates the remaining cells. We now show that in mice lacking the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG), beta -cell necrosis was markedly attenuated after a single dose of STZ. This is most probably due to the reduction in the frequency of base excision repair-induced strand breaks and the consequent activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), which results in catastrophic ATP depletion and cell necrosis. Indeed, PARP activity was not induced in A-PNG(-/-) islet cells following treatment with STZ in vitro. However, 48 h after STZ treatment, there was a peak of apoptosis in the beta cells of APNG(-/-) mice. Apoptosis was not observed in PARP-inhibited APNG(+/+) mice, suggesting that apoptotic pathways are activated in the absence of significant numbers of DNA strand breaks. Interestingly, STZ-treated APNG(-/-) mice succumbed to diabetes 8 months after treatment, in contrast to previous work with PARP inhibitors, where a high incidence of beta -cell tumors was observed. In the multiple-low-dose model, STZ induced diabetes in both APNG(-/-) and APNG(-/-) mice; however, the initial peak of apoptosis was 2.5-fold greater in the APNG(-/-) mice. We conclude that APNG substrates are diabetogenic but by different mechanisms according to the status of APNG activity.